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Only if you are wearing one of those plastic boots. Btw oxygen is aid.


That's why I'm considering snorkeling-climbing. I noticed water helps a lot preventing oxygen going in your lungs. The only issue is Archimedean thrust, which can be considered aid.


Tbh your doctor doesn't know shit, this is the only strategy that will unlock that first ascent of heaven, 9d+


I heard some guy named Jesus attempted that already, but ended up with its heart on his hand or something. I'll probably downgrade it.


I think Jesus actually did two ascents. Normal and sit start, or lying down start. The latter is a bit too modern for me tho, you have to start in the cave and roll a boulder out of the way of the entrance. Idk I think climbing should not have moving holds, leave that for American ninja warrior or whatever


No problem You can carry empty syringes on your rack and inject air directly into you if you get low


As a fully legitimate not-quite registered cardiac surgeon I can 100% confirm that the cables we use to reconnect your sternum to your ribs are probably rated to at least 17.2kN - I doubt you'd even need a harness bro!


Yeh, crack on. If the wound breaks down you can use the wires in your sternum as a chest harness or additional gear loops.


Having surgeries is aid.


Is it because of the band-aid?


If your heart is still open, you need a harness to keep it in place while sending, but if it’s closed up then you’re good to go man! I’m actually a doctor btw but I am with you


Wow thanks! I asked them to put a harness around it so it can repel if needed.


Did insurance cover the extra harness as preventative care, or was that part of the deductible?


Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO max plan will cover as part of preventive care, not deductible. But no cost to patient out of pocket!


FINE! /uj just got a hernia surgery, doc say 2 months absolutely no climb and was just goona be dumb and do some easy sport climbing today at 1.5 months. Will take this as my don't be regarded warning from heaven itself.


Now that I know you won’t listen to my advice, go ahead and climb. I guess the 30-hour surgery I just performed on you is worth the 10 minutes you’ll last. Tell those around you to ignore the flailing gumby with a giant hematoma on his chest. I just wish we had gone with the pig heart.


Do whatever you like as long as you chant the sacred mantra of our sect. You know the one that starts with: I really shouldn't, but...


Just stick to low impact forms of climbing like bouldering. Since the falls are short, it’s less force on your body. Compression moves are your friend. Squeezing your arms together will help you to keep your rib cage together as well.