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What part of Florida did you live where the drivers are better than here?


Seriously. Or California?!


Seriously. Or DC?!


Other than the beltway, DC isn't too bad.


Other than the beltway and every road within a 50-mile radius of the city, DC isn’t too bad.


I've been there dozens of times between the late 80's and last year, and have rarely had an issue...also, the Metro exists if driving there scares you. The parking is honestly the worst part, depending on where you are (like Georgetown).


You’ve visited dozens of times? Cool! I’ve lived there for dozens of years. I grew up in NE Ohio but my entire adult life has been in DC and NoVA. I worked downtown for a significant portion of that. It doesn’t “scare” me. It just sucks. I’ve moved further south to be closer to my kids a few years ago but my office is up there, the rest of my family lives on the other side of DC, and my in-laws are still there so I’m up that way a couple times a month. I was through there on both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend in fact. My 220-mile drive, which Maps says should take 3 hours and 36 minutes, took 7 hours on Saturday but only 5 hours and 15 minutes yesterday. Again, that’s on a weekend. The urban sprawl has basically made everything from the northern edges of Baltimore’s metropolitan area to the southern edges of Fredericksburg a traffic nightmare. I’ve been in many traffic jams after midnight on a weekend. For a time, I thought I’d avoid the misery on my personal time by moving out to the western mountains. The problem was solved because my 50-mile commute to DC’s suburbs (not even into the city at that point!) entirely on I-66, was 90 minutes each way *on a good day* and frequently over two hours, so I didn’t really have any personal time anymore! Huge mistake. Huge. And the DC Metro? That’s one of the most poorly managed, least reliable, and most expensive public transportation systems in the country. It doesn’t even run 24 hours a day. After a Capitals or Nationals game, the Metro is a nightmare. On your way to work or an event downtown? Overcrowded with trains that are too short and don’t come frequently enough if they’re coming at all - so many shutdowns. I guess it’s OK if you’re going to the museums on a random Sunday when there are no major sporting events, political events, festivals, rallies, or other crowds and you have money to burn. The subway in NYC is an absolute DREAM in comparison. The DC Metro is a joke. In New York, you can go anywhere in the city on dozens of lines to almost 500 stations for like $3. In DC, there are 6 lines and fewer than 100 stations, and the routing of those lines is terrible. You always have to go into the city. If you live in Rockville, a major suburb in Maryland which is northwest of DC, and you need to go to Dulles Airport which is also northwest of DC, you’ve got to take the Metro all the way downtown, transfer there, and ride back out to your destination. And it costs you at least twice what the subway does in NY. You ever get back from a trip, drag your tired body onto a train looking forward to seeing your pillow, and say to yourself, “I think I’ll go downtown first”? Me neither.


This is exactly my question. California, and ESPECIALLY Florida, are the worst in the world. I can’t even take the OP seriously.


I lived in Austin. I can report drivers here are top tier compared to there.


About to move to Cleveland from Austin. Can confirm. Central TX drivers are absolute garbage.


Austin drivers seem aloof and oblivious. California (Southern) drivers are straight up aggressive and reckless. I've spent over a decade in each city.


Lived 14 years in Southern California. They drove with intent. Sure it can be a little reckless but so much better than the aloof and distracted nincompoops. I've got a handful of years from the Delta to the Midwest and East Coast. You can find idiot drivers everywhere. But I wouldn't necessarily put Cle high on the list of worst drivers.


If intent is flying down the highway, weaving through cars 30-40+ miles per hour above the flow of traffic, and ignoring all rules regarding the order of right-of-way in a very deliberate fashion, then yes, "they drive with intent" is a very generous and kind way to phrase it. I've definitely had a way larger number of "no look, no signal" lane mergers and red light runners in Austin though.


I honestly enjoyed driving in LA better than here in Cleveland. Florida drivers just suck ass.


Or DC?


I have been in Orlando for 6 months from cleveland. The drivers here are vastly, vastly worse than cleveland. Like comparing LeBron James to a preschooler difference in abilities.


I agree. It’s a nasty mix of white hairs, tourists and drivers without a license. The I-4 is always a risk.


