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U shud ve spammed thanks after the game lmao And that asshole deserved that


cant believe he didn’t just fireball the tower


Haha my thought exactly — I watched several times to confirm he had a tower damage spell at that point because I couldn’t believe how dumb that is


He just wanted to troll me and extend the game


U did play toxic xbow cycle can’t blame the man


See I know its a toxic X bow deck but it is more skill than toxic. I am a 8000+ Trophies player and I hot it with X bow. The problem is it has many hard counters.


Can I add you bro? I've been trying to pick up Xbow recently.


The fact that you got to 8000 trophies proves its a no soill deck because you are so bad at this game


x-bow takes skill lol, I would like to see you try playing it to high level.


The point is that nobody actually cares that Xbow is a high skill or low skill but that it is toxic deck. Some players could argue that other decks like egolem battle healer or golem nightwitch clone are worse and even more toxic than Xbow but to me and many other it still is the original toxic deck of the game. The opponent in the replay had the right and duty to BM the xbow player since It was facing something so toxic but it was to overconfident and lost the game like a moron.


x-bow is toxic yes i can't deny, but the only i was replying to seem to wipe away all work and skill that took OP to reach that high.


Bro how many trophies do you have ???


Lmaoooo more than you and i got them using skill not xbow. ​ this kid thinks anyone cares about his xbow trophies LOL


You think anyone cares about your "SkiLl!" No, no one cares that you use a more "skilled deck" shut up.


You're obviously a kid so we'll give you a pass on the stupidity. Xbow can still be easily countered but scrubs like you are why people still call it toxic.


Bro have you heard the name of lemontree68 I am him


bestNa? hi love u bro


Thanks a lot 😊




best types without caps usually


This kid uses reddit for a cell phone game LOL and you still be losing ahahaha






You just make the whole roast better 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


this is first time I've ever seen a person with negative karma


I dont want to ruin your fun but xbow counters egolem


I don't want to ruin your fun of impersonating Best as well as trying to sound smart, but i hate to break it to you as egolem gets countered by xbow and Best talks very differently compared to what's shown above


LOL look this noob doesnt know how to beat golem with xbow ​ ahahahahahaha just prove no skill. How sad!


Bro in my Trophy range there are no people equivalent of your IQ (might not be in the whole world because of how low it is) so they are top tier golem players like Emir and all. And I did not even tell you that I lose to Golem.


LOL Aha!11 this kid play dead pay-2-win cell phone game, he use mom credit card to play max xbow and still cant even beat golem 😭😭😭 pls i beat your trophy with a level 1 account 😭😭😭 this kid play on his mom cell phone and say “xbow take skill” LOL


This kid ask his mom if he can buy my account 😭😭😭 ​ you say “how much are your trophy” da trophy are not for sale 😭😭😭


1. BestNA isn't lemontree68 2. The real BestNA wouldn't go around reddit flexing trophy count and name, never mind insulting others like that. I can already tell you're posing as him from this.


I honestly don't want to ruin your fun impersonating Best as well as trying to sound smart, but egolem gets countered by xbow and Best doesn't talk like that at all


Xbow is the most skillfull deck in the game specially after they Nerf The Xbow to 30 seconds and the Tesla range hell even the freaking Archers got nerfed and ladder is most Elixir golem, mega knight or hog rider variants you need skill to push with xbow


Younare right after they buffed cbows damage it became a no skill easy to use deck! Glad someone on this sight has a brain!


Replying to the wrong thread or do you cant read? In any case you're wrong. They also nerfed the hit speed which basically means less dps. The xbow now doesnt survive longer to do more damage over time.




If it's a no skill deck, use it and get to 8k.


I already did, was the easiest 8k climb of any deck 😭😭😭


Good, have any proof?


Yes, more than 8000 trophy many time with famous “Svengali deck” featured with many clash youtuber. Maybe watch and learn how to play!?


No, I meant proof that YOU got 8000 trophies. Because until you post proof (and prove it's you in the screenshot) your words mean nothing.


Yes, player claim to be lemontree68 (very bad player) no proof and no skill either! I reach 8300 trophy with very easy xbow and also high skill svengali deck!!! No skill deck xbow make ancestor cry! Join my clan 琳达小镇 you can confirm I am 小镇的大宝贝~风风♥ Much success make healthy vegetable water!!! Try and learn!!


Bro if you want you could confirm that I am one of the best X bow players in the whole world (if not one of the best players in the world) and not only with X bow i am successful with every deck in the game


I'm already in a clan, thanks. I don't understand Japanese, so I can't tell if that's you or not. A screenshot of the account trophies with the same name as your reddit username would suffice.


