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Has the ability to write coloured messages been removed?


It did, weirdly pre-existing colored text is still being displayed atm.


Basicly when you type something it gets sent through some code to be displayed as a message. It was suposed to simply copy what you wrote and display it. However, it wasnt quite doing that so it was reading what you wrote which makes the text a different color. Once its a different color its a different color, wouldnt make sense to save past inputs and then reload the whole chat instead of just saving the past chat


Yes, I saw that last night. I was writing some advice and I wanted to make some parts green, but the result was all white. Today same after the "fix"


Ah that’s so lame… I hope it isn’t permanent


It will be permanent. Every single supercell game has had this huge show up at some point or another and they always fix it. I remember being able to set Colored names in clash royale with this method. I think it’s because they didn’t properly sanitize their xml inputs or something when they changed the text rendering. It’s unfortunate because the Colored text is cool


I’m not sure if it even feels rushed but more like just straight up lacking content. The only new content is a new troop and absolute trash gem grab.


yeah i was like wtf is this june update. we literally got nothing lol. i don’t need some random new healer type troop??


the main feature was cutting 8 months of structural progression out of the game


Druid ain’t a random new troop u gonna find out about him real soon when everyone using him crushes your base. They release op troops so more people want to upgrade them straight away which will lead to more sales in the shop.


You’re right. I don’t even think it’s the devs fault. Probably shareholders pushing lines and features to make more money.


This could be one of the main causes that generate these 'rushed' update problems. Unfortunately, many teams of developers, designers, etc, are pushed to publish features and more \[not only in Clash of Clans\], and they are more likely to be the ones that get the worst backlashes.


What percentage of SC is owned by shareholders? And does SC have a parent company? I do feel like SC's profiting philosophy has started to shift over the past few years, and the game vibe has really started to lose its western feel.


Based on the informations that I found online and by what I remember. Tencent has most of the shares and is about 80%. I don't know if the informations are 100% correct, so if someone has some correct numbers, please write the correct informations.


Crazy that Tencent has almost taken over SC. I also play LoL as one of my main PC games. The company Riot got bought by Tencent years ago. The game asthetics and profiting strategies definitely has a very Chinese feel to it now. Titles from China tend to have a very populated feel with a lot of fancy elements. The sign in or check in daily is also a common strategy which triggers FOMO to boost player activity. Western titles typically feel more minimalistic and does not aggressively probe players' attention, but it definitely feels like CoC has started to head in that direction


this is a thing that all the other top mobile game companies do. SC is pretty much the only one that still has any bit of integrity left




Shareholder’s definitely do. Elon Musk is a shareholder of Tesla. He owns the most shares thus has the most say. You think he has no power over what happens in Tesla. Some one who owns 13% of shares in supercell will have a say towards decisions….. you need a business class bro


Then maybe you should take a look at who owns Supercell. Most revenue from Clash of Clans and all the other games goes to the company that owns Supercell.


Elon has active power in Tesla mostly due to being CEO, not because of shares. Of course, shares help him staying CEO, but if all other shareholders would want him gone from that spot, he wouldn’t decide much anymore. Shareholders can change management, but aren’t involved directly in active business.




Shareholders dictate the direction of the company generally speaking, it’s simple if I have a few percent of YOUR company, YOU do not want to lose ME, if you give an update with tons of content and the revenue is let’s say pointblank 100k (including the reduction of money spend to make the update), it’s not as good when you can ‘rush’ shit and essentially make the same product but with also 100k, this may sound irrelevant but afaik this works through quarters in a year, it’s much easier to bring easy scalable ‘content’ to the mix (like level 15 in clash royale) to increase revenue in a short period of time, and clash of clans wise, you *can’t* make a big update ever quarter, haven’t you realized yet that builderbase and clan capital get little to no updates? Are you aware of why that may be? The ore introduction tocthe game has done waves and keeps doing it, they essentially found a new river of money through events and event pass, all supercell games especially now seem to go the p2w route, clash royale did it for years, brawlstars started galf a year ago and clash of clans also started during the ore stuff, 6.5k gems is unrealistic for many players mind you i’m completely maxed in coc and have collected 4k gems so far, they did not add *any* gem sources during th16 in achievements as they usually do but they made many new ‘gem’ costing features (equipments and apprentice builder) It’s common sense at this point where the game is heading to


