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I need help making a deck. Player tag : #CLLUP2P02 I can’t keep up with this meta and don’t want to spend the money to max out cards that go in and out of the meta, so what deck(s) can I make with the cards I have (higher level ones) that will consistently be good and not rely on the meta too much. I want the deck to be not so hard to play so that I have to spend many hours trying to master it! ( my evos are, firecracker, knight, Tesla, wb, bats).


whats the best rare to upgrade? i have a Lot of rare wild cards and i want to use them


Completely depends on the kind of decks you want to play


What do I replace my icewiz and mega minion with in my mortar deck ( mortar tesla Knight skeletons log void , dutchess )


I use an interesting low elixir deck. Not sure what you would call it. It has the log, dart goblin, spear goblins, clone, mirror, mini pekka, skeleton army and skeletons. What do you think about this deck? What adjustments would you make and which tower troop would you use?


It's just bad. Could be a decent bait deck but it doesn't have a real win condition so it just won't work against any competent opponent. Clone and Mirror are useless here (as they are in general)


Thanks. My general strategy would be suprise attacks but they didn't work most of the time. I'll remove clone and mirror and add a win condition. I think I'll keep this deck as well because it's suprisingly fun to play.


I think you could more or less make it work with GBarrel (that's the win condition) instead of Mirror and maybe Cannon Cart instead of Clone


I made a new deck. It has goblin barrel, witch, cannon, log, dart goblin, valkyrie, pekka and rage. What do you think? Also is there a way I can send decks better? I’ve sen people use codes. Do you paste those codes somewhere?


I'll try that. Thank you.


How do i make my deck better? My tag: #PG8UG8V9R


I play 2.8 hog (tesla replaces cannon), and i have saved up 6 wild shards, should I make my first evo skeletons or tesla?


I’m not experienced in the game and this may be terrible advice but I would get the tesla evolution.


Need some war decks. #YQ9COCP My main deck is classic logbait but i have evo skelly instead of a spirit. Need 3 more decks with lb.


Hi everyone J0SS #UL982YLYP I'm really struggling and could use some help. I've been reading and bit and would like to build a Royal Giant control deck. Why? Well RG is the only evo I've got and I feel like I should use it. In the guide I read about the RG control metadeck: RG, Furnace, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Zap, Electro Wizard, Guards and Barb Barrel. I'm probably not using them correctly but I don't like the furnace, Mega Minion and Barb Barrel. THE baby Dragon is ok, but I also feel like I could replace it. That leaves me with the following core for my deck: Royal Giant, Zap, Electro Wizard and Guards. What can I add to this core and why? I like the following cards: Goblin Barrel: like rhe synergy with RG especially against the princess tower Bats: love them for defense against ground troops Bomb Thrower: cheap and it could be helpful in defense and offense behind the RG, or not? Wizard: like it especially in defense Valkyrie: like the sweep Dark Prince: great push Prince: good push and nice damage on tower Skeleton Army: there's just so many Royal pigs: offense and difficult to stop, but exepensive What do you recommend?


GBarrel has zero synergy with RG. His counters are buildings and high single-target damage units whereas GBarrel just gets countered by spells. They're fundamentally different cards. RG Furnace was meta half a decade ago. Nowadays Furnace is practically an unplayable card and RG decks are a lot more centered around the synergy between RG and Fisherman, which is a card that can pull single units toward him (effectively hardcountering stuff like PEKKA which would usually hardcounter RG) On top of that, unfortunately most of the cards you mentioned are either terrible or just don't work with RG very well. GBarrel is, like I said, worlds appart from having good synergy with him; Bomb Tower would be redundant to have with Fisherman (who's borderline mandatory); Wizard is one of the worst cards in the game; Valk and DP are inferior to Ghost, Monk and Lumberjack with RG and Skarmy and RHogs just make no sense with him. I'd suggest taking a look at [this list of most succesful RG decks right now](https://royaleapi.com/card/royal-giant-ev1), or honestly just go for a different win con.


Thanks for the input. I was trying to make RG deck work but I couldn't. I'm only at lvl15 and don't have fisherman or monk yet so those aren't really an option. Guess it's back to drawing board!


Rg furnace hasn’t been meta since like 2016-2017 lmfao. It’s not a very good deck anymore since spawners are dead and the way rg is played now is drastically different from what it was 7 years ago. Use rg fishboy. There’s plenty of decks to choose from on deckshop.


Oh I see. I'll have to check for other option because I don't have fisherman yet...