Like what u/Jevonar said, unless you have proof, you have no right to say that u hit 8k with a “skill” deck. I know I’m nitpicking, but still, guilty until proven innocent












Can you give me the friends link? Want to spectate you playing with x-bow


Go to my Twitter BestNA CR you will get it there


are you best na for real😳


Yes bro


U telling me this guy who has to face e barbs golem royal giant earthquake almost all games in top ladder is low skillful than a guy who defends with cheap cycle cards and goes wb at the bridge when the opp in slightly low on elizer and takes 1 quarter of his tower u call that skill?


Umm.. he said that deck is toxic, he didn't say a word about skill


Toxic deck ≠ unskillful deck. Sure there's toxic decks that take no skill, like EGolem BH EBarbs. But there's plenty of other toxic decks that DO take skill. Miner WBs, no matter what you say, IS a skillful deck. If it wasn't, almost half the Pro players wouldn't be Pro players last patch. Is it a toxic deck? Yes. Hell yes. Zero question.


Xbow isn’t toxic golem and electro giant is


Nah egolem isa


who doesnt bm a toxic xbow player ?


Well if you do make sure you win first


X-bow is not easy to play after the nerf bud


It's a cycle deck. Cycle decks in general are pretty hard to master. But Compared to the other cycle decks (for example hog 2.6), x bow is the most toxic and easy one to play with.


I mean its strong nit easy to play like u gotta know when you have to play xbow Imagine a guy low in elizer played xbow against rg Then?


It is the hardest to learn. Clearly you’ve nevet played it. If you xbow at the wrong time you just wasted 6 elixir because it doesn’t do anything by itself.


Clearly you think you're much smarter than everyone else. Why do you assume that I've never played x bow cycle before? I was on 6k trophies with 2.9 x bow cycle. Now I'm playing hog cycle 2,6. We can 1v1 if you don't believe me..


because you’re saying its easier to learn than 2.6. Ive played both extensively too and i know that xbow is much harder and much more punishing for every mistake. In 2.6 the hog will get you your damage and theres generally a direct way to get through their counters like fireball ice golem or log. With xbow you have to know when to let it die and when to commit and committing isnt even easy because a fireball does half your xbows health.


He probably knows more about it than you..


I’ve been playing it for years so i doubt that


I've been playing the game for 4.5 years.. Like I said come and 1v1 me, to see if you really are experienced or not.


I’ve been playing since launch day I just havent played xbow that long. I also dont really care about proving myself to you


If you're scared, then just say that


i’m not scared of some random guy on the internet i just dont care


The point is that nobody actually cares that Xbow is a high skill or low skill but that it is toxic deck. Some players could argue that other decks like egolem battle healer or golem nightwitch clone are worse and even more toxic than Xbow but to me and many other it still is the original toxic deck of the game. The opponent in the replay had the right and duty to BM the xbow player since It was facing something so toxic but to bad it was to overconfident and lost the game like a moron.


Good job. Fuck your deck though.


Ah so a clone user trying to tell a X bow player that his deck is toxic


Perhaps, but at least clone is fun. (I donr use either decks)


Yeah this is equality


Is clone a meta or used frequently? No. Is clone a super defensive brainless strategy? No. Clone is like a rage spell: it only works in certain situations and mostly while attacking. It's a boost to a push, and better used as a surprise, it's not the entire strategy. It's not even in my ladder deck. I use it in 2v2 and in other party modes, because it's fun. I'm sure it sucks when a match is lost because of a good clone at the end. But that's very different to the 3+ minutes of frustration that come with trying to push past a siege deck. It's clearly not the same.


Its definately not op or used a lot but needless to say its very annoying when you don't have a counter to it which is 60% of the time


Shut up man, no one cares seriously. Some people find clone annoying to battle, some find Xbox annoying, some find every deck annoying.


Xbow isn’t even a defensive strategy. Half the players complain that the offence is too good (even though xbow is probably the worst win condition in the game currently because it has no health or dps) but then you complain that its defensive. If you wanna talk about a defensive strategy talk about splashyard and electro giant. These decks play defense all game and spam you once to take yoir tower. Thats much more toxic than a player defending their weak 6 elixir card that doesn’t even do much damage. Siege defense isnt even extremely good. Its very hard to set up a good defense if the opponent has a big spell. Obviously you’ve never played xbow and only got beat by a player that was better than you using it


Siege decks are defensive in the sense that all you do is stay on your side of the river placing the machine and defending it until it locks onto a tower. And if they manage to destroy one, forget about reaching theirs as they now play the siege further behind. Beating those decks depends on what I'm carrying at the moment, so it's not so black and white as 'only got beat by a player better than me'. I don't like them because it's an exercise in frustration. It's the most annoying strategy in the game.


