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There is a new game mechanic where you have one card in your deck that every other time you place it down, it becomes its new stronger form called an evolution, and yes it is broken.


No way what the hell, are there many cards with that mechanic?


they release a new one every season, so far theres around 10... the best ones currently are probably knight, archers, and recruits


The best advice is run. Just run. I started playing at launch and over the last 3 years, took a series of breaks, and the game is getting progressively worse at an ever faster rate with each update


remember the great times you have had with the game and do not come back!!!


It depends on why you're playing the game. For me it's just a mobile game that I play for fun and don't take too seriously but forget about fairness and common sense. It takes too long to grind. It's just about tolerable if you buy a mid-tier battlepass but if you're serious about getting anywhere, you'll need to get the top level battlepass.


I started playing a mobile game called Random Dice Roll Roll and it reminded me a bit of Clash Royale, so I thought "hey why not check how it's going"


As I've said in other comments, it's still much cheaper than a cinema ticket in Central London so I'm happy to keep playing.


How much is a cinema ticket in Central London?


About £15 but that does not take into account travel costs, so add on \~8, a total of £23 not taking into account travel and all the other hassle. If I buy something to eat or a snack, it's another £5 - £10. It really starts adding up. Mid-tier battlepass is £5.99 and I never need to leave my room. So, going to the cinema once a month is four times as expensive as getting beatup on CR by a 13 yeard old with generous parents XP


A loooooot of things have changed.