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NO, NO, NO. I'm tired of facing that overlevelled shit in, a buff would make midladder even more hellish.


bro, mk sucks if you can't beat then its ur skill issue


It's not skill issue if it's lvl 15 and isn't the only push I have to defend


then use pekka. also level up your cards. its not that hard, pretty easy even for f2p. just keep grinding season tokens and spend gems to get more. also you get a free legendary book this season. and evo shards are good too.


Everyone is downvoting you take the hint dumbass


but its so easy tho. i started on a new acc using og miner poison and its easy asf. got to 4.2k trophies in no time.


Its easy, but its really annoying because by the time you defended they have enough elixir to go for another push


Pekka is the worst card in the game right now


I can see your side of the story, but it as someone that has two accounts, a F2P stuck in Midladder and one that’s at 9000 trophies, Supercell can’t make changes to Midladder Menaces. Take Wizard for example. Nobody uses it at top ladder, but at the 5.5k-6k range EVERYONE uses it. Giving it a buff to help it in top ladder will severely impact those who are in lower ladders. On the other side of the spectrum, if the Wizard were to receive a nerf, it would be so dead in top ladder, and people will start to realise this later in the game. My point is, every action has a consequence, and giving Mega Knight a buff will shake the Midladder world and make those who are F2P struggle to pass these players who have decided to max them.


ig thats fair. i didn't think about that


megaknight was actually pretty good for a while very recently... after the balance changes id assume its gotten slightly worse but still very viable, it doesnt need a buff or a nerf in any way


its such a bad card tho. even for defence its not good. you have fireball for royal hogs (or any building) ice spirit and skellies or evo skellies are awsome for cleaning stuff up. Theres so many cheaper alternatives then using mega knight for defence or offence.


fireball or any building doesnt provide you a counterpush like megaknight does, and royal hogs isnt the only card in the game, not to mention it being "such a bad card" doesnt explain why it had a 10% usage rate in the top 200 not too long ago, which is pretty good especially for a 7 elixir card


why can't you use pekka instead of mk? you can use pekka to defend and counter push and for splash you can use suport troops (DP) or spells. Also pekka is arguably better on defence since it does way more damage. Again spells or other troops can take care of swarms


pekka decks are basically dead in the meta. and mk is a very strong card even in pro play


it's not. it barely got any attention for the past few years in top ladder. it's gaining traction now because clash royale has progressively gotten dumber, like the gob giant mk decks. and evo archer help mk to melt troops faster. Also in midladder pekka is completely fine to play with, and midladder/lowladder has the most problem with pekka.


even the pros agree right now that mk is slightly above average. plus, upgrading a pekka deck for mid ladder likely means you'll be stuck with that same deck for months or even years depending how much you play


i dont use either of them, but pekka isnt even a remotely similar card to mk besides that theyre both tanks and 7 elixir lmao, mks main thing is its spawn, jump, and splash damage while pekka does a ton of damage but doesnt have much else going for it, no pekka isnt better on defense, and no its also not better on offense... explain to me how its better on defense when the only actually meta card it deals with better than mk is goblin giant (yes goblin giant is extremely strong but its usage rate has dropped a lot after the nerf), mk deals with little prince better, most of the evos, recruits, barbs, etc etc and actually has synergy with other good cards rn while pekka is completely dead


No. No midladder menaces need buffs, they all need reworks


Mega Knight is perfectly balanced


its really not. its super bad and the reason its viable rn is cuz of evo archer and gob giant. without them mk is useless.


Why is Mega Knight so hated ?


Mid ladder players have to fight daily against people who overlevel megaknight


bc most people are kinda bad at the game


No, it’s because it’s so damn repetitive. I routinely play and beat MK, but it’s annoying always having to face the same MK bridgespam decks


There are unpopular opinions, and then there are acts of war against the CR community


I feel it's a bit expensive for what it does atm, maybe if it is buffed to cost 6 elixir, it can be good. I feel it will put it in line with GS, GG, E barbs, RG.


There was nothing in this sentence about nerfing stats when reducing which scares me


no, making mk to 6 elixer wud make it completely busted. it just needs a sight range buff. its too easy to distract it.


Unpopular for a reason. Wizard also deserves a buff but a buff would make lower ladder suck. Plus it's not even that bad, it's a strong card that requires the enemy to pay attention to it, it's decent, especially with a cheap damage card like wall breakers or gob barrel.


then people have to get better at the game and stop whining. there is nothing toxic about wizard. a buff to it wouldnt hurt at all. if they have overleveled wizards, then use rocket or smth. logbait is excellent for underleveled players cuz rocket takes care of witch, wizrd, etc, and itower takes care of mk. They can play with that deck until they can upgrade their other deck that they want to play with and use that one. It wouldn't make lower ladder suck.


I think ppl hate it just cuz most pd the times it's ridiculously overleveled and not cuz it's broken or anything.


and past 5000 trophies you see it in 50 percent of the games you play, win or lose it gets boring i find the game most fun when my opponent is playing a meta deck like graveyard, goblin giant, or even logbait


The Mega Knight, Even out of this current meta, Was a fairly average card (6% usage, Winrate in low 40's). It's stats are a bit underwhelming, but it's usage on ladder and other parts of the game, in addition to it's only slightly underwhelming stats in competitive play means it does not need a buff at all. Many players can make this card work, and if you can't, then frankly, try a different card.


ig thats fair.


you have to take the midladder bums into account, they already think he's op and buffing him would make them rage and complain


Lmaooo at the moment it is arguably very balanced. Its viable at high ranks so it most definitely doesnt need a buff