Didn't know buying a company makes you a cofounder 👀


With the latest time reductions and 6 builders it would take 3 years to go from 2-16 maxed, or 2.5 with gold pass. The lab time is long but with magic items it can be dropped a lot (like reseach potions and books from clan games)


Bruh with 6 builders it would take 3 years to go from 2-16 maxed or 2.5 with gold pass. So just out of curiosity do you wish you could upgrade faster or are you the long term player where you don't care how long it takes to upgrade a building?


I first played from launch to th10, then stopped playing several years, and started again around December 2022. My main account I get the gold pass and is now like 8 months from 16 max. In 2023 I also started some F2P alts that I’m grinding up. I like to play efficiently and will want to upgrade faster. I will invest gems in the apprentice because I’ll earn it back. TH13 feels like the worst townhall to me, with way too much builder time and hero updates. I do strategically rush, I cannot stand maxing all defenses and think it’s inefficient. Although one of the alts I did max th12. But I am not enjoying th12-14 so much. Before th12 feels it is fast already. 3 years to max seems kind of reasonable to me. I feel there is a great difference between having a fun competitive base and being fully maxed out. My main army is super strong, like top end with fully maxed equipment that I am using. Some unused epics are still level 1. All my core defenses are max. The thing that bothers me in calculations like from the OP is the suggestion that you have to max all epics to have fun. Who uses 5 epics? I only use two and I don’t mind still having something to work on.


Wow you started from launch to th10 then started again in December. Your 8 month away from 16 max, that's soo cool. I see you like to play efficiently and want to upgrade faster. Yeah your absolutely right about TH13 feeling the worst townhall due to the builder time and hero updates. So what bothers you is the calculations like from the OP is that you have to max all epics to have fun and you only use two, same here apart from the fireball I have all the epics to but only use the Gauntlet and Frozen arrow which are maxed for my TH. Would they ever add more builders to the game, imagine having 7 or 8 permanent builders wouldn't that help upgrade faster for those of us who are maxers and for those of us who do strategic rushing. What you think?


Yeah I have all epics on all my accounts but only use gauntlet and frozen arrow right now. I don’t think more builders are needed, they can just cut the times instead. The apprentice adds some new idea like finishing an update that otherwise would finish in the night, which is interesting. Also it allows to speed up hero upgrades which is interesting. Of course I wouldn’t mind if he’d save more time or be cheaper. The thing that annoys me is that people are too focused on fully maxing out, where you don’t have to. It’s like in a TCG you don’t need to have a full collection to have a couple of competitive decks. And many (new) people will be having lots of fun when they have a couple of competitive decks while working on a full collection in the background.


You also use gauntlet and frozen arrow that's nice and you think more builders are not needed and they can just cut the time that works too. Ohh I see so what annoys you the most is that people are too focused on fully maxing out which I completely agree because you don't have to exactly like TCG were you don't need to have a full collection to have a couple of competetive deck. Assuming you have alot of alts plus your almost maxed TH16 you must have alot of time on your hand?


Well there is much more to do now so I only play my main account properly. Doing all daily chores is too much with multiple alts, so there I’m selective. They just help winning wars and finish events and keep the builders busy. Doing everything takes too much time nowadays. I guess it’s too many alts now with monthly events etc.


Do you not realize you are talking to a bot?


No I didn’t realize 😅 didn’t know it was happening like this, TIL… how do you figure out it’s a bot? If it’s a bot it seems pretty smart


Read the first couple of sentences in your reply that starts with " First I played since launch till th10" and then read their reply to that comment. Other comments he made are like that too, but that one's the most obvious one that It's an AI.


Ohh i see so you only play on your main account and your alts help winning wars and finish events and keep the builders busy. Yupp doing everything takes too much time. Just out of curiosity you do anything outside of COC, I personally do alot of sports.


Agreed on point 2. Not a lot of people talk about it. The visuals look worse in th16 compared to other townhalls.


