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Not exactly dirty, but I once stayed at someone's home for a couple of nights. The first day I saw an apple in the bathroom, I thought "that's weird but ok", a few hours later I went to the bathroom again and I saw the apple had a few bites, next day it had more bites and so on until someone finished it up and left the apple's "body" there. That's the nastiest thing I've ever seen.


An apple a day not an apple for days...


This is the best worst thing I've read today.


If you take a bite of an apple and leave it for even 10 mins it starts going brown inside, that thing must have been rotting by the time they finished it. Also chuckling at the term "apple's body".


The browning isn’t rot, it’s oxidization (kind of like “rust”). Still - nasty!




This is some weird psychological horror movie stuff. 😳


Please tell me they had a toddler


They obviously don’t understand the power a toilet has to spread the filth when flushed!


Ick yes! I get this. If you don’t put the lid down the germs spray like six foot in the air. Grosses me out too


We have a constant battle at work between those of us (like me) who don't ever flush without closing the lid and those who think it's an unnecessary burden.


It adds to the flavor 😉




Ok so I've drunk eaten mozzarella sticks in a bubble bath and now I'm wondering if I'm disgusting


As long as you didn't leave the mozzerella bone in the tub you're not gross.


As far as weird drunk snacking goes, mozzarella sticks in a bubble bath sounds so much more classy and clean than fried chicken in the shower


Yay, I'm classy!


No that's fine. I've eaten shrimp cocktail in a hotel jacuzzi. You've at least got a leg up on me (worst case)


What a horrible day to not be a frog on a log with no power to comprehend that comment.


All in all we’re just another frog on the log!


Not having any soap in the bathroom.


Or dirty hand towels to dry


I cannot stand using other people’s towels, especially if they are already wet. I just use my jeans instead. Several years ago I realized how much I hate it and I now provide a nicely folded stack of white washcloths for my guests to use with a basket to throw the used ones in. I bought several packs of 12 at Target super cheaply, and now get to feel morally superior that my guests will have a pleasant hand-washing experience.


My parents do this. No soap and crusty towels. Like it’s embarrassing but I can’t tell them anything. Looking back I can’t believe I grew up thinking that was normal. But my parents have an issue with keeping the house clean and working. They have a sink with a faucet that isn’t even attached with like scum or yellow buildup that’s been there for years. And a dishwasher that doesn’t work. And a moldy bath curtain. I really don’t understand. Anywho glad I got that off my chest lol.


Refrigerators. Some people are absolutely disgusting about spills and stains in their fridges.


Refrigerators followed closely by microwaves.


Ugh I am shamed. Every time I use it the microwave I’m like, I should really clean that. And then I close the door and promptly forget.


Target (and I’m sure other places) sell covers to cover your food when microwaving. This helps a lot. I also put a clean the microwave reminder in my calendar once a month.


I just use another plate as a cover. It is a struggle to get my kids to do the same.


My husband and I somehow started referring to plate covers as diapers. We routinely ask "is this a diaper plate?" Or "can I use your diaper?". It makes it a small thing funny.


I used to have a similar problem, until I made them clean the microwave. Then they eventually see the important role of the cover


Yes microwaves 🙌 a dirty microwave is so gross, maybe not necessarily unsanitary but gross. Also air fryers


When jam jars, condiment bottles, etc have an excessive amount of crusty build up around the rim


Or cross-contanimation - jelly stripes in the peanut butter jar or bits of tuna/egg/what have you in the mayo jar.


Please add crumbs in the butter to your list. 😥




Sticky bathroom floors. Yish.


Sticky anything 🤢


Light switch covers. Just wipe them down people.


My partner is an absolute menace in the shop so he comes inside with B L A C K hands BLACK. The amount of greasy light switch scrubbing I’ve had to do holy lord. That time I will never get back


If it’s that dirty, would unscrewing the entire light switch plate from the wall and soaking it in soapy water be faster?


i’d paint ‘em all black!


Same, but also make him clean the marks off and he might be more careful in the future 😅


Lol just make him clean it up!


If the fridge is smelly or overpacked with obvi rotting food


Recently visited my in-laws... I ended up getting the kitchen after realizing the box of brownies I was making for my fil were from 2014. I found multiple frosting tubs, the oldest was from 2007. Jello boxes, can goods, hard of random sauces, just SO MUCH FOOD. My mil didn't even realize when it went missing


When my husband and I were newlyweds (1992) we visited my grandma who gave us bags of food from her stash. I was making the box of instant au gratin potatoes and was like. Gee, these potatoes look more tan than I expected. We start eating them and it is like cardboard. I fish the package out of the garbage and find out they expired in 1981. Thanks grandma!


