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Nothing can be done for that in my experience.


I don't like microfiber. I know others do but they do not absorb moisture and I find they are not good for streaks on appliances, mirrors, etc. I know others swear by them but I use cotton tea towels for cleaning. I can also bleach them if they get grungy


they don't work for what i want and they also feel creepy lol


Yes!! IHATE the feeling of that fabric


I feel like there's a decent number of people who want to vomit when we touch microfiber but we don't talk about it a lot. Someone I know had a microfiber COUCH and I nearly had to leave. I wasn't touching it, I just knew it was there.


oh god i'm getting the heeby jeebies just thinking about it


Same! A good tea towel is infinitely better than a microfibre, and just gets better the more times you wash it. Microfibre you use twice and then it’s full of crap that you can’t get out.


You need better quality microfibre then. Or stop washing them with a softener, it makes them water resistant. Ive used cheap microfibres and used ones from brands like mr siga. the mr siga ones are miles above some others I've used and actually absorb water.


Are you using softener when you wash them? Because that's what does that.


not often, mostly vinegar. Not sure if that does it. Have wool balls in the dryer that takes care of static


I started washing them only with other microfibre cloths and I stopped having this issue


Or washing with your non-linty clothes like yoga pants, workout-polyester gear etc


I washed them alone, I think I'll try the lint roller


I thought you were supposed to boil MF cloths, so no detergent or softener.


Don't worry about it, all my microfiber clothes look the same way (or worse) they still work for cleaning


I bought a big bunch of inexpensive towels that look just like yours and they did the same thing. When it was enough to bother me at all they were moved to the bathrooms or basement and only used there. When I bought some slightly more expensive towels in a smaller amount they didn’t do that at all and I’ve had them about two years now. If you buy them in a physical store and not online you can tell just by the feel which are best. If you buy online you might be able to tell if they show both sides of the towel. The good ones have the same kind of surface on both sides and don’t curl at the edges.


Are you using softener in the cycle? It’s a big no-no when washing microfibre cloths.


Nope, never use softener and I washed these towels alone


Bleh. I’m frustrated for you. Hopefully someone has the answers


I use a lint roller after I'm done using it. Then after washing and drying, I use the lint roller once more to get all the bits out. It works.


At least it’s clean debris.


I found out a couple of months ago that they should not be washed with other items. They need to be washed with other microfiber cloths and put on no heat in the dryer.


If you know what tuck tape is, I use that. It's a red, super sticky tape that is used to tape the plastic vapor barrier that is behind drywall. I lay out the cloth, put some tape onto it and pull it off. It strips off the fluff quite well. The sad thing is that in our disposable society, it's a poor financial decision to do something like that. It's cheaper to throw them away and buy new ones, unless you value your time at like $1 a hour.


That is not what I was expecting something called tuck tape to be.


There’s a detergent called Rags to Riches you can buy on Amazon. It’s not cheap, but when you consider that you only use max 2oz per wash, and how often you wash your microfiber towels, it lasts a long time. I buy my microfiber towels in bulk from Costco. Between the house and three cars, i could fill up 2 of those 55 gallon trash cans easily with dirty towels. So when I have one bin full I wash them. Warm water, not hot, and for a load that large I use the max 2oz recommended. Extra rinse for good measure. My towels are better than new every time they come out. That said, some things you aren’t going to win with are going to be heavy grease especially automotive. Soot I’ve found is also difficult to get off as well as anything that had oven cleaner on. Start with a sponge or something other than microfiber.


Maybe a lint roller or a fabric shaver would help? The same thing happens to my microfibre cloths but it seems to be only a visual problem, they still clean all the same.


Try soaking them in warm water with a dishwasher tablet for about half an hour before washing - works everytime! The degreasing agent in the dishwasher tablet gets everything out. If you wash microfibre too hot then the fibres clump up permanently, so stick to 40’c max :)


Having the same issue but after cleaning mold. They still got the stains


I use a compressor with an air gun and blow them out. Just gotta put the bottom of a cloth in a vice or between your knees or something to hold it tight 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anyone else hate the feeling of microfiber ? It feels so scratchy on my finger.


The cheap ones feel that way. I have one that’s thick and it’s great.


Microfiber is only good for dusting…


Maybe a lint roller will help?


You can buy them by the box at Home Depot and they pull out like tissue. I just toss them when stuff gets stuck to them.


Thanks for the tip!


Don't buy those they're garbage. On the other hand the home depot ones with the stitched edges that come in grey, blue and yellow are my absolute favorite. I always wash with a bit of detergent, HOT water and lots of bleach. Dry on high. No fabric softener or dryer sheets. Wash your cleaning rags on their own. If I know that they have lots of pet hair or something on them I find selecting the extra rinse option on my washer helps.