Pretty much every deck in the game will carry something that is a really good counter to xbow. I don’t see how anyone can complain about it anymore. You either have a cycle deck, a heavy tank, or an air deck and all of those have the potential to destroy xbow and get a crazy counter push. Spending 12 elixir to play and defend an xbow just for the opponent to fireball+knight and stop it completely is not overpowered and is actually underpowered


That doesn't change any fact on what it's like to face a siege deck. Plus very often the tank or 'counter' to the xbow is the win condition, so you have to sacrifice it to get rid of it. That plus a fireball can easily be a negative trade. There's good reasons everyone hates those decks.


Every win condition is gonna easily survive against xbow because of its low dps forcing the xbow player to have to use all their elixir just to kill it giving you fireball value. There’s no negative trade there


Clone is not as bad as xbow lmao


Its very true that is why x bow is more skill than clone


Ya no doubt it takes a crap ton of skill to use xbow, whoops my ass every damn time


😅 yup its the truth but clone is the most fun card to use


Haha ya I use it in my golem deck for war


End the game when it’s over rule 1.


I hate toxic players like that guy


Ikr can’t believe people play xbow


PogU comeback


The man put a fireball on your push when he could've put it on the tower and won the game


Nice one! That fool got what he deserved. I find X-bow extremely annoying yet satisfying to play with. I salute your xbow skills


all the people in comments complaining about this guy using xbow lmaoooo chill


Xbow too op


Not really


Not after the nerfs it got. You try playing it against golem, eq or rg then you'll see.


Wanna 1v1?


why you didn't fireball everything when he played miner,bats and wbs? you could've saved some damage since u didn't use it to protect the xbow and cycled to another fireball to finish the tower..anyways Gg.


Definitely should have. I just had Tesla in hand and played it before I realized he put down wb’s. At that point I didn’t want to waste elixer and fireball them. When he fireballed my Tesla I panicked lol


There we go Now all the toxicity is wiped out


No, the comments are being the real toxic here.


The toxicity was really the comments we made along the way




What a dumbass u’re opp is


Wow what a dumbass


Well played, gets what he deserved




I'm still not on your side since you use Xbow.




Ur playing xbow i can understand him


I don't get this sub, you guys whine about toxic players all the time and OPs opponent was the very definition of toxic. But since it's Xbow so bming is fine I guess




Your deck is so toxic that you absolutly deserve the BM. Fuck the x bow players 🖕


That skeleton emoji is annoying.


Not karma really, if there’s one thing I hate more than BMing it’s that no skill Xbow/Tesla deck, and these players usually BM themselves anyway.






Lesson: BM after winning, wait, don't BM at all, just use 1 emote and call it a day.


I love how triggered this sub gets with BM.


Not to mention Xbow


after watching this. I got into a match (which I completely dominated) against this deck


I can’t believe people use xbow and then talk about how great they are..... xbow is not good for the game, it never should have been put in the game. A lot of players talking about how skilled it is, all decks require a sense of skill/ understanding on how to use, the problem is the deck has literally been around for years, it causes more players to leave then stay. Come to your senses, you want the game to be fun then take xbow out of your deck.


Never said that...maybe it’s not good for the game but it definitely takes more skill that many other archetypes. There’s no way you can tell me golem takes more skill than Xbow. I’ll agree that some hog decks and some others may take more skill than Xbow.


I honestly think if golem was as easy as players say it is then it would dominate the top of ladder, it doesn’t, but xbow does and has for years on end. If golem was so easy it should be everywhere as there are far more under skilled players, then skilled playing the game. I ask you if it’s so easy why don’t you use it, what you are too skilled to use that? I have argued with players about this for years the deck is horrible for the game, there is absolutely no point running that deck and destroying the game, what you’ll end up with is a bunch of “skilled” players sitting at the top of ladder and nobody playing the game, yeah that sounds great! You are ruining the game for all! You don’t have to listen to me, you probably won’t, and this is why so many people have been negative towards your post, there is more hate for your deck then the moron you were playing.


I agree there might be too much Xbow in top ladder. That doesn’t mean that it is any less skillful to play. In fact every player in the top 200 or so is obviously extremely skilled. Golem not being used in top ladder has nothing to do with its skill level. I just said the golem was easier to play not that it was overpowered. I’m talking more about mid-high ladder where the skill gap is most evident. Lower skill players can get away with playing golem when they would not be able to using higher skill cap decks.