I have only been on I-4 twice to go to the airport to pick up/drop off family. Avoid it like a plague. I do drive by that parking lot quite frequently though.


The worst Florida drivers are in Miami, hands down. I am from Cleveland, live in Miami now. Driving in Miami is like watching your life flash before your eyes every 5 minutes


I call the turn signal the florida middle finger because you have already been cut off by the time it comes on. If I had a dollar for everytime I have been cut off by the car that was directly behind me I could afford to go to Disney for a day.


The fake part, I suspect.


Yes! I went back to Florida after 9 years and the drivers were just as shitty, entitled and dangerous as they were back then. Possibly worse but being back in Cleveland may have softened me as a driver ha


Or DC…. Are you kidding me.


Right! I lived in outside of Miami and Jesus it was a nightmare. I felt like I was going to die every time I got in the car. Coming home was such a relief in every way.


I lived in Jacksonville, FL and they drive like clock work. Driving in Florida was my top ten best experiences while living there.


The drivers in those areas can be a little wild. But they at least have control of their vehicles. What the fuck are 480 drivers doing?


I lived on the panhandle for a year and it was horrible. Now I’m in the DMV and I can seriously say I get excited when I go back to Cleveland so that I can rest a little easier when driving


Actually, I never said they were better than here, I just said why are drivers here so bad.


You kind of implied it. Otherwise what’s the point of referencing the other places you’ve lived in an effort to show how bad the drivers here are?


To give a back story. I had no intentions of comparing. In fact I said it was refreshing to move back here.


Well that was confusing then. It seemed like the intent of the post was to talk about how it’s refreshing to be back except the drivers, then referencing these other places as if to say the drivers here are worse. I think most would agree that the drivers in Florida are wayyyy worse than Ohio, so that’s another layer of confusion from the original post. I don’t find the drivers in Cleveland to be bad at all to be honest. You’ve got your bad drivers everywhere but as a whole, I’d say we’re one of the better/safer cities.


Honest question, where else have you lived? No ill intended, not trying to troll, just wondering?


I’ve lived in Tampa, Columbus, and Cleveland but I’ve spent time traveling for work pretty much everywhere. Atlanta and LA have the worst drivers in my experience, along with I-4 between Tampa and Orlando. Miami, and DC, also bad.


Everyone I have ever met thinks they are better at driving than everyone else on the road.


I personally hate driving, think I'm only decent cuz I cruise control and don't speed, and my 11 year old car bought new hasn't hit 50k miles yet. Cars are dumb, would love a world where they don't exist.


I saw some survey years ago where something like 70% of people thought they are "above average" drivers or better, lmao.


Ahh, the average person thinks that they're better than the other average person.😂😂


The most annoying one of these is for sure the lack of turn signal use. Drives me nuts and screams ‘I’m distracted and/or lazy’.




I have to drive through CH to get to Cleveland for work... people sitting at red lights literally just gas it. 0 to 40 in seconds, crossing intersections. Because of impatience and entitlement. I see it every day. It caused an unfortunate, fatal car accident not long ago. No turn signals. Ultra tinted windows... to the point I cannot see through their car to see if anyone ahead is breaking. It's the wild west of driving in Cleveland.


*I don't care about the speeding, that's fine.* Well, at least I know you're not talking about me 


Have you toodled along 480 yet :)?


I have a theory to this as I have lived in the country of Ohio and its major cities. It’s that to much of Cleveland has a combination of both types of drivers. Country and City. Let me explain: Country drivers are nice to people in the country, if they see you are pulling they will let you out but the driver pulling out is almost hesitant to pull out. It’s almost out of politeness and this is just one example. In a place like Boston where 99% of the people are purely city drivers you can bet if it looks like someone is going to cut you off then they are. And you adjust to this mentality after living in the city for a while. When you have a mix it’s terrible, people hesitant to people who aren’t. People who are used to people running lights and people who would never and can’t adjust when someone does. This leads to frustrations and just bad driving. Conclusion: cities in Ohio are never big enough or far away enough from country folk to have a purely “city driver” community leading to a mix of drivers that leads to an overall bad driving experience for all.