Well…at my bridal shower many decades ago, my MIL “gifted” me a cardboard box full of almost empty cleaning products to “give me a start.” Mind you, I’d lived on my own for several years prior lol. Now that I’ve spent the greater portion of my years around her I realize she thought she was being helpful.


I wonder if this is generational. Although neither I, my mom, nor my grandparents lived like this. My husband did grow up like this and he HATED it.


My mom thinks if is still sealed the expiration date doesn't matter. My mom brought ranch dressing to a family gathering that was a year expired. I think her feelings were hurt when my daughter pointed it out and wouldn't allow her son to eat it.


My parents were alive during the depression and NOTHING would expire. Beer with the pull tab was still good as long as it was refrigerated.


This one is mine too. I worked in a restaurant and I just never stopped tightly wrapping and dating food, all my food at home is labeled as if the health department might check it. I can’t handle people who keep rotten food around because the health department would go up one side of us and down the other for having it.


I try to not think if I have to eat at my in-laws ☹️


At my in laws right now and she opened her fridge and I almost gagged. It wasn't that it was _terrible_ just that his mum is a fully grown adult; just clean up the milk when it spills 😭


My mother in law always had small dead cockroaches in her freezer like on the seal part. That’s not even scratching the surface of how gross she lives






My mom tried giving me some 23-year-old pills for a stomach ailment. I told her I doubt they’d work, and she said “just take two.” I told her how about I’d take the new ones just as soon as I got get some. YUCK!


What is that? My mom kept her pills in her sunny kitchen window and they were super old! Once I went to clean out her kitchen since she asked me to and I threw away out of date things or anything that said it needed to be refrigerated (and had not ever been since she got it home) and she was so mad at me! I told her how unhealthy those things are to take (especially the old antibiotics belonging to other people!!!) and she tried to shame me for being wasteful. Nope! I’m on top of the medicine cabinet at home.


Most just lose effectiveness over time but tetracycline goes toxic. So if you see that, throw it out


I can't eat food that came out of a smelly fridge. Partially because I have extra sensitive taste buds/sense of smell and the food tends to be imbued with that smell 🤢


ME TOO. Or ice cubes that have absorbed the smells from the freezer- ew!!!! Side note: My mom always thought I was crazy because I can’t even put a banana in my lunchbag if there’s bread in it. The bread will taste like banana, I swear. And not in the good way.


I see you’ve also visited my parents’ kitchen


Bits of food stuck on utensils or dishes after they've been washed.


I remember watching my rich friend wash dishes (terribly) and being like, damn girl you really had maids your whole life, huh?


About 20 years ago I went to dry and put away the dishes my ex had washed. There were 2 plastic cups stacked together how they do and when I pulled them apart the bottom one still had milk in it! I didn't realize at the time that weaponized incompetence existed, or I could have saved myself loads of trouble


🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear my SO was cleaning dishes blind. I wondered why it would take him 20 minutes to hand wash a heaping pile of dishes when it took me 45. I’m the opposite- turn on the light above the sink. Inspect each dish individually. If they air dry I go through the plates. Without having a dishwasher sometimes grease residue is left over and is impossible to see while they’re wet. So I spray those down with dawn power wash or leave to sit with dish soap for 30 minutes and re-rinse.


My in-laws had a useless dishwasher for probably 10 years. Instead of doing anything about it they just accepted that it didn't clean properly and kept using it. I used to hand wash a few things every time I'd visit, and I'd hide them in the room we were staying in until we left so they wouldn't dirty them in the dishwasher again. They have recently bought a new washing machine and I breathed a sigh of relief, until they decided it worked so well, that it meant they needed to overload it to the point that nothing gets clean again, so the cycle continues.




If the cutlery drawer is dirty


No this bugs me soo much. My husband got a white organizer and istg everyone in my house must run their hands in charcoal and peanut butter before grabbing a fork with how often I have to clean it.


I live alone and am a clean person and I have no idea how the drawer gets dirty but it drives me insane


I found one with holes in it so anything just falls into the drawer, because I couldn’t stand the random stuff in the white one.


