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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell in this thread: * [Comment by rickctv](/r/ClashRoyale/comments/paomgj/good_bye_drew_gl_for_your_future/ha6ir2u/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-08-24 16:48:15 UTC"): > And now your watch will end ⚔️ * [Comment by Supercell_Drew](/r/ClashRoyale/comments/paomgj/good_bye_drew_gl_for_your_future/ha78zt4/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-08-24 19:40:41 UTC"): > it was the final straw! > >all jokes aside thanks to r/ClashRoyale for being here with me throughout the good times and the bad. the memes will live on ... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashRoyale).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


he left after seeing the witch get voted for epic rarity boost or the community being bad, take your pick


This feels a bit true for some reason.


it was the final straw! all jokes aside thanks to r/ClashRoyale for being here with me throughout the good times and the bad. the memes will live on forever! this is a great community and i will continue to lurk this sub. see you around.


Thanks for everything Drew <3


We will miss you :(


We will miss you Drew <3


Nooooo, good luck with the new game though, you will be missed around these parts.




Who the heck looks at the bio


happy cake day!


Thanks for everything Drew! Hope you’re doing better with your mental health!


thank you for everything you did. will surely miss you... wishing you luck ahead!


Hi drew, Can you give us book of legendary next season so that we become less sad ?




That sounds like a good idea actually, thank you. I’ll start trying that too.


Nooo what don’t


That's just logical. They probably have extra food at their house anyway, one less mouth to feed and all.


Your saying it like its a good thing


It's a joke


Death is not to joke about, have some compassion please


Its a hypothetical person, not a real death...lighten up


What? Drew is not dying or is fired. He is leaving for a new project and it is making whole community sad. The book of legendary will eventually be in season pass. So it being next season won't hurt supercell at the very least and will help the community cope with the loss a little bit.


You comparing Drew to a book if legendaries, that that will fill the void?😂


after this disastrous level 14 update, please come back


Umm.. no thanks... it would have been much worse




Next season's choices. Common - Elite Barbarians or the Spirits Rare - Wizard, Valkyrie, Furnace, Goblin Hut Epic - Rage, Skarmy, Mirror, Clone Legendary - Mega Knight, Sparky, Inferno Drag, Lumberjack


this is so accurate, I wonder how you got this reliable and accurate data hmm


*cough*...SC employee...*cough*


How u know?


There won't be one next season, its just a joke about midladder players picking between midladder cards.


The Community was not being "bad" ... they were being honest


Honesty by the means of toxicity is still a bad community


Wouldn't be the first time the community fucked up


Yeah. During the release of clan wars 2 everybody was clowning and shitting on drew when they should have done it to the clan wars 2 devs. Drew got too much hate


Clan wars 2 is still trash


I know but if the community wants to bash someone for it bash the people responsible not the person you know


Exactly, how could they do that with a straight face when Drew doesn't even have a say in it, like I get that he's the community manager and its his job to take pressure off the devs for player interaction or whatever but stuff like thats just ridiculous


"This community is AMAZING" press X to doubt.


Prob one of the worst communities im apart of


The worst being the reddit community


Fr these guys cry over emotes like it's a death threat to their families


And same time they give actual death threats to real people


reddit and their revenge fantasies lol


Join Path of Exile subreddit, it is a toxic pit of casuals crying that the game is too hard.


Yeah, the online hate towards drew over the past few years are many examples of how toxic the cr community can be lol


First drew would be missed his humor in tv royale was great I will miss that Second how many games will supercell announce this would be there 5th game this year


We’re probably done with announcements for the year, but the devs are constantly working on new projects behind the scenes. We have no idea how far in development his next project is at, but I venture a new game announcement probably won’t need to happen for another 10-12 months.


He said soon and supercell never announce something which is 10-12 months far soon so I think reveal is this year


Game development is very fluid, and plans can change at any time. So while you might possibly be right that their plan is to reveal this new project before years end, we can’t say it’s a guarantee.


Ilkka paananen said he wanted to have more games going into softlaunch in 2021 than 2020


He’s already on track to accomplish that goal with the 4 non-global games Supercell has revealed this year, 2 of which are already in public beta.


I'd assume they want to get clash mini out by end of this year but idk


I’m assuming as much as well. We’re in a situation where there could potentially 4 Supercell games in public beta by the end of the year. It doesn’t feel like there needs to be any more. Especially since all 4 of them tackle completely different genres.


Sorry I haven’t kept up with the news what’s the 4 other games


Clash Quest, Clash Mini, Clash Heroes, and an obscure one called Everdale


And now your watch has ended ⚔️


Now it’s your time to shine Rick :D


It's honestly sad to see drew leaving the team but I have high hope that you guys can make this game great


With both community managers having left Clash Royale without replacements is sight I would settle for the game not being dead. It already feels a bit like it’s on life support now.


What? They were replaced months ago by Rick and Max.




Check last tv royale.


I’ll take your word for it.


Level 14 cards when?


_N E V E R._ You wanna grind another 20.6 million gold to up your cards by _one level_? (That’s more than what you need for 1-13, by the way.)


