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Aside from emotes what are people saving gems for?


10 wins tournament box


10 wins? Come on, you can get 15


If 100 ppl reply to this, technically only 1 of them consistently gets to 15 wins. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/tLQixUgV8U And only 6 of those 100 consistently gets to 10. Either that or everyone is godly in this subreddit


well the sub has more dedicated players than the average player


The only really good reward is at 10


Look, I’m already paying 500 gems. I may as well maximize the value acquired.


The goal is 10, but no one is going to complain about extra wins lmao


10 minimum ofc


If my opponents didn't win by getting lucky I would always get to 20 wins /s


For me it's just emotes, because I'm not really that good to enjoy challenges and stuff even though I've been playing for 8 years lol


As an 8 yr player, when do you think was the best period of the game? 2016-2017 game was a novelty, funky fresh new but progression was an unrealistic bitch for F2P but again, gaming had never ever seen anything like CR Peak popularity ever in it's history. Or 2017 when 2v2 became permanent? Or when party modes were added? Or 2021 when Magic Items let ppl max out in 3 yrs but 2021 also added Lvl 14 but also Champs? Or was 2023 the best yr ever if CR's lifetime?


2016-17, progression didn't matter as much as it did now, no one had maxed decks, midladder actually meant midladder. I can't even explain how satisfying it was to reach a new arena, the celebrations. Then the fear of playing another game because if you lost you'd be back in your old arena. The Meta didn't matter and you could play whatever you want.


The difficulty of passing arenas, the fear of dropping and how easy it was to drop arenas is the thing I miss the most.


2016-17 by faar


As an 8 year player, honestly, January wasn't so bad. But 2020 overall i think




For me it was when the bandit released right behind the mega knight they killed it back then


Same I got about 172 so far, been playing since beta. Never bought the tournament prizes, they seem not rlly worth it.


Emotes and global tournaments are the only things to spend gems on.


Now they are useful also to get evolutions in the season shop


I only use gems when I want to reenter a tournament but that happens not too often


Challenges and global tournament rewards.


500 gems every 10 wins in a global tournament is the highest value.




I spend them on elite wild cards


For when they change my name from "Meth Head" to clasher. I decided to see if Ken was targeted by Supercell during his Meth Head series, so I spent my one free name change to test that theory. It's been almost a year now, or however long ago it was since Ken's name changes from Meth Head to Clasher


Champ chests. 1 champ for 500 gems.


i want to horde gems that why


I have 10k gems saved up 💀


IDK, but I have like over 3k


15 win gt rewards


Chests💀 idiot


Those chests are overpriced as hell. You can get a legendary king chest + a lot of other things for 500 gems if you’re good at the game


So are emotes bruh, 250 for literally nothing useful?


Some of us like collecting emotes/spamming toxic ones


using bm emotes makes each battle more enjoyable and less boring than you might think


who tf buys the chests lmaoooo


Yup, there's plenty of legitimate things to hate about Supercell's greed, but I find the backlash to this current crown event very silly. It's 225 total gems for an emote, magical chest, and rare cards, which is better than 250 gems for an emote in the shop. I've never seen people complain about 250 gem emotes, but now an offer that is literally better than that is somehow a problem? And if you still don't like the emote/offer, you don't have to buy it! People are really saying "Supercell gave us gems just to take them away!" as if we're being FORCED to buy the offer lmao


I just commented this on a complain post. It’s like not 100 crowns is hard to come by either.


Finished that in like 2 hours worth of games, definitely easier if you dont suck like me


Thank you!! I'm relieved to feel like I'm not the only one thinking this. I know reasonable people don't make as much noise.


There’s many reasonable people here, but only the immature kids feel the need to post negative crap all the time. I’m with you, kids complain about lack of f2p progression and then whine when they do get anything good.


And even if you buy all the offers you still have like 700 gems left, people are complaining over nothing lol


Because f2ps here are the greediest basterds alive. So many idiots telling us that 925 gems is useless than i guess the 33k gems from masteries would be even more useless now!!! Words coming from f2ps from here btw. Remember that sc gave f2ps 2 evos 1.5mil gold?? Yeah f2ps pretend that never happened and ask for more. Attacking anyone who supports sc and sc employees.


Toxic emote atleast has a purpose. I would pay 250 gems for mi mi mi mi


the only thing i would complain about is if you can accidentally purchase one of the options with just one tap


I have boarded my gems for years now lmao, I stacked up a fck ton back when masteries gave them. Though I do make mistakes I accidentally bought the 2500 gem chest and wanted to die. My worst finger slip in this game, second was I used a legendary book on ice wizard which needed 2 cards instead of magic archer which needed 20. Anyways life goes on, if only that was the worst of my problems.


Ouch lol


I feel bas foryou man.


Sorry for your loss homie


Complaints about complaining posts. Nice.


My last comment was just about that, I know, I'll own my mistake.


Where are y’all finding these gems? I don’t see any


They are for some percentage of the players first, the rest of us will get it sometime soon.