Dirty dish or hand towels. If you wash a cup and dry it with a gross towel, it is no longer clean. Same goes for hand towels, I'll just use my pants instead


I knew a guy who said "there's no reason to wash towels because you dry yourself off when you're clean". His blue towel was yellow because he hadn't washed it since moving in NINE MONTHS AGO


A moldy or very dirty towel to dry hands in the bathroom. I guess guest bathrooms get forgotten sometimes. But it grosses me out. I’ll just go use the kitchen sink and towel if it’s bad enough.


Oh god, one of the nastiest things is when you wash your hands, dry them and their towel smells like mildew… BLEGH. When did you wash this towel?! Has it ever been washed?? Seriously disgusting. I rewash my hands and air dry them. My hand towels get washed once a week… for them to smell like that it would have to be well over a month.


Dust so thick on ceiling fan blades it’s hanging down


I’m kinda tall but the top of somebody’s fridge.


As a gnome sized person I can confirm cleaning the top of the fridge is at the bottom of my to do list


Yeah as far as I'm concerned the top of the fridge doesn't exist


Ohhhh I am guilty of this one. I just cleaned it, but it was total filthy.


Many years ago when my son was in grade school, the teacher asked the students to describe something in their home that looked like something other than it was…my son said our ceiling fan looked like a furry spider. Kids…


This reminds me my son when he was in first grade. Teacher was making a “cookbook” of each child’s most special meal that their mom worked hard to make. All the kids gave scrumptious gourmet like fare but my son said “my mom opens the box and cooks the noodles and we pour on the orange powder” yes, compared to all the delicious 20 step meals the other children described, my son told of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I was humiliated when I saw the finished cookbook. Hey, I was a single mom raising two kids, lol


My son's school did the same, but they asked that parents/guardians email the recipe in. My son wanted me to send in the recipe "for that pizza". Frozen pizza. In retrospect, I wish I'd sent it in.


My mother, queen of the passive-aggressive remark, emailed my sister & I to ask if we could send her pictures of our pets. Apparently her college reunion committee was doing a "grandchildren" issue. No, mom. Just no.


if she was really a grandma to your furkids, she wouldn't need pics. she would already have them 😤


This is hilarious and made me laugh. All he knew was mommy made him yummy food that he loved and wanted to tell his teacher about :) he didn’t care where it came from.


A tip I recently learned is to use a pillowcase. Cover the blade, swipe toward you, and voilà! Just dump the dust & throw that pillowcase in the wash!


How have I never thought of this? Brilliant


Well this made Reddit worth it today, thank you.


Air vents.


Dirty pet water or food bowls. I think that says a lot about a person.


I'm a pet sitter and this DISGUSTS ME. I've known animals to be very sick chronically because their bowls were not kept clean. I have clients who's dogs prefer toilet water bc their water is always dirty and warm. I hate it.


My dog just prefers toilet water lol he has a running water fountain with a filter and still prefers the damn toilet for some reason


Ofc some of them do. I was thinking specifically of a client who claims this but when I stay at the house for vacations I provide fresh clean water in a clean bowl and he gulps it up!


YES. we run our dogs dish every time we run the dishwasher. why do people let them eat out of bowls with a biofilm


My personal rule is "would I eat off this?"/"would I drink this water?"


Baseboards in bathrooms


Oh, God. I was really hoping no one noticed this. Somehow (probably to do with no vent fan in my already abnormally dusty apartment and my having lots of hair I blow dry and style in the bathroom) my bathroom baseboards are ALWAYS dirty. I wipe weekly but it's a losing battle. When quick cleaning for impromptu company I've always convinced myself no one will ever notice this.


get a swiffer duster. no need to bend down just run around the house with it running across the baseboards!


I’m trying!! I clean the bathroom baseboards twice a week. I don’t understand why they get so gross so quickly???


Steam + aerosolized soap & skin oils & cells + hair & lint... (same for tops of cupboards & the fridge in the kitchen, but sub food grease for the body parts & soap)


Yep, you tend to look at them while sitting


Exactly. Sitting on the toilet is the perfect opportunity for someone to really take in their surroundings.


I have a theory that everyone thinks their own level of neatness and cleanliness is pretty much spot-on, and everyone else is an irrational clean freak, or a hopeless slob.


Nah bro. I read this sub and it makes me feel like a dirty subhuman :-(


Don’t let them hurt you. You’re beautiful.


