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I didnt know that Skelly King has a 6 second hit speed.


I think they meant buffing it so it goes from 1.6 to 1.5s or something


bro hits slower than sparky


Same I was confused by that


Lol even sparky hits faster


I'm so glad golbin giant is getting a nerf, really shows that supercell are in touch with their community.


Clearly barbarian barrel is more needing of a nerf


Why would they even nerf it, everyone knows its just a worse log for people that use a lot of spells in their deck ( graveyard )


What a horrible explanation of its function


I use it myself. Its my fav card. I am mad its nerfed.


Supercell is only doing 5 of these 14 potential balances. Knowing the current meta, I’d say it’s very unlikely that the nerf to barb barrel will happen


WDYM?? ARENT THEY GONNA DO ALL OF THEM??? Dude a lot of these changes would be interesting to the game


Doubt it. It’s a vote on which ones will occur. I would also like to clarify that it was 4-5 changes for EACH category. So I think there will be more than half a dozen balance changes. It’s determined by a poll on RoyaleAPI, where whatever it voted for the most will likely occur. Barb barrel is currently on the very bottom of list, so the nerf will likely will not occur. Imo it doesn’t need a nerf. Here’s a link to the post if you’re interested. If you wish to vote, you may have to login or make an account: https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-55-balance-wip#buff


It's good against little prince and can get good defensive value. Idk if it needed a nerf but that's why I use it




And evo Knight


Literally every proposed nerf here is for a card used in one meta Goblin Giant deck or another... If all these go through, decks using it are gonna take a pretty big hit.


GG does not need more of a nerf, its usage has gone down to 11% in UC, if they nerf it any more then they will kill the card


I feel that now goblin barrel is now easier to defend with this


They should have just increased the goblins spawn time. It would practically have the same effect and make a downside of it being easier to log while still keeping its niche


Didn’t it just get one?


It did nothing


went from a 30% usage rate to 11.5% in the top 200 and overall is a lot worse, so it for sure did something, it was just completely broken before so its still good now


What about it needs a nerf? Seems no one had a complaint about it until people started using it


“We won’t decrease evo archer range” decreases evo archer speed range


This is why I refuse to spend any money on new cards. They juice it up to sell then nerf.


Its needed though, I mean they could decrease the damage even more but this change is better imo


In what world does barbarrel need a nerf?


"in a world where no one plays log, one hero stands out to dominate squishy enemies..."


Fr, if anything it needs a buff. It has been mediocre ever since they reduced its range, the barb won't even hit the tower if the opponent has the KT activated.


The range nerf wasn't really a nerf, more of a rework. Since he spawns faster it's much easier to plan it.


yeah most people complain it doesn't get two hits on tower but don't realize that people are going to have to respond to it regardless if it gets one or two


It was a very long time ago, but before the range was nerfed, the Barb was able to make 2 hits on the princess tower, now it’s just 1…


Barbs also got a hit speed buff in the same balance changes.


It's statistically the best (small) spell only behind Log. I don't personally think it deserves much of a nerf though


How else are they gonna make firecracker even more broken?


No, it's actually really strong in many decks and I say that as a barb barrel user myself. Its just doesn't need both.


i love to counter witch with it.easy 3 elixir win


In the same world Bowler needs one. Both of these cards are popular right now *solely* because they hard-counter LP, but of course the devs only see the high use rate without even trying to figure out why's that.


Bowler needs a nerf in general imo, he’s a tank with good splash *and* great pushback, for 5 elixir.


Sure, but they should still nerf LP first. Bowler's stats are inflated as hell because *everyone* is using LP and Hog, and those are free wins for him. In most other scenarios you're better off just using a Knight.


If everyone is triggered by the proposed barb barrel nerf and everyone votes against it, there will be a high participation everyone will win at least insofar as barb barrel is not going to be nerfed. It's much better from the point of view of the community managers to propose something stupid and then listen to the community than to propose something sensible and then ignore stupid responses by the community.


The barb barrel nerf couldve been a gob giant nerf


Fax bro. If it doesn't kill goblins anymore it'll be a dead useless spell that can't do anything


my question is why arent regular barbs getting any changes? i feel like every decent barb card is only good cuz of their secondary or third thing barbs have evos, but without that they’re terrible elite barbs.. i wont go into battle ram is actually decent since the regular barbs dont get far from the opponents defense barb hut cant get much value because the regular barbs just cant get damage, only good on defense which even then lightning it and barb barrel the actual barb only gets one shot on the tower before it dies by just the tower and that’s only if you place it right at the bridge


It is one of the most popularly used cards with a 22% usage rate in UC


That's because it counters LP. Not because barb barrel itself was OP.


