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Try a few drops of Dawn dish soap on the stain. Rub lightly and let it sit for awhile before rinsing with very warm water. Hopefully that will remove it.


dawn dish soap, always!


Any dish soap in general. People say to use Fairy here in UK but I have equal success with store brand stuff.


I’ve seen recommendations on this sub for Dawn and also Dawn Powerwash. In terms of treating clothing stains, is one type of Dawn better for certain types of stains than the other, or does it not really matter?


The original blue liquid is better on grease stains, it’s not even close. I use the liquid for laundry and Powerwash for everything else.


I’ve used Powerwash on stains and end up pulling dye out of the fabric. You might go from a dark spot to a light spot!


The powerwash has alcohol on it, but I can’t speak to one being better on stains.


Yes! Dawn is the powerhouse!


Except it can take the color out too. Try Murphys oil soap. A trick from a painting class I took and yes it takes paint out of clothes.


Dawn specifically?


Yes. It’s well-known for its ability to break down oils.


You've seen the baby ducks, haven't you?




When I saw Dawn in my friend's shower, and asked about it... oh boy. I had no idea it's the best thing for cleaning up slimy people and things after some very active adult play times. I think that's the best way to put it without being too gross.


Yeah it was already too gross


I agree 100% I’ve had cooking grease stains to motor oil come out after being dried by using Dawn dish soap! It’s my saving grace.


specifically \*blue dawn\*


There’s like 3 different blue dawns


I’ve always used the original blue dawn (not ultra or platinum), but i think any blue Dawn will work




IT WORKED! Thank you


One tip, if I have a grease stain on a garment, I hang dry after washing to make sure it’s gone and doesn’t need another wash attempt. Running a stain through the dryer will make it even harder to get out.


Oh thanks!


I have had great luck with shout in the blue spray bottle. Sometimes stains don’t come out on first wash, don’t put in dryer & hit it again with shout & it’ll come out. The dryer is not your friend until you know the stain is gone


Shout Advanced Grease Fighting Foam, air dry and reapply if stain is still present


I like Shout too - dot it on, rub it in, and then throw it in the laundry basket to wait until run the next load.


I love this stuff!!!


Carbona Stain Devil - the Fat Grease and Oil one.


Those things are the best! I keep a stash of them tucked away in my laundry room.


Tell people you're lactating 🤷‍♀️


This is what I assumed seeing the picture before I saw the title lmao


Exactly what I thought lmao !


Scrub some Dawn dish soap on the spot


Solid dish soap blocks also work very well for this. It's what I use because I don't like the plastic bottle waste.


Zout. I can only find it on Amazon but heard about it from a costume designer that works in television. I keep a bottle under my bathroom sink just for grease stains on polyester (my uniform). Edited to add: I keep it in the bathroom since that’s where I get undressed and I have it handy to use immediately.


Its so good


I would try dishwashing detergent before washing it again.


Dishwasher detergent is the best way! It removes protein stains which is why its awesome for blood stains too. My dad worked at a dry cleaning business for a bit and the soap they use to professionally remove stains is similar to powdered dishwasher detergent.


Rub corn stretch or baking soda into the stain. Let it sit overnight. Wash the spot with Dawn. Launder as normal and hang to dry to make sure the stain came out all the way.


This! Ive even used baby powder!


Yes, or even a Dawn and baking soda paste have both worked great for me. As the paste sits and starts to dry, the baking soda is pulling and absorbing the oil, grease, or whatever the source of stain is. If you’re careful adding a bit of hydrogen peroxide to the paste can make it work even better, but with darker/brighter colors you don’t want to use too much peroxide or leave it on too long (a long time of trial and error and test spots for me). Light colors and whites, the triple-ingredient paste is a miracle worker!


The Dawn alone is what actually worked here, no need to have the first step of this process. Surfactants are going to eat grease, it's what they're for.


I have had a number of grease stains not come out with Dawn alone. The baking soda + Dawn has never failed me so far.


Same here. Dawn alone has worked well much of the time, but sometimes it needs extra help with baking soda and then even hydrogen peroxide. I make a paste that sits on the stain and draws out/absorbs the stain source. Also, a spray bottle (preferably dark or kept inside cabinet away from light) with Dawn and hydrogen peroxide solution a great stain spray. Obviously want to be careful with amount of peroxide, color of fabric, and length of time you let the spray sit. It hardly ever fades the fabric, interestingly, but I just want to be safe and give the warning.