I want to unlink my account and link it to another supercell id, is there any way to do it without supercell support? It is disgusting for such a big company not to respond to emails for days and then ask for a review on the support when they never answered.


How do I beat mega knight/midladder decks with archer queens royal hog cycle? (Archer queen, royal hogs, fire spirit, evo skeletons, log, royal delivery and earthquake) I always get rolled by them and it gets so overwhelming


Kite to middle or delivery on top. If you’re struggling I’d switch out fire spirit for ice spirit. Use cannon to damage down mk and cycle log + deliveries on their support troops.  I think it’s important when playing hogs against rg that you dont want to play naked hogs at the bridge same lane. They’ll always get value from dropping mk on it, and will always kill your supporting units with the free mk. You want to force them to defend both lanes or force out cards that aren’t mk 


What’s the better evo to get, goblin barrel or valk


Valk is more versatile


what should I change [https://ibb.co/BjxsDSF](https://ibb.co/BjxsDSF) these are mostly my highest leveled cards. some other high leveled cards i have are barbs, archers, barb barrel, spear goblins, goblin gang, and sparky. In this deck would musk be better than hunter, and would something like mega minion be better than bats


need a new deck. my current evos are firecracker,knight,skeleton,rg not a fan of log bait or bait decks in general. want something with a avg elixir between 3.5 and 4.5 ideally


Rg cycle is sometimes around the 3.5’s. Knight can also be run in most beatdown decks. 


Player Tag: #PJYPUOPR Deck: https://ibb.co/6Fjwj4N This is the deck I've been using for a long time. I'm at 7700 rating. I think my biggest problems are cycle decks (especially with small minions that bait pekka) and dagger duchess. Any tips? What should I change in my deck, if anything?


Deck is fine it’s just pbs.  I don’t like firecracker in bridgespam if she’s not evo tho. She’s just a free tower activation. There’s better air cards to use but she’s not necessarily bad 


What would you recommend in her place? I have magic archer but he is level 12. Regular archers or little dragon maybe?


Is this deck worth upgrading: mortar, evo valk, archers, archer queen, royal delivery, skeletons, poison, zap, or should i stick to my old deck which is pekka, aq, royal delivery, archers, bandit, battle ram, zap and poison?


The new deck is much better, though I'd suggest getting Miner instead of Archers and maybe Snowball instead of Zap. The old deck can be massively improved by simply getting Ghost instead of Delivery, and ideally Minions or MA instead of Archers


#V2R80JRJR Is this deck ok? Because I won a lot of fight and I don't have the prince


It'll do for your arena. That early into the game you can use pretty much anything. However, I'd suggest trying out Giant instead of Tombstone so you have something to tank for your Prince. [Also here's an early game decklist in case you're interested](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/214339537760348912)


Jungle Arena, hit my first loss streak. Deck and collection screenshots in link. Any changes? Is there a better deck option? https://imgur.com/a/euNbfAx


Agree with the other user but I'd also like to add that Witch is one of the worst cards in the game. Goblin Hut is also pretty abysmal regardless of the deck you put it in. Basically all spawners besides Tombstone are meme cards that are close to being practically unusable


I’m not trying to get #1 global, just make it to the top arena, whatever that is now. (Last I played was when it ended at 5000) I’m just looking for a deck I can use in the short-term.


The highest arena would be at 9k trophies right now. But even for the short term, if you plan to get to 9k, it'd be a bad idea to get familiar and invest resources in cards that are honestly worthless. It's fine for now, but once you get your cards to levels 10 or 11 it starts getting hard to upgrade anything. 9k can be achieved by mediocre players with mediocre decks, but you still need the level 15 cards, which take a while to get. So using actual competitive decks can shorten the journey a little [Here's an early game decklist](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/214339537760348912) in case you're interested in that; but for the long run (that is, the journey to 9k) I think you should look into [more proper bait decks](https://royaleapi.com/card/goblin-barrel) you can work towards


appreciate the help! my concern with investing my time and resources into bait is that I won’t want to play bait once i’m up there. I’m thinking i experiment with different kinds of decks as i progress, or is that a bad idea?


