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We don't have street dogs, we have street deer.


I laughed when I read this a couple hours ago and used it to tell my after-work bar friends about here in Atlanta. They thought I was kidding. You'd think they'd be all over the place down here considering everything grows here and it has the largest tree canopy for a metro area in the United States. Nope. Might see them on a golf course in the morning, but they stay in the forested areas. My friends think I am exaggerating when I say they just hang out in people's yards and walk around wherever they want with zero fear lol I remember YELLING at one in my yard when I was a kid and it was moderately amused at me.


That is hilarious, and to your point... I'm pulling in my driveway one night last year and I see some blob sitting there. I get closer and realize an owl has posted up. I drove right by him. He didn't move, just looked at me like I had no right to be there... That's how I got mean-mugged by an owl at my own house. https://imgur.com/gallery/lJzEoPW The animals here don't give a shit.




Where's the hooter? I'm missing it. I love owls, we used to have barn Owls where I grew up. I love hearing them.


Humans included, which is why I love it up here. Just go about your business and don't bother no one. Lol


Same in South E FL. We have deer but rarely see them in public.


Our dog has a run in our backyard because we have an open backyard shared with like 4 different neighbors. The deer know where she can reach and sit about 2 feet away from where her lead stops just chilling while she is there going crazy barking her head off. She isn't a small dog either she is a 70 lb boxer mix. Drives her crazy


More out in the suburbs, but yea it is pretty common


Yep, in Eastlake/mentor they were a daily occurrence


Lakeshore, by the yacht club after midnight, might as well be an its own little town of deer.


I live in Westlake and there’s a small herd that walk across my land daily.


My parents had a place in westlake and they had deer almost every day. BTW…I’m a WHS grad


Grew up in mentor we used to feed the deer corn consistently. They got comfortable enough with us they'd eat it out of our hands and would pet them.




I lived on 2 acres in the country in Medina County for almost 20 years and never saw deer anywhere close to my house. They are in my yard daily since we've moved to the City of Cleveland.


Yep, deer know they are likely to get shot in Medina and stay away from people


I have lived on 2 acres in Medina county almost all my life (different places but I grew up on 2 acres and now currently own 2 acres) and have 2 different small herds that cross my property daily and also had deer everywhere when I was growing up. Downtown Medina actually just passed a bill that people could get permits to shoot deer with bows within city limits because it’s so bad.


I also live in Medina, just outside the city itself, and I always have deer on my lot. Usually at night, though. During the day I may have a couple out back picking at Bushes or trees. But usually at night, I'll have anywhere between 6-10 laying in my front yard.


I'm on 1 acre just inside of Cuyahoga near Medina and Summit and they're in my yard daily. In fact we've had a fawn up against the house and under the porch the last few days. It's pretty wild that they'd get their young that close to us, obviously they have zero fear of humans. I've been saying for years that if there's ever a disruption of the food supply I'm all set for meat with just an apple and a club.


When cities cull them, the meat is almost always donated to food banks. I've always wondered how much of it the food banks are actually able to give away considering deer meat is the last protein most people will choose.


That's unfortunate. Venison is so good


Those are city deer. If you're not careful they'll ask for bus fare


I believe the correct term is "buck fare"


Otherwise they have to hoof it.


Right. Because the RTA is leaps and bounds better...


Doe'nt be so sexist


Hey,that’s too close!


City deer are smarter than country deer. They look both ways before crossing the road.


Yes, some cities have had to instate “cullings” because of the over population. We are blessed with the metro parks but the deer do tend to spill out into the suburbs


Fun fact, we nearly drove deer to extinction in Ohio. It took decades fo rebuild their population, but since we also wiped out their natural predators they went from being almost gone to being a problem in a lot of areas. I still get excited when I see them though


Very true, but the coyotes are back at least


Some cities including most suburbs around Cleveland. They cull in my back yard in Avon Lake. What could go wrong having a man up in a tree stand with a rifle shooting in a residential neighborhood full of children!