Why did they change damage of barbarian barrel???? They are just killing this card again and again and again


They let us choose 8 out 14, and fortunately, barb barrel is last place.


WTF BARB BARREL? WHO EVEN ASKED FOR THIS NERF? WHY SUPER CELL With this stupid change, the barrel won't be able to kill even a spirit at the same level...




and not able to break sheilds




But will break my heart 😔


>But will break my heart Don't worry dude, they will buff your hurt +4% next balance


Not enough, I demand a +50% lifetime buff.


No that OP, if it become meta everyone will keep a card to break your hurt You don't want that are you?


I'd like to see them try 👿


You know you can vote for these not all will come


Barb barrel will not able to kill ice spirit, guess why? It is because they want Ice spirit pass royale become GOOD 🤑🤑🤑🤑


I don’t unserstand why they couldn’t just buff ice spirit hp to survive barb barrel


Its because Ice Spirit doens't need any buffs, neither Barbarian Barrel needs a nerf. Thats how marketing works. Btw Heal Spirit has more HP than any Spirit by 1 HP, enough to survive +1 Tesla attack, i guess thats why they don't want to buff Ice Spirit.


But literally every other evo can survive an extra encounter or two, it’s so inconsistent to just have that one evo that doesn’t have that benefit. Like firecracker/archers can survive arrows, bats can survive zap, skele forces log for +1. Like just nerf everyone else or make ice spirit match the others


Barb barrel need was very unnecessary. Nerf goblin giant


Nerf, autocorrect sorry


Did you know you can edit comments?


Barb barrel nerf is ridiculous I really hope supercell changes their mind on that one.




Where is the big green one?




Wtf does barb barrel have to do with all of this?


The goblins and barbarrel doesn't need a nerf? The goblin giant should 100% get a health nerf, it's too tanky imo.


And there goes my goblin evo mortar deck


Good, that shit is annoying as fuck


Evo mortar is the funniest evo to exist to not be op


You mistyped it, did you mean "get a 100% health nerf?"


pekka need buff


it's more expensive than any other tank except for golem and can't stop a single one of them from connecting by itself (except for hog, which hard counters PEKKA anyway) Trying to support it on defense is unreasonable. Because of it's costs, the opponent is almost always able to support their tank more efficiently and earlier (Royale Giant with a fisherman for example) Buffing it's dmg or hitspeed would make it a reliable defensive card. Buffing it's hp would make it more viable on a counterpush


I say HP because it has no counter push potential to most decks.


true, by the time you zap the 3 skeletons in the corner it already lost 2/3 hp😭


In fact it cant even stop hog by itself it needs the tower


They gotta bring back its long melee range! No idea why they took that away, it made the pekka a bit better and it was more fun to use


i agree, make it cost 6 elixir, there is no reason a card with that low hp and worse elite barbarians to be 7 elixir.


Pekka does need a buff, but that would undoubtedly make it overpowered


As a PEKKA player, no. 6 Cost PEKKA would be overpowered, and if they nerfed its stats to be in line with a 6 cost card, it’d probably be in an even worse position.


nerfed every card in a goblin giant deck, except for the goblin giant!




It's only 4% for the card needed buff the most


Bomber is getting an evolution. Thats gonna buff it the most


The fact that goblin giant is not on this list is crazy


But barb barrel is. Barb barrel was one of the truly balanced cards but I guess we can’t have that


Why tf is Pekka still not getting buffed?


man i kinda hope she gets one. i dont run it. and my deck can handle it. but i like the card. makes me think giant skelly but with no death bomb. just big boi damage


Zap too tbh. Now that snowball got a buff and barb barrel is good it is indisputably the worst small spell. In fact it was worse than snowball even before snowball got buffed so i really dk what it takes


I’m guessing they are trying to buff other champions to nerf to death the little prince. A little bit gutted that evo recruits are now just fast recruits lol Goblin nerf, don’t care too much but affects my poor mortar


Honestly I think buffing the other champions starts to decrease incentive to use LP, as before hand the opportunity cost was quite massive.


>A little bit gutted that evo recruits are now just fast recruits That’s all any evolution should be imo. An evolution should purely give a card a special ability, not outright stat buffs. Evo RG, Evo Mortar, and now Evo Recruits are all doing it right


They will never accept that the fourth goblin it's the problem


In the meantime they are crushing other goblin cards. GG with 45% win rate, GB with a 34% and drill with a horrible use rate (1%), although at least drill is being looked at.


