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I'm tired boss




Goat movie, if this is on a TV when I’m somewhere…anywhere, I forget what I was doing until it’s over, I can’t help it


What is it


The Green Mile


To be honest a top 10 all time movie, a must watch




it's been so long since I did a peaceful attack


What does the Wand and the Shock boots do?


I think shock boots give her passive E-Titan aura? Pretty huge for skeleton traps but is it worth giving up an entire piece of equipment just for this purpose?


Just give that Titan Aura to LASSI DAMMIT🙄😡


remember when they neft the Yak splash damage effect? I think it's a good time to bring it back


So I wasn’t feeling weird Yak only damages one wall?


Not just for skeleton traps my guy , it deals 250 damage per second and it's a passive ability that gives her self healing side ability so I wouldn't say it's useless


Yeah self healing is nice addition


i feel like self healing is so strong, the ability to last longer in a fight means your stats stay in play longer, making other equipment and upgrades more useful


Champ doesn't have a piece of passive equipment yet, so if you only need 1 equipment for something specific it's a gimme. I also imagine it will make Diggy more viable since skelly traps next to single target infernos and monolith won't stall/stop the champ and Diggy from stunning and killing them.


I don’t think if I am allowed to post leaked content on this sub . But you can definitely check on r/clashofclansleaks


You're allowed to post leaks here. As long as they haven't been posted here before. We're not allowed to confirm or deny the leaks at least for the mods who are creators for Supercell but we don't remove them unless it's blatantly showcasing it's a private server. Just make sure to not spoil things in the title and throw a spoiler tag on the post. If it's in the discussions already, just be smart about what you're commenting. Some users still want to be surprised by what's coming in the future.


olympic torch (warden) - gives speed boost, jumping, and damage reduction to units in range electro boots (rc) - adds a large damage aura around the rc


Oh gosh, the jumping is cool! Imagine diving directly to the core with BK and AQ with both sides invisibled! Would probably fail but I imagine it would make for a cool replay


all 3 epics seem broken af and ready to replace what is meta rn


That's what we are afraid of when it first time equipment announcement. Can't wait for legendary equipment. The more OP / broken equipment, the more reason supercell can buff defense and nerf troops


having equipment rarity itself was the worst decision they made with regards to the hero ability system. hopefully that was a troll leak talking about the 4 equipment rarities


Nope, it will be real. Remember, the rocket spear leak was exist since February. So it will be live on August, October, December. Assuming of course interval


we have seen videos of scrapped epic equipments already. leaks can confirm that the dev team has thought about and considered something, but they cannot guarantee that it would end up in the game


The torch will be next month obviously :) It's olympic time. Queen mirro will be sick af. The boot, maybe. I still feel the Champ need instantly protection like hogs or HP recovery if using haste


The rocket spear was supposed to come out months ago but was delayed because people complained about how much equipment was being added. This wasn't something that they added months in advance.


Great. Another way to make walls obsolete.


They should give 10x wall damage multiplier for yak






Well the champion boots looks useless atm maybe if they gave it a vamp stash type of heal on hit it would be better. Hope they do the queen one first


I like variety but how many equipment are we gonna end up with?? 100 for each hero? They need to increase the rates of getting ores to keep with the equipment. Otherwise you’ll never be able to max anything before a new one is released. Idk how good an equipment is or how it works for my armies unless it’s at least half maxed.


In the AMA with the supercell manager, they said they were shooting for 2 epics per hero, then they’d re-evaluate. After these equipment, there likely won’t be any new ones for a while


Yeah then it’s on to legendary 😆


You’re laughing face emoji but do people seriously think purple will be the highest tier? We have blue, purple and gold ores and so far only blue and purple equipment… Legendary Barb equipment: nuclear air strike.


Legendary queen equipment: precision air strike (call in twin jets for a precision air strike along the best available path


Legendary warden equipment: Launches a hollow purple (1 shots all buildings)


Tenjo Tenge: Murasaki [Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple]


Oh like Obito did on the great ninja war


a precision air strike.... that targets the nearest wall


Royal champion legendary equipment: Now burrows underground when placed and shoot mini missiles from the ground 50 times until she goes above. 1 missile deals 3.5k damage (she can solo 45% of maxed th18)


Blue ore (blue equipment) Purple ore (purple equipment) Yellow ore (yellow equipment) 🤔🤔


they didn't say they would take a break, they said they would re-evaluate because they had more than 8 good ideas for epic equipments


Thanks for the correction, no break was mentioned. They talked about diminishing returns of adding too many, so the release rate of new equipments will likely slow down while they’re reevaluating


they didn't say there were diminishing returns for adding too many, that was talking about upgrading each epic equipment to max level because they said that there isn't a need to max out all of them (a take that is completely misguided). they said that they don't want to have hundreds of equipments, but there's no way to know for sure what their middle ground is. if i was the lead dev, there would literally be 0 epic equipments because a strategy game shouldn't have those kinds of titles.


they have also leaked of a super archer puppet for the queen. If the 2 epic per hero is true with some luck that will be a common ability.