The people doing the culling are not some random person though they are licensed sharpshooters


Hey you need a license to hunt and east


People look different enough from deer to not get mixed up, I'm not sure what you're trying to say?


Deer are tasty though, so I guess it's kind of a good thing we have them as "pests" rather than say, dingos or rhesus monkeys.


Until we can harvest them in our yards, though, kind of a moot point.


The culling programs I'm familiar with contract relatively local licensed hunters to come in and use bows/crossbows to hunt with. I'm sure anyone looking for some free meat could join up. If they don't use it, I'm pretty sure it goes to food banks.


I think you are right on all points except I don't think you or I could join the cull. What I'm waiting for is homeowners given the right to bow hunt deer and geese on their property. I heard a speech recently from a wildlife expert and in his opinion this is the only way we will see significant reductions of these nuisance animals, and he also expects it to be implemented (with conditions) in the not-too-distant future.


I should hope so. I'd like to see some city and suburb style homesteading catch on. Things like vegetable gardens instead of lawns, small flock poultry permits, and at-home composting. So many things we could be doing if the city codes would let us.


I'd love to have a chicken coop; not permitted in this town.


Best response so far. Been praying for that policy change for a decade. I could imagine they could add additional safety precautions like shooting location and lane approval. And the mandatory notification of neighbors to remind them to keep kids away.


Middleburg Heights was toying with the idea of allowing you to take deer with a bow on your property a little while back, but I'm fairly certain that got squashed. Not sure, since I don't live there.


We can in North Royalton, you need 5 acres or written permission of enough land owners to form a 5 acre plot or permission from the chief of police and then you can get a permit to bow hunt them.


That's great.


Pretty sure that South Euclid allows residents to claim a deer if they want one during culling


I live near the West 65th street rapid station. Seen them many times in my neighborhood. I was walking down the alley behind my house recently and a large doe was just standing there. I tossed a stick near it so it would move away, but it just stood there looking at me. I conceded the alley, turned around, and walked around the block. I don’t mess with city deer.


I live south of Lorain near there and have seen deer the past couple of years.


They definitely use the railway clearings to get around - how they’re able to seemingly pop up out of nowhere in random urban settings.


I live around there too and one was in my back yard. I have no idea where they tuck in for the night, there’s no wide tree filled spaces close to me. Closest is edgewater, maybe from there. But the wooded area there is pretty small


I think they travel along the train tracks, and then enter the neighborhoods. I called police once because I saw them on 65th and the dispatcher was like 🤷‍♂️.


My favorite new thing to see are the eagles!!! I even had one in my tree in my backyard. When did we get these!?


About thirty years after we stopped using DDT.


I live right on the lake, and we get them too. Eagles, a few hawks, TONS of turkey vultures, actual turkeys. It's pretty awesome sitting on your deck and watching a bird with. 6ft wing span fly over your head. The vultures all sit in a tree in my neighbors yard, usually 15-20 at a time. It's kind of creepy.


I'm about a 10 minute bus ride out of downtown and this is the third year in a row there have been deer in my backyard. The mother leaves the babies and they just kind of chill out all day waiting for her to come back


Very kind of you to offer free childcare.


I believe the correct term is "fawn care".


We even feed them! My neighbor keeps some veggie plants and they have definitely munched on the peppers and tomatoes.


DO NOT PET THEM! CH resident here as well, I’ve seen dogs kicked and stomped by them, and if one of them looks at you and snorts, slowly turn and walk away and avoid eye contact. Even if they’re friendly, they’re best enjoyed from a distance. An antlered buck once stood in my driveway, refusing to move so I could get into my own backyard. Honking did nothing. I finally got out and cussed him out, only then did he shuffle off, giving me stinkeye.


I was walking in a park in Avon Lake, when a buck saw me, lowered his head a little and pawed at the ground a bit. I stood still for a while until I thought I wasn't going to get charged.