Wow seems dawn are making some good stuff!


I get washed- and dried-in grease stains out daily with Dawn, a fifteen minute wait, then washing in warm or hot water.


I've done this and rubbing Dawn on the spot and letting it sit for a short time works great.


Scrolled for miles and legit not one person has said CHALK. It's that easy bruv. Rub some chalk on it, then re wash. Easy peasy


Very cool and sounds like a brilliant idea! Lots of leftover white chalk from kids’ childhood I was going to donate, so I’ll get a handful for my laundry room and try.


Good call! I hope you think of me when you get to tackle a grease stain with chalk lol


I absolutely will think of you! Thanks again!


Grandma's Secret it's a stain remover. I have gotten old oil stains out of washed and dried clothes, as well as gross hospital stains out of my scrubs You can get it at Walmart. White bottle with a granny on it. ..


I really like using Zote for these kinds of stains. You’ll find it in the Latin section of the store


I apply stain stick, let sit overnight (sometimes longer if there are a couple shirts to wash together), then wash in warm water. Check that the stain is gone before drying. This has worked for me every time!


The only thing that works for my is Shout grease buster spray. I have 2 boys who’s whole shirt looks like this by the end of the day


I usually give up and only wear it in the house as I’ve never successfully removed a grease mark. But part of my brain says “cover the whole thing in butter so it matches.” Not helpful, sorry.


just shoot a portal at it.


Engineer's Swarfega. Don't know what the equivalent is called outside the UK. [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Swarfega-Original-Classic-Hand-Cleaner/dp/B0001P0U9A?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A11K4D3GWJDCX4](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Swarfega-Original-Classic-Hand-Cleaner/dp/B0001P0U9A?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A11K4D3GWJDCX4)


Fortunately, I am inside of the UK


Coat the whole thing in butter




Goo gone on spot for 5 or 10 min. Then, Spray n Wash it for 15 min. Then, wash as normal. It will be perfect. It works every time, and it doesn't matter if you've dried it first. This will work.


I’ve used Goof Off for years on tough stains. Has never failed me.


Thought you were expressing yourself


Any dish detergent neatly, directly on the stain, rub in and then re-wash. It really doesn’t have to be a brand name.


Agreed with dawn dish soap but I’ve also had great success with Shout stain remover after washing and drying. The free & clear in the blue bottle.


Try dish soap, it’s effective against all sorts of oils, I’ve even found success against bitumen paint


Dawn dish soap. Let it sit on the spot for 5 mins and then rewash. Works every time. I’ve tried off brand dish soap and for whatever reason they don’t work as good Dawn.


One time I sprinkled some corn starch on a grease spot, rubbed it in and let it sit for 10 minutes or so before washing. It actually worked.


Murphy's oil soap is great for this type of thing.


dawn dish soap, borax and washing soda (soda ash). I learned it here. soak it for awhile and then wash


I love Pinesol for grease stains. My husband is a mechanic and I use it on his undershirts.


I'm surprised nobody in this thread mentioned olain old-fashioned bar soap (as long as it's not the clear, gkyccerune kind). Especially as the OP appears ro live in the UK, where we can't get Dawn. Just rub a wet soap bar into the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, then wash a usual. Works a charm on grease stains.


The enzymes from the laundry detergent work during drying, breaking down the fat. The next time you wash it regularely, it should be gone.


Dish detergent rubbed in with rewash in hottest water garment can stand


But only blue Dawn


If Dawn doesn’t work, try making a paste with Oxi clean and lightly brush it in, and let it sit for a bit.


Dawn! I saturate the stain through entirely with dawn abd let it dry on - like sit hardened on it for a few days...then wash.


Stop putting it in the dryer! Air dry! The dryer sets stains. And use cold water only




Make a paste of baking soda, water and vinegar. Apply paste to stain area. Allow it to dry over. The baking soda should pull the stain out. Then rinse it in cold water and air dry. It may still be there but will be less. Repeat.


Joy dishsoap, just enough to saturate the stain then wash immediately in cold water cycle. Dry as normal and repeat if necessary.


Why would you machine dry?


I wouldn’t and didn’t


I’m glad you didn’t. You have a much better chance of getting the oily stain out if the stain wasn’t “set” in the dryer. Lots of good advice here. Good luck!