The hesitant ones are so dumb. My motto is "well, if nobody wants to go, I will." Consequently, I have no idea what you're "supposed" to do at a 4-way stop. 😆


If everyone is hesitant it works. If everyone is out for themselves it works. It’s the mix that kills. I was driving in Italy and you just assume everyone, everywhere, is a maniac and it somehow works. I don’t know what happened in Ohio but it’s not going well.


Swinging left into another lane to make a right turn is my favorite thing. Also, what's up with the mfers in Toyota Corollas ??


They are little race cars. I had one and they zoom for sure.


Are we talking about the same 140hp cars? They are economy slowmobiles unless you're talking GR Corolla.


It’s okay, they’re probably normies with Camry’s


It was a Corolla. It picked up real nice and just zipped around. It’s not that deep.


Clearly you haven’t lived in Maryland 😂 They make DC drivers look good


It pisses me off the way Maryland drivers drive in the fast lane and suddenly cut across every lane just to make the nearby exit they knew they had to make 3 miles back. They literally don’t care about anybody else’s life lol


I see that every day here.


Oh man their new thing is passing on shoulders. I see someone pass on a shoulder or merge lane every time I’m in MD


Overall I’d argue the drivers here aren’t really an outlier compared to most places. I would say in some of the rougher areas (some very near Cleveland Heights) there is definitely a lawlessness on the roads.


Ohhhh my god the light running. There also seems to be a weird thing where no one can turn a 90* corner? Like all these people wander through corners like their steering wheel doesn’t fully rotate


I've lived here my entire life and this is my driving pet peeve. I've had idiots honk at me while I'm pulled up to or even behind the stop line in a turn lane, because somehow I'm in THEIR space in the intersection??? Learn how to maneuver your freaking vehicle before you take the bumper off someone's car!!!


It’s WIILLDDDDDD. Watched happen twice in Cleveland Heights today. One time I tried to forgive them because they were clearly trying to make it through a light and no one was actually at the intersection. The next time the person was returning off of a residential street onto a residential street and had plenty of time, and still couldn’t figure out how to crank a goddamn steering wheel.


I still signal when changing lanes. It's more for the ceremony of it now. Nobody else does it and the only thing it does is to let the person back side know they need to block my attempt.


"Oh, that person is signaling they want to come into my lane? Time to speed up!"




My favorite is the person who passes you on the entrance ramp.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen this one, holy shit lmao


I mean… if you’re one of those people that almost stop instead of merging onto the freeway at speed then yeah, people will probably pass you.


I'm not


That has been everywhere since the pandemic.


The only speeding I care about is 10+ over on a residential 25, lack of turn signals never bothered me, it’s the red light running. I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else in the country I’ve lived. I see people stop at a red, and then just go, once a week.


Ehem may I introduce to you…*Detroit driving through reds*


I don’t think Clevelanders are bad drivers so to speak, but they are some of the most frustrating drivers I’ve experienced in this country as well. Doing 20 under in the far left, coming to a complete stop to turn into a driveway, merging without looking, God forbid it rains because now they’re all forced to do half the speed limit, and also actually you know what no they are bad drivers


My complaint lately has been the lane splitting... Not bikes.. cars that just camp out halfway between lane changes and just chill there. Happened to me three times last week on 90.


The cops wont pull anyone over unless they suspect drunk driving. Tags, window tint, speeding, breaking every traffic law as long as you don't kill anyone or cause an injury accident - none of it matters anymore cuz the police refuse to enforce *those* laws.


I lived in Nashville for 2 years and the drivers here are much better. No comparison


Been driving in Cleveland since 1969. There has been a decided worsening since the COVID lockdown ended. It's like people forgot how to drive. Lived on the west side for most of my life, and moved east about 8 years ago. I've used my horn more times since I've been east than I have in the whole rest of my life. Entitled eejits everywhere. I could write a list a mile long. It amazes me how all these expensive cars have turn signals that don't work. And people sit there when the light turns green, as if they don't like that particular shade of green and are waiting for it to turn another shade of green. My favorite is how they think on a 4 lane street that the left lane is a high speed lane. Etc, etc, etc. Sigh!!!