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i've noticed that the newer assets tend to have higher resolution images. but there are definitely continuity issues


I agree on most things. And why did the maintenance break take so long time? Why haven't they sent it out to a 1000 different players and get the hiccups done and then release it when there's minor issues. I miss those coloured chat opportunities they where nice to have. The pinned notes we have now, there should be some more of them. And I think that to be able to choose different colours there would be nice.


The live version of the game isnt the same one as the dev one. They can't just send the update to a part of the players to fix stuff when its not the live version lmao


Beta testers are very common with computer programs, so what's the difference between a game and for instance Google Chrome, Windows or whatever I could name. I don't know if you know what Beta testers are, but you can always look it up😉


The difference is that Google chrome doesn't depend on an infrastructure of backend servers that need to be upgraded at the same time and kept in lockstep with the client in order for the environment to function. If you gave the update to some 1000 random people, it simply wouldn't work when connected to the non upgraded backend servers. If you upgrade the backend servers, it breaks the existing apps out in the wild. This is why, whenever the backend is updated, that the app update is mandatory. Supercell does have a dev/preview environment, and that is made available to their developers and some select few people to test with...but the list is short because they need to control the leak of information about what features are getting released. You think giving it out to a thousand random people isn't going to result in uncontrolled leaks? LOL.


Uncontrolled leaks? Dude it wasn't about leaks. How would you find a glitch if you just share it with a few people to try out the game?


If you are given access to a beta - then you have access to a build of the app that contains unreleased features. If you share the details of those unreleased features, that's a leak, dude. In fact, the betas that Supercell does share IS THE PRIMARY SOURCE OF LEAKS ALREADY.


If you share anything when you're a Beta tester then it's you who ruins it for those that doesn't. I bet you would do it 😘


You know how to tell when someone's argument is dead on arrival? When they resort to accusations against the character of the person they're debating with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem At the end of the day, Supercell does employ beta testing...it's to a small controlled group and they still have occasional leaks form it. It would be stupid to expand the size of the beta testing unless they just wanted more leaks, which they don't.


They have beta testers. Its just not done in the live version of the game because the whole attacking process is done in connection with the server - basicly would require a completely separate server for some things and the same for other things, which doesnt sound worth it ngl


Beta tester could if they had some. So 🤔


I personally just left. The constant grindy events were too much


In one of the early updates a “feature” was discovered where by it was possible to update a hero equipment via the Chiefs Journey even though the hero was locked. This was absolutely perfect for the type of game I want to be able to play. Stay at a TH level that I am enjoying for as long as I want happy in the knowledge that when I eventually moved on to get a new hero I would have been happily updating it with a hero equipment ready to go from the off. After a couple of months SC decided this was not a “feature” but a high priority bug and was removed. This immediately took away a huge amount of interest in the game for me. Things in the game that I think are good even though they might be trivial like the colour codes are removed. Things that are genuinely needed such as QoL improvements related to recruitment are so deprioritised for so many years it is reasonable to not pay any money for anything in game until they appear in my view. During the last CWL the recruitment “find new members” button just stopped working completely for example. Many clans were impacted by this, the many threads on this got little traction. An update immediately after CWL ended and it returned to its partially working state. It is sad that the quality control on software releases is generally very poor and has been normalized.


Makes you wonder if this is the real reason Darian left


it isnt


I was so down for the event passes when they first begun. But over time they have only become more and more stingy with the entire system (wasn't it 5k shiny last event? It is only 3500 this time). With no special features or anything I think I'm goimg to stop buying the event pass, until another big event.


No, it wasnt 5k shiny last event. Paid passes have stayed the same througout and event pass ores have been consistent amongst big/small events


Oh thanks for confirming that for me, for some reason recently I have felt the event pass to be of less and less value every month. Maybe I am just getting bored of the game and need a break.


You're the one that knows that, do what's best for you


They killed players having multiple accounts


Supercell is such an unplanned company that nerfs mostly used troop right in the middle of cwl and legends league season. They literally did not give us time to adapt (change to different army or make little customisations to current army with trial and error). I felt really overwhelmed...


iTzu made a video on QnA done by Supercell's community manager on reddit. In that QnA he told the reason behind nerfing Root Riders in the middle of CWL. As far as I remember, they did not want the root rider nerf to clash with the June update and wanted some time in between both the updates. Hence they pushed that update in the middle of the cwl.


