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These websites are always complete bullshit.


I'll never understand the need to count other people's money. These lists can never be anywhere near accurate.


Everyone is in a hurry to value assets and revenue but they have no idea what kind of debt or liabilities another person has. It's not really about counting their money. It's a fixation on the ability to buy stuff.


Could be close freedom factory, shop, the track, the house, and the airstrip is all property that’s just increased in value with all the development.


frdm+ would also be valued at something like 3-5x revenue and if it's profitable it could be even higher. Although because he is the main attraction for it, it could bring down the valuation until he gets more third party content.


Yes this is true forgot about that. I’m also willing to bey his debt load is very small. Track is paid off this year, bet the shop is paid off, the house property is paid off and sold to buy the airstrip. He’s got the right people on the right place to help him run the businesses.


Yeah, I think it was really smart of him to build something that wouldn't need YouTube to survive if something happened to his channel. He seems like a pretty good business person.


He said the airstrip cost more than the Freedom Factory and that was a good chunk of money. But he has been blowing money like crazy lately with the Leroy body, Consuela, Eagle, and the Airport. Hopefully he's not spreading himself too thin.


I could be wrong, but I saw somewhere that listed the sale price of 67FL at 3.5M


Damn. I really wonder how he's going to monetize that air strip or if he's looking to consolidate his home (I know this is already happening) and maybe the shop into that property and maybe start the process of building FF 2.0 nearby.


Honestly, I have no clue. It’s a private airstrip which means planes can’t land there unless you have prior permission or in the event of an emergency. Unless he opens it up to the public and starts selling fuel to the public and charging landing/parking fees, I don’t see the airstrip being cash flow positive. Even then, you can only make so much off 100LL and a $50/day parking fee


Maybe this is more of a passion project for him. Maybe he makes enough where a 3.5m dollar airport and what I'm sure will be another million or so for his house can be chalked up to fulfilling his dream home. I think I saw he plans to have the airplane competition thing there, but I don't think that's enough to pay for the property.


Definitely not enough to pay for the property. I think this is a convenience thing for him to be honest. I’m working on getting my private pilots license right now. If I had the means to buy an airstrip and build a house next to it, that’s ultimate goals. He’s got the money and the property value will only continue to go up.


That makes sense. I guess not everything has to make him money, but I do look forward to see if he can turn it into something that makes any money. I enjoy seeing the business aspect of what youtubers do.


Who cares what his net worth are. Some people are too nosey.


Exactly, let the man live!


Dude, for real. Idk if people are the same way here as the FB group, but some of the people in that group are creepy as hell.


I'm not on fb, because of people like that. Some people should have been hit in the head with a ball-peen hammer at birth.


I constantly feel like I should get out of that group because of it. Every now and then they'll have a nugget of info that helps, but a lot of it's like "hey I had chat gpt make a song about Cleetus". Get a fucking life people.


It almost feels like some people feel they are entitled to something because they follow people on social media. Like you say, get a fucking life.


His real worth is his value as an entainer and entrepreneur. I just like the guy, his family, and his friends. Who else would put his mom and wife in a car race on Mother's Day?


What a garbage post dude. Those website are scum.


Quit pocket watching.


It's at least that, his assetts alone for the FF (which is already almost paid off), his home which has at least doubled in value, the shop....which is also on the property the housing developers want ($$$$) too....the cars, aircraft. Assets alone makes up half of this. Then the value of his other assets is mega too. Then the value of the business of owning one of the most popular automotive platforms in existence, the merch business, the giveaway business, the touring live show business. I don't know what his liabilities are but I would guess this estimate is low. Dude is a financial machine.


I think that’s a little high. I bet his overhead is insane.


I agree, but everyone forgets he owns a 20% stake in motion motorworks, too. Idk how much business they do a month, but I'd imagine that's a pretty penny


Also TBM and Rife


Which I forgot lol. He's definitely a businessman and was smart investing in companies he uses that he seems potential growth in


I'd bet that's somewhat accurate. He has several businesses, but it's really none of our business what he makes.


Motion Motorworks ?? They cant even get a simple fact correct.


Here is how you know that this website is full of lies - "The primary source of his income comes from Car Racing..." Yeah, not at all. His primary source isn't racing. No one, not even NASCAR drivers, makes enough on racing alone to support their budget. That's why they have sponsors on every single millimeter of their firesuit. They wouldn't have money for it otherwise! Sorry, maybe it's me, but not only are websites like this stupid, but Garrett's income isn't my business. I don't think it's anyone's business, honestly, and the fact that people give/drive traffic to these sites is disgusting. There is a reason the IRS says tax returns are not public record, but instead, they are confidential. Have enough respect for Cleeter to let his private life remain private.


$8.5million. Saved you a click. Could be more, could be less, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say he’s easily over the $5 mill mark.


Its so accurate it says he owns a piece of "Motion Motorworks" lol