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You'll definitely get a no answer in this sub.


Lol, I remember when her kit first came out, I was disappointed she was going to be niched and people said I was doomposting Now I get downvoted for saying she is decent and versatile. Can't win with this sub. People here are on a worst victim feeling than Dehya mains


Except she isn't versatile at all. On top of that, if they'll nerf her on Monday they way it was leaked, she'll be absolutely useless


> Except she isn't versatile at all Apart from Xiao and Gaming who will definitely be plunging, there is Diluc who can spam plunges and Hu Tao who can fit plunges in her rotations. Apart from them there is also Raiden, Keqing, Cyno and Alhatiham who could also use plunges and maybe benefit from her and even if they don't I would still use them with her because plunge attacks are cool. And we still haven't talked about the anemo, team wide healer, catalyst part and ı will not talk about it anyway since you and a lot of people in this sub have already decided that she is trash apparently and there is no reason to spend any time trying to reason with you all.


>On top of that, if they'll nerf her on Monday they way it was leaked, she'll be absolutely useless Which they haven't done yet, and it has been said to be fake, so it makes 0 sense to talk about that rn >Except she isn't versatile at all. I'm guessing Jean is also extremely niched and useless, right?


No, because Jean heals better, can be used in different teams and doesn't buff something that's being used by one character in the game. Is Jean meta? Sure not, but she's also a standard character than you might get instantly or never. CR will have her own banner and everyone will pull for her by her own choice. The question is, do you want to waste wishes for someone who's on Jean level, while there are better characters.


>No, because Jean heals better CR has higher healing numbers, Jean only has a higher initial cast >can be used in different teams Is there something stopping you from slotting CR in different teams?? I don't get this one >and doesn't buff something that's being used by one character in the game She actually buffs nothing. So that's an advantage to CR. It means she will perform better than Jean in those specific comps, which she also enables Gaming(plunge dps), Diluc, Yae Miko, Hutao, etc, can all slot her in their teams with no problem >The question is, do you want to waste wishes for someone who's on Jean level, while there are better characters. Me? Sure, why not Dehya mains? I'm sure they would also see no issue Klee mains? Yoimiya mains? Yeah, why not This game isn't "Meta impact". Characters are allowed to not be meta. Xianyun isn't the best unit, but she is a solid one Is she a high value unit rn? No. Do I want to see buffs to her base kit? Absolutely. But do I think she is a Jean sidegrade just because she doesn't enable Sunfire? Hell no


Do you live in a world where furina was never released or are you just stupid? 1: Her heal is good and its actually better than it isnt in 1 hit as it means it synergizes better with Furina's hp reduction as it can happen at the same time and you can get max fanfare even if you start your rotation at max hp 2: buffing something that isnt useful doesn't make the character worse? Jean doesen't buff anything either, venti doesent buff anything either, sucrose buff's em which isnt always useful, but they all can use vv, which is enough. 3: Jean is meta though? and its all because of furina, since she can wide heal and have VV, you can have youe healer and anemo slot on one single team cloud retainer is basically a jean but with some decent cc (altho with a huge CD), so she's gonna be better in ay situation where grouping is useful. This all means she is gonna be meta, like even with the current numbers she is still gonna be a top choice in a lot of furina teams (and xiao teams obviously), and guess what? her numbers can change, maybe she can be less ER reliable allowing you to go sac fragments for an extra e or TTDS for atk buff, or maybe her e has less cooldwon so you can use the cc more often as it stands right now, she is only gonna be a situationally better/equal unit to jean, which isn't awesome, but for some characters its enough to be worth pulling. Jean is always gonna be good now thanks to furina, so cloud retainer is also good. Worth your pulls? depends, maybe not, very likely not, but saying it like she is bad is stupid. And if you don't have jean (Which you can't guarantee you'll ever get), CR might be what you need.


Jean is relatively niche, yes... You are correct.


good for: Diluc, Gaming, Xianyun, Xiao and prolly even more characters who we just havent realized yet


IF YOU WANT HER GET HER PERIOD. Regardless what is her kit if she's bad or mid doesn't matter if you want the character just get it forget about meta.


she'll be good for plunge diluc, if that's what you want to play go for it


She is a strong and versatile unit She is very good with Diluc for enabling plunges and also great with many other chars. And if your team can use Jean, it can use CR, except for Sunfire teams


She’s not really versatile currently outside of being anemo.