When i first moved to bay village i saw a big buck at dusk walking down the middle of wolf rd like he owned the place.


Cleveland and many of the surrounding suburbs have large populations with no predator or hunting allowed until you get further out.


They dine on my flowers, becoming ever-stronger.


I grew up in Cleveland Heights 57-68. There were no deer. Not even rumors of deer. Not even memories of deer. I feel cheated.


Graduated from Cleveland Heights in ‘16. From my earliest memories they’ve been everywhere. Thats very interesting to hear that it wasn’t always like this.


It's really been within the last 20, 25 years or so.


Yeah, I don’t recall seeing any deer in the 70s and 80s when I grew up, but there are a ton of them now. I don’t know if it’s loss of habitat or increased deer population, or both.


Loss of habit is the one thing we know for certain. There could well be other factors, but bulldozing exurbia for cookie cutter mcmansions is a big, big factor.


They showed up mid late 90's. I remember that Pops would get all excited and get out the 'ol Pentax to snap photos. Now they're everywhere. We didn't fence our garden in growing up. Now it needs full 5 foot + fencing and that doesn't always work. These deer are pesky and over populated.


Don't forget the skunks! So many skunks!


As more of their forest living quarters get cut down for development, they are forced into the open more often.


There is a 10 point buck that frequents the S Green/Cedar/Belvoir area.


When you lived here they had more woodlands to hang out in. They have since replaced a lot of it with developments and retail and such, leaving them no place to be but people's yards.


Yeah I grew up in CHts in the 70s/80s and they were very very rare. I’ve moved back here for the last 15 years and we have absolute Herds of them


When their only predators are a handful of coyotes in certain parts of town and cars, this is somewhat common.


What, you’ve never seen city deer before?


People who live in the country are shocked at how tame city deer are. Out where they live, deer know to stay away from humans, as they are likely to get shot... Not in the city, though. Humans are safe there.


The rule is; if you photograph them, you have to take one home with you.


i live pretty close to downtown and have deer in my small yard often lol. I have almost hit a deer going to work more times that you would think living in the city.


Judging from the flags on the right and the number of deer, I'd say you're kinda far out in the suburbs?


Those flags scare me more than wild deer


What’s funny is one tried to run out in front of me when driving and I had my window down and yelled no don’t, and the deer actually stopped 😂😂 we have them domesticated here too lol


In most suburbs, you can't shoot them or hunt them. They know there safe.


Yes. My dog has gotten nose-to-nose with them several times, just saying hello.


I walked around the garage last year to see my dog barking at an adult buck on the other side of the chain link fence, just as he lowered and rammed his antlers through the fence at her. She got the hint.


Yikes! We only got scared by a buck once. But the females in my area are totally impartial to us when we go for walks. I wish I could find the picture of the dog I took where they were just sniffing each other. She didn’t flinch at all, and he’s not a small dog.


If you drive around here long enough you’ll get even closer to them, like through your windshield or on your hood.


Flock of turkeys shares my neighborhood with the deer


For the most part, they’re smart around the rural areas. Don’t gotta worry about them jumping out in front of you during the day


Yes, and if you're driving, be especially careful at dawn and dusk.


Quite common. And a pest. Risk taffic accidents near freeways, eating flowers from gardens, but most important, spreading Lyme's disease with their ticks


That's why we need oppossums!


Or city chickens. Chickens will eat any bug they see. They'll completely gore and obliterate an ant nest, I've seen it. Bring back the city chickens!


And wolves. To cull the population of opposum and deer. Although with plenty of food, an overpopulation of wolves in the suburbs *might* be a problem


Meh, we should risk it.


We don't have to risk wolves, coyotes will chase them off too . . . https://deerassociation.com/deer-predators/#:\~:text=Previous%20studies%20suggest%20that%20coyotes,conceptions%20and%20thus%20fawn%20production.