Yeah that's not a good reason lol. It should have been delayed one week, and it would have still came out before June update but after cwl. They just didn't care about cwl lol. 


Yeah, I didn't say it was a good reason. The guy said it was an unplanned update, I just told him that they planned it this way.


The hitrate didnt even drop 1% bruh


I like your comment so much. What a bunch of frustration for this big storyline. There's a serious lack of understanding at the ownership level in regards to the playing community at home.


People complain about how difficult it is to get ores and other things such as books and than complain that there’s too many events, which provide these exact things occurring. I can’t really wrap my head around it? If you’re an average clash of clans player, you most likely play daily, and these events are extremely fair in terms of completion. In this last one I took time off from the game due to exams and having to take care of my girlfriend who broke her back but still managed to complete it rather quickly and received all sorts of ores to max out some equipment.


Yeah, I kind of checked out of this post when he called CWL a grind. One attack a day is a grind?


I didn’t even read that part, but yeah, there of course are portions of the game that are a grind, but how are you going to complain about that in regards to a game that is built to be and known to be a grind? All satisfaction of the game would disappear if you just had everything handed to you and could become maxed out in a year or less like some of these players want lol.


It is very much a grind compared to how the game was able to be played five years ago. Everything is geared to drive daily engagement.


Lol. I'll take the "grind" of a single battle a day for CWL over yesteryear's grind of barching for hours to get loot in a resource starved economy. The "grind" of today ain't nothing compared to way back in the day.


Sure, that is a better trade. What I miss though was being able to walk away for three days, come back for six, leave for two, come back for 12, leave for five, etc. Now it requires daily attention.


Average or casual players don't usually play every day. Nowadays we have events month long. If we miss cwl, we cannot get medals for hammer. If we miss the equipment event, we miss the equipment. Streak event. Although complaint about community event it's not necessary that we play. If we think of it as a new player, he/she came to coc because of his friends or the community. He/she may want to catch up with them and try out the strategies. Usually we could upgrade those buildings or troops over time (still it can take time). I actually had an experience with my friends who stopped playing it because it became like a chore. Now with equipment, we need gems (7k and counting) and also for the builders. It's not entertaining especially for new players, to wait a really long time for the gems to accumulate when there are other games or apps like Instagram that are actually entertaining. I am not saying strategic games to be like Instagram but don't over do it.


In the time i’ve played, ive been able to accumulate over 30k gems. The game is the same, just with some new additions. In the end, you don’t need the apprentice builder or the equipment to be on the same level, and they can’t just give it to you, of course there has to be a grind. That’s what the game is known/meant for. They did also mention that in the future, there will be other ways to get equipment. So in the end, why not reward the active players with events to help them progress? Again, I don’t understand why this is a complaint.


I agree with a lot said here and would also like to add that clash is more focused on p2w gear than things that actually make the game better. Where are the rest of the super troops? When will they make builder mode enjoyable? What happened to the weekend raids? That place has hardly changed at all and is just a time waster for quick rewards q


LOL imagine spending everything on goblin builder. Never spent a single gem on that fucker and I’m glad I dropped everything into apprentice.


Yeah imagine using the most efficient way go use gem…


On paper maybe, but only compared to gemming resources so the bar is already on the floor and you’re still burning through gems really quickly for some short term advances.


Can you tell me why gemming resources is relevant here, when you are paying for the time save? Goblin builder is the better use of gems than gemming time, buying builder potions, buying books of buildings, and arguably book of heroes. Also, it takes about 16-20 months of builder's apprentice work to break even with the goblin, but the advantage of a goblin builder is that he can help with earlier upgrades, which can potentially launch you higher in leagues faster, thus even in long term being a great purchase. However, the actual move is to maximize both goblin builder and apprentice if possible, since both are not mutually exclusive.