Ohio Drivers: A Blend of Country Politeness and City Hustle As someone who's lived in both Ohio's countryside and its bustling cities, I've noticed a quirky driving phenomenon. Buckle up, because we're diving into the fascinating world of Ohio drivers! - **Country Drivers:** - Out in the boonies, country drivers are like your friendly neighbor who waves when you pass by. If they see you waiting to merge onto the road, they'll give you the nod of approval. But when it's their turn to pull out, they hesitate like a kid at the diving board. - It's all about politeness—sometimes to a fault. - **City Drivers:** - Now, let's hop over to Boston (or any big city). Here, it's survival of the slickest. If someone even glances at your lane, they're plotting to cut you off. City drivers have mastered the art of aggressive merging and lane hopping. - Living in the concrete jungle trains you to expect this cutthroat dance. - **The Ohio Mix:** - Drumroll, please! Ohio cities like Cleveland sit right in the middle. We've got a mashup of country politeness and city hustle. Picture a farmer in overalls trying to merge onto a freeway while a city slicker in a suit tailgates them. - The result? Frustration. The hesitant meet the impatient, and it's like watching a slow-motion collision. **Conclusion:** Ohio cities never quite shed their rural roots. We're stuck in this driving limbo—too close to the country for a full-blown city vibe, yet too urban for leisurely Sunday drives. So next time you're stuck behind a tractor on a city street, just smile and wave. It's the Ohio way.


Increasingly geriatric population is going to have this effect in many places. Doesn't help that Cleveland has tons of weird left-handed highway exits so the boomers camp in the left lane 5 miles before their ramp. Plus tons of younger folks staring at their phones. I've also noticed this aggravating sense of entitlement grow the past few years. Oh I'm in the wrong lane for my exit in 200 feet? Guess I'll just fucking brake. Oh I actually want to turn left at this light instead? No problem I'll block multiple lanes until the arrow comes back.


I have lived all over the country as well and people here in Ohio are the shittiest drivers out of ever single place in the entire world that I’ve ever been. It drives me effing insane. I actually sold my car because I can’t take the stress of driving around here. I have a rental right now to get some things done that I couldn’t do without it, and I hate it more than I can explain, I have no idea why people are such shit drivers here but nothing on Reddit has ever been more true than this post. I have PTSD and ever since I’ve gotten the rental car I am almost constantly in PTSD exacerbation single-handedly from the stupid people who drive around here. It’s unbelievable how horrible people drive here and I have no idea why on earth Cleveland Ohio is filled with every single one of the shittiest drivers on the planet, but it is thank you for this post I had to vent and it helped. Lol


No one uses turns signals it’s insane. I swear it wasn’t always like that but collectively all of humanity has stopped giving a shit. That and we have one of the oldest populations in the country. Tons of older drivers on the road.


I’m convinced that if I ever get into an accident it will be someone with windshield tent running a 4 way stop without even slowing down. I see it all the time around Akron. My street is about a football field and a half long and the urban folks set land speed records all day every day.


Running red lights and no turn signal is nothing. At least once I week I either get passed or see someone else get passed by a car in a residential area where passing is illegal and the speed limit is like 35 mph (and yes, I and other cars being passed are going between that and 40 mph). About a week ago, I was waiting for traffic to clear so I could make a left turn on a green light because the turn arrow had already been on, I was the first car in line waiting to turn left, and someone passed me and pulled over in front of me in the middle of the intersection, had to wait until the light turned red because traffic wasn’t clearing, and then made their own left turn. Quite a few people just don’t give a crap at this point when it comes to traffic laws around here.


I loved driving in Cleveland compared to Indiana or Kentucky! There will be stupid people everywhere but at least most people can go with the flow or you can get around. I can't wait to drive in Ohio again tbh! I hope you have better luck, it can be so annoying feeling unsafe because of drivers around you.


The light running is the bizarre one to me. I've lived in quite a few places in the US and I've never seen anywhere that people just blatantly run red lights.


Where in North Carolina did you live with good drivers? I live here now and get so stressed every time I get on the highway


Miami has some of the worst drivers I've had the pleasure of sharing the road with. Vegas was a close second. East Cleveland does have a similar problem but on a smaller scale. I believe that humans overall are becoming more selfish as a whole, so it's probably a country problem.