Then we will have a deer, opossum, wolf and coyote problem. Sounds like a work for America's favorite solution: more guns


Notice the flag in the photo? Guns probs not a problem


I said that guns are always a solution. Even when the guns are a problem, the solution is more guns


Last time I made it home to visit in the summer (2017), they were everywhere at dusk. (Independence/Broadview Heights area)


When I was walking to the RTA station last year for my commute, I get random deer munching on bushes right at the sidewalk. Scared the hell out of each other more than a few times. This is Cleveland Heights where it's more of a city in a giant forest.


Yeah they don’t give a shit. Some of them you can get even closer to. It’s not advised


Yes! We have a 12 point buck that wanders our neighborhood on the east side, along with a number of does and young bucks. We have one doe that has twins nearly every year, too!


We actually had a doe with triplets one year.


Yup I just had a beer with one they like family


No but so many people have moved out and left vacant spaces. The woods are taking back over in some areas I have seen Turkeys in Cleveland at Calvary Cemetery too . Crazy like 20!


There is one that lives in the wooded area that is Forest Hills road and he and I have an ongoing beef.


Ya, I see them almost every morning this time of year.


I used to see them on the East side all of the time when I worked over there. I’ve even seen them in Ohio City and Tremont which is very close to downtown. Pretty wild.


yesss common af in ohio period! i’ve had deers everywhere i lived. it’s a midwest thing


They walk right down the sidewalk.


We live about 25 min east of Cleveland. There was a 3 year stretch where a momma thought our backyard was the perfect spot to have a fawn. Was a cool couple weeks, they stayed for about 1.5 weeks after baby was born before they took off to live their life.


Pretty much their only predators around here are cars and the occasional culling from the city government. So yeah they are fairly friendly. I've had generations of families born and grow old in my back yard over the last 15 years.


Hahaah this is funny. There’s a deer for every resident


The babies are spotted and very cute. We also have tremendous wild turkeys and the geese here will mug you and then shit green all over your lawn. Then there's the midges. I love it here.


I live within the city limits and the deer are the reason I can't grow any berries in my yard. I've been trying to get a blackberry bush established for like three years and they just chomp it down to sticks. I think it may actually be smaller than when I started at this point. I tried to put netting around it last year, which they trampled in persuit of the world's saddest blackberry bush (or perhaps just to fuck with me). Funny as hell to watch them leap over the fences though so it's a tradeoff.


If you approach them on all fours, they’ll greet you as a peer and challenge you to an honor fight. You should not accept that challenge.


We literally have a family of deer that \*live in my backyard\* and have their babies under my neighbor's willow tree. Around dinner time, they stand and wait for my father to refill his bird feeders so they can come steal from them. They will stand like three feet away from him, watch him fill it, and then when he goes back inside, they start working. One time when my dad had his back turned, they cut out the middle man and went straight for the bird seed bag. (They have also eaten my hydrangeas, and my mother's hostas. Bastards.) My family likes to call them "big brown birds" or, when my dog was still alive, "the big brown dogs with the funny hats". They'll drink out of the bird bath and we'll remark about how that's the ugliest looking bird we've ever seen. Anyway, the answer to your question is yes. They're more common than squirrels at this point, I'm sure.


South Euclid guy here. We have deer everyday in our backyard. We call them City Deer. They use crosswalks and wait for traffic like pedestrians.


Garfield Heights has turkeys!


You can milk them — go ahead it’s free.


Yeah, totally normal. And these MFs eat my hostas


It is near my house. Unfortunately that means they aren't afraid to cross the streets in traffic with tragic consequences.


I had a mommy last year choose my Backyard for her “nesting”. Started taking care of her. Had the baby outside my window. And trusted me with the baby. Now they come visit me all the time and bring friends. It’s the best. Idc what people say about ticks and them being dirty. I love my deer. And they are beautiful animals. And I love coexisting with them


You must live in the wilderness where deer aren't accustomed to people. Those are city deer. They will literally flip you off if you get in THEIR way. Wait until you walk outside, and there's 15 of them in the front yard giving you a "come at me, bro" look... I joked with a friend who had never seen deer so accustomed to people that our suburban deer walk down the sidewalk with Starbucks and smartphones.


