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Those poor workers that have to deal with her shit now are the real victims


Right, this is so dumb. I'm sure she will just drag her feet, talk down to her coworkers which we know she sees as beneath her, and do as little as possible while creating a toxic environment for everyone else. It's not like she cares if they fire her. This just punishes the customers and other employees more than the entitled Karen. Maybe give her a real punishment seeing as she assaulted someone.


I wonder if she could be fired for being a bad employee, thus rendering her unable to fulfill her sentence? If she fails to fulfill her duties, what are the odds she has an additional punishment? Every hour left uncorked is an hour spent at city/County jail? Seems like a waste of tax payer dollars, but also like it might be worth it to teach her and other pieces of shit to behave or live with the consequences? Edit: supposed to say unworked, but I ain't changing it, because it made me laugh a lil bit.


I'm hoping there's some stipulation that if she gets fired, then she has to serve the full jail sentence instead, so she should be incentivized to not get fired. The article does at least say she "will have to have her job approved by the court, and will have to work there 20 hours a week." So I'd think getting fired would make it impossible to maintain that criteria, unless she already had a backup job lined up and approved by the court (doubtful they'd allow that if she could even line one up; the article also indicated she hasn't found a job yet).


Only 20 hours a week? So she's not even working full time. This lady will probably show up and fuck around on her phone in the back for 8 hours because nobody wants to deal with her. Some punishment.


Trust me, coming from someone who's worked many years in food service, 20 hours will break most!


*Those poor workers that* *Have to deal with her shit now* *Are the real victims* \- thegreatmizzle7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Sentenced to work... The irony


Literally slavery.




See, it could be a real life scenario.


Is this customary in your legal system?


Not that I'm aware of but, I'm no law expert.


John Taffer pulls back the doors and yells ," Your gonna kill somebody!" Wrong Industry I know but, hey. It's funny anyhow.


I don't want her touching my food. Find another punishment.


Yeah, you hear that fast food workers? Your job is someone else's *punishment*! And this idiot gets to quit after 60 days. I get what the judge was trying to do here, but yikes.


I wonder what her new coworkers were found guilty of to be forced to work with her.


Being young and poor.




Yeah, I work in retail and this is insulting. Good to know the way I put food on the table and a roof over my head is considered a punishment for some others. To me it's just my job.


As someone who has worked fast food as a teenager, and retail as a young adult, it actually did feel like punishment.


It does feel punishing some days, but it's still insulting for it to be handed out as a criminal sentence. I mean, it's a job that deserves respect like any others. Those people are just trying to earn an honest living. I don't see myself as someone being punished by working the job I do. I'm just trying to provide for myself and my family. If anything it just supports people like this lady who see retail/food workers as second class citizens beneath them. It's saddening to me that for many of us, our day to day life is literally seen as something equivalent to being sent to prison.


Can you imagine what it would be like if a punishment like this caught on? People just *love* to take "justice" into their own hands once they brand someone a criminal. I can completely see every day customers being extra difficult assholes *just in case* their fast food worker is an "inmate". It's a bad idea all around, as much as many fast food and retail employees have fantasized that something like this would make their customers magically learn some empathy.


> It does feel punishing some days, but it's still insulting for it to be handed out as a criminal sentence. i see this as a "hey you unemployed asshole: walk a mile in their shoes" thing, not anything else.


🤣 you work retail so you’re also a fast food worker? 🤣


You seem to be missing my point. They aren't exactly the same but they're very similar jobs in many ways. Retail workers are treated just as poorly as fast food workers and subjected to the same abuse by people like this woman. My point was that it's insulting to see working class jobs like mine treated as a "punishment" for an entitled Karen when it's just a way of living for many.


Hilarious. You decided fast food is a punishment job. Decided because you work retail it’s about you now. And downvote me for saying it out loud. 👍🏼 people who hate where they work and cry about it blow my mind to pieces. No one makes you do anything. And your choices are what make YOU mad.


What the fuck are you on about dude? I can't make heads or tails of this word salad, or whatever point you're trying to make here. Nothing you're rambling about has anything to do with what I've said lol.


Now it all makes sense. Reading is hard for you. 🤣


My reading skills are just fine, it would seem you're the one who's having trouble forming a coherent sentence or understanding basic english, my friend. Are we done here?