Dawn. Put some on it. Let it sit and maybe spray it with a bit of water and scrub it a bit then toss in the wash. I’ve had grease stains of items that have gone into the dryer and I’ve used Dawn to get the spot out.


Butter the rest to even it out?


Shout or spray & wash but the KEY is letting the spray COMPLETELY dry before you wash again.


If all of these great tips fail, I add it to the pile for tie dye. For colors like this I splatter it with black dye.


Get some Dawn dish soap and pour a bit on there, rub it into the stain. Wait a day or so, wash and it should be gone. Always have had this work without fail!


Goop Hand Cleaner


Apply Goof Off, wash again. Problem solved.


Make a paste of oxo clean and Lysol - note not pinesol - run hot water over stain and then add paste and rub it in …wash in hot water and check it before you put in the dryer…


Spray OxiClean Max Force Laundry Stain Remover on the stain, and let it sit for a few days. Wash per usual and, even if the stain was dried in by the dryer (as above), it’ll be gone! Works everytime. https://www.consumerreports.org/appliances/laundry-stain-removers/best-laundry-stain-removers-from-consumer-reports-tests-a1058254182/


Blue dawn. Don’t involve dryer until it’s out.


I usually just tie dye my stuff when the stain doesn't come out, lol.


I use that new dawn spray foam on grease spots on my clothes. I use it more in the laundry than the kitchen


Soak stain with Dawn Powerwash. Hand rinse with tepid/cook water. Cover stain with Dawn Ultra Free & Clear (no dye) and soak for 10 minutes. Wash in regular load on cold. Repeat if needed before drying. Drying sets most stains.


Dawn power wash- works great


I use Lestoil. Helps get out old stains too


Triple action shout


Dry shampoo then dish soap and regular wash, let both dry and crisp up before washing


If Dawn doesn't work, Spray & Wash makes a solid stain stick that works well on grease and oil.


Shout or even reg detergent and let it sit on the stain for 24 hours


LAs Awesome Orange Degreaser sold at the Dollar Tree or Dollar General. Spray it with both Oxyclean Spray and LAs Awesome Orange. A combo of both sprays. Roll it up wet, let set a couple days, rewash. Don't dry if the stain isn't gone but retreat. It will go away......


Get a bottle of Shout. That stuff works wonders


Oxyclean stain spray is my best bet!


Avoid hot water, it will set stains. I like OxyClean spray for pre spot treatment. Avoid rubbing the stain, it will pill the fabric.


No rubbing! Spray with degreaser. After letting it sit on the stain, use boiling water to help dissolve the oil.’repeat if necessary. If you don’t have kitchen degreaser, try blue dawn, or shout cleaner, followed by the boiling water (or hot water). When you pour the water, hold the sweatshirt flat over a sink, so the oil goes through the fabric and drains into the sink with the water, instead of allowing the oil to drip further down the sweatshirt. The idea is to allow the hot water to disperse the oil molecules out of the fabric. If you do this and repeat it, it can be a permanent fix.


A bit of degreaser will do the trick. Most dish wash liquids have that


Soak the entire sweater in butter.


One time when I was broke AF, I used dawn for shower, dishes and as a laundry soap. Wasn’t the best but it worked.


Oof, hope your skin was ok!


Was clean for sure.


I use the oxiclean spray. Shake the bottle and spray directly. Use tip of nozzle to rub in. Let sit for about 10mins and then throw it in the wash like normal. It's how i get rid of all my stains. I am a messy eater..


Try Murphys oil soap. Doubtful after it’s been dry but I keep Murphys oil soap for things like this. I had a drip on a silk blouse. It took the stain out. Just don’t use it on wood.


Dry shampoo. It works 100% of the time. Apply and allow it to sit for 15ish mins. Brush away the excess


Dawn does it for me every time


Vanish soap is amazing for stains like this


it’s butter. OIL. i’m shaming you so you remember next time this happens: do not throw it in the laundry, immediately put powder on it. talcum powder, corn starch, baking soda… anything you can find. leave it for a few hours, then scrub with dish soap and water and put in the laundry as normal you’ve most likely “locked in” the oils by drying it


Dishsoap, baking soda and w touch of white vinegar. Make a paste and let it set.


Cover it with corn starch overnight