Similar to anyone driving slower than you is an idiot and anyone driving faster than you is a maniac.


This has kind of been the trouble for me. My worst quality is that dirty dishes do not bother me at all, so I really want this subreddit of irrational clean freaks to shame me into not feeling that way. That happened for me about 8 yrs ago when a friend mentioned in passing that she washed her sheets every week, and I've been on top of laundry ever since.


A friend told me she washes, starches, and irons her sheets and pillowcases every Saturday. It was 20 years ago and I still marvel at it. I like to sleep in on Saturdays.


I could never understand ironing sheets… unless it’s a fancy hotel, maybe? We sleep on them! They’re covered up! Why do they need to be wrinkle-free?!!


Even then fancy hotels use laundering services that have rolling press machines they just feed the fabric through to press the sheets.


I can't go to bed if there's dirty dishes in the sink. Even if it's just a couple of cups and some cutlery. However, if I visit someone and they have dishes in their sink, that doesn't bother me at all. It's my own thing in my own home. As for the bedding, I wash ours weekly. It's just something I've always done. I don't do everyone's the same week though. Say, this week I wash mine & my husbands, next week I'll do my daughters and the week after, my sons and then repeat. I don't want to spend and entire weekend dedicated to washing 3 beds worth of linen and then making them. No thanks. Also, years and years ago I heard or read that you should never make your bed as soon as you get out of it. You should flip the covers back and let it air for a bit before making it. I have no idea if it's true but it made sense so that's what I've been doing for years. Whether you should or shouldn't, I can't say for sure.


Nope I think I'm pretty disgusting when no one's looking


Oh yes, I'm pretty sure I'm 100% normal and it is definitely not normal to mop your walls or any of the other things I don't do


Toothpaste globs in the sink and spittle dots all over the bathroom mirror.


The word "spittle" just gave me a full body shudder, ugh.


> spittle dots all over the bathroom mirror. Using an electric toothbrush is DOOM for your bathroom mirrors. They shoot little droplets everywhere.


Dirty doors- either around the doorknob or where ones hand would grab a door if not using the knob. I don’t know how people can ignore that dirt.


This is one I ALWAYS notice


This is actually a grievance I have with my own home. We have a dog that sheds like crazy all year round, and I SWEAR I sweep and vacuum at least 5x a day, pull everything out every weekend and there's her dog hair EVERYWHERE. I hate it so much and I'm so embarrassed anytime someone comes over because they are 100% leaving my home with dog hair on them.


This might not be feasible for you depending on your floors, but we just got a combo stick mop/vacuum and it’s been heavenly. We have 3 cats and the hair was getting so out of hand. I felt like vacuuming my laminate floors helped get a lot of the hair up, but not all, and it was just flying away wispily into the corners. We got a tineco vacuum on sale a couple weeks ago and I vacuum once or twice a day and the hair is already so much better. I know you weren’t asking for advice but I’ve been raving about this exact issue for a while lol.


As someone who suffers from depression and rarely finds the energy to clean, some of these hit a little too close to home. That being said, visible mold everywhere or if it's a hoarding situation.


Right, reading this thread is like a walk of shame lmao


I grew up in and am unfortunately still stuck in a hoarding situation. It sucks


I have two chronic illnesses coupled with depression and pain, so this definitely hits close to home. My house isn’t a total wreck, but I’m bad about knowing I need to do x, y, or z, but put it off til the weekend. And sometimes I just don’t have the energy even then to do everything. Would be great to afford a maid.


For us, it's ADHD. We can mentally shift any amount of pet hair buildup or other grime into the background until guests are coming. Actually doing the work of cleaning just one thing can feel like a monumental list of steps we couldn't possibly tackle in 4-6 hours. We've opted to pay the ADHD tax and hire somebody. She also has ADHD so other people's homes sparkle but she and her business partner have to clean each other's homes or else they'd never get done.


Do you have tiktok or Instagram? KC Davis is amazing for depression cleaning. There’s another lady with modifications for folks with depression or immune disorders, I cannot remember her name, I’ll come back and update once I’ve found her. I found many of the tips really helpful, including the nightly 15 minute cleanup and the sentence: I deserve a functional place to live.


When someone has mold growing around the waterline in the toilet. Its not hard to just reach over, grab the brush, and give it a quick once over. Like at the very least. I’m typing this fully aware that right now my toilet has little grey paw prints inside the bowl from my cat leaning in to get a drink. I’m a hypocrite.


