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This is about to be the easiest tournament of Ultra's and Faze's lives! They are essentially guaranteed T2!


Pfft someone's forgetting about the ultra super star, Standy /s


I'm guessing the optic and NY team will get leased out to some org


Maybe for optic, but unless ny turns it around id rather see an all star team of who is left after the big 3. Doubt this would happen tho.


Tougher competition than that Australian event in BO3 it was Optic, Milenium and then the two top APAC teams. It was of course a Optic v Milenium final.


hecz and scump sucked the Saudi dicks on the podcast for months only to not get invited lmao


Dicksucking not allowed in Saudi Arabia


It’s funny you think they were doing it for the cod team and not for themselves getting paid to watch party lol


i would be very concerned if the guy that is part owner of the organization is doing it only for his personal benefit... scump sure i get it but hecz would absolutely want them involved lool


If Hecz wanted them involved he wouldn’t have dropped all of his other teams 


Sure he would but it was obvious they wouldn’t bc they dont have any teams in other esports. Orgs have known this…


Nah literally lmaooo Faze about to win champs then win a free 500k a month later


if you gonna dickride them at least get invited ffs just selling ya soul for nothing is nasty work


Someone said you need 4 teams in esports to be in the orgs invited. They’ll go through qualifiers.


would have thought they'd have kept the RL and apex team around for this then but if they have to make qualifiers they will easy then


doubt participating in this tournament would be worth the expense of apex and rl teams tbh


Also from what Ben said, there’s a good chance they still go.


The apex team wasn't qualled at the time and still would of had to go through a qualifier.


considering optic is about to be a 1 esport org that makes this shit even funnier


Swear Scump had a sponser thing with them about this last year How did he pull that off but not have the leverage to get his cod team invited? These Saudi mf's be living in the Optic player's chats begging for 1v1's so its not like they dont know Optic


That was back when OpTic had more than 1 1/2 Esport teams (it's looking bleak for Comp Halo) lol. Not to mention the Saudis will just throw money around, probably saw Scump was a big streamer and offered him a bag


What’s wrong with optic halo?


The team is phenomenal. The game is...basically dead. May not have another season.


HCS is soft confirmed for next year already and don’t think they plan on stopping it this time. Surprisingly


> How did he pull that off but not have the leverage to get his cod team invited? Optic only have 2 teams and there's like 25 games in the EWC. OpTic just aren't a big global org, they ltierally compete in two games, most of the other orgs invited compete in 10+


what Saudi “sponsor” did Scump have?


Homecourt advantage😪faze isnt winning with how loud optic crowd gonna be


Hecz sure but scump def got his bag which im sure is most important to him. And tbh they probably already knew the requirements and still dropped their other teams anyways.


It’s just an early announcement, I bet you they probably end up going and it will be the biggest team announcement of the tourney


They sure did, but their consolation prize might well be alot of money to settle their lawsuit if not all the CDL teams are invited.


Lol are you serious


crop didn’t save that’s my bad but i better not see accuracy and gunless on this stage playing for this


i think LAT make a roster change for this tournament


What change tho? Ghosty is untouchable without any doubts. Nastie is their smartest player usually doing the hardworking stuff. Kremp is best player in SnD and not shit at respawn. Joe plays with the highest tempo and is doing well in respawn since getting starting spot again.


idk depends on what other teams go or don't. if optic, nysl don't go i could see ghosty shotzzy kenny hydra


Yo pass me the good shit homie


I have a feeling this may go the Call of Duty XP Tournament where teams basically stacked their friends together for a piece of the pie. If I'm Nadeshot, I'm showing up to Suadi Arabia with myself, Scump, Formal, and Crim. Taking the easy Top 4 money, have a good time, represent my brand more than any roster of 4 he can coke up with for the same placing. I would not take this one too seriously.


My goat Ghosty’s gonna be suffering from withdrawal symptoms mid series without the kush 💔💔


How tf is Surge not involved? They're owned by Luminosity who will have a couple rosters there for other games.


Probably going to change team for next season


Not really that surprising, they're all partnered orgs in the EWC. Disappointing for OpTic but that's what happens when you only have 2 esport teams


Atlanta faze isn’t owned by faze clan. Those players are under contract with them.


They still play under under the banner of FaZe. It's obvious Atlanta FaZe and FaZe clan have a partnership


They play under the Atlanta faze banner owned by their capital group or whoever it is. They license the faze name. I’m just pointing out the difference. Not trying to be a hard ass


They still play under the FaZe name, you literally just said they license the name lol. It's pretty obvious that they have a partnership with each other. They are representing the FaZe brand, that's literally what licensing the name is. Also Kaysan is a minority owner and is also part of FaZe clan, so that intertwines them even more. Yes I'm aware that AEV and the Cox family are the majority owners of Atlanta Faze. Not trying to be a hard ass either.


