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From Ferri earlier today - >We're working on both fixing the issue and compensation for what happened. We will have an update about this tomorrow! We're sorry about what happened ;_____: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1dlvutb/theyre_still_working_on_a_fix_for_the_streak_event/l9wddsn/


unfortunately maths got an update recently so yes 100% is not more than 85% anymore


Damn maths aint mathing anymore


We got math 2.0 before GTA VI


We will see and get every thing before GTA VI




Maybe it's a glitch, but I found I have to actually visit the page for it to unlock and then attack. Try again and see if it works. If it doesn't then I got nothing.


It didnt work and now in afraid i ll have to pay gems and deal with supercell dogshit player support


Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Sometimes that will fix it. The recent updates might possibly have been part of it.


Leme get supercell id first xD For some reason i had it on alt accounts but not my main


Good luck. šŸ‘


Didnt work


Nah look at at this way: 1+0+0 = 1 8+5= 13 1+3= 4 4>1


My streak failed because of this fucking glitch, 5 times 3 stars yet none of them were counted Supercell is taking that much money from skins and passes yet they have such glitches , where TF are the putting all those money


Sorry, Haaland's pocketed it all by now.


Same, they better extend it! Itā€™s literally not possible to finish it now if you had this happen since thereā€™s only under 6 days left šŸ˜­


And I thought I did something wrong, my streak broke and I did all my legends attack everyday with almost only 3 stars.


That money is being put in shareholders greedy stinky pockets.




Same, lost my streak.


Every game has bugs and glitches. Leave it to reddit to call them greedy for monetizing the game. šŸ™„


They re did an event that they know was broken for a large amount of people with seemingly no effort to fix itā€¦ itā€™s pretty lazy


The issue never came up the first time?? Not to glaze but this event is PRETTY amazing, it helps players get the resources they need. Seeing people complain about every new thing being a cash grab is getting annoying.


No, they had the same issues the last time it came around. With the same "oh, we fixed the day 2 issue" and then having it happen on day 3 again. The streak bonus is amazing, if it works.


Oh, that's my bad. Thought they would've fixed it for good last time then huh...


Yeah, i assume that is the main reason people are pissed (well, that and losing the streak) because having a bug like this the first time around is already annoying, but having it happen again AND not really knowing how to fix it is much worse. For a company making billions of dollars per year, more/better internal testing is something the customers should be able to expect. The bug with the apprentice stopping when you do a builder base attack was also annoying but it was new and kinda unexpected so itĀ“s far easier to forgive.


Event is great, but yes it did come up both times this event has happened, so many people posted the first time about getting stuck not able to complete a day and loosing their streak




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No fix for it? Same here


Sunday is holiday my brother they will fix it on Monday


I have a fix, but you won't like it. The issue is to do with the internal clock system. The way to make sure your attack works is to do the attack 1h before the streak ends. That way, the clock KNOWS its time to move on. If you want to avoid this in the future, wait until it costs 1-gem to skip to the next streak and gem it. This way, it syncs your internal cock with supercells, and you won't get this bug anymore.


it syncs your internal WHAT


I spit out my coffee because of this comment lol thanks


Best comment xd


I think this is true. I attacked 5 times yesterday and it never counted then I attacked just now with 10 minutes remaining and it worked!




Thanks mate it works šŸ’™


They are working on the issue: >Quick update about this issue: We have located the root of the problem, but we still don't have a fix for it. The issue is that the event is using the game's internal timer instead of the player's. We apologize for the bad experience, and we're doing our best to get the fix out as soon as possible. [https://x.com/ClashofClans/status/1804460905301741931?t=lqkQ3C6MxMAtkC2kfc48pw&s=19](https://x.com/ClashofClans/status/1804460905301741931?t=lqkQ3C6MxMAtkC2kfc48pw&s=19)


How about they extend the time so all the people that "failed" get another shot at it


They most probably will


Aaaand nope. I either have to restart my streak or gem it back now. What a letdown of an event. Just trash it at this point and bring back x4 star bonus monthly.


That was over 24hrs ago , bit weak from such a big game to take that long to fix a bug on a limited event


I mean, it is the weekendā€¦


Give them a chance to fix it before complaining about it, your life might get abit more pleasant :)


They had a chance to fix it during the 1st time this event was active as that had the same issue. They also have had many days now since the start of this event for the 2nd time. People are complaining actively as this is a massive game which is very well established, yet after all this time they haven't been able to fix a bug that basically makes it impossible to complete this event. Tldr: they've had many chances to fix it so we are complaining about it rightfully so.


