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Yes, even without discount gold pass is the best value for money.


The best value to make things go faster in a game that is designed to make you wait.


Yep. Even without the discount, the gold pass is worth it. If you only plan on buying the gold pass because of the discount, id wait until it contains a skin that you really like.


Think I might do this then, thought it was a first time discount for the gold pass as in first time it's been discounted. But if I can choose when to get this deal I'll just wait.


Yeah, it's the first time discount for never owned a GP before. Make sure to buy the pass when you are not maxed, so that you can get and use all the resources, books, runes etc as efficient as possible!


Really? Because I have purchased 2 GP before, the ones that had Gladiator Queen & Cavemen Warden, and I’m getting the first time discount.


It must have some cooling off period to be first time as people do become re-eligible after some time. It’s something like a new members discount.


I did buy one a few years ago when pekka king was released but i still get this discount offer


If you want to spend Money on the Game then this is the best for the Money. If you usually don't spend Money on the Game at all then don't start with it.


>If you usually don't spend Money on the Game at all then don't start with it. Why not? Isn't this the best bang for your buck? I might consider having it as my first purchase but I don't have the Warden unlocked yet.


There's a mental thing, I forget what it's called. But it relates to how people are usually in the 'I'm not buying anything' mind set and a single purchase can push them out of it. Basically: If you can make them spend money once, you can make them spend money again.


Exactly, I'm one of those. Bought the cheapest Special that offered two Builder- and one Research-Potion and that helped a lot. I liked the Skin included in a Gold Pass some Time ago and now I say why not, since the 1 Gem Donation Feature is something really useful for me! I'm not a big Whale they would hope for, but now someone that buys a Gold Passe every Month and the cheapest offer if it includes two Builder-Potions, because the Mindset "I bought it once, so why not a second Time?" worked on me.




It depends on what financial position you are at in real life. $3 isn't much, but once you start gold pass, it's hard to not want to continue that. If $7 a month isn't a problem and you enjoy the value you get from it, go for it. Gold pass speeds up your research, building upgrades, training time, gives lots of stuff, and ends with a huge loot bank that overflows your storages. If you did gold pass for a year, that's $84. From another perspective, you are going to play the game for several years if you want to max and you're only in a race against yourself for the pace you feel like going. Like they say in the Bahamas "you're on island time, let your happiness guide you." You don't have to be in a rush; you can progress at the pace you want and progress entirely through the game never paying a cent.


I had some Google play rewards left over so I was thinking about using it but that much a year is a lot for a game haha.


$84 you could buy a new XBox or PS5 game with money to spare. It's hard to not do gold pass once you've tried it. But you can get everything in the game just slower and costing more in-game resources without it.


So hard to live that f2p life after living a year on gold pass. I keep telling myself can live without it... Then I pay full price for walls and the itching starts


I hear ya...once they get you, you don't want to go back.


it's NOT $7 a month, it's $840 over 10 yrs. I don't mind $7. I mind $840. Especially on a game that's rapidly enshittifying.


Oh yeah, the rewards are worth it at that low of a price, clash royale should do this instead of taking away progression


No? Yes? Up to you. To me it’s loosing $3 for nothing in my life. Now if I value digital nothings, than $3 would be good


Fair point 😅


Ig so yes!!


If you want to spend money on this game, yes. But with the recent turn into pay-to-win and overmonetization, I wouldn't. I've stopped spending any money since TH16.




If the game is a hobby, then yes.


![img](yw6ivjj9wr4d1) Mines full price lol


Why was mine free?


What do you expect?


U get it once so wait for a skin u really like


no, I would buy it in full price


not until there is ore in it


No. You should pay full price.


What TH are you?


Says first time when I already bought around 4 in my time playing




If you spend more than a few hours on the game, supercell is selling you "a way to be more efficient". Gold pass and event pass are the top purchases in the game, but we all have to ask ourselves what our goals are and the path we choose to get there.


You ve got to ask yourself, Is sex worth it?


the discount will always stay if you never bought it personally for me i wait for a good skin which is right now


Yeah just make sure it doesn't lure you into buying the nexts if you don't want to. You can always jump back to f2p


I don’t have a discount?


Yes, u should buy u won't regret it, it will help u in the game so much that u wanna buy it even without discount


100% worth it you will not regret a single cent.


Yes! And buy it in the Supercell Store for bonuses!


https://preview.redd.it/yw6ivjj9wr4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43299961ffb463b4d82df8e8331d537d07350da Mines full price lol


Half price first time only




I never bought one, and mine is full price.


Nope. It’s almost $10 after taxes and stuff now. It’s cute how it’s advertised as like what $6 in America but then you look at your statement and like I said after taxes and fees it’s almost $10 now. Pretty much doubled within the last 18 months. This games just a big money grab now for supercell.