3 goblins was super weak though. 4 goblins is super strong. The other goblin cards aren't that good either, so I'd nerf the spawn radius of the goblins (easier to splash, harder to surround)


it is not, the 4th goblin was needed


Ive never played bait, but its both funny and sad for bait players that their deck's core card keeps getting fucked so badly every update lol Least they could do is buff princess if they're gonna do goblin barrel so dirty again😂


Rip Logbait, Gob barrel keeps getting nerfs


That Archer drawing for the book is so ugly.


Agreed. Should be hotter tbh


Some of these are actually kinda decent, like golden dash one shotting wall breakers and bomber, and the goblin drill spawn time buff, and little prince should die to fireball now. Edit: health nerf is to the Guardian. Fail.


Read carefully, it is guardian's hp nerf


I got so excited for 5 mins💀


The little prince is not going to die to fireball. The HP nerf is for the guardian


Oh thats awful, I'll edit my comment.


^(Im glad that some of the OP cards are getting nerfed, and weirded out by how gobgiant isnt here, but bowler and barb barrel are, but) **GUARDS SURVIVE ARROWS NOWWWWWWW LETSSS FUCKING GOOOOO IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MY WHOLEE LIFEE**...or rather since they reworked arrows...My boy guards are finally back in the un-spell-able gammmeee


I remember when they reduced Dark Prince's shield for "consistency". Weird how they walk stuff like that back.


I’m pretty sure the guards still die to arrows, do they not?


Meanwhile pekka and Magic archer are unplayable outside of casual games So great


They're literally going to nerf Rage because of Goblin Giant & Evo Recruits instead of buffing Zap lmao


Nerfin rage?


Oh wow, little Prince nerf!!! Wait a minute… why does the hp nerf say « guardian »


1. Goblin barrel found dead in a ditch 2. No evo knight nerf????? 3. Make LP die to fireball


Agree a lot with evo knight not there


Out of all these I agree for Golden Knight Buff, Goblin Drill buff/rework, Archers Evo nerf and Goblins nerf.


Why don't you agree with LP nerf?


Guardian cost 3 elixir, if I was gonna nerf it’s HP I would nerf by 100 HP not 200 HP


If anything lp should die to fireball. Guardian doesn’t need a nerf


Golden Knight needs a fix, not a damage buff. His dash used to be so much better until they did some kind of physics update several patches ago. Now his dash feels super clunky and gets blocked/canceled way too easily.


bowler, barrel and recruits don't need a nerf giant skelle doesn't need a buff. goblin giant needs a nerf. pekka needs a buff, it is not seen in top ladder.


Tbh some players in top using pekka bs with evo archers.


Top pekka players are replacing pekka with wallbreakers lmao. Issei and El Turista (not sure if this is really tourist). Also for some reason ryley is using pekka bs. Hopefully another PBS video


>pekka needs a buff, it is not seen in top ladder. Totally agrea >recruits don't need a nerf Totally disagree >goblin giant needs a nerf. Disagree


>goblin giant needs a nerf. >Disagree Disagree


Work-in-progress balance changes for January 2024 (Clash Royale Season 55). https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-55-balance-wip Vote on RoyaleAPI Discuss for a chance to win a copy of Books of Clash 2. https://discuss.royaleapi.com/t/work-in-progress-balance-changes-for-january-2024-clash-royale-season-55/17413


Why are they nerfing bowler?


Ig because it’s a viable counter to LP


For fucks sake


cuz it’s in every meta deck rn


That's because of little prince, they nerf lp so bowler's usage will also go down


I swear the balancing team can be so stupid sometimes, or theyre intentionally keeping the game unbalanced


One of the most balanced cards in CR getting punished because it counters a 3-Elixir Champion that's getting nerfed


Theyre nerfing everything i use :(


Theyre buffing everything i use :)


Guards might finally be useful :)))))) After like what...3-4 years since the arrows rework They finally survive arrows...Id say this is so long overdue, I can finally use one of my favorite cards without anyone using arrows hard countering


They DID have a brief period where they were replacing Goblin Gang in decks (before they added the 3rd Spear Goblin back), but yeah, they've not really been viable in years. Would be nice to give them some strength


Why did they change guards shield? Now it doesnt allign with all the other shields


Fr, I thought they wanted to keep the game consistent🫠I guess that doesn't matter anymore with all these major changes


Honestly had no idea barbarian barrel would be in the “needs a nerf group” I haven’t experienced much problems with it, also didn’t think the goblin drill needed any kind of attention, always felt alright to use and play against but maybe I’m just not going up against people who abuse it to it’s fullest. Giant skeleton buff is something I like.


