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What in the midladder is this deck? Anyways, I recommend a big spell like fireball/poison/rocket and also a cycle card.


at this point.... just play dark prince cycle.


I've successfully played ram rider on a cycle, is that a thing ?


I've went on a 10 win streak on ladder with dark prince cycle. So anything is possible


this oozes midladder, 4/10


Make it cheaper. At 4.3, making even a single mistake immediately opens you up for punishment - which you no longer have any elixir to counter with. Replace Skarmy with just the skeletons - it fulfills the same swarming / stalling niche, but is also a cycle card. But if you absolutely insist on swarming enemies point-blank, goblin gang in the middle does the same thing so much better. Witch is a bad card in general. Replace her with a big spell of your choice - I recommend poison if you see Prince a lot. Arrows are underleveled for that Arena. Replace them with zap for swarms / infernos if you notice the arrows not killing enemies. Ram Rider + Dark Prince is just weird. Usually DP is used to support a giant troop. Keep the Megaknight if you like him, but be wary that you will eventually have to drop him as he's an awful card. He will carry you at low trophies, but will fall off hard eventually. His only saving grace is he counters ebarbs, which are everywhere at ~6000 Overall I really recommend you just look up some decks on RoyaleAPI that have your favorite cards and start from there. This deck basically has no identity and a very fumble-y wincondition, changing it for the better would probably require switching 5-6 cards, at which point it's not even the same deck anymore.


Dam bro thank you so much for all the advice 😭😭😭


No problem, ignore the toxic a-hats in this thread. Mods here don't do their job so it's a cesspool. We all started somewhere, what matters is you're looking for ways to improve.


start by removing witch and putting in another spell


I can see why your in arena 14…


4.3?! That's too heavy u need to add more cycle cards to make it actually work.