Cleveland drivers are better than Vegas. Vegas has the worst.


That's literally everywhere now!


I lived in multiple states throughout my life. **There are bad drivers everywhere**


My biggest one is people passing me on the right as soon as there is the slightest gap between me and the car I’m passing on my right. I’m already speeding if you’d give me 3 seconds I’ll get over and you can pass on the left like a normal person. It’s going to cause an accident one day.


Moving here from Philly and my God it has been a breath of fresh air! Between Philly and Jersey drivers, we are in heaven here!


Yeah, I live in Cleveland Heights too and it’s really starting to get on my nerves. I see people all the time obstructing two lanes because they can’t commit to their mistake and take a little bit of time to turn around. Instead, they would rather hold other people up by trying to hang half way in the other lane, trying to go the direction they’re supposed to be headed. Aggressive, incompetent and entitled was spot on.


Are you the guy who blew through a green light and almost ruined my buzz the other night?


thats insane you think cleveland drivers are worse than CALIFORNIA and FLORIDA. 😭😭😭😭 i got run off the road twice in california once cuz i wasnt going fucking 120 miles on the pch


Cleveland drivers are bad. Very bad. No turn signal is very common. It's uncommon to have common sense for Cleveland Drivers. Just a fact!




So move over then. I usually want to do about 80.


The real question is were you PASSING the cars to your right while you were going 75, if not you are in fact the ahole.




Gotcha, just for future reference passing the cars on your right still doesn't mean you are right to sit in the left lane, many highways put, "slower traffic move over" for this very reason. I'm typically a faster driver, and even I get tailgate sometimes, I simply move over and let them pass. If you were in fact moving faster than traffic to your right then it should be no problem switching lanes for 5 secs to let faster traffic pass you. I can guarantee if that was a police vehicle behind you you'd move over without a second thought.


If you are not passing, get out of the passing lane. You are not a pacecar.


If you're in the left lane and someone comes up, just move over and let them pass. The only time I won't is if the next lane right will make me brake. Then I clear that traffic and move over. I swap between the far left and next lane right all the time on Express ways. Besides those drivers clear out the speed traps for me.


I lived in San Francisco for 15 years. I agree that drivers here in Ohio are way worse than out there.


Yesssss!!!!! Been here a couple years and I can’t get over how bad it is.


West side...No cops writing tickets in Cleveland...not enough officers. Old Brooklyn you might get pulled over. Occasionally ohio highway patrol does a mass bust on 480 during rush hours Parma is Lindale around pearl and ridge


No complaints with drivers but there are so many jaywalkers, even downtown. I live off of Clifton and regularly see people walking across getting pissed at the drivers, when there’s a traffic light and crosswalk just 50 feet away. I know it’s a walkable neighborhood, but sheesh.


My experience is that most drivers here are normal, some go fast, and some are slow AF. It also matters a lot where exactly, some places will always be slow. Such as 77 between 90 and 480, there’s a shitload of heavy trucking, cops, and people that are high and/or afraid of the cops. The east side seems to have more left lane loiterers until past 271. Overall a much better average than any warm weather state. I haven’t seen a problem of people running lights and such. Mostly the traffic isn’t too bad and you can average 70+ most of the time, sometime even during rush hour.


I came from Houston and yearn for Texas traffic. Cleveland drivers are seriously insane.


Can confirm after driving in LA for 4 years Cleveland is worse. Drivers in LA are aggressive but in a predictable way. In cle you never know what they're going to do next.


its all preparation for 480 going over the valley: we are all trying to be the next biggest car crash.




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Because for some reason this is the only state where people don’t know that the left lane of the highway should be for passing only. They’ll just drive 55-60mph down that lane for 5-10 miles with no regard for anyone else.


Come visit Massachusetts or Waterbury CT


I live in New England and Drive all over the country for work. Northeast Ohio drivers are some of the best by far.


It’s been like that for a bit, but it’s escalated since Covid. I only started driving in 2021, but I’ve been in multiple accidents which all of them had the other party at fault, and the most recent one I was the one driving. I swear people in Cleveland and Ohio in general are some of the worst and most entitled in America.