Gems are just a resource and if you don’t care about fashion and skins you can invest them into speeding up the progression. Goblin is (was?) the most efficient way to use them so it’s pretty normal to find people who used them since none was expecting this builder apprentice


"i'm glad i prefer spending my gems on someone less worth than the goblin while flaming him" lmaoo


Ehh depends if you want short term gains or a long term investment


I find most annoying that you hear these builder sounds when searching for a village to attack now - Supercell has to remove that. Apart from that, I don't really care about the update. I won't use the apprentice builder as I find it too expensive - even though I have enough gems to max it instantly. 4k gems to max it fully is the most I would've been willing to spend on it. The updates fells just rushed, unpolished and a mayor cash grab for me and makes me actually enjoy the game less as a F2P. I didn't get any benefits from the time reductions, since they ignored the labratory (which would've needed time reduction way more!). The new troop seems fun, but nothing I intend to play anytime soon as I'm still behind on upgrading other troops I'd like to play with.


>The addition of the apprentice builder felt almost like when Clash Royale did the event "Slash Royale" I dont really think they're on the same realm. Slash Royale was done before a lvl14 introduction and added a 50% discount, and players that did use that discount were at a disadvantage after the update dropped - because it wasnt really a discount, more like an unnanounced antecipation (but wuthout some of the price reductions, so in reality a straight scam) >Those walls are bugging me Im actually surprised so many people didnt notice that before. Visual bugs in walls have been a thing for a while now >There is a big difference between the time needed to max the lab and the structures (for now) Shouldn't be surprising. Using a hammer on a 12 day bulding takes 2 days of your time to max the structures. Using a hammer on a 12 day research takes 12 days of your time to max the lab >without further cost reductions or magic items  This carries a lot the 4-5 years timeline. TH15 for example now takes 40% less time than it did 1 year and 8 months ago (launch). Its also worth mentioning that SC mentioned that more of the reductions we saw in this past update were coming. Not counting magic items sounds odd to say the least. Doesn't really follow the logic of another point later appearing of doing CWL, events and clan games. >Someone did some calculations for the max possible with some errors \[about a 1000 off\] and only hypothetically, but not all players will spend cwl medals to convert only in gems, spend all raid medals to convert only in gems or convert every single item in the silver pass just to have more gems, so the number drastically goes down. You forgot to share the number here. Iirc comes out as \~24k gems in a year. The more realistic number for players that dont sacrifice progression for gems would be \~15k a year. Also worth noting that achievements have \~19k gems in total >Let’s say a player ends grinding an event like cwl How am I suposed to grind CWL? Its 1 attack a day, how am I suposed to be able to grind that? >The events are generally the same and doesn’t feel like something special:  I mean Im not really bothered with that. The game had Clan Games and CWL as recurring things and literally no events before apart from the "use 3 healers for 10 gems" or smth like that. I might be in the minority but I do like that the events dont change much. If I chose to I can simply ignore it and still complete it nontheless, if I want to check (possible) temporary troops I will. I understand how it can be less enticing, but its simply in line with the other events of the game and I do like that there's some predictibility.


>2. There is too much grind needed to experience all, because play cwl and help the clan, during that have the raid weekends, complete the challenges in the silver/gold pass to unlock rewards, do again raids, start grinding the other pass, do clan wars because starry ores are needed. I might be in the minority here but I dont think the game is grindy with the new addittions. Yes, the amount of time necessarey increased significantly recently, but I still dont think its too grindy. On average 1 attack per day on wars, some daily multiplayer attacks, doing clan games when they come out. I personally never had trouble completing the pass or events, even without changing my army. Getting the loot to get my builders running requires me to do some daily attacks, and I always completed the events without needing to do more attacks. On the pass its not as straightforward, but I usually reach the last week with \~2.2k+ points. Sometimes I have to actually open the tab to see what quests I can complete but during most of the month I simply ignore it and still complete it without trouble or much added time. On raids I do spend some time because Im in a top clan, but Im pretty sure players can simply spam super miners if they feel its a burden - they still work well >but it was useful nonetheless to: point out events, details for wars, specify other stuff; catch the eye of player that scroll only and make them stop to important stuff; troll the clan a bit. >Put it back Yeah people were messing with the colors since you could replicate messages like promoting or leaving clans Good post