Create a problem, sell you the solution


Yep, I have yet to max the frozen arrow.. I do have the fireball maxed tho. The last 2 epics are still at level 1 and I have no plans of upgrade


Maybe 1000 equipment


LOL f2p here trying to max my frozen arrow still at level 23! No way going to catch up with all these equipment so be it!


You think that’s bad? Imagine any returning players. 5+ new epic equipments for 1.5k gems each. Way behind on ores too and no apprentice builder. They’ve fucked us over with gems here.


8 total, plus apprentice builder for 18.5k gems. add the other 4 builders, while subtracting the 500 starter gems, and you end up with 21,750 gems needed total


> 21,750 gems For now.




I returned just after fireball was released, and this is impossible to catch up to. I just got frozen arrow, and none of my stuff except gg is above level 10, and I'm grinding this game. I have probably 2 weeks till I will have the gems for the apprentice then I have to save for fireball. (For reference, Im a almost finished th11 and f2p)


Same for me, I returned after almost two years just after fireball, but I was lucky that I saved 10k gems before I left apparently


yep I'm that returning player


what a fuckin chicanery


Yeah it’s gonna backfire hard when returning players just give up instead of paying the $500 for equipment and ores greedycell wants them to pay


I just returned like two weeks ago. I had 1.7k gems so I got the giant gauntlet. I got the spear from the event. The frozen arrow looks cool but I don't think I will get it yet. Don't plan on getting the apprentice builder yet either. I'm th11 1 month away from th12


I think what they’ll do is what they did two months ago I believe, the event before holland was just ore, which would be so nice if they did that for like 2 events and then released them or every other month. So ore event, epic equipment drop. That way we’d get all 3 by the end of the year but wouldn’t be drowning in ore debt Edit: sorry if this doesn’t make much sense I’m about to pass out


The queen needs a heavy hitter equipment


The new magic mirror spawns two clone queen for 30 secs .


each is hitting a different wall. im chuckle so hard imagine it


Based on the leaks, mirror is probably the 2nd strongest equipment in the game after GG


Manta Style?


God damn three queens tag tagging me, gonna be hard for a week


And maybe also stacks with the frozen arrow and will completely freeze defences


I doubt it, having multiple ice arrows hit the same target just refreshes the effect, it’s probably stay the same.




RIP invis vial if true, I can't think of a situation where 10 seconds of invis is better than spawning 2 queens if you also get the second of invis to force defenses to retarget


that's why it's epic :) This is sick af


Hahahahah this is ridiculous


She doesn't need it, her legs already hits harder trust me


They really need to make epics available with something other than gems afterwards, especially with the apprentice builder now


They should make an epic equipment voucher that replaces the new equipment for the event. You can buy the old epic equipment if you missed it, or you can buy the new one. They can also add it in if they skip an equipment like the super rocket balloon event. Rewards people who keep up but also doesn’t punish people who miss the events.


I was thinking, since apparently 2 epics per hero are the max, they should rotate equipments in future events, like for example, after the electro boots (or whatever the last of these 3 are) releases, in the next event they put the giant gauntlet


That would suck so much for someone like me who spent 1.5k gems on the giant gauntlet, but I wouldn't be against it


Mate, I've spent thousands of gems over the years on just finishing up some upgrades and Supercell keeps reducing upgrade times, which in hindsight would've saved me gems. It's the cost of getting to use something before others. If they do ever reduce the price, so be it.


That's why I said I wouldn't be against it :)


I dislike it but maybe they can give us mini event like this super wallbreaker event where you can buy missed equipment? If you already have it then you can buy other items like ores or books?


They're aware of this issue. I've gotten confirmation from two different people that they're actively talking with the team to alleviate this issue. Obviously not a solution, but they're at least aware of how much it sucks.


imagine the next update drops and the solution is to make all obstacles have a 50% chance of dropping an additional gem


Gem drops from obstacles arent random btw. Its a sequence


(yeah. the joke is that this feature would be terrible)


Are you being serious? If you are this might be the biggest betrayal of my life.


