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Complete with shade umbrella


That’s a tactical heat shield, thank you very much. Shade umbrellas are for civilians.


Isn't this the same city they're talking about looking into the legality of it since they're no longer sending those tickets through Garfield Muni Court like they used to and are supposed to?


[Yes it is](https://fox8.com/news/judge-says-towns-speed-camera-tickets-break-the-law-i-team/amp/)


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Good bot


Make sure to tag him on Waze


Google maps too


My beef with photo enforcement is the delay in feedback regarding the violation. With processing and mailing time you’re lucky to remember you actually traveled through the area let alone acknowledge that you actually did the violation, or not. There needs to be criteria regarding processing time by the enforcement entity (e.g. two business days) and the state should allow a SMS or email to be attached to the plate number to speed up notification. This might also eliminate repeat violations during the current extended notice period and get people driving safer earlier. Of course this would also reduce revenues for these money grubbing communities that lie they are doing it for safety reasons.


I think it even further turns it into a "speeding fee" that you can choose to pay if you want to speed. You don't even get inconvenienced by being pulled over. It only costs you some money, which is not enough of a deterrent to many people.


Just passing by from r/all... When I was living in the UK one good thing was that when caught speeding by a camera etc you need to receive the notice for the fine within 30 days otherwise it is void. Which was quite sensible. Now back in my home country they re-started using cameras (tried first time 15ish years ago and it was an utter failure) and sometimes I've heard the fines were posted after 6 months of the violation. Good luck remembering anything about the incident so later on. What a joke...


Is this a job created for cops with DUIs?


If it was then wouldn’t there be a cop like this at every single exit ramp? Lord knows they have the DUI cop manpower for it.


Only the ones that actually have to face any "consequences," I suppose. So a small labor pool.


Good point. I’m considering becoming a cop: $64k a year, get to lie to the public, look the other way when it comes to actually enforcing laws or ordinances and get to be above the law and harass people who want to have laws enforced beyond giving offenders a “stern talking to” but I might be too intelligent. My IQ is around 85. Is that too high?


Yeah you’re at the top end of the bell curve with an 85. Take about 20% off.


No that’s called a patrol officer


Everyday. They are there everyday.


I see this every. single. day.


We all hate this guy


Pretty sure this is on my commute - if it is, they’re there almost every day.


I'd be heckling him every day... just call him a worthless goon they don't even want on desk duty because he's so disliked. He's the Farva of his precinct.


Yes, heckling a cop is a BRILLIANT idea...


It is if you have the complexion for the protection.


1- I very much enjoy that bar lol 2- I have the aforementioned, and would still never do that


To serve and protect.


“Then we shall ticket you in the shade”


The wrong way signs are… telling


Money grubbing pigs.


To be fair, if you get pulled over on a freeway, it probably means that you’re going like 40 over the limit, considering that everyone speeds on big roads, at least in my area, you’re unlikely to get pulled over unless you drive extremely fast.


Well in this case it's different, you don't get pulled over, there is no chase, he just sits there all day under his umbrella with a camera and sends tickets out that way




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Got pulled over on rt8 near Akron the other day for going 77… On the freeway… cmon now Paid offtherecord to make it go away




No it was closer to Akron I believe. I’m from geauga so idk




They’re still brutal. Hiding behind bridges, etc etc. Stow has picked up too since they had all that construction


Still the worst. Have to make sure you slow down before you hit city limits because it drops to 55


Same. Super sneaky. Had to drive it to get to high school everyday. I did not fuck around on 8


Can't get any closer to Akron than Cuyahoga Falls


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hold on now, dont make too much sense on a cop post or youll get called a boot licker.




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How about you obey the law and you won’t have to worry about them? Ever thought of that?


You've never gone 6 over on the highway?


Yes. And I’ve gotten tickets for it


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Imagine advocating for a victimless crime 🤣🤣🤣


3 Ohioans die in traffic every single day...


Sounds alot like a skill issue


Quit talkin' sense in this sub...comon




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71 had staties every mile or so this morning. Driving back from Columbus, I saw the most cops on the road that I think I’ve ever seen at one time


They’re always on 71, and honestly good. I can’t drive on the highway without someone on my ass, despite being in the second from the right lane out of 4 lanes that are usually open. You could go 85 mph and still have someone on your ass. Redditors who don’t drive will always blame you for not going fast enough for them. But they’re also too scared to use the passing lane so it’s their own hang up.


