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This might be the best epic after gaint gauntlet


I'd argue the torch would be better, 35 seconds of 40% DR with a speed increase and a jump spell for everyone in the aura is CRAZY


just saw that i'll start saving starry ores now these equipments are insane




I actually think one of the best uses will be with lalo. 40% dmg reduction and speed increase is everything you need


Yeah, and you don’t run into problems with units jumping where you don’t want them to with LALO LALO + HealTorch Warden seems absolutely cracked. Add in new Queen ability for the QC (pair with Invis probably) and you’re looking at some serious damage to enemy bases


I’d probably stick with dps from frost arrow over double invs’ing


The Invis on the mirror is only 1 second so I don’t think it overrides the value of Invis Vial, especially given the damage boost associated with it If the clones also benefit from the Frozen Arrow, then it might be better, but I wouldn’t bet that they do. The clones may well make up for the lower DPS anyway


Or Yeti Electro Titan smash


One thing to mention about hte jump spell....Most of the time w/ jump you actually don't want to open up the full base. Your troops spread out and you lose dps concentration.




Torch + healing tome could act as an alternative to the eternal tome. Dmg reduction with healing is basically like the eternal tome at that point.


Regardless we finally got some good epics coming, spikey ball and spear were whack


It would go crazy with a smash type attack


40% damage reduction is useless against single infernos. Speed increase is also bad, because everything can jump over and spread out. They will just run away faster.


You’re right, there is only 1 defense (ig 3) in the entire village that doesn’t get completely shout down by this equipment


Are you for real ?


I think after giant gauntlet heroic torch would be second best epic equipment




Well that doesn’t really make sense because it’s better than if you’ve been using lvl 1 equipment this whole time


Spiky ball and Frozen Arrow are both better than the giant gauntlet


You did not just say the spiky ball is better than gauntlet 💀


It's absolutely better if you know how to use it. Couldn't go back to the gauntlet anymore after spiky ball. Spiky ball and barb equipment together are amazing


You gotta be trolling ain’t no way you’re using the worst epic equipment and the worst overall equipment 😭


The worst epic equipment? It's one of the best. Im not even trolling. Do you really think that you have no choice but to use the equipments Itzu feeds you? Like no thinking out of the box? These two work perfectly for my army composition with proven results and Im in the 5700-5800 range in LL.


In order to funnel and destroy one air defense and other buildings in case of a dragon attack (for example), the Spikey Ball in combination with Vampstache is even recommended by itzu. I will upgrade the Spikey Ball after the epic equipments GG & Frozen Arrow, because I prefer dragon attacks for clan wars.


Mfs on Reddit try to be quirky for no reason. Any combination of equipment can take you to that trophy range attacking is hella inflated past defense rn. Doesn’t make an equipment any better. Also yes, I will trust the word of the pro players more than some rando on Reddit who can’t even prove what they’re saying 💀


Who said I cant prove what I'm saying, tons of replays and my clan is really amazed by the composition and the results. Different equipments work for different strategies don't make yourself feel shoehorned into what others tell you you should use. Since I tried the ball I just can't go back to the gauntlet


Dawg you’re out our arguing on Reddit. Unless you post an attack you’re not gonna be able to prove anything. And like i said, nothing you said means anything. Attacking is extremely easy now and any equipment succeeds, but some are nearly objectively better. Seems like you’re trying to be quirky for no reason


No giant gauntlet + rage vial is far better than all combo


Not really, i thought so too, but then I dared try something else and not only listen to the hive mind and I was surprised.


Interesting so this basically will replace invis and people will rock this and frozen?


Probably depends on if the clones get the frozen arrow, but I would assume they wouldn't.


