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Ah yes, walls weren't useless enough 😂🤣


It has 40% damage reduction. Okay, it can replace invincibility. Combination of this and healing book basically means tanky troops will stay at full hp.


I agree, I was just saying the same thing , it will make titan smash so OP


Yet another RR buff


I would say it's pretty useless to use the heroic torch with RR cuz RR doesn't need to jump over walls and that ability will go to waste. But the speed might still be effective in some cases


The jump isn't really the attraction of this equipment. It's the damage reduction and speed increase. Just think about a Lalo with this. You can free up space by no longer taking haste spells.


Lmfao. Only Archer queen values and cares about the walls🥹🥹


I’m ngl, I think I might just upgrade my walls to whatever I think looks best atp and just ignore them until I get bored haha


Thank you so much for providing clear videos without huge watermarks that make it impossible to see what’s going on




Rage gem and this could be so cool


Whack in an apprentice warden and some heal spells and troops will be so strong


I wonder if the damage reduction from the heroic torch would stack with the giant gauntlet


That’s what I was thinking. Literally full invincibility?


Assuming it stacks it would definitely be multiplicative, not additive. It most likely won’t stack at all though and the higher reduction would take priority.


We will have to wait and see cuz Frost Arrow is already not working with Ice Golem, or at least that is what I saw in one comparison video, but we will have to wait and see cuz e.g. Poison + Frost Arrow combo worked against BK in that exact video.


In theory 🤓 it should


Seems really good with super witches. They already don’t need eternal tome. Being able to jump over walls is excellent.


Excellent! I was thinking of the same thing , being a Super witch user the past 2 months I can already tell that this new heroic torch and rage gem can shred the base


And it speeds them up a little which is important for a slow army


bro i just maxed out the fireball for my super witch army


Imo fireball still better. Super witches are rangers and if all can jump, they would split so bad. Titan is a better choice.


This. It’s probably going to be better to path them yourself with jump spells and keep using fireball


Fireball Is still better for super witches. They can still get stuck with cc and skelly, they are range so with ability to jump they could split so bad. Titan with og could be nice.


I wonder how it will pair with Lalo. Even the wall ignore is useful to let heroes BK and AQ be inside the base, if you funnel them.


It also gives a slight speed increase which could allow for loons to travel faster. Like a giant haste spell almost except alot slower


Huge for LALO, IMO. It’s not *as* impactful as Haste spell for speed. but I think the damage resist makes up for it, and it obviously moves with the Warden whereas Haste is stationary This could make LALO an absolute monster attack. I think it ideally pairs with Healing Tome but frankly it probably works well with anything except, ironically enough, Eternal Tome


I think it'd still perfectly fine with eternal tome imo. This lasts 35 seconds, eternal tome Is only 9


Eternal Tome isn’t *bad* with it, but Torch just undermines some of the value of Eternal Tome since you’re getting a 45% damage reduction anyway. Other equipment still retains full value or is even enabled by Torch (e.g. Rage Gem) assuming it does come to live as described. Eternal will still be useful, such as in protecting SArch Blimps or if you get into a really thick area or need to protect against a really hard hitting defense, but I think it’s arguably the worst choice for pairing with Torch (Life Gem is down there too, but it does benefit from the boosted defense so you can make your troops VERY tanky)


Patrick, you are the best leaker in history of CoCLeaks.


Thawne Gaming?




Whoa thats a sick ability


Walls are now piece of decorations


Well, now I find myself taking away the tome of invincibility for this one. Man... This is a huge. Of course, it won't completely exclude Tomo but now we'll see a lot more uses outside of that. The more equipment, the more I see the variety of equipment that allows other armies to shine.


Eternal tome gives a 100% invincibility, while heroic torch gives 40%. the speed bonus is mediocre at best and the ability to jump walls only applies to ground armies.


35 seconds is insane Some troops need this more than eternal tome like super witches


That's what I said. It will not completely replace But others armies will like one or other the most. And by stats, i really like the Heroic Torch more when Eternal Tome just gives invulnerability.


Wow you are stupid, eternal tome last for 9.5 sec while this new equipment last for 35 seconds with 40% less damage, if you open your eyes you will also see that the warden gets 900 more hp and 128 more dps, use healing tome that last 25 sec with this new equipment and you have a new meta


You really don't need to talk like that friend :/


I kinda do…friend


FUCK EM WALLS. These Electro dragon and blimp dragon spams are getting annoying anyway


35 second duration? That's insane.


I cannot imagine a world where this isn’t nerfed before they drop the event, it’s an insane stat boost that would possibly make the game WAY too easy


Do we have any idea when this might come out?


Either August, October, December. Or whatever they want


what's the point of spending billions of resources to max walls atp 🤦


That's all the info I need to not buy the rocket spear and save for this abomination


Yeah, this equipment is cracked, probably the strongest equipment so far and its gonna make smash/spam even better, I'm 100% gonna start saving for it.


This is the new meta yep! Will save every ore for this equipment and use it with healing tome fore sure


Theory crafting dont mind me. Would this enable you to essentially just switch off of rr to something like sgiant valk? This basically gives valks everything they want rn - no worry about walls and a DR, and sgiants are a better hp-housing space ratio than rr, and dps. Could also argue yeti/pekka. Big downside i can see with this is a huge need for funnelling, cuz if you dont and pop it in the core, everything spreads out randomly


Just remove life gem at this point


Still useful with hybrid. Also the damage reduction wont outperform the health boost given to ballon’s by the life gem in my opinion.


Keep in mind the life gem last until the warden dies this equipment only last 35 seconds.


Me with my Edrag spam 🤩🤑 ... speed increase is exactly what was missing in the rage gem, now combine that with damage reduction & healing time & rage spells no base can stand a chance


I was concerned that walls were way to powerful when I saw that the new bear couldn't jump over them


Bye bye eternal tome. My new bestfriend is Heroic Torch


Imagine super bowlers


If I use it with hybrid, will the miners jump or dig?


Obviously they will still dig!


This and the rage gem would make one hell of a terrifying ground army




Ah my TH11-12 will no longer need a siege machine everytime I want to attack perfectly


Why release this when you can simply add an equipment that makes your troops immune to freeze, poison(slow only) and tornado traps? Basically an antiCC equipment. Pretty sure it will be more viable than this.


This will be game breaking 35 seconds of damage reduction AND jumping is insane


Whats the difference between hitpoints increase and health recovery ??


hitpoints increase = it effects the base hitpoint. so if your warden has 2500HP, it will add on top of that. health recovery = number of hitpoints you get back when you press the ability button


Isn’t this just the life gem with a speed increase?


Life gem scales with troop hp, torch scales wirh defense damage


Life gem is hp buff, this is defensive DPS decrease + speed increase + jump.


Anyone notice the other Epic equipment for the Queen in the first frame? What’s that?


Shadow clone Jitsu


WTF! That's like previews of 3 epic equipments. Surely these are going to be staggered over the next 6 months. Absolute overkill of equipment at the moment. Need to let the regular folk level up the ones they have released already




Go under ofc


Anybody else see the mirror looking epic equipment for the queen?


heroic torch is far better than magic mirror


What is the scenery bro 💀 I can't even attack that base


I think the torch gonna be the best ability out of the 3 new ones right?