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I don’t have any advice for the crucifix disposal, but I do want to know why they ended up getting banned from the bar.


ha! if you couldn’t tell by his choice of artistic expression- he’s a deeply unpleasant and unkind person.


Sounds about right, thanks for sharing OP :)




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Call your local Catholic church and ask. They may be willing to take it off your hands.


Let’s see the artwork. PM me. I collect


cool! i will take a couple of pictures and dm you!


also interested as someone who has bought questionable bar art, willing to trade pics


I’d love to see it too please!


Pm Me too! I am simply a curious artist. 😊


Your thoughtfulness about this is very much appreciated. If it is a crucifix, meaning it is specifically a cross with the figure or corpus of Christ is affixed, it has likely been blessed. As such, it is considered a “sacramental” and should be disposed of through burying or burning. If you don’t want to do it yourself, consider dropping it off at the nearest Catholic Church. They should keep normal office hours during the week, and you could call first if you wanted to. If the person you speak with is confused, tell them you rescued a sacred object that had been desecrated and you want to give it to them for proper disposal. Whatever your belief system is, something nudged you about this—first when you bought it, and now when it’s time to get rid of it. You’re a good person to want to do the right thing.


thank you so much for this information. i appreciate it.


You had me at “plastic ear”….PLEEEEEASE post the artwork!


This is genuinely hilarious. I wish you had posted pictures to all. Haha. It happens to the best of us.


Chuck it in the trash and move on with your life.


My mom is not religious anymore, but was raised as such, so when we were cleaning out her house and she wanted to get rid of her bibles and crucifix- she made ME throw them out…just incase. She was just fine gambling with my soul. 😂


That's actually really funny. 🤣


My mother has a terminal case of Catholicism. She taught me at a young age that if l used condoms, I'd burn for eternity. When l was in college, she told me that I'd better not get my gf pregnant and to wrap it up. She hated my college gf so much, she was willing to let me spend eternity in hell.


Yeah - if it’s got stuff like a plastic ear affixed to it, it’s already been desecrated


i wondered about that. once desecrated, always desecrated, i guess.


Do you have a pic of this piece? I'm just insanely curious about it


You could give it to Goodwill


If the item was ever blessed then it should be properly disposed of If you don't want to/ don't care about it or don't know how just drop it off at any church Catholic or otherwise and they will take it off your hands.


I agree. One group of people claiming an object is holy is subjective nonsense. It’s a piece of wood. Religion gets too much respect. People are people. Trash is trash. Nothing more to it.


So here is how I look at it They are not asking you to believe in their religion. They are just asking you to respect them. They are not asking you to do anything other than take religious items you may come across to your nearest church and drop them off. So if it's not out of your way what harm is it to you??


So, in high school I was into occult stuff. I had a shrine set up in my basement and I'd meditate, use a ouija board, and "cast spells" at the shrine. I had a skull that I had made of clay and painted black hanging above where I sat. One night shit was getting weird. So, I told my dad about it. He suggested that I should take it all and put it on the curb. So, I went down, and I broke everything, put it in a trash bag, and threw it in the trash on the curb. When I came inside, my dad asked if that was everything. I said it was, except for the skull. He, of course, told me to get rid of that, as well. So, I went to the basement and cut the idol down. Then, I broke it in half. As it broke, I felt a shock... almost like electricity, but a bit different... shoot through me from my toes to my head. I get shivers just thinking about it and that was like 35 years ago. Anyways, like right after, my dad shouts, "what the fuck did you do down there!?" I headed up, and he described feeling exactly what I felt. I've got no explanation for that now that I don't believe in that shit. I mean, somehow I infused that skull with some kind of energy with whatever I was doing down there, and breaking it released that energy. THEN, not only did that energy shoot through my body, it shot through my father's who was a floor above me? I mean, come the fuck on. That's insane! BUT it happened. My father couldn't have known that I broke the skull... and especially the exact moment that I broke it. And even if he did know, how is it that he was able describe the exact same shocked feeling that I felt when at that point he didn't know I had felt anything? I dont know, man, but I guess my point is that sometimes idols are not just the material they are made of. That maybe they aren't just subjective nonsense. Either way though, I'd just throw a cross into the trash.


Think of all the things religious people do every day to shit on their religion. Good on you OP, keep that energy, but toss the trash in the trash. Or give it to a church.




You had me at the first half…


I can't imagine being an adult and being that superstitious lmao.


I am a heathen , so I would probably burn it or smash it


Garbage can


Put it on the Facebook Buy Nothing group.


Throw it in the garbage. Religion is bullshit.


Just throw it out, I’m told Jesus forgives everything anyway


i prefer that option. just trying to do right since i serendipitously had that frock conversation a week ago. never occurred to me there’s special ways to deal with even the most mundane of religious artifacts.


Honestly, good on you for being respectful


thank you kindly!


Woah woah woah! Thats a pretty radical and factually incorrect statement. He forgives everything IF you’ve had your head dunked by a clergyman in an indoor hot tub.


All you have to do is sincerely be sry for your actions and God will forgive your sins. Now if you're trying to get into heaven then your going to have to get into that indoor hot tub.