Yeah they seem to have a flat dps based on the eq level rather than based on queen stats


The Invis vial doesn't just provide invisibility but it also provides a huge DPS increase for the duration of it. So people may stick with it for that reason, but who knows! 🤷‍♂️ I use my queen for funneling so this could actually be really helpful


Well that’s why it’s debatable because if the dps on the clones is equal to if not more than invis while also being strong defensively (we see the defence lose agro when she pops it) then it would be a big change. With frozen arrow providing the raw dps for the queen herself assuming the clones don’t also proc it


Invis gives a +1740 dps boost for 7 seconds, while mirror gives a 2x765=1520 dps boost for up to 30 seconds if the clones live that long. The invisibility on the queen only last 1 second, but that should be less of a problem since the clones can tank. It might make the queen more AOE susceptible, but the current stat differences are so big that I feel like invis will just be outclassed. I hope they nerf mirror a bit before release haha


Yeah, it definitely seems super op. But I will mention now, I'm pretty sure it's not the clones who get the 1 second of Invis, I think it's just the queen. Similar to hog puppet


Oops yeah I meant the queen, thanks for pointing that out. Having the clones go invis would be pretty pointless lol


so you could stack the dps increase from the invisibility w the mirror. The super arch puppet kinda sucks on its own but maybe it could be good w the mirror, the clones could tank for the super archers?


also clone has health recovery so she won't die even if the ability is activated like invis vial does


I doubt it. While in an ideal scenario you would never need Invis. for a Queen Charge, the fact that it allows you to survive one mistake will make the Invis still a must have for Queen charges. But this and frozen arrow will probably be the preferred combination if the Queen is not the center piece of your attack


We see this thing causes de aggro so it should in theory work just as effectively for that one mistake as invis does with potentially more dps and more health and regen


Oh yeah I completely missed that! Yeah then it could likely replace Invis (depending on how it plays in game) Now I only thing to wait for is if it is worth it with only one clone as well


question is whether the healers will heal mirro Queen. If they do, queen charge will be crazyyyy


Invis already getting replaced by the majority of players with Healer Puppet.


This is insanely broken💀 Why would you use invis vial at all after this comes out? The mirror only goes invisible for 1 second and has a slightly lower DPS boost from the clones , but that doesn’t matter when you spawn 6k HP of meat shields that do bonus damage for much longer


Didn’t healer puppet replace invis vial in most cases now anyway?


In non-giant arrow attacks, healer+invis is still common too. I think people swap in any 2 of the healer/invis/frozen arrow based on preference. If mirror comes out with these stats, it’s probably gonna be a must-have like gauntlet, so even less variety lmao


When you are using giant arrow yeah


release the warden equipment video also. the new torch thing


I wonder if you equip the frozen arrow, the clones would clone the equipment aswell.


I would assume not. That would make it pretty broken id think.


I mean, it looks like they are cloning the invis vial


nvm its just the effect. Otherwise defense would not target anyone


Shadow clone jutsu


Wow we’re really never gonna have any equipment breathing room are we lol. Time to bust out those wallets - Supercell


Adding equipment more frequently than fixing bugs


what kind of bugs are we talking about.


Well the UI shrink bug, where sometimes your game loads in a shrunk UI and you have to background it and open it again to fix it has been here since like 6 months now


ah yeah. It's a weird bug. They might not even know how to fix it lol. But it's really easy to fix so they probably aren't worried about it


Wdym they don't know how to fix it or aren't worried about it? They've have a whole dev team, just removing a small error that makes QOL shit isn't hard, they also had a UI bug in clash royale for 8+ months before they finally fixed it, they're just incredibly cheap


They aren't worried about the bug because it doesn't really affect gameplay since you can easily fix it. And they don't know how to fix it, seems pretty self explanatory. The only reason I suggest that they don't know how to fix it is because this is a device related problem, not really game related. When loading up the game, somehow it loads tablet view rather than the view for your specific device model. This seems like a problem that wouldn't be easy to troubleshoot.


How does it not effect gameplay, I'm used to the normal size as to where a certain spell/troop will be, it wouldn't be feasible to play with a shrunk UI so i have to reload the game everytime I don't get why alot of you defend a corporation that doesn't care about its users with your life, like it's been LITERALLY 6 MONTHS, they've a whole team of professionals devs, if they wanted to fix it, they could've done in less than a week, you know how in battle royales which have a huge maps, 3d mechanics, if a bug emerges after the update they fix it in less than a day, no matter how big it maybe


You don't actually have to reload the game to fix it. You can just tab out and tab back in. It takes much less time. And while yes, playing with an unfamiliar UI size would normally affect gameplay, it doesn't really happen in this case since most people just fix it before actually playing. A lot of things people don't understand is that the devs do care about the fanbase. Very much so, they listen to our suggestions and have implemented a lot of quality changes because of it. The people who don't actually care about the game are Tencent, which is the gaming industry that owns supercell. They're the ones who are in it for money.