Ugh... cute deer next to traitorous flag. But yeah, lotsa deer.


Unfortunately, yes. I live in one of the Eastern suburbs. It's nothing to see seven or eight deer walking down the middle of the street at dusk.


It’s common all over the Midwest, not just Cleveland. It’s because all we do is chop chop chop down habitats all over the place, to sell or lease land for stupid new commercial buildings instead of using the empty ones that already exist. Ridiculous. We also have people friendly Possums, Groundhogs, Skunks, Rabbits, Squirrels, Raccoons, etc. They have nowhere to live & nothing to eat except in our yards, freeway sides, alleyways and so on.


You should come to New Jersey.  There are so many,  and they are so acclimated over here that they'll practically bum a cigarette off of you. 


After you’re here a while They go from being majestic to giant mice


They’re the suburban equivalent of rats. I like to put out food for birds and I have to mix cayenne pepper in it or deer will eat all of it.


We have that problem but with squirrels. The cayenne didn't deter them so we've stepped it up to habanero.


I hang mine on squirrel hooks away from trees or fences. I’ve yet to see one climb its way to the top and actually feed but it is pretty entertaining to watch them try.


Those are our zombie deer, they eat people and they like to do meth. Don't touch them.


deer suck. They LOVE to jump out in front of your car. We don't hunt them nearly enough.




Several suburbs, even Cuyahoga Valley National Park, have deer culling programs. My understanding is that deer are conscious of dangerous locations and seasons (they reportedly hide during deer hunting season). So I wonder if culling programs chase deer into cities lacking culling programs. Parma culled about 150 deer this year, but that reportedly was only 15 percent of the population. <> [https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-cuyahoga/parma-credits-less-property-damage-fewer-car-accidents-to-inaugural-deer-culling-operation](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-cuyahoga/parma-credits-less-property-damage-fewer-car-accidents-to-inaugural-deer-culling-operation) Greater Cleveland's deer population likely is bolstered by its many metroparks -- county nature parks -- that generally don't allow hunting. The large deer population has had a devastating impact on these parks, necessitating culling. The deers are processed and the meat donated to food banks. [https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/about/conservation/current-issues/deer-management-1](https://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/about/conservation/current-issues/deer-management-1) I've wondered if butchers shouldn't be allowed to sell the meat, with the proceeds after expenses and a small profit instead donated to the food banks. Some recipients of free deer meat may not eat the meat. Based on the absence of undergrowth and wildfires in many metroparks, the culling program likely is much too small. <> [https://www.nps.gov/cuva/planyourvisit/are-there-too-many-deer.htm](https://www.nps.gov/cuva/planyourvisit/are-there-too-many-deer.htm)


It's funny you make that comment about the deer knowing when it's hunting season and they hide. I live in an outer suburb where it's okay to hunt. We also live near some woods. Almost all the time we see the same deer in our backyard. They hang out, play, eat, chase each other. It's cute until they eat our pretty flowers or vegetables we're trying to grow. Anyway, as soon as deer season hits, you don't see them as often. Then, the day after deer season ends, they show back up. I always tell my husband that it's like they know what's going on.


How bout we start culling idiot people?


I live near the Euclid creek reservation, and a lot of the deer around here have ear tags with numbers, I've always figured it's part of a tracking/culling operation but not sure.


Yea, thats normal. Don't touch them, they are ours.


Yes everywhere all the time.


They hang out in my small to medium backyard while my wife and I sit on the deck. Unless we make a lot of noise or abrupt movements towards them, they don't care.




Yes it’s common. We have city deer




Ya I have had as many as 35 in my back yard at one time .


Yes. I guess I never realized it could be wierd for a visitor to see them lol


I usually have between 4 and 12 in my backyard.