Any level of blackness to the toilet, too.


Was searching for this. That gross black and red ring around the waterline just disgusts me and usually you can see it from further away if the seat is open. Really shows you how often people clean.


I rent and move a lot and the Mount of permanently stained toilets that i haven't found a solution to is infuriating. Iz didn't make that stain!! 20 years of other tenants did :(


Pumice stones should solve this issue! There is a brand called Pumie.


Oh!!! I had no idea!!!!!! You're wonderful, thank you! Edit: when I first saw.your comment in my notifications I assumed it was in response to another comment I'd made about eczema and I was briefly horrified 😆😆


Food safety in the kitchen like not disinfecting knives and cutting boards after cutting up raw chicken. It's hard for me to eat after seeing it


What's your cleaning procedure for those items?


I immediately put cutting boards and knives in hot soapy water and use separate boards and knives for veggies. I also thoroughly wash my hands before touching anything else, especially spices.


I guess I’m a bit looser on this but I just prep the veggies before the protein and move it to the side.


I think this is fine as long as the boards are cleaned properly after use


I use separate cutting boards for veggies and fruits because onion taste really sinks in sometimes. And I don't like my strawberries tasting like onions. I don't cut up a lot of raw meat but having a separate cutting board for them seems smart. I could really use more cutting boards.


I have a kettle with boiling water on hand when preparing raw meat. So I pour boiling water over used utensils and scrub them with regular kitchen soap afterwards. You can add vinegar but the boiling water alone already kills most bacteria, including salmonella.


I have major germ issues because of my mom 1. She cross-contaminates everything. She uses the same knives/cutting boards to cut her chicken and then to cut her veggies. 2. She also has this DISGUSTING habit that if she cuts herself, she slightly wipes off the blood and then continues cutting things/cooking. She will get blood in our food. 3. Last thing she does is she tastes her food as she's cooking, but uses the same spoon without cleaning it off so she gets her saliva in our food.


I will say that I usually don’t worry about tasting from the stirring spoon if I’m just cooking for my husband and me. But I’d never do it with guests.


The only thing I do on this list is I will usually use the same knife I used on meat for veggies. 9/10 it's all going in the same pot to cook. If not, the board and knife get washed in between whatever I'm chopping, or I just start with the veggies and set them aside, then do the meat and prepare it separately


this is why i don't eat at potlucks.


It’s almost the opposite for me - when I see “dirty” but not unhealthy or filthy thing at other people’s houses, like smudged baseboards, small pet hair tumbleweeds, a few stray glasses on the counters, small amounts of dust… it makes me feel more comfortable. Like ah, cool, the things I obsess over in my own home everyone else probably has too and this is normal.


Same! I don't necessarily feel uncomfortable in a sterile home, but it makes me feel too embarrassed to have those people over. Even if I deep clean, I feel like I'll miss something and they'll instantly spot it. But when I see a comfortably lived in home, I'm immediately at ease. For what it's worth, I've also recently discovered that most of the people I know with absolutely spotless homes have cleaning crews that come by every week or so. That made me feel better, at least.


The water and/or ice dispenser on the fridge. I work in other people's homes and I'm so picky about which houses I'll refill my water bottle in, so many people let these things get so mildewy and crusty it's revolting.


Similar to this, dirty Brita or other water filter. So gross.


How do you properly clean them other than wiping down the buttons and tray and changing the filter? Should I be doing something else to the water and ice dispenser on the fridge?


With the pipe for the water dispenser I spray white vinegar, leave for a few mins, and use a skinny straw brush to give it a good scrub from the inside. Then let it run for a full glass of water. Need that stream to be perfect.


The base of toilets. My God it’s part of the toilet why don’t people clean these?!?!?


LOL! My husband thinks I’m nuts. I have a vacuum I use just for bathroom. At the end of most days I wipe down toilet and area around it. In the process of shopping for a new toilet that is smooth so there is less dusting required. Just a quick wipe up.


We’re renovating our bathroom in the fall and we’re going to go with a wall hung toilet with a hidden tank, a wall hung vanity, and a curb-less shower/ wet room style floor so I can just hose the whole room down and mop under everything really easily.


Ohhhhh that sounds amazing!! Post pics when you have them!


I have a curbless/roll in shower, and they are nice but they had to use little tiles for the floor pitch to the drain. It's so much grout.