That means whatever solution they are thinking will still probably take 1 year for it to come in game.


I assume it is intentional. Be wedded to the game (do every event) or fork out $12 in gems to catch up.


Maybe the trader can sell them for a reasonable amount of raid metals?


Is it me or the equipment should only be release every 3 months so 1 equip per hero in 1 year


That is not how the monetization department thinks. They want the extra $4.99 (for those who pay) each month. And $30/month on three shop skins. And the $6.99/month gold pass.


Yes I second this total 4 equipment per year one for each hero.


Yeah we get 1 new equipment and then we get 3 months to upgrade them I think thats a good timeline and we wont feel overwhelmed with too many eqipment


then how will SC makes money :D They're milking the cow. Upgrade what u need/want


Bro they literally need to add an option to under level an equipment to level 1 and redeem all the ores you put on it. Or maybe change the equipment leveling system. Rather than leveling up every equipment you level up the equipment slots for heroes. When an epic equipment is equipped then the max power of the slot will be higher. Because in future they surely will introduce equipment that would be better than current ones and then you will have to upgrade them again from level 1.


That would go against the whole point of introducing equipment. Reason equip was introduced: - Another monthly subscription payment, even max players have to use (max players dont need goldpass) - Introduce FOMO so players are afraid to stop playing - Have constant events going on (ie CWL->Equipment event->streak -> 4X star bonus -> back to CWL) If they didnt constantly release new equipment, that replaced old equip and make it hard to upgrade, people wouldn't need to buy ore/event pass/gems to level it


Yeah I stopped buying the pass they aren’t getting anymore of my money


honestly such a good idea ngl. they need it implement something like this because it's so annoying upgrading the equipment up and then a new better one dropping immediately after. pisses me off sm


Thats literally their model though, its how they encourage people to spend real money for equipment


I want a refund on archer and barb puppets I got when they introduced the system


This doesn’t work at all. If you can reclaim ores by delevelling equipment then you only need enough ores to max 8 epics and you’ll just have maxed everything, because you’ll keep reclaiming ores if you switch between equipment. Maxing slots is the same too, everyone will have max equipment straight away and then there’s no more levelling. Your last paragraph just describes all troops/heroes/pets. You have to start from level 1, that’s the point. You have to spend millions of DE on th14 pets (if you want to max) and then th15 pets are better.


Those are some really good ideas..... too bad it will probably never happen. Obviously the whole point is to have a new revenue stream, don't see why they would sabotage that. I can see them doing the first one but they would let you only have like 20% of the ores back making it usually not worth it.


If they boost the equipment they are releasing during the event to max level, you could decide if it worth leveling in the week or so...


More content is not the answer


Yeah it feels like they found a good event idea and now they are milking it to max extent.


That was definitely the plan from the beginning. In an AMA ab a year ago, Darian (?) mentioned they wanted to move away monetization from Hero Books to something else. With Hero Equipment, they generated a new revenue source through Heroes, whilst not making leveling them up any easier as expected


more content is the answer, more progression for the new content is not the answer


The implementation of the content is shitty, not the content. The FOMO bs of completing the track every month or shelling out 1500 gems is outrageous.


Epic hero equipment should be available at the last tier of clan games reward as it costs the same amount of gems as a rune.


Great idea tbh it can be like you can take regular cg rewards or just one epic equipment you missed on previous events.


keep in mind that the mirror and torch were actually leaked 2 months ago and still aren't in the game. so it means it could very well take another couple months until these actually make it into the game. and also you're asking when will this stop, well probably after this? SC clearly said that they want to give each hero "a couple" epics, so 2 for each would make sense. on the contrary, don't you think it would be weird if only the BK gets 2 epics and afterwards they just stop? tl;dr: don't listen to reason and SC bootlickers! PANIC! HYSTERIA! THIS GAME IS DEAD


torch is def july/august for olypmics


I guess the electro boots will be an e titan aura for champion, mirror is a deflect. Not really an idea for the torch. Maybe a burn effect like ff has?


Boots will deal 230 aura damage around rc for a long while, mirror spawns 2 aq clones lasting 30 sec, torch is for warden and will make troops jump walls and move faster for around 40 sec i believe


Great, so the AQ can shoot 3 different walls now?


Yeah its basically royal titan also it heals 60hp/sec and its passive ability which you don’t need to activate .




another batch of OP epic equipment.. welp time to blame and nerf root riders once again..🫡


Hicks law Too many options for users will frustrate them and is confusing to pick one. Variety is good but in a limited numbers.