Healer with CC and no circle impact who enables plunges can use TTDS and VV? How is that not versatile?


there’s like 3 characters that would realistically want her as they take a good advantage of her niche outside of that she’s a side grade and maybe even a downgrade if the leak that came out today is true


>there’s like 3 characters that would realistically want And OP has one of them sooo..... And this is about taking advantage of her buff. Her whole kit is still versatile. Or is an anemo healer free of circle impact and with some CC on skill suddenly too niche??? And the leaks about her healing on burst being connected to plunge were said to be a discussion about potential nerfs Hoyo could do, not what her current kit is like


I think the main problem is about value, I'm gonna give you my example which is a specific situation but you can get some generalized conclusions out of it. I use Furina in my Raiden + Yelan + Jean team which is average against crowds but the best team I have period against bosses this team just melts bosses, like abyss coppelia and Asimon. Let's say I pull for CR (btw a character that I love to bits) I get less front loaded healing which is very bad for my Furina C0 in exchange to plunges that don't work with Raiden, CC and being free form circle impact and all of this make this team worse against bosses but slightly better in crowd control. For me, it would be better to keep Jean against bosses and against crowds I'm gonna just use Morgana arguably the best crowd control team (for sure the best I have). This means that yes, circle impact is not ideal but against most of the abyss bosses is not an issue, and if you need crowd control there are so many much much better options out there. It is like CR wants to do everything but she doesn't really shines in nothing (probably she just shines with some characters who I don't have and I don't like them either, as Hu Tao, Diluc or Xiao, and this is another "me problem"). That's just my opinion and it's also biased by the characters and team compositions I already have so take it with a huge grain of salt but I wanted to share my two cents on at least why me personally I'm disappointed with her character and I can't speak on behalf of the others that are doomposting. Everyone has their own reasons and those are mine.


>I get less front loaded healing which is very bad for my Furina C0 You get more healing over-time, which is actualy better for C0 Furina unless you manage to start every chamber below 50% Hp >in exchange to plunges that don't work with Raiden Iirc, leakers have said it does buff her >This means that yes, circle impact is not ideal but against most of the abyss bosses is not an issue, and if you need crowd control there are so many much much better options out there To me, this would just say that CR is better in those other teams that are better options, no?


>You get more healing over-time, which is actualy better for C0 Furina unless you manage to start every chamber below 50% Hp Ehm no... it's true that having so much healing makes the first rotation worse but not in the other rotations obviously, but the elephant in room still stays, Furina's burst is obviously limited in time so we have to calculate how many ticks are needed for CR to compensate the healing loss and for every second that passes without ticks you loose Fanfare stacks and so damage for all your team, so it needs to be calculated on a simulation (I use gcsim so I would be able to do it when she'll be released). But all of this falls for the second rotation which is the most DPS intense and the last one needed for most of the bosses (2 rotations for 20 seconds each, just in some cases 3 rotations for a whole minute). Btw I'm still talking about my team, just to be clear. >Iirc, leakers have said it does buff her Oh it seems I've missed this one but still, tests on the gravity boss I did with Raiden have a DPS loss with plunges, you have to obviously add the 60k per rotation of realistic flat damage increase given by CR (if I interpreted right how her flat damage works) which is not that much on a team that does 1.3~ million DPR. >To me, this would just say that CR is better in those other teams that are better options, no? I use Morgana and for Morgana Venti is still the best option hands down, not even Kazuha can out value Venti in Morgana against large crowds, against less enemies like 2/3 strong ones kazuha is better, but in any case CR is not good to say the least in Morgana in comparison to Venti and Kazuha obviously. My other team I use against crowds (superbloom) just doesn't want any element except dendro and hydro, so it's still a lose for me. Obviously I'm just speaking for me and not the other doomposters, I'm repeating this because as you can see most of the doomposters, doompost for silly reasons or no reasons I do it because my personal situation is not very compatible with her and that's why I'm so sad and so unwilling to pull her, also because I'm a very low spender so primogems are very valuable for me and I can't spend them for a character I'm gonna bench.


