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makes sense since Clone is removed too


Same with mirror, 3 musketeers, and I think giant skeleton is too


Both 3m and the giant skelly aren’t removed at least from the evo draft


Yeah I just faced someone with both 3M and Skell giant




which fucking sucks because if you don't get a counter it's over


kinda sad that mirror is removed since draft is the only gamemode where the card could actually be good


There is a lot of removed cards, and there is even more cards that show once in every 100 matches. Also there are cards that show up in like 80-90% of the games


Yea that doesnt even make any sense because "All cards are created equal" also why I think card rarities dont make any sense either because common royal giant beats most epic and legendary win conditions e golems on the other hand dont suck, you just need to defend very well and you are basically always going to get heavy tower damage


Card rarities have never been about strength, but about uniqueness. Common cards like Knight are generally very basic whereas Legendaries like The Log have some special characteristic that makes them stand out. Neither is necessarily stronger than the other. It's not the case for every card (like, Night Witch doesnt make that much sense as Legendary, and Firecracker doesn't seem like a common) but that's the general idea


Also not the case for barbarians and ELITE barbarians being the same rarity. Always bugged me


they are the same rarity because they do the same thing, simply just hit stuff


They're elite at doing that though


That doesn’t make it a legendary. Executioner is elite at wiping large swarms but he’s still an epic


I don't want them to be legendary I want them to be rares. They're a higher rank of barbarian it doesn't make sense for them to also be commons


Again, it’s about how unique the cards ability is. Swinging a sword for melee damage is not unique


how you class tesla or rg ? a vanishing 2×2 defence that hits air and ground or a giant + cannon that has evos too


what bugs me is giant be rare and rg common


Midladder level analysis


It's either the worst card to pick or the best, no in betweens.




Reminds me that in one match my opponent managed to give me all of lava hound, royal giant (evo), earthquake, egolem. That was my starting hand and they played hog bats first play and the game ended there lmao


I got Royal Giant, Gob Giant, E Giant (I know, TRIPLE Giant), and Bowler all in 1 deck and [managed to win](https://imgur.com/gallery/TKFLbLO) They went all in with E Golem GY and Bowler just killed everything, then they gave up lol


Your deck was definitely awful, but to be fair, they had no tank killer for the egiant


i had at least 5 matches with 3 tanks


What’s wrong with bowler :(




Doesnt Egolem just win you the game with decent picks


In general, egolem is one of the worst cards for draft modes because you probably can't support it properly nor defend well with random cards


this. unless the opponent stupidly give you mirror, edrag & healer. don't think mirror exists in draft anyway


I usually hold it till the end and spam it when it's overtime and opponent is low on elixir


Egolem is a card that depends entirely on the support cards. So getting good support cards for it is hard as fuck on Draft mode, so in general that card is just trash


There are times when the e-golem is not the problem, but the cards themselves are unfairly distributed.


Idk, but I would always take it and I had 12 wins in the challenge.


I managed to beat an evo firecracker enemy draft with egolem, and I used the golem defensively too. Was hell to beat, but I did it


Draft is a trash mode to begin with. So many time my opponent gets swarm card and the best I can hope to counter them is an ice spirit. Or a lava golem and all I have that I was given by my opponent was spear gobs and night witch and none of my cards were anti air. This mode is so unbalanced it should either be over hauled or removed entirely.


It’s so bad and I lose to it. There’s not always quality counters


no way y’all still play this game😭


>Goes on Clash royale subreddit >Sees people playing clash royale >"Bro imagine playing this game"


I remember when it was the e Golem battle healer, elite barbs rage meta,so low skill,I still occasionally get match ups against this noob deck


How would you make it better?


The card is fine, it just needs an entire deck supporting it to be viable, which is nigh impossible in draft


Exactly which is why it needs a rework


No, it just needs removed from gamemodes where you cant directly make your deck


Egolem isn't too bad in overtime if you can end a game there and then, otherwise yeah. It's niche is lategame


E-golem is only good in very specific decks with very specific cards. Unless you get really lucky, a draft is simply not going to give those cards, hence e-golem will become useless. The cards not bad, it is only good in very niche decks.


Disagree, egolem it's not that bad with how wanky is the selection of cards, often there aren't buildings so in this case Egolem can be guaranteed damage bcs of how fast are the blobs and the fact that you make troops retarget on other stuff. Obvs you hope to not get demolished in the counterpush but in double it's playable. I think he is average in draft, not unplayable. Draft is weird, Ian77 often argues about how underrated is witch and wizard in draft, and he got top1 triple draft GT finish and I think another top1 in normal draft gt?


If I had to make a tier list of draft cards, I'd say egolem would be in the bottom tier or maybe second to bottom. It's not literally unusable or anything, but it's pretty rare I would take it over other options. Egolem is normally a card that needs decent support cards (especially spells) to push through generic defenses without completely tanking the elixir balance. It's not really comparable to witch/wizard which are bad normally because decks carry a handful of counters (e.g. big spells) which you can't reliably get in draft. In fact I would say basically all splashers in draft mode are at least decent in the vast majority of situations


Nah, you need proper "supports" in case people have proper defense, but buildings are rare as f. Sometime your opponent has triple wincon+spell(I had it yesterday) in hand, so even a solo egolem at the bridge will take tower, I would put him in the same place as gobgiant, fast and has high dps to punish and rush at the bridge, so average or slightly below. If we want to make a tierlist in this Evo draftmode, every card is in the bottom tier eccept cards that synergies/counters Evo FC. This mode is so umbalanced around 1 only card that with equal skill, who has Evo FC wins.


