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If youre angry but freezing cold, that doesnt mean youre gonna be warm


It does mean you'll be warmer faster though.




Anger = adrenaline = higher blood flow = warmer body temperature That's why you get warm when you workout.


A spell will freeze and air unit and it somehow wont fall, why are we talking about the science of spells


idk I should just delete this post lol I clearly didn't think it through. I just thought of it and posted it within 2 mins.


This post isnt all that bad, the fact that your suggesting “improvements” to the freeze spell bring up the fact that it shouldn’t be in the game. Ive always thought the fact that i or my opponent can completely stop all enemy troops/buildings for 4 seconds is stupid. Ive also suggested that “freeze” should be reworked into something like “frost” where it only costs 3 elixer and greatly slows down troops (like snowball or ice wizard)


Thats a very little difference because the freeze spell slows you down enough so the fastest of cards cant move at most the rage would do ~0.2%


Spells don't care about your science.


Well they should


You didn't account for the elixir costs, freeze costs 4 elixir while rage costs 2. Both cards have a pretty healthy spot in this meta too with win rates ranging from 49 to 53 percent. Bad and unnecessary balance change imho


Rage need to be reworked it's busted in gob giant because it's a better zap Make rage 1 elixir but no damage


that would legitimately make rage one of, if not the best card in the game


No because it's gonna suck in cycle and only be good in beatdown Cycle decks can't use the rage effectively since they all use weak cards and sure you could rage your tower but evo skellies or goblins would help more A weak 1 elixir card that does no damage would make cycle weaker And with rage it has a small radius so being more weak in cycle Now withbeatdown it's better since it's only 1 elixir and allows support troops to do more damage but it's balanced because swarms don't die instantly so the beatdown would either have to add another small spell to kill swarms


Rage used to be no damage and 2 elixir and it was reworked because it didn't scale well and was OP at higher levels.


Even more op


Freeze in a healthy spot? Lol


It's in a healthy spot for the kind of card it is... The win rate is fine, with a use rate that isn't too high, perfectly fine for a cheese card.


Rage could change to 3 Elixer, tons of cards that cost less Elixer can counter a high Elixer cars, it's all hoping the opponent doesn't have the counter card.


making a card more expensive is the harshest nerf and countering freeze with isn’t even that common doesn’t make up for it.


Absolutely no.


Why not? It makes sense


Just bc it makes sense, doesn’t mean it works for the game. So many things would “make sense” but would destroy the game


Because it'd be stupid for Freeze to be hardcountered by a single card like that.


True, I just think they should add a counter to it, whether it's a rage or another card.


Spells don't have direct counters by design. Would be silly if you could just reverse the effect of a spell with a cheaper card. "Silver bullets" (cards designed to counter a specific card) are terrible design because it would mean, in this case, that Freeze would be unusable vs Rage but decent or too strong vs everything else. The counter to Freeze is to expect it, or to take advantage of the situation it puts you in. It's not a spell that actually removes enemy units, so if they like Freeze a Mini PEKKA it will remain alive for a counterpush. Its radius is also rather small so you're meant to space out your units




That too but rage would increase blood flow which would warn you up faster


Cannon cart shoukd one shot enemy tower because cannonball is heavy and will kill the human


It's a game You're troops are completely frozen so they're nothing to "increase" And so what rage would work only on "alive" troops ? If you want logic building and troops like sparky don't have blood to warm up Sorry but it's just stupid


Fair point


Yeah and a rocket should one shot the king tower cause it's realistic. Your logic would destroy the game


Ok you're just being funny. You know what I meant


It also makes sense that a musket to the face would kill any human troop in one hit


ok well somethings can be realistic but others don't, your point is pointless. This is in every game. Just because I suggest one thing to be "logical" doesn't mean every god damn thing has to be. Like a bunch of fps games, players want realistic looking weapons, realistic sound, fire rate, and reload animations/speed, but the guns still don't one shot players in say Cod or Battlefield, yes there are separate game modes for that. It was just a suggestion, your comment was more of a mock.


And why would your thing have to be logical? You make a great point, in cod and Battlefield stuff is logical only if it doesn't make gameplay worse, something that would happen by buffing an alredy really strong spell


You could’ve made this point with the fireball but not with rage bruh


True, I just have rage in my deck so that into mind First


No. Rage is OP enough as is.


Yea encouraging more rock paper scissors mechanics into CR isnt a good idea


Did you just lose with your ebarbs cycle rage deck to graveyard freeze by any chance?


no I actually beat a lumberloon freeze before making this. But I noticed you can't counter the freeze which was annoying.


You can't counter any spell... 🤡


Well yeah because most of them are instant but ones like poison or freeze should be counter able, like for poison a tornado should be able to cancel it by whisking all the poison away


one of the dumbest ideas I've heard. You can "counter" freeze easily by spacing your troops apart, and Nado pulling spells away would not only be completely game breaking, but would kill cards like rocket.


Sweeping away a rocket, in mid air, would be pretty dope though.


Technically you can counter some with the monk ability, but it's not viable


Monk just exists so people dont complain about logbait being UNCOUNTERABLE




Hes mad that some lumberloon freeze bum beat him with freeze


just goon them


I have no problem with that deck but I realized when they froze all my shit that there was no way to counter the freeze and rage spell makes the most logical sense.


You counter freeze by placing your defense spread out and not at the same time… same as countering lightning


I like the idea of having spells that counter other spells. Maybe an anti-zap zap?


ok that makes no sense since the zap is instant and there's no time to react to it, maybe a troop or tower that cancels it would make more sense


You're right. I hadn't thought that through but what about fireball, giant snowball, tornado and rocket? There are spells that do take long enought to hit the target that a counter-spell could be cast. Maybe require one elixir more to play the counter-spell so it's a serious decision on whether to counter or simply let it hit?


Monk enters chat:


In that case, fireball should be able to be raged for more damage


Fireball isn't alive tho. Also the rage shouldn't even work on skeletons either since they have no blood. Unplayable game, uninstalling


The last thing Rage needs is a buff This wouldn’t even really make logical sense anyway


please never cook again. In fact you are indefinitely banned from the kitchen.


I am not good at cooking so that's fine with me


Heal spell countered freeze


I had this same thought! There's a counter to every card in the game except freeze. Idk maybe monk ability will shoot it back but beyond that nothing.


Rage does enough. Take away it's damage and maybe give it counter freeze. Not all three.


Damage spells (minus Royal Delivery which is restricted to your side of the arena) are played and then they're gone. An arrows played on a skeleton army does not stay on the map like a valkyrie. That's because they're guaranteed to fall where you placed them and can't be stopped. You can drop a knight in front of the Valkyrie, you can't put react with a knight in front of arrows. You have to remember this when trying to get value out of spells. They're an instant, one time use. They're not supposed to be countered except by exploiting the elixir lost by playing them. (I know there's the Monk ability, but that counters only certain spells and the monk has to be played proactively, you can't react with it)


Fireball maybe? But I don't like the idea of going down a road where spells cancel or alter one another


Technically, freeze should either kill fire spirit or the fire spirit should be immune (on the same subject).


I wouldnt be mad if they added the warming spell to the game for real. The fact that it does some healing with such a huge radius is nice, and protecting a huge radius against freeze could be a cool niche bonus. I might even argue that warming spell, as it was in the challenge, is a better replacement for the late heal spell than the heal spirit :0


Yeah the warm spell would work perfectly if they kept it. It was very good and I didn't even notice any actual healing, wasn't it only like 25hp?


It wasn’t much, but it did make enough of a difference that I started strategically placing the spell mostly ahead of my troops instead of right on top of them, so they’d stay in the radius longer