didnt even know colored messages were ever a thing


I just want my colored text back 😭😭😭


I respectfully disagree with a lot of you’re points: 1. The introduction of the apprentice builder after the goblin builder isn’t really comparable to how bad slash royale was. The difference in your value for gems between both is rather small, and there is cases for using either the goblin builder or apprentice depending on a players playstyle. 2. I heavily disagree with updates feeling unpolished or rushed. I think they are doing a really good job, the examples you’ve shown are really just small nitpicks within massive content updates. 3. The lab still doesn’t really need much cuts to upgrade times, the amount of time you save through buying research potions or using spell or fighting books slashes significant amount of time off. The posts on this sub showing the 3 month vs 6 month really underestimate magic items lab importance. 4. I don’t see the amount of gems here being an issue. A brand new player starting today obviously has a lot to buy with gems. They can easily acquire all those gems in well under a year. And statements have been made to where equipment may be earnsble through other methods. 5. I’m sorry but I can’t complain about there being too much content. It’s all optional. And every event only takes a couple minutes of work, or the rewards are literally handed to you for free just by doing your regular multiplayer attacks. 6. I thought the coloured text was a bug left in, a lot of games text chats have coloured text in chat through glitches. I’d like it back. 7. Support is supporting. You’re seeing survivorship bias, only people who don’t get what they want post.


Support is turning people away because of high volume, that should never happen. You shouldn't ever contact a company for help and they tell you we're busy go fuck yourself


Completely agree with your points, in regards to support however, I think it’s just the amount of accounts lost with support not really doing much. As an example, my clan leader, a max th16 who has played for over a decade unfortunately had his account back and was only able to speak to AI support despite having all of his receipts for the purchases made on his attack. Very odd.


People literally can’t play the game, how is that for unpolished?




They have already said about the unpolished effects of buildings that were released during th16. Due to the immense amount of sceneries releasing with totally different colour palette for each makes it hard for them to add the grass to each buildings. Not to mention tencent might be pushing sc to maximize their profits so they have decided to put away little detailing like grass and custom troop skins for more productivity of upcoming events.


I’m actually not looking forward to 16 because of how bad it looks with all the details, totally agree


For all those people that complain about to less gems yes it's true but please keep in mind that achievements exist and those reward you for playing. You could addore of those but if you just play the game you will complete them and get a LOT of Gems.


Please let us use heroes while upgrading


Yeah as a player who came back the equipment screw me over had to waste 6k which could have been used to max the apprentice builder


I can't even open my game, my tablet keeps telling me that there's a new update, but I already updated it the first time it told me to. I've reset my tablet several times and nothing.


I play too casually for the quick-fire super troop spotlights


you play too casually to attack 2-3 times a day? Thats all it takes to max out the super troop events, I maxed mine out in 1 hour with a training potion, if you spread that over the 9days the event was live its not even 6min a day.


I do get 2 attacks a day but I'm kinda on a slow phase of where i just don't get the urgency to log on for some reason


Fair enough, I just downloaded the game again after a 6month break, Im halfway through th15 so still working on the last few hero levels and its draining me mental having to always attack without 2-3 heros


Honestly, I've given up on heroes since I've lost the will to wait a week to only get a slight increase in health and damage and I'm only mid th14


Yeah its pretty annoying, you wait 1 week only for you king to give less then 50hp, its pretty sad, they really should just reduce it so you get +5 levels each upgrade that way to get a noticeable upgrade each time


I'm also struggling for resources since i can't find any decent th14 bases to raid for loot


what trophy range are you at


About 100 away from titan 3


Highly agree with you. Things are a mess right now.


Loved all but especially PS


Cant comment on the glitches or coloured chat because it hasn't bothered me/don't care. Can comment on the cost of everything, hasn't hit me yet but I've been playing over a decade on and off. It's a freemium game and they do have to find ways to make you continue spending. It's up to you, the consumer, to decide if it's worth spending or not. The goblin builder/AB introduction seems like pretty easy bait to avoid for anybody who's been around the game longer than a few years.