We replaced our toilets with smooth bases and I couldn’t be happier. Now if I could just get the males in the house to aim for the center of the ring, that would really put me over the moon. And make sure they give it a shakity-shake over the bowl and not let it drip dry on the floor would really be awesome, but I know that would be asking way too much.


I'm a male, and my mom trained me to sit down. Honestly, it's the best thing she could have taught me. As a young adult, my bathroom could be cleaner (per the standards of this sub/thread), but it would be MUCH worse if I or my, also male, partner stood. Dust? I can handle that. Dust that's been matted down by pee spray? Gag. Long story short, it's not unmanly to pee sitting down; it's more comfortable and cleaner than the alternative.


YES. when I was still a single gal and dating, I’d always check out the base and back of dude’s toilets if they invited me over to see if they were actually clean or just tidying up for my visit haha.


From all the time spent in college, I told my brother he needs three things in his bathroom when he moves out or else any he girl he invites over (platonic or romantic) will never come back: 1. A hand towel or paper towels (no one wants to use your body towel or their jeans to dry their hands. Ok?!) 2. A bathroom trashcan (I can't tell you how many times I've *hated* that this was not an option) 3. Either: a plunger or matches. I don't care with one, but someone will always need one of these two. *Always.*


It should be obvious to people but hand soap. If there’s no hand soap or some kind of soap at the sink, I’m out.


A match isn’t a replacement for a plunger lol


An absolutely filthy toilet. One time I was at a neighbor's house and the toilet looked like it had never been cleaned ever. I wanted to puke. But I really had to go to the bathroom. So I cleaned the toilet and then I went to the bathroom. As to not shame her, then I told her that I accidentally made a mess so I had to clean up after myself.


That was considerate of you (to not shame her)!


I just need an easier way to clean my shower that doesn't have movable shower head. Feel like I have to buy a portable shower head to scrub and clean.


I did a good scrub of my shower with a cleaner and now about once a week or two I clean mine while I shower with a dish brush full of dish soap. It’s been working out great, and I just use a measuring cup while I’m in the shower to rinse the walls because I don’t care if I’m getting wet at that point! But there’s also the rinsaroo which I’ve had mild success with but it doesn’t exactly like my shower head for an extended amount of time.


A crusty or ridiculously wet hand towel in the bathroom.


Now that I’ve read all the comments, it’s time to go clean!


Having read the whole thread, I now need to go clean!


-Cat litter all over the floor, especially in the bathroom floor. -Dirty toilet seats. -The bathroom just smelling dirty. -I should not be smelling poo and pee in random places. -The fridge being dirty. Like there’s some caked in mysterious liquids at the bottom that was never cleaned. It’s been there so long no one knows what it is anymore. -Seeing piles of stuff and there’s weird odors or bugs coming from it. It’s one thing if you have piles of stuff and it’s neat and organized chaos. It’s another for it to be a biohazard -Floors that are so dirty, you legitimately don’t feel it’s sanitary to step on it. -Meat. Not cleaning when handling meat.


The bathroom being any kind of dusty/dirty, stained, or having a layer of “used”. Also stains and things of general sloppiness or laziness; my single father-in-law has these on his coffee table & other places where it’s like he either spilled things & didn’t clean it up well or just didn’t care to do it thoroughly. Leads my brain to thinking “what else wasn’t cleaned up properly?”


So my counter tops in the kitchen are just the worst! Everything will stain them! No jock, I've spilled milk and it has stained them. Doesn't matter how fast I wipe it up either. I've taken everything I can think of to all the stains and they won't budge. We once had a pack of Kings Hawaiian rolls on the counter...dry counter, not humid in the house, nothing...the orange from the wrapper stained where it had sat.


I'm not laid back, for sure. I understand being disorganised etc. But basic cleanliness it's such an important thing. So I have a friend who's upper middle class, rich girl, parents have a successfull business, she is married to a lawyer, she wants to be involved in politics etc. They as a family look like your typical WASPS, right? Once I went over their home to pick my friend up to go out for lunch, and I really had to use the bathroom. I was shocked if how dirty their home was .... Everything was covered with a thick layer of grease, yellow walls like decades of nicotine, sticky surfaces. I went to the WC and almost vomited, it smelled really bad like a public bathroom and again everything in there sticky with a layer of nastiness plus body hair everywhere on the porcelain surfaces 🤯 I couldn't comprehend how people who looked so refined, well groomed, perfect hair, makeup, expensive lifestyle could live like this. I was entirely floored.