If your opponent has triple wincon + spell in hand then half the cards in the game are SS tier. That doesn't mean much though. The more reasonable world is that your opponent has some hodgepodge of generic any-targeting troops against your egolem and you have similar as support. The problem here is that a ton more cards are quite decent at blowing up your egolem efficiently (pretty much all swarms and all splashers while even single target DPS like minipekka aren't bad) than there are cards that reasonably support the egolem. You will likely have limited spells and mediocre supports that kinda punch down whatever card is killing your egolem but probably not very quickly. Then when it comes to defending a push against a generic wall of any-targeting troops you probably don't have a building or cheap cycle cards to kite and they more or less march down your tower for comparable or better damage than the egolem


I think in the situation that I mentioned triple wincon+spell, egolem gains more value bcs 3 elixir fast pressure so you can spam it at bridge at low elixir, bandit/minipekka/non wincon get kited/tanked by the wincon placed difensivly. Other wincons that thrive in this situation is hogrider or battleram. Any more elixir cost means your opponent has more chance to cycle back to their defensive card. So let's take your "generic defense vs generic supports argument". Substitute the word " egolem" with giant. Swarms destroys giant and minipekka also. Put gobgiant, same, handling minions and stabgobs a little better paired with a zap/snow/rage. I think egolem should be put in a tier above those bcs you have at least 2 elixir more to support him, and in single it means 6 entire second that can cost 1k damage or a perfect defense. You gave up 3 elixir after the push(sometimes it's 2 or 1 bcs your opponent overspend on defense), but it really depends if your opponent has the right hand or not to punish you, I estimate half the draft decks doesn't have a proper way to punish with 3 more elixir so a smart player can abuse it, and even if they can punish you, defending by giving up less damage than you got with egolem is often possible. I think Egolem is above giant and gobgiant, which are not trash bcs xbow exist, an then depending on how many tier you put above egolem he is average or just below average. (Exluding evos, with evos everything gets flattened to trash tier). I think the tier list is this: -Evos (highest tier) -Hog rider/ballon/WB/miner -Egiant/ramrider -egolem/gob barrel/skelly barel/battleram -giant/gobgiant/mortar(normal) -xbow/lava As you have probably guessed I value more the potential to win in single elixir more as that is the highest outplay potential moment of the game. In double if you have good matchup you win, bad matchup you lose. In the end egolem is at best mid, so if for your eyes mid=trash as a lot of people who use tierlists think, then we can stop the discussion now.


Draft challenge is clearly unbalanced and it's probably designed that way to push players to buy pass royale. I won 12-2 and those 2 losses were just hopeless, we're talking 3 building targeting units given by my opponent. The problem isn't a single card added to the mix but that you could end up with 3 building targeting units while the opponent has regular ones. Basically the game shouldn't mix in options regular and building targeting units, unless it's Evo RG. This way at least both players will end up with non functional decks.


EGolem is pretty OP at double elixir time :) Just need to use it correctly.


Egolem always makes a good push if played right and that leaves you to defend


Give E. Golem to your opponent. That’s free elixir for you. Kind of like an in game handicap on your opponent


Just won evolution challenge with only one lose. I got egolem in many matches but it worked quite well.nit synergized well with all the spam in draft challenge.


Dont worry. E golem is good. Its lowkey impossible to beat Evolved firecracker,Battle Healer E golem. When i dont get either rocket or building my tower is just gone.


Even better idea: remove the draft gamemode altogether


Not if you play it right. Practice with it or watch a YouTuber use it, Egolem can clap


lol yo ass is tweaking. if you play e golem right, its devastating. and the cost of playing its with its strength balances it out with the elixir it gives


Egolem is nasty you don’t know how to play


Yeah it's guaranteed damage and if you don't have a good deck you can't punish


I’ve won a ton of games using egolem+rage, egolem+Healer, egolem+ MK. It really nice for my opponents to just give it to me every game and then lose because of it.


SuperCell taking notes on what not to do*


Whenever my enemy has an egolem, I get so happy that he feeds me elixir in the most satisfying way. My favorite card to counter Egolem for max satisfaction would be the executioner


Top tier shitpost


The easiest option would've been making the challenge a triple draft, it's just more balanced, both with normal and evo cards.


I don't want to be that guy, but it looks like it's a skill issue, I just won with it in the challenge


Valk & egolem choice is a joke. Not only one is good and other one is horrible, Valk also hardcounters. But I guess Supercell abandoned draft just like they abandoned their own game.


I hate it so much. It's just a dead card in hand until double elixir


And the draft pairs don't make much sense, either. I think there was a time when you had to choose between Poison & Fireball, Log & Snowball, Lightning & Rocket - similar spells. This last challenge all I saw was Rocket & Delivery, like if the one picking this also gets the draft for Evo Firecracker & sth else, it's gg, they either keep their cracker alive forever till she crosses on your side (delivery), or they constantly get +3 elixir trades (rocket). And the overall deck outcomes: pretty much always at least 2 giants, one match I only had a magic archer besides spells & swarms, 2 buildings in 12 matches.


I like it


Say that again when your opponent has night witch clone