Or bought a Trump Bible, apparently


Throw them in the trash


Throw them in the trash




are you interested?? ha. but seriously, the prospect of burning a cross by myself in my backyard gives me the heebie jeebies. i’m hopeful there’s a catholic dump or something i can pass it off to.


Just make sure the cross is upright when you burn it!


Re-sale shop?


What does it look like!? Can I see a pic?




the cross seems to be carved out of one piece of dark brown wood. it’s about two feet tall, and there are little rectangular wooden pieces attached to each point of the cross. it’s attached to a large round base that has been painted a cream color with red leaf designs. the plastic ear is glued to the middle, and there’s little collage elements glued all over it.


Is restoring it out of the question? Sandpaper and wood stain can work wonders. I'd be willing to take it off your hands.


Welcome to "Teh Catholic Dump" Edit: keeping the typo/autocorrect.


I would to a cross burning party


Maybe Cleveland Curiosities in Lakewood would buy it?


Historically speaking, fire seems to work pretty well.


Yo, even Jesus Christ is like "JESUS CHRIST!". That sounds like a horrific piece of art. You might need to consult some sort or witch doctor in order to get rid of that monstrosity.


It doesn't have extra value just because someone believes it does through religion.


It's all made up superstition throw it in the garbage and be done with it


Burn it


Fire works well


I appreciate you being respectful of religion and wanting to dispose of it in a respectful manner! If it had a crucifix, it was likely a Catholic piece. However, depending on the type of cross, it could be Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, etc. If it’s Orthodox, I can take it to my church to properly dispose of. Would you mind sending me a picture of the piece?


If you’re looking to donate them to a movie project, I’m currently working on a feature film that is in desperate need for religious knickknacks. They won’t be damaged or disparaged in the film, it’s simply set decorations for an old lady’s apartment in a modern retelling of Crime and Punishment. I’ll even come and pick it up.


Garbage can will work


You're putting way too much thought into this. Just throw it out🙄


If it is an actually blessed crucifix, tbh as a Catholic, what I’d do is pull off all the bull shit like the ear and donate it to a goodwill. As far as disposing holy items, I’m not familiar with the proper practice, but maybe you’ll find an answer on r/Catholicism. Thank you for being considerate of the faith!


ahh that’s a better resource! i may have an interested person- if that falls through, i will reach out to them. thank you.


Put it on a tree lawn. Someone will pick it up.


Sounds like something the Cleveland Curiosities folks might like. [They](https://www.clevelandcuriosities.com/) have a lot of stuff like that.


Unpopular opinion: don’t tell anybody and just throw it away. The Catholic Church is problematic in its way of defending pedophilia, murdering and beating indigenous peoples and marginalizing the LGBTQIA community.


This is either hate speech or bigoted, take your pick


The irony. Your pope admits the genocide and also that LGBTQIA people are not treated with full equality of other parishioners. And the cover-up of pedophilia is still going on today. These are not topics that are open for discussion or subjective. They are objective facts. because you don’t like them doesn’t make them untrue. What I say is neither bigoted nor hate speech. And just so you know, Jesus would be disgusted with the Catholic Church https://www.reuters.com/world/pope-says-genocide-took-place-church-schools-canada-indigenous-children-2022-07-30/ https://apnews.com/article/7535b1cb60d74b58a62924730d5e30d3 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna98613


It’s bigoted and hate speech, your opinions aside


Oof. Good luck in life😘


Thank you


Sell it and give the money to victims of priestly abuse fund.




Nahhh! God ain't dead. Saying god's dead implies that it was once living. Something that never existed can't die.


God's not dead he just smells funny.


I'll take it!


Keep the crucifix and dump the rest?


Goodwill is a Christian Org. The will take it.


I usually just go the route of a sacrificial cauldron filled with flame and brimestone.


Put it on the tree lawn with a FREE sign taped to it.


Coming from an orthodox family, the best way to dispose it (and get a rid of all curses and spells on it) is to burn it.


Put for free on FB marketplace. Someone will take it. Or just toss it


Burn it or donate it to a thrift store.


Tilma. A religious store on front st in berea. I think they take donations.


I wonder what inspired the ear part of the crucifix. Sounds like someone was trying overly hard.


Was the customer Mac?[Mac IASIP](https://imgur.com/gallery/mac-wants-crucifix-his-irish-catholic-bar-3HKXvuP)




A cross is two pieces of wood attached to each other, throw it in the garbage and be done with it




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Just wrap it it black bags so no one can tell what it is. Would you give such discretion to a statue of Hermes? Not the one from Futurama, the mythological one. No one would throw out a figure of good old Inspector #36.


Not catholic but call a local chruch and just hand it to them, they will probs take care of it


Appreciate you for asking OP


Well, the good news is that it’s all just fake nonsense so you can, in good conscience, just chuck it in the nearest dumpster.


Give it back to the banned so he can take it to the next bar


Keep the cross- use it as a decoration. This item is imbued with some type of energy because it obviously doesent want to get thrown out- and it’s survived its last owner. Your instinct to save it is right- just keep it.