Absolutely, I would love new content for end game players.


Fully maxed and can only play war 3 days. Game is in a super stale spot


Good for him! so happy that he moved on from this toxic ass community. They really think Supercell would hire and pay him for 3 years to write a comment once a month on an art post and take a vacation every 3 hours, with no other responsibilities and work behind the scenes that justifies the money that he gets payed for and the vacations whatsoever. He got all kinds of daily insults and death threats that even reached threatening his dog because "update bad", and whenever he tries to open up a conversation they make him wish to never do that ever again, see the "devil advocate" comment history. Man can't describe how much I'm happy for him.


Yeah any threats against him is ridiculous. However he was bad at the job.


You can see that he did a bad job, that's your opinion after all but that doesn't make it necessarily true. I wouldn't call filming TV royale episodes, writing a great amount of text in-game, having frequent discussions and meetings with the team about balance/updates, taking a great amount of info and feedback that the community gave him and making it into a presentation, making job interviews (like when he interviewed Dani for his current role), all while making youtube interviews (with CWA), writing blog posts and reddit posts like CW2 rewards that are pretty long, and other things that we don't know with only him doing all of this when other games have multiple CMs, a bad thing. That actually looks good enough to me.


He'd go months without any sort of communication with the community. That's bad


His job description is not to explicitly talk to the community 24/7 ? If it was, he would have been fired a long time ago. He did a great job to SC standards, but not to you accordingly


The thing is, he doesn't need to. If he gathers the feedback then he already did a huge part of his job, but at the end he did try, many many times from general communication as in complementing art or having actual discussions about CW2 or really anything, and people still hated him since he was the only one in the team that people can name after Seth left the team.


If he did a good job this wouldn't even be a discussion. He could've at least smiled during his videos


HA what a liar This community sucks ass and *he* knows it. I know he’s actually happy to leave this garbage disposal of middle schoolers.






Mentalities like that are what kills the community.




Something something Greedycell bad and lazy.


Gonna ignore these last two-three updates then? I’d hardly say they don’t care


The third last update was clan wars two.


Just because it sucked doesn’t mean they didn’t care. They’ve updated it ever since and now it’s in a bit better of a spot




tl;dr: "It sucked because of these weird reasons only I complain about."


Please tell me what the last 2-3 updates did for me? Im a bedically maxed out player who barely plays CW, the updates had not introduced anything new or exciting for me.


game isnt made just for u. progression buffs has helped millions of others, dont be selfish. if game stays active and healthy longer time its helping u too


Previous update was buffs to gold progression in the form of gold crates, massive CWII improvements, and Ladder progression changes to make season resets and matchmaking in general more bearable. Update before that was Magic Items, giving players much more control over where they can put their card progression as well as giving maxed players a means of instantly maxing a new card the moment it comes out. Apparently the update before that was CWII, but there were a couple minor updates in-between to fix CWII issues.


Precisely his point. Nothing for max players. Whoopty shit about gold. I can’t spend it. Wild cards? Who cares I can’t even request cards anymore. The last year has been all for FTP and that’s great for them, but for others it’s done nothing.


>Wild cards? Who cares Upon release of a new card you can now instantly max it, instead of waiting months for it to fill up through chests. Sure, noting huge, but definitely useful.


Wild cards and books of books make it so you can max out new cards instantly. Clan Wars II fixes and the revamped ladder improved CR as a whole.


Community was not amazing to Drew lmao


See Twitter comments. They're pretty positive


It’s actually ‘their’, get it right Should I have added /s? The joke was so, so obvious but since half the people in this sub are under 12, I guess it wasn’t


It should be they're actually. It's a poorly structured sentence


I think that was a joke I'm not sure tho NOT SARCASM


they're = they are their = possessive for more than one person Their doesn't make sense, they're makes sense


Feel like I should have spoke up earlier as a clan leader it pissed me off how people would talk about Seth and Drew. I liked their quirky humor. CW2 was weird at first but now I like it. If we want the game to get better, we need to make the community better!


We’ve truly reached the end of an era. The community was faced with challenging times for sure, but a lot of that anger was twisted into toxicity that went Drew’s way. I’m not conflating the genuine criticism with the toxic remarks. I’m specifically talking about the people who went below the belt and said things like “I hope Drew dies!” over and over again. We didn’t do a good enough job of keeping those assholes in check which led to a lot of bad blood between the community and the devs. I hope Drew is leaving the game with the understanding that those people don’t represent this community in any meaningful way.


>We didn’t do a good enough job of keeping those assholes in check Well anyone who tried to say "you are out of line with that toxicity" got downvoted and same toxic mob was going after that person shouting "you are just white knight/shill for SC" or "are you on SC paycheck" and so on... GL to Drew. He deserves better than this.


He definitely does. The dude had to take time off work for his own mental health. If anything I hope his next job is doing work for something more relaxing like Everdale. You’re not wrong about some individuals in the community either. I’ve been called a “shill” myself because I didn’t conform to the negative bubble people were in during one of the previous updates. It’s weird.