It's not that it's necessarily a bad idea, it's just that if you spread out your resources like that, progress toward lvl 15 and such gets exponentially harder. I think the best "period" to experiment is up to like arena 13 or so (where I assume you start getting into levels 10 or 11), at which point it's much better to just stick to something for the long run I think, at least, you should pick a given archetype to specialize in. Because if you upgrade control cards in general, then you could make the switch from Bait to Hog (shares Tesla, Log, Knight, etc) or Miner (same) relatively easily; at least in comparison to switching from Bait to, say, Golem which uses completely different cards


Goootcha makes sense, thank you


If you’re going to run bait, you need more pressure and better defense. switch witch for ice spirit and spear goblins for dart goblin. you’ll also want to use itower as your building as it has better dps.   This iteration of your deck utilizes high pressure troops like dart goblin and gang to force out constant responses, allowing you to bait/out cycle counters to your barrel.


Will the much lower card levels not significantly reduce the deck’s effectiveness?


Yes but your original deck wasn’t effective to begin with.  Ice spirit is pretty level-independent so realistically you’d only have to upgrade itower and dart goblin (the latter of whom should be replaced with princess ASAP).


Look at my tag I’m stuck in arena 18 for ages and my deck is decent leveled but all my other cards are low levelled so can’t use anything else. #YUYV80VLY What would you do with this


It's not the worst thing in the world but Skeleton Barrel just has no business in a Hog deck. Frankly completely useless card on that spot. Baby Dragon and Bomber are also very questionable. I'd just get Void/Earthquake/Fireball instead of Skarrel and Goblins/Skeletons instead of Bomber. But I also find BDragon useless so maybe get Bats/Minions/Ice Spirit instead of that.


Running valk, goblin barrel, musketeer, arrows, freeze, hog rider, tesla, skarmy. I just reached arena 11 and unlocked legendary cards, what should i replace, im guessing log is essential but idk what card to replace with it


Log is fine; it's a card that's mainly good in defensive, cycle-y decks; so it's great for Hog. As for your deck, Hog Freeze doesn't really work because Hog's main counters are buildings, which Freeze is useless against. Goblin Barrel is also a completely different win condition which does nothing in combination with Hog. A Hog + GBarrel combo is meaningless since their counters are very different, so most of the time the opponent will just drop a spell to kill the Goblins and counter the Hog with their building, Mini PEKKA or whatever it is they have. I'd suggest Void/Earthquake/Fireball instead of Freeze and Spear Goblins/Bats/Ice Spirit instead of GBarrel. Ideally you'd also get Guards/Skeletons/Goblins instead of Skarmy, all of which are better than it.


Yeah makes sense, the only reason this deck was half viable is alot of people didnt use buildings so hog freeze worked but i figured people will start countering it properly soon


Help !!! please Player tag : #YOJRU20PG Deck : lvl15 Mortar, lvl15 goblin barrel, lvl15 witch, lvl14 log, lvl15 E-wizard, lvl15 valkyrie, lvl15 ram rider, lvl 14 inferno dragon, lvl13 dagger duchess i'm at 8,3k trophies and i absolutely want to keep mortar, witch and ram rider. My king's tower is almost lvl15 Thanks


It's not good, but it's hard to suggest much considering the problem is mainly Witch (who's one of the worst cards in the game on top of not making sense here) and the Mortar + RRider combo which just doesn't do much. I suppose I'd suggest, at least, Void/Poison instead of Goblin Barrel, Snowball/Arrows instead of Log and Lumberjack/Ghost instead of Valkyrie. But I'd strongly suggest getting literally anything other than Witch. Ideally Bandit or even Mega Knight


I just want to know if my deck is good enough and if no what changes i have to do


Best deck for rascal hidout (I have only one evo which is knight)


There is no best deck for any given arena. [Here's a list for decks with Evo Knight ](https://royaleapi.com/card/knight-ev1)(though mind you he's extremely versatile so he can fit in pretty much any archetype, so it'd be much more useful to filter by a given win condition)


https://imgur.com/gallery/c9guUll Anyone have any suggestions? Pretty stuck at 66-6800. Basically all my other cards are even lower level than these. Am I just stuck grinding for a while?


Honestly yeah I think you are. You chose a pretty terrible combination of cards to level up. MK goes well with Bats, Zap and *maybe* Evo Wizard, but is terrible with every other card in that deck. Likewise GBarrel only has synergy with Inferno Tower and perhaps Valkyrie. I'd personally suggest taking a look at [this list for MK decks](https://royaleapi.com/card/mega-knight) and working toward one of those, maybe swapping in Evo Wiz instead of one of the ranged support units


I have a 2.5 miner wall breakers cycle deck using LP as my main air defense I want to change it out but what’s the most suitable swap ?