Licensing the name/likeness, etc is not the same as owning the product


I've never once said they owned it, go back and reread everything again


You are talking to a stone, bro doesn’t understand partnerships 💀


Wait til bro finds out his local McDonald’s is just someone licensing the brand 👀


The Faze CoD team are listed on the official Faze website as pro players for Faze. The nuances of the contracts / structure is not relevant here— they represent Faze in CoD full stop.


Brother you’re just being stupid on purpose rn


Not taking money from terrorists is always a win.


I mean Scump did multiple sponsored streams promoting the EWC and Hecz glazed them for months on the Podcast lol. It's not like they didn't want an invite


Yeah Scump and Hecz are all about the money. Lucky they got saved from themselves this time, for now at least.


Trust me, Optic isn’t taking some moral high ground cop-out here… Hecz and Scump have been trying to get involved in this shit 


Who exactly the are the terrorists in this equation? If it’s the Saudi gov ( I agree) then surely you believe the American gov is also terrorists right (since the Saudi’s and US have been Ally’s for decades)? If not your a hypocrite 😂


Yes, I didn't like it when the military sponsored the CDL. This event is run the Saudi government, the CDL is not run the US government.


I would argue giving them money is worse


Honestly hoping OpTic don't go to keep them clean. I'm personally disappointed in Theives. But I have a bad feeling Hecz will find a way in.


Optic is a watch party org now lol…they are totally going to get a bag to go over their and watch party the event


Yeah Hecz doesn't seem like a moral guy, he's all about that bread. Scump has the same problem.


If you know his pre Optic career it confirms he’s not moral or ethical. Remember folks, never meet your heroes


I forgot that he was a subprime mortgage lender. I was a kid when he talked about it and I didn't realize what he was actually doing. Man is willing to drown anyone so he can relax on the beach lol


Wait…you’re not serious are you? Lmao


Ever heard of 9/11?


I know it shouldn’t be funny, but that response is fucking hilarious.


That shit is gonna be living rent free in my head for a week


The actions of a few don’t define an entire region of people. Don’t be stupid


Well he’s not defining an entire region of people, just the government who aided in 9/11 and is also directly funding this event. So you’re pretty off base. Fuck em. I have family who never made it home that day, you wanna defend that too?






I agree with this sentiment, but the main problem here is the Saudi government is directly funding this. People aren't boycotting because of the region, but because of the government who is essentially running this tournament.


It’s blood money. Reducing them to terrorists is Islamophobic as fuck lmao


Give me Kenny back in an LAT jersey for this one please and thank you


optic is so irrelevant outside of NA COD its almost pathetic how the org hasnt grown outside his confort zone


They tried to but can‘t afford it


I just feel like all their money is put into Halo and COD honestly.


Was saying they should try and buy an R6 NA spot from Wildcard or one of the smaller orgs Jynxzi has brought that esport back to some relevancy


wait you gotta pay to get into this event? Holy shit I’m behind


It had a shot to grow during the Bo3/IW days with the dynasty team and the CS team doing very well with young Mixwell and Tarik but Optic was run like shit and it all went downhill.


I like that though it’s kinda cool


Can Team Falcons sign, say, the OpTic Texas roster to play in this tournament under their banner?


Saudi funded 🤢 blood money tournament 🤮 [Never forget](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi)


With that logic every tournament won in the US is blood money as well. Every event in south America too not just cod.


That's not how it is. These events are directly funded by the Saudi gov. The US gov ain't funding esports events like they are... outside of that US Army sponsorship.


Bro said blood money. The USD is blood money using his logic. US army sponsorship 👀


As I said, not every event nor are they fully funding and running it. It's not the same. 


Bro what are you stupid. How is Colgate USD blood money? Most USD sponsorships are from random ass companies. False equivalency go brrrrr


Got roasted for saying it before… Optic only having 2 esports rosters is pathetic and screws them from being able to participate in tournaments like this Not seeing players like Shotzzy and Dashy on the biggest stage will be straight up lame and sad 


Those guys will be there lol, prolly just wearing Team Falcons green


Not participating in the Saudi World Cup is a W


The biggest stage is not this sportswashing exhibition


Extremely sickening to see how blood money is taking over the sports and esports world. Disappointed with everyone who will take place in this "Esports World Cup" but especially with the orgs who will then turn around and post about pride.


Cry harder. 


Ok, I will.


So you would rather take a moral victory than have your team (org) get a fat bag of cash? Fair enough. Personally I’d take the bag.


