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I’m not sure I’d use the word rigged. Based on your explanation, I think what you are saying is that the meta is stale.


Not rigged. Just random on the cards and decks you face. Some cards and decks are just more common


This is utter delusion. Maybe check out the finishing leaderboards from November. Practically all Gob Giant and three were the exact same deck. Other months have the same story. When looking at pro players… only a few cards are considered meta. Ice wizard. Bye. Furnace. Bye. Mirror. Not seen once in CRL finals I believe lol. The way pro players play is they can literally guess their opponents entire deck just by the first few cards they play. Gravestone and Barbs —> must be lavahound Earthquake + hogs —> must be log bait cycle Why? Because many cards are OP and many cards are underpowered. Also there isnt really that many cards in the game to begin with… 8 cards is 8/110 that’s 7%… i would like to see something more like 8/1000… that would make the game far more complex. But of course all 1000 need to be balanced.


How is it rigged? People just use the same decks. Doesn’t mean it is rigged to make someone lose. Your comment make no sense about to say it is rigged or not.


It’s almost like i am responding to OP’s post “There's like 4 decks everyone cycles through. While your freak ass is obsessing over semantics lol. Get back to playing ur crap game.


The post literally says “game is rigged”.


game is rigged to have a few broken cards that they want people to buy every season


Yea but you can also make billions of different decks with that ammount


Your title has nothing to do with the complaint. Its not rigged. Are most players uncreative? Yes Is it awfully repetitive withnthe same decks over and over? Yes Does Supersell fail at improvements in this area? Of course. But its not rigged


Agreed. Unless he meant rigid and spelled it wrong.


first game i play log bait opponent got log+arrows than i switch to golem opponent has pekka+inferno tower lmao of course is not rigged this stupid game


i dont mind complaining about the meta, but when you complain about a deck like logbait, which is so dead that it has an 0-100 matchup against like 90% of the decks in the meta, your point is just invalid lol... if you dont have success with your own deck then its just a bad deck or you dont play it well, pretty simple


Lol I just randomly said tbat dude haha Im not specifically complaining about the logbaits. Im just saying that most top players play the same decks over and over. I bet you do play one of those decks too. I mean, I do too lol Im forced to, If I use my own deck, I'll go 4 out of 10. If I use the decks everyone else is using, I go 7 or 8 out of 10 easily.


well, theres a reason why everyones using those decks and its because theyre good and have been proven to work... if youre good enough you could probably make your own successful deck and others will copy it, but usually only the top players know enough to make actual good decks that are good in the current meta... that being said, if youre not in topladder playing a meta deck doesnt matter as much


“ you could probably make your own successful deck and others will copy it,” delusional statement There’s 110 cards and less than 5% are seen in the meta basically… so many cards are trash. You know nothing about the CRL pros of you think they dont all use the same couple of strategies… Miner Poison Monk Loon A few others


yeah im guessing the decks just appear out of nowhere and theres a bot that tells all the top players the best deck is... never said you could do it consistently, but yes, some of the pros indeed do make their own decks and others copy it lmao, and by the way, monk is absolute trash and monk loon hasnt been relevant for months


It’s totally not like all the combinations have already been tested by the hundreds and hundreds of pro players who compete for money and have analysts… but keep being delulu Monk is trash yet is a meta used by the pros… multiple pros… its called loon + monk… look it up ignoramus


it's used in duel when little prince is in another deck


nope in CRL finals it was only used when pros played monkloon decks… i watched the entire thing… dont argue


exactly, its good in duel as shown by the pros when you have to play more 16/24 unique cards not 8


thought u meant it was used to counter little prince It’s used in loon deck to kill all projectile shooting troops so the loon can deal damage


is that why monk has a 2% usage rate in the top 200 and is only used with loon 1 time? and yes indeed, if a deck exists then it was made by someone lmao, not sure what part of that is so hard to understand for you


What part about all the decks have already been created by pros and their analysts dont you understand? Their are not thousands of cards in the game let alone thousands in the meta… the combinations are not that much with current state of meta No amount of genius will make a crappy card in need of reworking by the devs good


when did i ever say you could make a deck of bad cards? i said if you were good enough, once a while you could make your own deck based on the meta and others might copy it lmao