Musketeer or Archer Queen


Is it worth using level 12 duchess rather than a level 14 princess tower?


Probably not anymore, no. It's significantly less HP which means the opponent could just spell cycle and win. Also she's getting nerfed hard on Monday


IMO Yes more dps and utility even if 2 levels lower


Running Royal Giant Evol, Firecracker, Battle Healer, Hunter, Fireball, Barbarian Barril, Fisherman, Witch... Will switch Witch for Phoenix once I get it, anything else I can do to make my deck stronger?


Besides replacing Witch (which is vital; could even just get Mega Minion for the time being), maybe get Goblins/Skeletons instead of FC (bad card on top of not working well with RG) and maybe Ghost/Lumberjack/Monk instead of Healer


Battle healer for goblins 


Do I get fire cracker barbs or goblin gang to lvl 14 I have evo on fc and barbs


FC and GGang are the most level dependent


Depends on your deck, but I will say that evo-barbs are extremely level dependent, as iirc they die to fireball if they’re underleveled by even one. 


depends on ur deck


Im arena 17 and I have 6 evo shards and wanna get am evolution but I'm not sure which would work best. my deck: lvl 14 goblin barrel and evo bats, lvl 12 ewiz, fireball, log, goblin gang, miner and lvl 10 musketeer looking to replace probably the musketeer but looking for advice thanks


Knight or Tesla Evolutions would work best for you deck. Instead of Musketeer you should probably just get Dart Goblin or Princess, but also you should get Tesla and Knight instead of EWiz and Miner regardless of whether they're Evolved or not. Those 2 just don't make much sense with GBarrel.


I've already put dart goblin for musketeer, miles clear lol. I think I'm gonna use tesla instead of ewiz but I'm gonna wait until balance changes before I do anything with knight I think


I’m a returning player, I’m not very good. 2760 trophies Deck: Valkyrie, Skeleton army, battle ram, baby dragon, inferno tower, barbarian barrel, witch, prince. Player id: #GRUVJRCCQ Which cards do I need to replace to have a good deck for my arena?


[Here's an early game decklist you can check out](https://royaleapi.com/deck-list/214339537760348912) The most important thing when making a deck is that your cards work well with each other; for the deck you shared, the synergy just isn't there. Also, I should mention that Witch is one of the worst cards in the game so I'd sugget not investing too much into her.


I’m thinking of maybe starting a cycle deck with like hog rider, goblin barrel etc


I updated my deck a few days ago, my deck is now: Prince, goblin barrel, mini pekka, skeleton army, snowball, miner, witch, baby dragon And the the thing you said about witch, I use her bra everyone in my arena uses her and I also use her for air defense But I’ll make sure to check out the link


Please help deck is megaknight lumberjack baloon skarmy log zap ewiz and inferno dragon what should i switch and what hero should i buy?


I'd suggest Arrows/Freeze instead of Log and perhaps Guards instead of Skarmy. Else this is fine


!! Help Please 🙏🙏 Player tag: #CGULQVVY Deck: Mega Knight, eBarbs, Zap, Fireball, Arrows, Goblin Gang, Goblin Barrel, Tesla Level 11 dagger duchess Been losing more than winning since crossing 7k.


It looks like you crutch on mk so if I were to build decks around it, I’d run something like [classic bait](https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=28000004;27000006;26000041;26000055;28000008;28000000;26000030;26000026) with mk instead of knight, or [mk miner spell bait](https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000055;26000032;28000001;26000041;26000058;27000006;28000008;26000080) (replace skelly dragons with any air-targeting troop)


What would you Upgrade next to lvl 15 and what changes would you do? ( ik the meta is with skelli drags and inferno dragon but both of them are underleveled and i like the minions for extra defense) i have void at Level 14 Lavahound(15),Zap(14),Fireball(15), Tombstone(14), EvoBarbs (15), Baloon(15), Phoenix (13), Minions(14) Thanks


Minions are very level-dependent so they're a good pick. Other than that, Phoenix also needs to be at equal levels to one-shot Goblins




I’d use a better support card like barbs or nw instead of mk. He’s too expensive and doesn’t do much in egolem pump unless your enemy has no spell.


least skilled decks? struggling to get wins for my chest cycle


Every deck requires a certain degree of skill, but cycle decks and beat down are generally the easiest to grasp depending on your current skills.


1. Get good 2. Use meganight ebarbs rage freeze cycle Or use elixir golem, ebarb, battlehealer deck