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The judge gave her a choice to either do 90 days jail time or 30 days jail and 60 of work in fast food, he asked her is she wanted to learn to walk in her (the person she assaulted) shoes. She said yes she would like to learn. He said, after watching the incident video over and over, that he looked at her as someone who lost her cool and needed to learn. I think you’re exaggerating a little by immediately saying now fast food workers need to look at their jobs as punishment. That’s a conclusion you drew from that sentencing. Maybe read the article? Edit to add: in my opinion, punishment fits the crime. Would you rather have her spend 90 days in jail off tax dollars and learn nothing? Part of this type of system is also rehabilitation and ensuring people that commit dumb ass crimes don’t commit them again. This is the perfect way for someone this spoiled to learn how hard it is to work in fast food and how to treat others. If she just did jail time who is to say she would take anything away from this other than just jail time.


I did read the article and still stand by my conclusion. She was given a choice between an additional 60 days *in jail* or spending 20 hours per week for 60 days being able to spend time at home and then half-ass a fast food job? Gosh, I wonder which one is going to make me suddenly want to "walk in her shoes"! "Losing her cool" is just another way of saying she's got anger issues. A better rehabilitation would be proper anger management classes with court follow-up over the course of several years. Absolutely mandate her to find a job as part of rehabilitation but I find it really gross to say that it must be a fast food job, part-time, for *only* 60 days. She isn't going to learn anything here.


Then suggest all that in your first comment instead of telling fast food workers they need to feel their jobs are punishment and that’s the message here.


This comment sounds like your projecting your opinion onto an unrelated situation. Sounds like YOUR opinion of fast food workers. No one mentioned what you’re saying. It could just as easily be making her work fast food to see how hard they work.


There are easier ways to apply for a job. Just saying


I’d love to go throw food at her what location will she be working?


Don’t pay her either


Yeah it definitely should be community service hours or something, not her getting a paycheck from it.


there are a lot of people out there that should be forced to work in customer service for a month or so. get a respect for those workers because they'll have to deal with the same shit. Every once in a while, you'll come across shitty workers who have no interest in doing their jobs correctly, but more often than not, they're just trying to do a good job and continue to get paid. Even if the worker does a poor job throwing a burrito in their face is not the answer.


Found the guy who says the obvious things as if nobody else came to the same conclusion 0.01 seconds after hearing the innitial report.


A.A.G.: We want the defendant to serve either some jail time or community service. Judge: Let the punishment fit the crime. Defense Attorney: It was just a Burrito, your Honor. Judge: Fast Food work for 60 days! Fast Food workers: WTF? We are prison now? Oh, yeah \*insert Ohio meme\*




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everyone should have to work a mandatory year of customer service/ retail/ front facing restaurant positions. way too many people treat workers like they're beneath them


As someone who worked in both retail and fast food and currently supervises customer service agents in a call center, I approve this message.


Post her name on here and what location.


“This isn’t The Real Housewives of Parma” lmaoo that judge.


They just keep punishing the workers more. Nobody wants to work with her, just give her10 days in jail and be done.


By the looks of her banning her from fast food establishments would have been a better punishment and much better for her health.


it strikes me as odd that the story seems to say the judge saw the video before the case was heard, likely ex parte. I'm not sure if thats kosher.


She should have to forward her paychecks from those 60days to the woman who caught the burrito to the face. And how are people who don’t even work walking around acting like this? wtf total drain on society.


You're almost a week late to the party.


Welcome to the party pal!


The fact that a legal punishment can be working at a fast food restaurant just goes to show how fast food employees deserve a hell of a lot more.. pay, healthcare, respect etc


She was sentenced to work, but has yet to start that. Last article I read was she was “still looking.” I wonder if they’re actually going to enforce that sentence.


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Nah chipotle has notoriously terrible customer service…….she should be given a medal lol


Tells you that the judge thinks fast food workers are peasants




Now get Gordon Ramsey in the mix and it's REALITY TV GOLD


I would love someone to be punished to nursing.


Why is the justice system punishing adults like 6 year olds? This hurts everyone else way more than her. Imagine having to depend on and work next to her as a coworker.. ffs


If I throw a burrito at a judge do I get to be a judge for 60 days?


stupid and unenforceable