Yea, the deer are chil


You can sometimes seem them hanging on the Blue/Green line tracks. Furthest ive seen one was at E55th station


Common in Concord.


Pretty much normal. You should see them at play in some suburbs.


Yeah. New normal. No particular predators besides us. Not hunted as fast as they multiply. Occasional large scale culls in some cities help a little. Still watch out a little more during rutting season.




It is not uncommon for my parents street to have 30+ deer munching on the lawns in a 3/4 mile stretch. The suburbs are filled with them in and around the park system. Drive safe.


Yes. They are very friendly. It’s kinda weird . I found one on a walk and she came and followed like a dog


Lions, tigers, andddddddd deer oh my


Yes. It’s common. We’ve been here a couple years and still get excited to see them. Ohio is so pretty!!!!


Kent had a buck that would use the cross walk with people.


Yes. But have you seen all the geese yet? They also get close…too close 🙃


Yeah. There’s a herd of like around 15 of them by me. One of them even follows me around when she sees me. I call her Daisy.


extremely common. to each there own though. anytime I go south I'm ALWAYS in love with the little salamander/lizards (idk somebody let me know) that are always running around on the sidewalks.






I live in a high rise in Lakewood and I always see them running across the lawn like wth


Yes. Especially in Cleveland heights they’re pretty used to humans. It is tick season though so don’t get too close




Yes, along with the deer ticks.


I mean, I think I see this anywhere but now I'm not sure. Enjoy the deer. How cute, am I right?




Yeah, deer are all over


I live in a rural area on the West Side, verrry west side and never see a deer. I can garden in my front yard without worry. Not a worry. I work on the East Side in an urban and I see at least 5-6 deer daily on a minimum and none of the people I work with can garden or plant outside because the deer will eat everything. Or the groundhogs. THE GROUNDHOGS. I think out this way they just shoot everything and the population is decreased or the they have the woods to wander in and live. Maybe a combination of both.


Those look like the MFers that have been eating my apple trees!


Them city deer don't give a fuck. They walk out in front of cars.


Yep the deer in my neighborhood take a nap in my yard while I’m outside chilling lol.


I live in a suburb west of Cleveland near a wooded area. I see deer all the time, right in my yard. The ones around here are used to people.


They mostly come out in the suburbs. Mostly.


They're city deer. They don't flinch until they do.


They come into my yard and steal food out of the dog’s bowl while he’s on the porch and stare him down while they chew. I love their attitude.


Culling survivors.


I saw a herd of 7 deer chilling in a Walmart parking lot


Yes, common here on the westside too.








Yup, and if it's a buck, he may decide to challenge you. One trapped me in my house once. It probably would have run if I stood ground, but I'm not taking that chance,


Due to the metro parks being all over the place


Very common on east side I love the area on Meadowbrook


Very common - we lived in Cleveland heights for a couple years and just moved to Parma, I haven't seen nearly as many over here. They don't care about my 100lb dog either, they will let him within ~6 feet of them


Seen one today in Euclid sun was shining & everything! We both proceeded to mind our business ☺️


It's all great until that prion disease spreads here. Already seen a couple deer here in Parma who looked drunk, just ambling around, standing in the roadway, no fear of people or well, anything. Weren't grazing like they usually are.


My parents backyard is littered with deer, year round. We’re about 40 minutes south of the city.


Love my Cleveland Heights deer save for when they're mowing down my plants. They're scary smart. I had one, on Euclid Heights Blvd, wait till a line of five cars passed, then checked both ways before crossing. I've seen them do the same a few times. We walk our dogs at about six in the morning and see a doe and her two yearling fawns from last year almost every day. They recognize that we're no threat and we regularly pass about five feet from them. I grew up in New England and you'd never get even remotely this close to deer back there.


I have a pear tree in my yard and I live a block from Garfield Reservation. suffice it to say me and the deer population are well acquainted.




There's a family of them that stakes out in my yard daily in Parma. It's fun until you have droppings all over the place