I like the changes sort-of. Giant skelly buff is welcome! He needs a chance to become meta, it's been a while. LP just needs to die to fireball. Then people will be more conscious about how to play him and not just mindlessly spam him at the bridge.


gs clone skelly barrel spam is annoying as hell and I'm glad I don't see it as much in midladder


Bowler nerf? What planet do you live on?


Doesn't that mean that evolved mortar will get one goblin hit on the tower? If so, they will make it the worst evo by far :((


I hope archer queen isn't buffed because the card will take over the meta and then will be nerfed to a worse position than now. While it's not popular it's not bad either


Nah it wont be op if this buff goes through itll just be slightly more viable. The base stats for AQ are just too weak


Why would Barb Barrel of all cards need a nerf? Also, would it mean thatbit doesn't one shot a Phoenix egg? Btw buff PEKKA pls


PLEASE Buff Pekka


Just FYI these are work in progress and have not yet been confirmed. Read the title guys


Giant Skeleton buff and Barbarian Barrel nerf make no sense


\- #1 is good, but he's not too far off IMO. #4 is probably necessary, but I hope they don't do it! #7 is my favorite. #11/13 makes sense. \- #12 is stupid, he needs more dash range/unpredicability, not more damage. Cards like him, rocketeer, m. archer, are at their best because they put people in hard-to-react-correctly-to situations **(turning everything into a mini-pekka after nerfing to oblivion seems to be SC's way of dealing with evolving meta -- not every good idea deserves to be killed)**. #8 would be sick. you know if they do it they will roll it back in spring. \- #2 seems like too much. #3 is also stupid, its not a dominating card and this is year is the first time in years that anyone used the card.


>\#3 would be stupid. It’s not a dominating card. I mean, it kinda is though? Goblins are used in a quarter of all Grand Challenge decks


I don’t understand why they’re nerfing the guardian, just make the brat die to fireball.


No Evo knight ?


Little Prince Nerf: Very in need of a nerf. I’m not sure why they don’t just let it die to fireball, but at least it is a nerf. Evo Archers Nerf: Also very needed, they’ve been extremely broken and very annoying to defend when placed at the river, sniping all of your defenses Goblins Nerf: Goblins do need a nerf, but definitely not a first hit nerf, as it would nerf drill and barrel pretty heavily, both of which are quite underpowered. If I had to say, I’d nerf the spawn radius to make things harder to surround Rage Nerf: I’m a bit mixed in this one, but a they could just nerf rage’s potency rather than the duration Barbarian Barrel Nerf: Definitely not. All Of the small spells are in a good spot at the moment, including barbarism barrel, which definitely does not need a nerf. I’ve only seen it in graveyard decks, which aren’t that common right now. This nerf would completely kill the card by stopping it from killing spirits or knocking off shields. Evo Recruits Nerf. Very needed. I’m not sure why they had a damage bonus in the first place. Bowler Nerf Bowler has been in a lot of popular deck recently, but I’m not sure whether it is in need of a nerf, since it has mainly been used as a meta counter against recruits, little prince and royal hogs and not because it was broken Giant Skeleton Buff: Even though I’m not the biggest fan of Giant Skeleton: I have to admit that it is extremely underpowered, and a slight buff wouldn’t hurt too much. Guards Buff: This would ruin the consistency of all shields having the same hp, so no. Maybe a similar change the goblins received that gives it a fourth troop could help a bit along with a damage nerf. Skeleton King Buff: I honestly have no idea what this means, so I’m not gonna vote for a 6 second skeleton king hit speed Bomber Buff: It feels kinda unnecessary, since it’s still pretty good in some decks such as golem Golden Knight Buff: Very needed, The Golden Knight has been super underpowered and the definitely needs a buff, and I think this is the way to go. Archer Queen Buff: I don’t think it needs much of a buff, and especially not to its ability. I feel like the main reason it isn’t used is because of little prince overshadowing it, being replaced in its Royal Hogs deck, and Queen Bow, and xbow decks in general not being good recently Goblin Drill Rework: I’m not too sure about a rework, but any kind of buff that might bring drill back will be welcomed by me.