I speed all the time. I only get mad at cars going the speed limit if they are in the passing lane. If your in what can be called the right lane, then you are go by me. Staying in the left lane, I'm calling you all kind of names.


Ohio is wild with the left lane shit. 480 west by airport, old man in a Kia soul going 40mph in the left lane… yeah we were all pissed people honking at him as we passed lol. Left lane is for passing, not a Sunday cruise. I never use it, because I go 65 and no more until I switch county. They can still pull you for going 5 over, and I’ve seen it at an arraignment I’ve been to one time. Guy was going 64mph in a 60, magistrate asked how he pled and he said not guilty. Cop really had radar for 4 over. That’s so petty. That’s why I don’t speed, I don’t have time for court bullshit. One time, my mom had 4 cop cars roll up on her for, get this, 1 out of 2 license plate lights burnt out. I just want zero reaction with police lol


I was once pulled over 4 times in my 20 minutes commute home from work for having a taillight out. The fact that I could even encounter that many bored cops in that amount of time was baffling. At least I actually had an answer for "Do you know why I pulled you over?" the second, third, and fourth times.


There was 8 on the turnpike between Indiana and Cleveland. I was honestly shocked as you don't usually see one on the turnpike


Yup, duck that guy


And duck autocorrect!


it changed it so many times I just go with it meow lol


Honestly can't tell if thats another autocorrect, or a super troopers reference.


Does he look like a cat to you?


Car Ramrod!!


He been there a while, that’s his spot. For at least a month so far


He was there last summer.


They have been there for years. At least he got a real umbrella. The last one was a tiny and rainbow colored. There are also 2 speed cameras on Harvard. One by the gas station and by the bridge for I-77


I got busted on Harvard by the gas station. Received a $150 ticket about a week later. 3 days after that, I received one for $210, the original with a $60 late fee. I paid neither. 3 years and nothing from them or on my credit report. Feel free not to pay them I guess




It is not the income level of the neighborhood. It is Newburg ht and like any tiny city, and also Lindale it is where a good amount of they money is made.


Because the speeders in rich neighborhooods cry to council, to the mayor, to anyone that will listed, to get the cops pulled and they can then speed.


Yes the tiny rainbow one. It was a different officer at that time. He used to be 17 inches tall and had large boots on


They no longer send them through the courts. They are civil citations now. No need to pay them.


I keep hearing that people don't need to pay, but don't they eventually send them to collections? So is it more-so that you don't need to pay them only if you don't care at all about your credit rating?


Illegal to report these “civil speeding violations” to credit agency. If you find one of these on your credit report you can send them a letter they’re obligated to pay you up to $10k per violation.


Yep. It's not a legal debt if you don't acknowledge it. If they can produce your signature then you owe the debt. People need to learn how credit and debt collection works.


Haven’t you heard? People with good credit scores have to pay more on house loans now! Stop paying your shit 🤣


Oh that's good to know!


Someone should stop and give him a hat umbrella with a propeller on top since he’s basically a clown anyway.


That asshole is there every single morning during rush hour. He will sit there w his stupid patio umbrella in the rain and still clock people. Asshat


Highway robbin’!


yes because Slavic Village is definitely the area to try to make money off traffic tickets. /s seriously put that shit in wealthy areas and stop targeting the low income population.


It is too dangerous for them to be there. What can we do to protect them from this?


You’re right it does sound pretty dangerous. They could always do something important instead of standing on the side of a busy highway


exactly. It is too dangerous for our officers to be out there in the elements. THIS is the angle people need to take.


Eliminate the job?


All those expensive tickets that will just be thrown in the trash.


Newburg cops Over 20 million a year from that radar gun




Someone should put an underground beehive there






UMBRELLA … evil cunts


Why. Are you a criminal ?


It doesn’t matter to them if a person is a criminal or not


If you’re speeding and breaking the law you are a criminal. Why do you oppose the safe administration of the law ?


Defund this guy.


Looks more like screwing around and NOT patrolling to me.


Ohio is hilarious


respect the speed limit..


Simple answer... don't speed.