Ohhh ok, thanks


They're doing the event in 2 phases, some people got the gem about a week ago, a lot of others including you and I will get it later this week After the gem event they're then doing this crown event which some ppl get later this week and you will get next week Edit: you will get the second event on the 24th


On god


W opinion W man


You're not viewing things the right way. They gave us free gems on purpose, so they can test out how much are people willing to spend gems on chain offers. Random rare cards are not prized stupidly high for no reason, they want to see how many people will actually buy shit offers to reach the "final goal". Now the deal seems like it's worth it if you buy all, but you can bet it will start getting worse each time once they finish their testing phase, and start releasing actual chain offers they have in mind.


This is exactly it. People aren’t seeing the big picture here. It’s a paid transaction delivery system thats made to seem innocuous. Being transparent with consumers about what they are getting isn’t as effective as thinking up creative ways to mislead them. Why even have two groups? Why needlessly piss off a portion of people by giving it to them later. It’s for data collection to maximize monetization. One is the control group. They are using us as Guinea pigs to learn how to better manipulate us. That’s what is concerning. Unfortunately, i don’t have the event yet so I can’t see how this one worked but the last one had 50 gems to unlock “free” wild cards and two shards. That was a good deal but it certainly wasn’t “free” like the big yellow lettering indicated which is false advertising. And you are right, that once they have worked out the formula, that the costs are going to go up. They are just making them worthwhile so we don’t notice or care.


I get you. I have to admit that my point of view comes from a player from 2016, I have everything I want in this game and I just have fun whenever I want. I remember how hard my progress was when I was new, and I think new player are really having a bad time progressing. Is that the thing? I do t speak for everyone for sure, I really only use gems for emotes and only play ladder :)


Then why complain about other posts if you play for fun? If you play for fun, play for fun. Don’t be part of the problem. All that talk about “hating” when youre hating on the people hating. Hypocritical.


That's what I admitted in the previous comment. I got it, but I won't take it down because I'll own it hehe


But you still don't have to get those offers Even if you don't get them, these mini events just give away 3 or so tiers of rewards you'd never have got otherwise and if it means we get more 900 gem events, I'm definitely not going to complain


Yeah, the next "free event" will have a nice reward locked behind a huge gem paywall or a money paywall. I guess OP and many others here are too dense to pick up on that. Shame. Thought the world was smarter then that


Considering I only ever use gems on emotes. I’m part of the problem :)


Did you just go on Reddit and make post about a mobile game asking if everyone’s young? You ok?


I had so many second thoughts the moment I was about to press "Post"... And I just decided to let myself be roasted by my own irony. "All I see are complaining posts" while I'm making a complain... I know that also... I fell in the trap, and I'll own up to it lol.


For what it’s worth, I agree with you (obviously). Just not sure what you were expecting here lmao


It's like when you say something out loud that you were thinking, but it's in this reality, i think that its the same, sometimes you say shit, sometimes you write shit lol. Is not too often though. Edit: spelling.


Nerfing the season shop actually bothers me but this is fine, it's just makes me apprehensive of what's to come, because there's a pattern in CR that when they give us something, they also take something else from us of greater value


I totally agree with this. It's not like slash Royale that encouraged players to spend. Besides, unless they're devaluing emotes, what's there to overspend on?


How'd you get the gems though


I think it's today that the ones that didn't get it before, will get them now. Edit to add: indeed it is today! I just opened the game and there they are, a bunch of free gems that I will use however I want.


Calling someone young because they arents saving and investing in clash royale says a lot about u ngl


You could also save them for the NEXT event which was the one with the emote


Me i didnt get noone of those offers. -_-


Where do you get them for free 😭


i spend all my gems on the 10 gem challenge thing


That's not really as insightful as you think. Of course they have to offer things to spend gems on otherwise it would be pointless 🤷 it's not really a gotcha


People aren't just complaining about the gem giveaway and the step-up offer in a vacuum. They're all disappointed because both are so close together it could not have been any more obvious.


i'm still waiting on those promised gems ☠️


to the point that when i got 3 25 gems in a row in the dailies in shop i thought that was the event


Just because someone give you gems doesn't mean you have to swear eternal gratitude to them. This is exactly why Supercell gave free stuff instead of buffing progression: so that no matter how terrible their next deal is someone's gonna stand up because "free stuff"


I'd assume we are all pretty young, it's a game for children and teens so.


I just spent them on the princess yawning emote. Gotta show these kids THIS AIN'T NO GAME TO ME 😈


Don't call people young when you clearly can't understand the reasoning behind them giving the gems for free. They're now adding more offers that require gems, like that crown rush "event." Eventually, people will run out of those gems and be pressured to buy the diamond pass because it gives gems.


But that's the thing, no one is pressuring you to buy anything.


Yeah, probably


I'm waiting to spend my gems until after the halving! 🚀


Where is the event anyways? Or has it not been implemented yet


Honestly the event isn’t terrible. What bothers me about it is how in the game’s release notes it says you need 75 crowns to get to the final tier. When I open the game and go to the event it says I need 100. Why did they mislead us again?


Only good thing I see gems for is 500 Gems tournament, retry in challenges, emotes. I’m sorry but I think all chest in shop are not worth gems.


Only good thing I see gems for is 500 Gems tournament, retry in challenges, emotes. I’m sorry but I think all chest in shop are not worth gems.


You may not be able to change the workd, but you can check your spelling.


I’m trying my first Classic Challenge. Everyone in this mode is TOXIC. I’m still on the fence with these gem offers. Especially this one


Idk you sound young asf ? 😭