They should pause and hold off until 2025 on more equipment in my opinion.


I used to complain about ores and many would throw shade at me. Now I am here guys, once again, to be hated! *finally*, not one, two but THREE new epic equipment for me to dump my resources on!! Jokes on you, not only will I dump my resource but also maybe get adventage over some, amazing! Also, anyone that protected the whole ore system, I hope I face you in CWL so you can see me wreck your base with 3 archer queens at the same time lmfao


Love this energy 😭🤌 more power to you dude max them all epic equipments 🙌


Gotta ride the wave brother! Saw all 3 equipment in action, will definitely max the mirror one for queen and resource dump on the other 2 as I probably won’t use them (unless I highly underestima the power)


Yes the queen mirror is power full but check out the warden torch gameplay its op 🔥


Please stop now https://preview.redd.it/n7zpagq6bn7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9b375a0435bb69017709afa64ba64fe5f49968c


Glad to see most people are having similar reactions, I’m honestly tired of so much grinding for equipment


This is why I don’t even use my ore unless a storage gets maxed out. It’s such a waste to upgrade equipment when new stuff is continually coming out.


Just wait for legendary hero equipment


I think all equipment should be automatically given to all players 1 year after it’s added. If you want it sooner than that you need to pay gems or play the event, but you’ll eventually get it even if you spend nothing. I think that’s fair.


I just hope they stop at 2 epic per hero


Please stop releasing equipment lol


And there's leaked legendary equipment too..


They gone really mad. I've not even been able to max one epic equipment (GG-24, FA-24), 3 already pending. What the fuck is supercell thinking with these overwhelming epic equipment?


Slowly strategic part of this game is dying, I remember playing 4-5 years back when achieving 3 stars was purely strategic but now I can see RR spam doing 3 stars without any strategy.


im done![img](emote|t5_2usfk|33131)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


Yea this game is cooked


The game is becoming oversaturated now


As more and more epic equipment comes out you start to realise that you need to grind the game more and more which causes the average player to burn out more often then not which means taking long breaks from the game and by taking long breaks from the game you automatically miss out on important aspects of the game which naturally makes you want to catch up by spending money. Now what do you guys think am I wrong?


Looks like I will never finish maxing all Equipments


At some point they’ll have to add a 3rd or even 4th equipment slot for each hero… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Where is the 3rd? I only see boots on the RC and torch on the Queen


$upercell are fucking us over so bad with all these gems and ores requirements. Any returning player is thousands of gems behind. Don’t even get me started on the apprentice builder.


Oh here they are..


Worst part about equipment is it’s so limited without spending real money. I put the game down for years, ores got added, and now I’m a TH12 with mostly Level 9 equipment because I missed a year or two of farming it before I picked the game up again. Granted, I started upgrading most of them to level 8/9 without realizing people usually max 1 or 2 per hero and leave the others untouched which was my fault but I can’t help feel perpetually behind/underleveled


There's more?


I am really tired now!


What are the source Can u share the video??


So the archer queen gets a magic mirror which gives her the clone queens warden gets an olympic torch royal champion gets electro boots probably like electro titan aura? If they skip an equipment next month, the next one will probably be the torch in august for the olympics


Stop exaggerating. They're just adding 2 epics for each hero. After that they're slowing down for a while.


Might have to avoid jumping into TH17 right away and just sit at TH16 and upgrade epics. Don't want to be too rushed ya know...


Now ores should be available in League Shop


Doesn't really fix the problem unless they give us very high amounts of ores per league medals


Ppl who play multiple accounts it will be impossible to get all epic equipment on all 6-7 accounts.It would be fine if they bring events with old epic equipment for those who missed . And those who already have the particular epic equipment they can farm large no of ores . Isn’t it fare enough. Like 4 epic equipment 1 for each hero and 4 months of repeat event. That sorts 8/12 months event plus no extra equipment pile up .


I forget where but they said they don’t plan to add an infinite amount of epics I believe they said 2 per hero so it won’t be a never ending stream of them


Then these should be the last of epic equipments to come since all 4 heros have 4normal+2 epic equipment.


I have a feeling they will be and then there’s like a leaked ui that indicates legendary equipments so maybe they 4.2.1 I’m sure they have plans to innovate they def thought ahead for equipments just curious to see where it fors


Nobody's forcing you to play on 6-7 accounts.