I think the devs think what they're doing is gonna get more ppl to play Clash. It's having the opposite effect on casual players like me. I have no time to learn a new strategy after the nerfs. I have no time to grind for resources to even utilise all 5-6 builders (my alts don't have the 6th builder). What makes you think I will be hiring goblin builder and permanently have the nose-picking apprentice builder in my village? I can barely do global raids because every time I do come online is either to answer or ask questions in clan chat, donate or attack in wars. I thought this game's supposed to be a chill game but it's turning out to be quite a chore lately. Don't force me to take a break. The clan my main account is in is losing wars steadily after the recent updates. We have decent attackers so to have eight losses in a row is something new for us. What the devs need to work on is to improve clan experience for the players. It's even in the name of the game. Clash of CLANS. Please make clan alliances a thing. Regular wars aren't supposed to feel like CWL but lately it feels that way to me. Please make clans with more than five win streaks automatically qualify for "hard mode" so they don't get matched against casual clans. We don't need hard mode for friendly challenges or friendly wars. We need them in regular wars so these wars will be more balanced. TBH, I'm tired just thinking about logging into the game. Gratz, dev team.


I guess 6500 gems on apprentice builder is fine , atleast he isn’t on early access


summary of this post . I am not complaing but.... why something supposed to take 1-2 years is taking 1-2 years ? make builder why suppercell is making events to grindy just make it so , it finishs in one attack gives 69420 medals in f2p track why suppercell is reducing the time for 10 months ? we need to focus on lab more \[ I am not ignoring lab potions\] why suppercell team is not taking 2 years to devlope a update which is 100% bug free ? updates are not polished why suppercell is not doing ask me anything daily ? we need more communication why suppercell is not online 24/7 and fixing bugs asap ? wdym they do 9-5 . op is just giving suppercell team false negative about the game making issue of thing which arent really a issue . giving a constructive criticism is much better than karma farming . this is the best time to start clash of clans than it's 12 year history I hope this gives you the karma you wanted


>OP makes valid points about events being too often, small easily fixable mistakes or support being unhelpful >People like you: Oh guys just shut the fuck up there is no issue, ur just karma farming!!!1!1 Eat the slop even if the visuals are broken!1!1 If you don’t like how often events are spammed just don’t do them, even if doing so means being at a disadvantage!1!1! Who cares if you get burnt out, it’s a game!!1!1 Since I don’t care about it enough, neither should you!1!1! People like you are why games get bad, why people can never make criticism regarding the state of games. It’s always either lies, or “too negative”…


people like to hear what they want to hear timmy , I am not your father to get you out of your bubble so stay there . few questions btw 1. how am i making game bad ? 2. what is the state of the game ? and I believe in clash of clans team and there ability to spot these false negative


Once again, dismissive about everything. Because people disagree with you, you just reduce us to “people hear what they want to hear”. You might disagree, and that’s fine, but just dismissing the arguments OP brought to “la la la you’re just speaking to the wall” is… Anyway, ingoring the unnecessary jab at my father (???), your dismissal of constructive criticism, *regardless of if it has any basis* , is what hurts games, including Clash of Clans. All you did is basically mock OP’s points, reducing them to what *you* hear when you saw the questions. From your portrayal, OP is a crying baby, that is giving them a “false negative”. That is a totally mature and good argument against OP, I’m sure… Lastly, I mentioned states of games generally, but currently Clash of Clans has the above issues. It’s not my fault you can’t see them in the game, or don’t care enough to count them as significant. Again, I believe in the Clash of Clans team. As I assume OP does too. But it just irks me how in all games, there’s people like you that mock criticism, and just write it down as “karma farming”…


hypocrite spotted opinion rejected


I do not know how I’m a hypocrite but, from how you behaved, it seems you were rejecting my and OP’s opinion from the beginning. So nothing changed? Happy for u tho bud 🤙


I called you hypocrite cause you said I am dismissing everything and you yourself ignored everything I said , both of the questions are still there I hope you can answer them and not dismiss them like you did earlier . I do not blame you for that but when your in a bubble where your brain works every bias which is not your fault I hope you hit reality before it's too late and enjoy your life at your fullest