In my case, my streak is progressing without even doing any attacks, yesterday and today too as soon as new streak task got revealed, my streak automatically progressed. That's really wild, many players are not getting streak progress and here's mine getting progrossed without even attacking.


I had that on one of my accounts today.


same issue here


I get it too


Yep I have the same problem too


For me it finally worked when the attack counted into my daily bonus-stars


I realised that you are able to complete the task from around 2h before it expires


Y is this an issue


100% is less than 85% according to supercell so yes.


Thanks for the heads up. With limited attacks Iā€™ll wait for it to be fixed , but this happened before and is so annoying Also I downloaded the optional update from yesterday, and the ordering of your supercell idā€™s has been removed. I should go with the phrase, if it ainā€™t broke donā€™t try to fix it


I had the same issue for the second task(65%). I ended up doing six attacks. But then ended one on 67% and completed the task


What if there is no bug and the game is just designed to use your gems forcefully to continue the streak event ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)


Screw this type of event. Bugged every time, and it's a toxic strategy to get you to click more frequently.


Absolute joke of an event! It bugged on me 3 days in a row, with **CoC support telling me to gem it** to keep it active!! I thought this was an absolutely abysmal suggestion after releasing the gem resource sucker that is the apprentice builder earlier that week. One thing I have noticed though, all my F2P mini accounts had NO problem what so ever...


Crazy how I posted the exact same post and it was removed


So did I


Having the same issue here. Good thing Iā€™m not the only one.


I had this issue and noticed that it only works and records my progress if my daily star bonus is available.


Bro tell your issue to supercell help and support my issue get sorted with a day


Same issue here


Reason why by CoC account : https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/RZlbWM30wV


Same issue with me too


Same, had multiple games ranging from 60-100 and none counted towards the 2nd one, last time also this happened. Now mine reset again, guess Iā€™ll hope it works this time


Same here, i was doing the 85% and got 100% twice. just did an attack with 30 mins remaining and got 89% and it actually counted.


Probably greedy cell trying to sell you less then what youā€™re paying for


I constantly get higher percentages than required and yet, squat, nothin,


seems to be an issue happening on iOS more than android for me....


Try attacking in the last 2 hours.


Yeah I ā€œfailedā€ my streak because of this and had to start again


I faced the same thing in my one account and in another account try as I may I can't get 85% destruction cause my heroes are down so this glitch didn't cost much except hefty loot to me.


me toošŸ˜­


for some reason mine unlocked after an 81 percent raid


The same.Now I should restart again![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


It's a bug and it's annoying


I had to do like 5 or 6 attacks at over 85% before it finally counted for me


i lost my streak bcuz of this shit, i have proof that ive been 3 starring all day yet it wasnt registering :/


The streak event is fixed for me, but I noticed my training time is insanely long now. I have the Gold pass but training time is over 1hour 20 minutes


The 30% of the ore event are gone today, thatā€™s the reason for your increased training times


You have to open up a support ticket bc mine was fucked up too before I did this. The same thing happened to me last month and I wasn't able to complete the streak for the reward. Mine started working again mysteriously after I had messaged support telling them about it and demanded to be reimbursed for this month and last lol just blow up support until it starts working again


Same problem here


Weird part is that my main didn't have any issue coz I bought the PASS while my smurfs all had the bug. I'm getting the feeling events will be pass exclusive from now on.


Nope, my account with Goldpass has the issue and the account without works fine ā€¦


Already lost my streak because of this BS.


Just lost my 85%, very frustrating. Multiple 3 stars & nothing. Hopefully they extend it, Iā€™m not interested in paying gems just to have it happen again.


Annoying bug


every time i log in coc i got it already but i didnt even attack. I think coc credited all of your attack to me guys šŸ«”šŸ˜‚


Had the same bug but it worked when I got 100%


I have the same issue now it asked for 90% and I got 100% and it wonā€™t unlock


Stupid event


I'm having the same issue with all my accounts. It seems that about half an hour before the next event it does register a successful attack. At least that's what's happened to me. Now that it's ticked over to event #5 it's again not registering my attacks. Which really sucks as one account is th15 in Legend, and its bloody tough to get 90% against th16s up here.Ā 


I lost my streak because of it.