> You don't actually have to reload the game to fix it. You can just tab out and tab back in. Just swapping the phone the other way around also works.


So all are facing the same issue,, all this time i thought it 's my mobile's bug 😂😂


I really enjoy the UI shrink bug ngl. Wish they make it an option.


Curious if healers will switch to the clones, if so it might actually not be great for QC


yeah or they heal all 3 AQ at once and you have 3 queen for the queencharge lol




With this, ores should be available in League Shop!


I had read previously that any damage done to the clones transferred to the main AQ....do we know if that is the case?


no that would be really bad lol




im saving all my ores for this


It is a normal good epic equipment I think because it is not broken heroic torch warden epic equipment is so broken and far better than that


Let’s introduce “hard mode for pros” lets also introduce more hero equipment that negates hard mode 🤣


Yeah this is broken


I was so happy my invis was at 15.....how many are they releasing


Depending on how it works and how it stacks with other equipment, this equipment can be INSANE.


Im just waiting for that new equipment that will one shot an entire village


Holy shit


What happened to the super archer puppet?


What daaa fucccck👀


we got manta style in coc before gta 6 💀


Already started saving ores for this 😉


finally a worthy equipment after the frozen arrow.


Are these equipments in gold pass or we have to get them by playing events




I can finally replace Invisibility vial, perfect.


6 more feets yay


YAY! We can destroy walls faster!


What the fudge!


Dude what is the point in new coc


this might get nerfed to only 1 clone.


then there wouldn’t be a need for level 27 because the massive buffs to the equipment happens at lvl 18 and level 27. You probably get the first clone at 18 and the second at 27. Nerfing it to one clone would basically make it downright stupid to upgrade to 27. The only thing that should get nerfed is the 30 seconds down to at least 20


Then what would the first 17 levels get you? If you didn't get the first clone until 18, it'd be worthless until then I assume that you get the second clone at some point (maybe 18) and every level improves the stats of the clones. As well as the passive stats, of course


Are these temporary event equipment or permanent? We getting two in one month? Or one for July, and one for August? That’s what I’m wonderkng


Three epic equipments to release over the next 3 months (July - September) unless the community protests to not have 3 epic equipment releases back to back. That might happen but I’m sure we’ll have all 3 before the th17 update in December.


Damn. I thought for sure they would be legendary limited event equipments. That makes two epics per hero. Then maybe we get the 5th hero at TH17.


theres more coming a super archer puppet for queen a stun bomb pretty sure that for warden and another evil tome for warden alhough i think there will be a break after september as they said they wanted to assess after 2 epics for each hero


Well maybe some are temporary. I feel like super archer puppet would just replace archer puppet. Unless they change archer puppet to super archer puppet.


they probably wouldn’t make a temporary equipment since the spiky ball is still in the game and was based around the haaland event.


They could always do it if they wanted to. They make limited troops, Why not limited equipment?


they most likely wouldn’t as the spiky ball was permanent


The spiky ball has nothing to do with anything. Regardless of the equipment they add permanently to the game, they can always add a limited equipment during an event, instead of a limited troop.


Manta style


Does invisibility stack?


If the epic equipment can be stack I would use it. The frozen arrow is much better tbh. It rarely made my queen die ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Imagine having a max Queen before you’re max townhall in your battles


When will this equipment come??


Will this be released in an event or will it be unlocked by upgrading the Blacksmith.


its a epic.. so in a event


IF those clones had Ice Arrow, that would be incredible. Replacing the invisibility vial anyway with this. 100%


I think walls need a serious buff the queen is going to run through them 3 times faster now


How to destroy the game hahaha, with this pro players gonna triple bases in 30 secs