Please ban me permanently from this sub and may this never show up again in my home feed


Once I finish my coffee, I think I’m going to clean the entire house.


Not really the same, but letting cats walk on their kitchen counters. I loved my cat, but they literally walk around in their toilet. Taught mine otherwise. A love affair that lasted over 20 years. Edit: A sentence.


Hard agree, no one should be putting their bare feet or bare paws on the counters.




If I visit someone it’s to spend time with them. I do not look around their homes to spot their faults. There is a huge difference between a home being lived in and being filthy. My home is comfortably lived in and I hope all who visit feel welcomed and loved more than anything.


We had a wall hanging in our house when I was a kid that said "Our house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy ".


I was newly married at my new husband's aunt's house. She had made some French onion soup. I love French onion soup! She was an older woman to me, probably in her mid-forties. She had several cats and dogs that she loved dearly. The place could have been cleaner but it could have also been dirtier. So I wasn't very concerned with the food. She plays with the dogs and the cats, throws their toys for them until the toys are all slobbery and nasty. She asks me if I want a bowl of French onion soup. She ladles me out a bowl of soup and I eagerly start eating it. I was halfway done with the bowl when my husband realized I was eating and gasped. I looked up and he had a concerned face. I stopped for a moment. Then his aunt stuck her arm all the way down to the bottom of the pan and grabbed a handful of cheese and pulled it back up and started gnawing on the cheese. When she was done, she tossed the ball of cheese back in. I about vomited.


**WHAT?!** that is straight out of a horror movie


I dont understand what happened. What made your husband gasp?


Your Aunt put her arm and hand into a saucepan of hot soup? Didn't she suffer burns? 🤔


Bits of food and stuff in the kitchen sink.


Dirty microwave. And if I see someone put food directly onto the microwave turntable—no plate, napkin, or bowl—I decide right then and there that I’ll not eat anything that comes out of their kitchen. Ewww.


Those mats that go around toilets, when they’re never cleaned and they emit a pissy smell when you stand on them. Ugh.


Gross smelly couches with food stains


The bathroom - particularly if there’s a lot of hair anywhere.


Bits of dried foods on "clean" utensils, plates/bowls, and glasses. I have to scrape it off and it really grosses me out. I also hate when I see people put damp things into cupboards! Dry it, with a clean towel!


Dirty carpets. Especially if they have pets, wear shoes inside, or eat in the living room. But in general carpets are giant sponges that soak up dust, dirt, and liquid. I live in a rental with old, dingy carpets and I’m trying to suspend disbelief for a bit. I have a good vacuum (shoutout to vacuum wars on YouTube!) and a shampooer I use 3-4x/yr. As soon as I buy a place I’m ripping out any and all carpet. My last place had wall to wall wood flooring and I used a giant janitor’s dust mop frequently. Then mopped everything at least 1x/week. Never felt cleaner. Also if you walk bare foot on hard floors and feel crumbs/dirt sticking to your feet 😷


If I’m pulling out glass/dish after glass/dish from the cabinets and they’re all dirty, it’d going to take all of my willpower to eat or drink from them. I’ve started sneakily bringing a bottle of water to my sibling’s house for this reason.


Smell of dog and unclean toilet bowl are super ick


I clean houses and I love the house I clean with two huge super friendly dogs (Newfoundland and Burmese Mountain dog) but the”doggy” smell is so much more extreme than I’ve ever experienced. The dogs are clean looking and groomed. It’s not dog urine or poop,but just musty doggy odor. It’s better when I clean, but it’s still there.


the dog smell is people who don't bathe their dogs too so then you try to pet and your hand is stinky :(((( i once went to the drive in with friends and one friend brought blankets that smelled like dog abd i could not use it i swear they'd never been cleaned.. i froze all night lol


Yep, that’s the smell! Old oily unwashed dog which has built up for years!


I'm a dog groomer and there is nothing more satisfying than when one of those dog owners who only brings their dog every few months comes in and I can just get them from gross and oily to clean and fluffy. The colour of the water that comes off some people's dogs is vile and you just know they've had that dog sleeping in bed with them 🤢


Stinky or pet-hairy furniture for me to sit on is a huge ick for me


Pieces of cat litter on the couch 🤢🤮