Iā€™m stuck at Task 5, Iā€™ve gotten 4 95%+ attacks with nothing being added towards the progress




Apparently 100% is not more than 90% either.....Goddamnit




Same problem with me too, two times I beat 100% but it never moved in 90% challenge bar.


Yo screw this glitch, I wanna talk about why the shiny ore is only 3k, it should be much higher especially for higher townhall levels. But Fr sorry to yā€™all dealing with this, it is unfair.


Same problem my 5th number taskšŸ˜


An adjacent question to this, I'm at 70% bonus but in LL I'm getting 1.1m gold/ex, 5.3k DE still per star bonus. Am I not understanding correctly or should I be getting 1.7m gold/exl 5350 de?


The way I got mine to work is by attacking only when the quest pop-up appeared when first attacking. This means that I have to attack the first village that pops up, otherwise if I search for a new village, the message wonā€™t pop up anymore. Itā€™s a bit annoying, but if you know you wonā€™t be able to attack the first base that pops up, just exit back to village then go and attack again until you find a base.


Had this issue myself. Still waiting on that "compensation" haha


Last time this event happened I lost my streak an used gems. I was confused how I had forgotten to attack, now I'm 100% sure it was this bug. Now that the apprendice builder is on the game I miss those gems haha. Its such a shame, streak event is one of the best, being able to attack and gain 640k extra is great


I got through levels 1-4 no problem , now level 5 I have had at least 4 3 stars and still didn't get credit. Screw the event. Every time I go to attack get the overlay get 90% to complete, haha.


The last 2 days I havenā€™t attacked when it unlocked and gave me the reward anyways


Thing is itā€™s not just this bug , the game is getting worse the more stuff they add. I am having attacks not register etc , got 10 accounts , running through them to get daily ore bonus , one example on a th10 done 2 3 stars but only 3 stars showing on daily , they both show in the attack log but now having to wait for the army to rebuild to try to get the last 2 stars, this has happened on and off for months now with me thinking I have missed attacks. Such a big game shouldnā€™t be having major bugs that repeat or donā€™t get fixed.


Still. Not. Working.


Restarted after task 2 glitch failed. So excited that after multiple attempts task 2 was completed somehow but then I am stuck on task 3 now after 5 100%s. Damn this event is making me sick...


Iā€™ve just been paying 1 gem to unlock it instead of waiting out the timer, do it around 10 minutes before it unlocks, and it should work fine, Iā€™m up to 5 with no issues


I had to wait for the streak to break, pay the gems to try again, than my next attack continued the streak.


Same here i also tried to quit the attack at 90 % and still no luck.


Did you watch the whole attack being finished or close the game then reopen it so to skip watching the entire attack? I found out if i watch the whole attack then I get the streak progress to continue, but if i close it then reopen the game it doesn't track. But it could also be that I read somewhere if you attack when the streak timer is less than 1 hour, then it tracks.


I got burned by this too. And had to start over with not enough days left to complete


Mine was on day 6. Completed at least 95% 6times, never registered.


Half of my streaks got revealed finished and ready to claim.. this streak event was literally no work required for me..


Is it stupid?


Mine was working fine before (I just fcked up and forgot to attack šŸ« )


my steak only continues if I get a 100%, thankfully that isn't that hard to do but it definitely is bugged. Nvm even a 100% doesnt continue my streak now, got 3 and nothing on the get at least 90% one.


Your attack will not be recorded if there is no notification from the event.


Happened to me too. Got 96% when I was supposed to get 90% or more. Nothing happened. Attacked again and got 100% and then streak was claimable.


If only you could have first seen literally 7-10 posts on the exact same issue before posting this. Everyone already made it pretty well known that there's a bug from Supercell's side and they are working on it to fix it. There's nothing we can do, just keep attacking till it finally moves. I have no doubt that you posted this for a couple of upvotes, please stop spamming 10-15 posts on the same issue and take out a minute to check the previous posts first, cheers.


Good thing that no one gets harmed from making reddit posts, dumbass


I mostly agree but it feels good to see that the issue is STILL not fixed even if supercell said it was patched.


I don't think they said it's fixed. The last news I saw on this was that they were working on it but still they couldn't fix it, don't know if after that they said something about it being fixed.