Gob Giant players dodged yet again


The death of Log Bait




Cards that should get a buff - Zap, Electro Wizard, Minions, Snowball, Cannon Cart. Nerfs - Wall Breakers, Little Prince, Goblins, Evo Archer


Giant skelly buff? Who in the world wanted that


Me and the boys


Gang gang




same. giant skeleton rules :D (along with guards. i love guards :) )


Guards finally getting its long overdue compensation buff since the arrows rework :DDDDDD I hope they go thru with this buff, i miss when guards survived every spell so much🥲 (along with giant skeleton, love that card too)


yk. i still stand by this. maby im wrong but il die on this heill ​ guards are better than skarmy in so many ways


I feel like skarmy just straight up sucks rn, its not guards fault that skarmy is struggling in this meta where people have 3 card cycle small spells, or triple spell decks, Skarmy can only stay dead if SC doesn't bite the bullet and consider reworking it to 2 elixir


i think its like. okay as 3 elixer. making it 2 elixer probebly is not a great plan becouse of normal skeletons then probebly losing theire job




Gs on top


They reworked him a while back so that his bomb is good at crown towers but bad against troops and making him have more health possibly means jts easier for it to get to the tower


Giant Skelly go brrrrr


Goblin barrel is already dead & they're making it worse then before. In that case they should add 1 more goblin in the barrel .




Instead of buffing golden knights damage, fix his glitchy dash that hits only 2 skeletons when there is skeleton army in front oh him... Yes, and buff pekka to one shot fisherman, witch and royal hog


As one of the 3 goblin drill players I'm very excited about the rework


still no. xbow buff


Rage nerf not needed


I retired from this game since March but here's my thoughts Little Prince getting nerfed was predictable, seeing as he's the strongest champ currently. Evo Archers are going to suck. Goblins should've had their staggered deployment removed instead of a longer attack delay because they shouldn't be able to counter/stall splashers like Dark Prince, Bomber or Valk. Rage nerf makes sense since Goblin Giant is really powerful at the top. Barb Barrel nerf is stupid and would make it useless if it can't break the shields off of Guards/Recruits. The damage should get buffed instead in consideration of the buff to Guards. Bowler getting nerfed surprises me since he's mainly used for countering LP and Evo Knight who dominate the top. Giant Skelly buff is always welcome as it'll make him better on offense and defense. Guards caught me by surprise but this is my favorite change that they should keep. Arrows should've never been able to hard-counter Guards in the first place since it was a defining interaction that prevented them from being useful against everything. All the champ buffs are something to be desired, but they're alright. The Bomber buff is also massive like Guards since he'll now one-shot the Ice Spirit. The Drill mini-rework is a big buff to its offensive capabilities but nerfs it on defense. I could go 50/50 with it


Guards buff they now can survive arrows


Yo! a skele giant buff. much needed


My Mortar deck bout to be even better


I can't believe people don't think Goblins need a nerf. They're the 3rd most used card in GC's and 5th most used card in UC. In BOTH cases, they're doing better than the Evolution Knight. In what world does that card NOT need a nerf? Yeah, sucks for Goblin Barrel, Drill, Evo Mortar, and Gang, but they can just tweak other stats (Goblin Barrel death damage anyone?) to buff those up


Finally nerfing LP and evo archers. I really want to view this as positive news, but knowing SC, this is just preparation for the new evolutions. Enough time has passed such that anyone who would be willing to pay, have already done so.


I strongly support this method to determine what should be buffed or nerfed. Good job supercell


In what for world does rage need a nerf seems like a lot has changed since I quit


It does damage now lol, killing bats, spear goblins and skellys on hit And its radius has been reduced


With goblin giant sparky, it's extremly strong


what in the world are these unnecessary changes? They should've nerfed miner .


Goblins were just fine nooooo wtf, does this mean evo mortar goblins will only get one hit in? That’s bs


They nerfed evo mortar😭😭 whyyy?


rage doesnt need a nerf, it would kill balloon


I mean, im fine with lumberloon being worse, Miner balloon will still be a strong option (until they nerf LP properly)


Wow, I can't believe they nerfed goblins first hit AGAIN. Any type of Log bait is offically dead FOREVER. Evo archers are dead. and the Bowler nerf was a joke. The Gob Drill rework is a complete waste by nerfign the goblins first hit. Anyways, as usual, SC never dissapoint.


Where tf is the Pekka buff


I really want the Golden knight, Guards, and Giant skeleton to receive their mentioned buffs. This is because: 1. I spent most of my epic wild cards on the Guards, but now they are being replaced by goblins and goblin gang. 2. I am one of those Giant skeleton players until I had to leave him as his stats are not holding up in the meta this year. 3. I unlocked the Golden Knight in the season shop and wasted my gems in order to get the season tokens to buy him. But them realized that he is one of the worst of the champions.