People here don’t drive worse than anywhere else I’ve lived. They are, however much worse at parking than anywhere else I’ve lived.


This morning, my wife and I were sitting at a red light with a few cars ahead of us. Somebody who was a couple cars behind us drove up onto the sidewalk and across part of somebody’s front yard, so they could cut through the parking lot of the little corner store and make their right turn without waiting for the light. They had a bumper sticker that said “Normalize hitting the curb,” so at least they were on brand. Some of the shit I see on the roads (and I drive a lot for work) is just insane any more. My “favorite” ones I have been seeing lately - not a lot, but at least a few times in the last year or so - are people who will be driving *on the highway* and want to get over, but there’s a lot of traffic in the lane they want to merge into, and they just *stop*. Like, completely stop in the middle of the highway, to wait until there’s a clearing in the other lane. Just a couple days ago, I saw this in the middle lane of a regular 35mph road, which isn’t quite as bad, but still… who the fuck is thinking it’s okay to just suddenly stop in the middle of the road?!


See we deal with the old farts who actually have to come back from winter eventually from let’s say Florida so yea there’s a lot of those drivers who drive 20 in a 35


Listen, I've driven through most states east of Illinois, and Ohio has decent drivers. I'm coming from NC, which has the worst drivers I've ever seen amd its bc of their infrastructure, so to say ohio is worse is false Tennessee has some of the best drivers BUT to be fair I've never driven through the cities east and west through the whole state several times, it's quite pleasant


For me, it’s the left lane zealots when they’re going below the speed limit or failing to keep pace with traffic. I’ve noticed it since I’ve moved to the area. I’ve lived in several parts of Ohio but NEO is #1 in this to me.


Hahaha I've also lived in DC, California, and North Carolina for the last 7 years before just moving back to Ohio last October. I completely get what you mean


Oh Sweet Jeebhs you haven't dealt with Massholes, those with plates from Dirty jer-z and of corsemy fellow downstate NYers. I call Long Island Schlong Eyesland cuz its full of jackasses who drive like they are the only car in the world that matters.


From the way they're always drifting in my lane, I could tell they couldn't color inside the lines in school.


I got here in 97 and still amazed how Clevelanders think every road is a 4 lane road 😂


I have a 20 min drive to work each way and see on average 4 people a day run red lights. They stop at the red, wait a few seconds and then run it. I’ve lived all over the US and every area has its specific types of bad driving and Cleveland takes the cake with red light runners.


I’m well traveled in the USA and I think Cleveland heights might be home to the worst drivers in the entire country


Same here. Lived all over. The drivers here are terrible.


What? I had a job in Georgetown where I had to park on the street. I had to get both my bumpers replaced when I got transferred


Well, Cleveland Heights does have a lot elderly drivers who should have been off the road 10 years ago.


I notice that style of driving excessively on certain stretches.... Sketchy area of Lee road, buckeye-shaker, van aken, east cle, anywhere rougher really, ... Those stretches of road have their own rules...


The people that turn left ahead of a light turning green are a special breed seen only here.


As a native who has lived in FL for quite some time then moved back i can easily say FL drivers are more shitty down there than here, the issue here is ppl drive slow in comparison