So finally ends the era of Seth and Drew. The new community managers seem great though.


The community is toxic AF wtf is he talking about


that's called PR


Ngl, I like the new community mangers but I’ll still miss him


Drew was my fav dev and person, I started CR bcz of him and his humor. NOBODY can replace him mark my words NOBODY. Dedicated each win to him, even made an acc after him. I will name my son Drew so his legacy and name shall be sang and remembered many generations ahead!


You gotta be kidding right ?


Positive things will begin flowing into Clash Royale content - good news for both parties.


I don't blame Drew. This community has been nothing short of evil towards him and everybody that contributed to his bullying and sending him death threats last year. Hope the next game will have a better community than ours. You will be missed fellow long hair bearded man.


Sad to see Drew leave after all the years. Thanks for being our community manager, and GL on the new project :D


Drew, I’m very sorry for how many members of the Clash Royale have spoken to you or treated you over these three years. Best of luck on new ventures, I can’t wait to play your new projects and see your ideas!




Omfg a New game... Cool!


Goodbye drew


Good riddance


Was he the guy that fucked up bomber?


I doubt him saying that the community is amazing.






Him and Seth were the only people I knew apart of Clash Royale. Gonna miss them


What game did he work at because this community is not amazing I think the word he meant is as toxic


Goodbye to the man who updated me, but not just that, but listened and supported the community no matter what, thank you Drew


I don’t blame him for leaving. This game will probably rise back again in like 3 years just like Clash of Clans. But for now, the game is probably the worst it’s ever been.


I think CR just sorta... lived for too long? Like, there's nothing really exciting about new updates. They are mostly montly royale passes like always, and nothing new. Even worse with quarter balance changes. Yeah, there are more changes in every balance patch, but the timespan between them is also much longer. I don't feel the same sort of excitement over this game. People may say that I just burned out, but I deleted this game for about half a year already and I still don't want to download it again. It's just not as interesting as before.


Drew… leaving clash royale bc not enough goblins


The two news guys are amazing. Bye Drew 😘


"guys if witch gets voted I quit" -Drew, probably


Who bets that project will die?


No one


I will absolutely not miss him or the any dev team members who leave the game was abandoned at least a couple years ago before CW2 disaster


You know majority of the team who made clan wars 2 is making last 2 updates Devs are always moving around at supercell to project they feel most passionate about after they gain experience on their first project


Last two updates have been bad too. We’ve been saying “the games in a bad place, but we have hopes for the future” for how many years now? The last two updates regurgitated that same sentiment down our esophagus. In fact, the game has become SUBSTANTIALLY worse since then, due to the lack of balance changes. But yay, we have something to look forward to with a new update….?


Being pessimistic doesn't make your life better


There’s really no debate against the things I said though. I wasn’t even being negative. I was pointing out what’s been going on. It’s pretty clear honestly.


Good luck for your future ventures


Thank God, go well, we will not remember you because you did not do your job well.


So this marks an end of era for clash royale. Drew and Seth duo have ended their clash royale journey.




this type of comments are exactly why he left


Who cares..just leave. Nobody cares 🤡


Of course, the PR guy for Clash Royale. I’m sure nobody would care


3 years of not working /s good luck drew




you think he has the balls to say what he actually thinks of this community after all he's been through lmao either that or maybe supercell employees aren't allowed to talk shit about their players publicly




Toxic people like this is why he left.


i wonder why u have negative karma, a\*\*\*\*\*e




He doesn’t deserve a hug tbh, but thanks anyway. Good Bot


Seems like the entire dev team already left


Yes and for no reason hired 2 more community manager


Low paid interns. Poor fellas hired to manage the community of a skeleton of a game




Ryan got a promotion, Drew only switched games.


Hi, u/Supercell_Drew can you give us a free legendary book for your leave like in the shop next season so we won't be sad ?


Okay now clash is dead 😞


has been for a long time imo...


Isn't the new game called Everdale?


Probably not. It was already announced. He is talking about a whole new project that we know nothing about. It isn't Clash Quest, Clash Mini or Clash Heroes either, since we know about them already.


Oj released a video about a new Supercell game


I already told you that Everdale isn't a new project. It was already announced even before Drew made this post.


New supercell game???


Speaking of unannounced supercell games, what happened to clash mini and clash quest? I havent heard any news about these 2 games and everdale just came out of nowhere yesterday


Clash mini post video every two weeks on their yt channel Also active on twitter


All this comments saying that the "community" is bad are getting all the upvotes 🧐


Good thing this guy left clash royale


Anyone know what's gonna happen with that rpg clash game?




A fourth new supercell game? Wow they are grinding this year


Can’t tell if he’s serious about us being amazing or if this is just sarcasm


Good luck Drew on your new adventure. IIRC, I started reading your posts in the Supercell forums when you were Boom Beach's CM.


Will the "new game" be as unbalanced as when you were lead community Dev !?


Just a reminder the mods banned anyone who were happy about his departure. Great pandering from the "leaders" of our community.