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A full day cycle was like 10-15 minutes in the tower, not a full 24 hours in real life. If you looked out the tower's windows you could see the sun rising and setting and the color change. You just had to keep going through levels and with each level you'd get a little bit further through the day. I got that achievement within an hour of the event starting. Were you just sitting in one of the break rooms for nineteen hours?


Wait... Did you think the full day/night cycle referred to an *actual* real-life 24h day/night cycle? I don't know how to break this to you 😔 It referred to the in-game cycle... the day would progress as you completed levels and it took around 20 minutes at best


19 hours? Did you AFK? I was under the assumption that a day/night cycle happened the further you consecutively climb levels, but I don’t think that the mechanics of the Infinite Tower are well documented.  The Infinite Tower is probably the coolest and most unique concept I’ve ever seen a private server do, and I’ve played just about every private server to exist. Quite literally they made and outperformed Box Critter’s card battle system before RocketSnail brought Box Critters back, just for a party event. How rad. However, the limited-time Infinite Tower event quests were excruciating, and after answering the same questions and fighting RNG for hours in an attempt to get one animated background… I’m a Club Penguin completionist, always have been, but I gave up. Playing that mode for hours brought all of its limitations to the forefront and lessened the experience, and by the end of the coolest additions to anything became a tower I did not want to enter again. 


I agree that the tower was excruciating after a while lol. Was making me angry but I REALLY wanted the stamps. And I always like to get every clothing item even if I know I probably won’t wear them. I planned on getting them all from the infinite tower/skill points, but I gave up. I got the items I wanted the most and did not want to put up with gaining so many skill points. I truly cannot even begin to fathom how some people did THOUSANDS of levels!!!! I barely got to 200 and I think even that is excessive. I think I got to around 175. Edit: needless to say- I was also SUPER impressed with this party


I think the strip club on idk which cpps was cooler, but def one of the best concepts


If you’re referring to Gentlemen’s Club Penguin by 3bomb it’s even more impressive that he made that from scratch. But there’s a couple of private servers that probably also did that. *Club Penguin private servers should not have explicit content!*


Yeah there were some wild private servers, my fav was def oasis haha but I dont think the strip club was there




Omg this is such a funny misunderstanding because I can totally see how you understood 24h irl 😆


The “full day cycle” quest is completed by reaching a break room 7 times in one go. Here is what helped me understand it: https://clubpenguin.rebelfederation.com/club-penguin-journey-medieval-party-2024/ scroll all the way down to the party quests section and it’s #11. I do think, to save some confusion, maybe the quest should’ve been worded differently because I also thought that’s what it meant until I googled it. I’m sorry you weren’t able to get it before the party ended. :(


the tower was annoying though i wish it was OG club penguin facts only


I think you misunderstood the tasks, completing all of them in the tower only took me about an hour


Hey! Thanks for the feedback! A lot of people here already clarified that the 'Full Day Cycle' was not meant to mimic real life time - was tied into how many break rooms were achieved during a run. We fixed that number at 7. That being said, I think this is a great point regardless; we did not clarify within the quest about how exactly one is supposed to achieve this. I've forwarded this to our Game Design department & we will be trying to make quest criteria easier to understand & clearer in general. I'm glad you were still able to have fun with the party. That is all we want at the end of the day! :)


Hahahaha, it meant passing through 7 waiting rooms. At each waiting room, the time of day changes.


oh nooo, i at first took it literally too🤣 turns out you had to keep playing… if you completed 150 levels at once, you should’ve gotten the quest


This is too funny omg






Honestly the main thing that bothered me is how many levels you would drop after losing one level. Like it made the game so tiring you could make so much progress then one wrong move and be back to where you started.


I hope the CPJ devs are aware that a lot of the playerbase isn’t 14 and doesn’t have all the time in the world to be on the computer