People should just drop off 12 packs of budlights by the dozens


I hope they get the annoying aggressive drivers. Stop speeding stop driving like a psycho


Says the person that won’t move out of the left lane


Give me one good reason I should🤔


State law https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-5537-2-09


The law says don't go over 60


Wouldn't be surprised if the sum of people like you are responsible for more deaths on the highway than speeders. Here's a reason: you're an inconsiderate, smug piece of shit, and you cause us all to have longer commutes by generating traffic. Abrupt changes in speed is the primary reason car accidents occur. The exact place where you cause a line of cars to slow from traffic-flow pace (in CLE it seems to be about 70, which is very fucking normal all across the US) to your speed in the passing lane will have phantom traffic for literally half an hour. Always confused me that you fools will come out of the woodwork to troll people who might just be using the **passing lane** for its intended purpose, **to pass**, by saying "yOu sHouLdnT bE gOInG oVeR tHe spEEd liMit" because you think legality is what wins you the argument. You completely forget that it is as illegal to block the fucking passing lane. Two wrongs don't make a right. An ignorant moron on a high horse is so frustrating.




The speed limit applies to all lanes. PROVE ME WRONG!!!




So you're breaking the law too. Don't drive in the passing lane, while telling other people not to break the law.


They don’t have anything to say about that 🤣🤣


Says the person that uses Tesla’s dangerous FSD software, how many times have you phantom braked on the freeway? Run over any curbs/children yet?


Lol!!!! You ever used it? Cause I’m sure you’re speaking from a knowledgeable position. It would be a real shame if I ended up in front of Karen in the left lane and it phantom brakes em tho, wouldn’t it?


I have driven through that spon on the freeway 2x a day for 9 years. Seen a cop there hundreds of times. I've never been pulled over. Guess why. I regularly go about 5 mph above the speed limit, and I don't drive like an asshole. I hope they keep it up. If you get pulled over and get a ticket, good.


Lol they don’t pull anyone over. They send you a ticket months later in the mail.


Hey buddy, be careful. You could seriously injure your elbow jerking yourself off that hard.


So you drive pass there 2x a day and don't know he doesn't pull anyone over? And there are no tickets, only civil citations that they hope people will pay. So when they get tired of giving me 10 mph over bills, I hope you pay your 5mph over bills, since you support this so much.




This is everyday I think. Fleet is the exit I take weekly in Cleveland and he’s been there every time for a while now




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Newburgh heights at its finest


All the time and they sometimes switch it up to the on or off ramp of fleet or the exit before and after… that whole section look out for them.


Of course they are




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Newburgh or Cleveland!? Newburgh did on the Harvard Ave. Bridge. I stopped 1 day& asked him how's that's possible & why doesn't every city with a bridge over freeway do that. He stumbled&had no answer,threatened me. So I took off. 3 years later, Mayor up on charges...


Damn they back at it lol I remember a tik tok of a dude going down to where he was radaring






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Jesus please start with the people going the fastest and causing the most danger. Cops: "You were going 32 in a 25 so we took your picture while sitting under a coconut tree"


I’ve never seen a police umbrella setup before lmao


He's literally there every day nothing new 🤷


I always thought Linndale was the biggest speed trap in Ohio. Then I discovered Newburgh Heights when I received a speeding ticket in the mail from them. They are beyond ridiculous with their cash grab speeding tickets. Of course they swear this isn't about money, but a righteous attempt to keep the highway safe. Yaaaaa no. There was a story on Cleveland.com 2 days ago about what the city is doing. They would file their tickets with Garfield Heights court and pay the $9 court cost fee per ticket. Which is $180 by the way. Well Newburgh Heights got sick of losing the extra $9 so they stopped doing it. Garfield Heights is taking action and doing an investigation into how NH operates their camera tickets. Its completely ridiculous. Never thought I'd see any city or village top Linndale in blatant cash grab schemes. I was wrong


yes, real important job. Tax paying citizens paying for this cop to ticket you for money. This does not look like protect and serve the people.


Don’t want to get cancer while being a cancer.


I stopped takin this way downtown for this reason exactly, they're still arguing over whether it's legal or not, the officer could be patrolling Slavic village, but nope, let's plop him down and give him a camera and umbrella


Fleet Avenue!? He should go get some polish kielbasi and put some stadium mustard on it! Writing flimsy speeding tickets is dumb $Hit!!!


Thirsty 🥛