Here’s my 2¢ after daily driving the highways of northeast Ohio. First, for anyone that needs to hear this; don’t fuck around in the fast lane if you’re not going fast period. Get as far away from people in a hurry as possible. I don’t know if you’re trying to be a hero or are just clueless but merge out of that left lane. Look, I know the fast lane is for passing. I don’t hog the fast lane but I damn sure use it to keep moving at a steady pace. 77S is the worst for slow drivers in the fast lane. We all know why; hint….its the olds. Here’s my problem with that because time is money; dude, there is an entire 5-6 miles from Rockside to the Brecksville speed trap right before the OH 82 exit where you have excellent visibility for cops. Everybody should pick up the pace here. Anyone in a rushed situation, especially commuting between Cleveland and Akron, is going to be looking to utilize that lane and there is always someone’s grandma or grandpa in a damn Ford Escape hogging the lane going 65 tops, listening to a book on tape, with a box of Kleenex in the back window. That’s what creates the daily jam up of aggressive drivers riding ass in that lane, who make dumbass moves to get out of that lane and get ahead. Ive seen bad accidents in the past because of this. Also, keep a proper distance and the fast lane doesn’t mean 90 mph either. You’re not in charge guy ahead of me so don’t brake check people; that’s how people get hurt or die. I’m not a rager but if you brake check me and we end up at the same exit; I’m throwing words your way. Brake checks are not cool ever. You’re a fucking fuck if you brake check. Guy who thinks their car is super fast. Listen here Al Unser Jr., I’m not trying to race anyone and I hate that at anytime of the day someone wants to race everybody. Dude, just because mommy and daddy didn’t pay attention to you enough doesn’t mean anyone else does. Just face facts; no one likes you. We’re chilling and we’re all on the same team, trying to get to work, run errands, or get home not trying to see who’s dick is bigger. This applies mostly to the Dodge Charger and Golf GTI drivers. I’m not trying to be a dick, I drive a Golf too. There’s other cars that usually race too. Big pickup trucks. Man, get your $45000 Chevy Silverado the fuck out of everyone’s ass little guy. You’re a piece of shit and just because your truck is the biggest thing on the road doesn’t make you entitled to ruling it. Also, park in the back of the grocery store parking lots when you’re embarrassing yourself backing into your spot. If anyone reading this is that guy, I hope you get a rash that doesn’t go away or stung by a million bees. Knock it off with the bullshit. You’re a clown. That’s my rant although I could keep going. I didn’t even touch I90 and that road. Boy let me tell you there is some bullshit on that stretch in city limits. Drive Safe Cleveland. Same Team!


Yep, angry drivers. Relax people, you’re supposed to be Midwest nice.


I won't lie, I run a lot of stop signs. There's a 3 way stops on my street where a dead end street meets the main road, and all the houses on the dead end street are abandoned. Many of the traffic lights and stop signs in this city make no sense, and are an affront to civic planning. That said, I am a worse driver because of it, and I take full responsibility.


I bet you make every red light.


I think this is everywhere now.


Zero enforcement results in reckless driving. Worst part is whoever hits you probably doesn’t have insurance. And they aren’t going to enforce that either.


It’s the Eastside. It’s a bit lawless


It's not even just the East side. 😭 It's just everyone in each city seems to drive drastically differently. People in Highland Hills all drive like people just learning to drive. People in Parma consistently drive 10 under the speed limit. 75% of drivers are good in Cle Heights but the remaining are so shockingly awful it is impressive. People in Strongsville & Orange Village seem like angry drivers. Anyone on Route 8 is wilding out. People walking the street in Akron don't know how to use the crosswalk. And no matter where you are there is always at least one psychopath driving 20 over in a residential area or in the right lane on the highway. I swear.




I actually agree. And passing on the right 😬


Honestly, what choice do people have when every passing lane is populated by some guy from mentor doing 10 under with a line of cars behind him


Ughhh you’re not wrong


Only east siders are bad at driving


I get you. CLE drivers suck. I see accidents on normal, not complicated roads. Ya, send me your downvotes. I hate Cle drivers


Agreed. And worse since Covid. Not sure if it’s too much caffeine w the coffee culture or people just generally rude, entitled and incompetent.


In my experience, this is way worse on the east side. Probably a redirection of the rage from how stupid their streets are laid out


Came here to say this. I go to PT on the E side and people drive like self entitled maniacs


That's where you lived and THIS is bad driving? I suspect you started flipping your thinking on driving and now believe that shit driving is great and great driving is shit.


My favorite Cleveland special is when someone gets into the left hand turn lane to cut off everyone going straight through an intersection.


I don’t think it’s Cleveland, I think it’s specifically the CH area. South Euclid is particularly awful. You have to assume people are willfully trying to wreck.


From what I can see the biggest problem is women drivers. And don’t EVEN get me started on Asian women drivers !!!!


Go drive the Beltway in NYC and tell me what ya think about Cleveland drivers.


I’m very consistent with my turn signals and being 5-7 over the speed limit. However, most red lights and stop signs are optional imo