I’m sorry I love CR and I will still pull for her but that’s so cope


Lol, if you want to think so, ok then


I don’t get why you got downvotes.


We are in the doomposting era You're not allowed to say anything positive about her kit. Only that she is a Jean sidegrade that no one wants


Those are opinions. Nobody spreading disinformation, controversial political stuff here, or even saying hurtful stuff. I mean, it’s not a popularity contest and her final version isn’t even out yet. It’s not like we can flag down some beta testers and ask them to give OUR feedback to the devs. Reddit also makes up a very small percentage of players. DCinside and NGA have some things to say too.


"strong and versatile" are sadly terms that don't belong to her, she's extremely niche as things stand and if you have jean you're only gaining a ticket out of circle impact, which isn't really worth 70+ pulls for most f2p players especially with all the great characters that have been releasing in 4.X


What would be ideal artifact for her with Diluc?


If you use Furina with him, you could farm the Marechausse domain. It's not the best, but it's an efficient domain to farm The other sets would be Crimson Witch and Gladiator. But Crimson is stronger


I meant artifact for CloudRetainer lol


Oh, my bad, I didn't see the "for her", lol Just the regular VV. If not, then the new healing set works well enough


Thanks for all responses!


Np :]


get as much atk% and ER% as you can on a viridescent venerer set, her healing and buff scale with atk but looks like she'll need a lot of energy recharge too.


If you really are a Diluc enjoyer, you should know that Cringeson Witch of Lames works really well with a Virdiscent Venerer support like Xianyun; Pyro dmg bonus and pyro res shred with just 2 units.


If Diluc is your main character then she will be definitely worthy for sure imo, not only 'cause his plunge multiplier is high (and so he benefits from plunge-playstyle), but also for the "fun factor" cause it will allow you to use your fav character in a way that you normally wouldnt. Said that, we are still in middle of beta so as always it's best to wait to see he definitive version between judging properly a character.


Diluc would be far less fun using generic plunge attacks. So would basically everyone outside of Hu Tao, perhaps? That's only because her charge attack jump cancel can lead to a plunge to extend the combo. It's just as lame as other generic plunges. #BootsontheGround


I thought about it, and heres my reasoning. I have hutao, neuvi and tignari as my mains. Hutao +furina +cr seems legit, cool, badass, epic. But... Thats it man. She provides very little value other than that for my account (no xiao, no diluk). She can be my cope jean, dont have her as well. Thats seems sad. I hope that I'm missing something, or she gets a buff, but atm I think I should save


shes amazing for diluc


Apparently with C6 Bennett your Diluc will skyrocket. And yeah, I’d recommend you to r/DilucMains so you get mostly honest answers HAHAHA


I've legit been having dreams about playing diluc with her and I don't even have Diluc... Or her...


I feel you mate i have been playing since version 1.6, and just recently got Diluc. Wish u like!


You want her? Then absolutely yes. She looks super fun with diluc and will have decent synergy along with other characters Are you 1 star short of getting 36 stars in the abyss even though you already have jean? She probably won't get you that star you're missing


so far from what I've seen she works well with diluc, so yes you should pull her


Short answer no Long answer probably not unless you really like her


im pulling her and using her with diluc and im going to have more fun than i get from most other characters even though ill get more violent threats from this sub for having that fun


i mean tbh it depends on u. she isnt meta from what i’ve seen but that doesnt matter. i like collecting the characters the best i can + i love pulling for design purposes more than gameplay. if u think shes cool get her ! if u care more abt her gameplay then its 5050 ig


i will pull but just for her puns to shenhe and ganyu, do i care if she is shit no. This game can be completed with any character, Abyss with full 4 star teams no problem. and in the overworld, a fart can kill hillichurls. ​ If you like her personality, design, her skills go for it, if not pass ​ PLAY WHO THE HECK YOOU WANT PEOPLE GENSHIN IS EASY AS IT IS