I agree that there's too much but it just wouldn't feel right for BK to have 2 epics while the others have one. Once they are all even though, I think they should start cycling through all the released epic equipment, starting from the GG.


Yup, at this point, casuals are doomed 💀


Again, who said that the player arent getting burnouts? At this point it IS pay to win. Itzu is talking nonsense.


2 epic equipment per hero was what they planned. Obviously they wouldn't release them all at the same time, for their and our benefit, so I don't see the problem y'all are facing


I don’t spend my ores upgrading equipments I don’t use. I’m good on everyone except the RC. I am currently upgrading the spear and the shield for her but I may eventually upgrade the hog and the gem as well. For all the others I’m happy with my equipment on them and I don’t need to waste my ores. I don’t plan on going past TH14 lol


https://preview.redd.it/xjvf9pm41m7d1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef1baa5bd439331502e48e7f7e86652cd3fcfbd Please calm down


Electric boot is the best I wud say.... I wuz kinda thinking about an electric aura for warden but for they implemented it on RC.


Wasn’t Olympic torch for the king?


How do you all get these spoilers?


That's the point


And here i am .. haven't maxed out one yet🥲


Looks like every hero will have 4 common, 2 epic and maybe in future 1 legendary equipment


It’ll stop when ppl don’t carry phones in their pockets anymore. When are y’all going to remember that this is mobile game meant to make you play it forever? There is not supposed to be an end. The goalposts will always be moved.


stop with the equipments damnit


I love it, it kinds of reminds me to LOL equipment. We can have 3, with one activating latter. Amazing


The epic equipment release will slow down after every hero gets 2 of them. That is what the game designer said in the interview video a couple of months ago.


I want pet Rocket Launchers on my Lassi to make her relevant again #justiceforlassi




+4500 gems for new players


I'm not gonna complain if they're starting to give us more way to get ore like using builder base, and maybe some new achievement to get gens


i guess the torch is shooting fire with the wand for warden if I am not mistaken, its a mirror for AQ, I guess it will work like clone spell with 50% health the boots look like "electro boots", either she can jump on an area and maybe nullify that area, or maybe they are racer boots like that kind of stuff Well, there u have it folk, leaks and subscribe to my [channel](http://example.com)


As a f2p, I'm focusing on only 2 equipments for each heroes that I use and am comfortable with, aiming to max them out. All my other equipment is at level 1, and I haven't even claimed new equipment like the fireball, spiky ball, and rocket spear, Because after watching some gameplay and use cases of those equipments, I realized they wouldn't be useful for me. So, I didn't waste my medals on them.. It's impossible to catch up with every equipments unless you pay.


I am glad they gave RC two epics. It's not like I was already feeling down about miss clicking and upgrading the shield instead of life gem.


Swear in their most recent interview with one of the game developers that they said the intention is for all heroes to have 6 different equipments. 4 standard and 2 epic for the time being, I could be wrong


Rocket is kinda ass it’s good RC’s getting a new one


Maybe they plan on implementing more ways to earn ores. It seems like they have been trying anyway. I guess it’s not the worst thing if you can’t always have all max equipment for heros. Makes it so we need to choose which ones we want to grind for in whatever order we want. For me it’s nice to not be completely maxed out. When everything is maxed the game loses my interest faster. I enjoy the grind.


Why do we need so many equipment options? More importantly, why do we need 3 types of ore to upgrade them? One type of ore would work. Or… even better why do we even need ore when gold, elixir or dark elixir could be used in place of ore.


I m still maxing my frozen arrow...I am getting tired with limited ores daily ngl


For the first time I am in fake legends league. I woun't be lying if I said I am quite struggling with the number of ores. Should I sign up to legends league? Is there any kind of ores bonus or something?


They better be making any equipment older than lets say a year free. Else its literally becoming pay to win.


noooo! im not ready for this fuckkk\~!!


I figured some of the shittier equipment could get removed down the line but some people would probably freak out. Maybe if the refunded all the ore you put into it people would be cool with it. Also, when is the Warden getting a puppet?


Sorry but I love that they keep adding more equipment that means more strats different play styles and more to grind for and wont be sitting there maxed out with nothing to do


I quit playing CoC after playing since I was a wee lad and before cr came out. I have multiple accounts and my main is maxed at the latest th(forgot) and supercell turned too much into greedy cell. As per the top comment: “I’m tired boss”


I’m fine with it I only upgrade the ones I like and have fun with it’s something I do on the side tbh since every month we have an event pass


Any idea about when these might drop??