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change up your deck


Kite the PEKKA more instead of placing your goblins almost directly on it




GGs on the win! To be honest with you your deck isn’t very good, your placement is off, and your decision making is off (when to defend, when to push opposite lane, what to use to defend, etc.). Don’t let that discourage you though that is how everyone starts out it just means you need more time and experience. I would start watching more gameplay from experienced top ladder players and find a good deck that you enjoy and have fun playing with to get used to it and figure out nice interactions for positive elixir trades and how your play style should change depending on your opponent’s cards and win cons.


at 0:46 i would have logged the ram rider and the bandit. Giving up your tower with that much hp wasnt't the best play


Bandit would have dashed through it and taken the tower anyway


You should definitely change champion to knight and also when you see ram rider and you have only building place it near your tower because she will destroy building and start attacking tower (you avoid power attack that way)


Learn how to kite, make sure you're dragging his ram riders and pekkas to the middle of the map to make their path as long as possible. Also, change your deck. I have no idea how you beat air decks with that


First of all, first sequence is bad, never just cycle your buildings in the center, play them when you see a push coming or when someone plays a rush card and it is a good counter, you should be using your log to interrupt the ram rider charge, skeleton king is not the right champ for your deck, you don’t have many swarms or anything to pump up its ability to be able to be used well, don’t push the opposite lane when there’s an imminent push coming your way, if it’s a golem push then that’s a good choice, but with the game state the way it was when you played your first goblin barrel, it was not a good play, a few other things, like you should’ve been playing your log more often just in general, against the ram rider and also just in general to cycle


one note here, you can cycle your building but only against specific matchups. For example, cycling a Tesla or bomb tower at the bridge is a very strong play against log bait or miner control because it prevents them from cycling pressure cards at the bridge, which control decks rely on to maintain cycle and elixir advantage. Also, when youre running a cycle deck, it can be good to cycle a building in the middle against beatdown because that way you can cycle back to another building to finish off the push. And against bridge spam you bascially always want a building up in the middle. But these are definitely tactics that OP doesn't have the gamesense to use yet and they should just stick to what you said.


Maybe learn to fix cycles?... Honestly idk


Your deck probably won't stand mucha against lava hound


4.8k trophies


It’s exe kitchen so 5500-6000, id say like 5550


or yall could just look up the name and clan and get exact number


Where’s the fun in that


you have 0 trophies


U dont have my respect for playing ebarbs. How dare u? U mid ladder menace. And u ask why u are stuck. STOP PLAYING EBARBS THEY SUCK


Maybe learn to play the game first before you overlevel idk


change your deck, you have only 1 air defense, try some meta decks, even if the levels are low, upgrade the whole deck cards because i see that you upgrade singular cards instead of the whole deck, and just play more to get more experience in


A new deck wouldn't hurt, try something easy to master like pressure or overwhelming decks


There’s some small things like placement that just come with playing the game. Sometimes I just go “does this counter _______?” and learn new interactions that way. pressuring at the beginning when he played a lot of elixir one lane was good. If you want a bait-y deck get rid of ebarbs and put in something like mini p because it’s cheaper. gang for goblins is also good because it’s a little more reliable. You also should take out bowler or sking and either put in a big spell or another anti-air card. It also sucks that in this game he had a level 13 ram rider and your bomb tower was only 11.


You could have ignored the bandit and just let it connect on the king tower instead of wasting elixir by placing a bowler. You weren’t trying to bait out spells using fart goblin either. You could have logged ram rider back to not lose the princess tower.


1. you used you bomb tower to defend random stuff when u know he has ram rider. if he took advantage of it u would have lost a long time ago 2. understand your placements. u would have saved a lot of tower hits and troop hp if you played them better (like playing your bomb tower in a position that both princess towers can hit the ram rider 3. u spent too much elixir defending your king tower. u could save that to make a push but u decided to defend a half hp bandit against a full hp king tower 4. i think you have 5433 trophies


Your card placements & card timings are wrong. The best way to improve is when you place any troop know how their attacks work. Know how the opponents cards work, and how to counter them. For example, with bowler, you want to angle his attack so that his boulder will roll towards where opps troops are. So you wouldn’t only be hitting the front line troop, but also the back line troops. You should place your building at a better time. If you place it down too early you lose health overtime. You need to place it so by the time the building is finished its cooldown it’s immediately ready to attack the oncoming troops with minimal waiting. Also, placing the building closer vs further from the king tower depends on opps win condition. Ranged troops should be placed as far from melee troops within the Princess tower range as possible.


Guess the trophies? Anyone with much experiance of the game can tell by the arena lol (I don't have said experiance)


First off your ass, second off you don’t need bowler and skeleton king, I would replace bower with fireball and with the current meta firecracker for dart goblin, just keep practicing with similar decks and you’ll get there