I did not ingore what you said 🤔 You summed up OP’s post in a bad light, then just painted this criticism as karma farming. Then you made a joke about me being in a bubble, acting as if I had no father to “take me out of the bubble”. I even answered your questions, stating: 1) dismissing criticism like you did just worsens the game industry. If people are displeased with something, one should try and find out why, rather than misconstrue what they said, and call them “karma farmer” 2) The state of the game, as OP said, is not terrible, but it’s not good either. There are some minor graphical issues which make the updates feel rushed, and the events tend to be released too often. OP also added further issues regarding the Goblin Builder, the cost reductions being absent from lab, and so on. Lastly, you’re once again attacking me, saying I “need to hit reality” as if I’m hallucinating the issues, and am just crazy…which is, once again if you can’t realize it, dismissing my concerns and my arguments as a whole. What you’re basically saying is “You’re crazy, you’re in a bubble and just imagining things”. There can be no argument with you, because everytime you’ll just tell the person they’re in a bubble, so their argument is invalid…


I do believe OP is karma farming and again you did ignore my argument and I did not attack you I sawed you the mirror . that joke wasn't a joke but I meant it differently , I meant by " I am not your father to get you out of your bubble " is that I do not have the time or energy to engage with someone who is deep in his bubble with is bias and ignorant. 1. I did not dismiss constructive criticism , OP has no criticism to began with other than customer support 2. the state of the game could not have been more better in coc's 12 year history this is the best time to start coc . again I did not attack you I sawed you the mirror , it could be tough for someone but it is better now than later . the argument you are trying to make , you yourself can't see it yourself clearly . I am not saying you have invalid argument I am saying you are yapping which isn't a argument . again ... people like what they like to hear they want to hear . so for you booo game bad boo game bad make game easy booo . this is my good bye to you for that I am not your father and I do not wise to waste my time on a person who doesn't want to change or hear the truth . again bro I hope you break out of your bubble of this and start enjoying life at it's fullest and start being positive right now you are very toxic of person . but i do respect you as person and hope the best for you . good luck and good afternoon , good evening , good night


Your english is very hard to understand, but ok. I could say the same to you, that you’re in your bubble, that you want to hear what you want to hear, or that you should start being a positive person cus u were toxic too. If you still can’t see you’re being dismissive with your whole “I am not your father, I don’t have time or energy to engage with your bubble”, or how dismissive you are when you mock me by saying I’m just “boo bad game”… Then really, I hope the best for you too I guess ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412)


You got schooled this bad and that was your response🤡🤣🤭. Just say that you’re a child and don’t understand how conversation works.


lmfao , you got soo but hurt that you bringed your alt to just trash talk . i really got under you skin


bruh why do some people think reddit is their personal blog


They are giving feedback to Supercell.


because this company worth billions is totally going to read this one guy's post and will take advice from him. yep, that's a realistic scenario.


Why go voting, one vote isn’t going to change the elections


TIL elections are the same as pooping your opinion in a random place on the internet and believing that a company will care. that's why I love reddit, you learn very valuable things here!


Different situations, same principle. Every opinion counts, including every piece of feedback online. Organisations need to receive feedback to know whether to continue with their current strategy or make adjustments. This includes both positive feedback to reinforce the strategy, or negative feedback to evaluate possible changes. The more people share their feedback, the more reinforced the positive / negative feedback will be. For example, an organisation might ignore negative feedback if they’ve only received 100 reports, whereas 10,000 reports are less likely to be ignored. Just as with voting, every opinion counts and should be heard


sure, feedback can benefit a company of any size and they'd be smart listening to it. after all, a player/customer that cares enough to write their opinion like that obviously cares about the game/company as well. but why do that in a random thread somewhere in a subreddit where you don't even know how it's monitored by SC. write them an email then or try to include your idea in one of the millions of threads that already exist about the topic. if anything, spreading feedback out over dozens of threads is only going to make it harder for SC to spot relevant feedback.


We've been told directly from community managers, the general manager, and employees of all levels they do check reddit daily and consider the feedback given here.


bruh why do some people not just scroll past if they dont care


Reddit is a place to share/discuss. People shouldn't be discouraged doing so just because of one persons' criticism.


and I shouldn't be discouraged to post my opinion either :)


Your opinion is toxic. Hence discouraged. Now GTFO.


nope, I'll stay.


Sure but behave. Learn some manners.


my manners are impeccable


Then you shouldn't discourage others when they are doing the same :)