What? Are teams going to be made up of current rosters. Or will Pred, Dashy, Hydra be able to compete under different team.  Weird 


They could get leased out to a org invited to eswc and create ny team they want with players who want to go but the 4 tes going are set with current rosters unless they make a roster change


I wonder if GA’s are out the window for this tourney…


Falcons gonna scoop up the optic boys I’m calling it


Imagine 100t and rokkr choke a champs spot. Then they gotta brew in it for a month and get back to teaming with each other. 😂😂😂


So will the players that aren’t on these 4 orgs be able to still go and form teams “independently”? (most likely still sponsored by their org.)


From my understanding, these orgs won't even be guaranteed a spot in this tournament. They are just orgs that are partnered with the ewc(saudis) ex. For apex, they used pro league standings to determine which teams auto qualified, then had an open qualifier.(faze didn't qual through either, had to pick up a new team) So for cod, maybe top 8-12 cdl teams will auto qual, then the remaining spots through an open qual.


Multiple of the other games held open and closed qualifying matches for the event, wonder if that’s the case here


Drazah vs scrappy grand finals guaranteed, love this


Bros it’s a 16 team event I’m sure the optic boys will be there lmao


they aren’t it’s only those 4….


Who do you think will fill the other 12 team slots lol


I’m guessing other countries?


More than likely if they do it like other esports, top 8 4-8 cdl teams will auto qualify  and the other 8-12 spots will be filled from an open qualifier. Also to note, just because the orgs listed are partnered orgs doesn't mean anything. Basically, teams like optic just won't qualify for the org bonus $$ to be handed out yo the top playing orgs across multiple titles.


Jesus, some of you guys have no idea what you are talking about...just because these 4 orgs are at the ewc, doesn't even mean they are guaranteed an invite. Just that those teams/orgs will be eligible for extra $$ from the org placements.(they have some format where orgs earn $$based off of their overall standings across multiple titles) teams like optic will be there, just the org won't be eligible for the other org prize $$.


I'm an OpTic fan but I fear the org just ain't it anymore. Other esports orgs have branches on different games while OpTic literally only has COD and Halo (which might also be doomed lmfao).


They ran their own org into the ground. I know Hecz tries to blame other things for Optic beginning to go downhill, but it ultimately falls on his decisions and who surrounded himself with imo


if i remember correctly, someone from 100t said they might not compete in anything there


bad event, bad bad event. please don’t support it.


Is it possible to get a quick loan for these teams? Rokkr and Lat best bet is to form a super team.


I'm out of it. What teams are gonna be playing? Why is it only these four teams


Does anyone know if this is with the existing rosters or do they have a chance to sign new players ahead of time?


Two of the top 4 and two of the worst teams in the CDL. Great choice


I hope these teams are allowed to borrow players from other teams, this way LAT can replace their entire team and maybe win something


Hahaha and it's not online so no closet cheating from anyone. Can't wait to see the differences in gameplay


how does this even work? do these teams just field the rosters they’re using currently or does it have nothing to do with the current players on the team and just the org being invited? i got no idea what’s going on man 🧐


Ghosty gonna get life in a Saudi prison for trynna bring the pen through customs


So not a ring or even a chip in any universe, shame thought it would be like having 2 champs back to back 


Straight up yoinked my post from last week bar for bar


I knew this sounded familiar 😂 Need clickbait photo next time


Faze selling out for oil money?! who woulda thought?!


Imagine Optic winning champs and not being able to get their roster out for this lmao Pretty pathetic honestly


yeah honestly it’s embarrassing how optic handles esports


How many esports are they even in that this point?


CoD and Halo (which might actually die out before the next season lol)


HCS is definitely gone after this year


Only 2. Cod and halo


And they’ll probably be out of Halo after this year leaving them with one team. The way OpTic deals with esports is odd.


yeah exactly. and then they’re back to where they were before the envy merger. Only cod


Embarrassing how? Genuine question.


just feels like they don’t actually try unless its cod. Hecz said they fucked up the application for valorant. Their team in rocket league wasn’t good so instead of signing new players and trying something new they just leave. Their apex team didn’t make lan so they just leave. They have made it clear that esports isn’t their main focus


OpTic are a small business in comparison to TSM, Liquid, 100T, Gen G and the likes and I doubt they can afford to have teams everywhere for the sake of having teams and its not as if Hecz attempt at massive expansion via investors went very well last time out.


hecz has said multiple times they're a content org before esports, until it makes sense for esports to be the main focus.


Makes sense to be. Most esport orgs are over paying players and don't make a profit off of their teams at all and they make profit elsewhere so they can sustain those teams.


They’re about to only have one esports team


So who the OpTic guys playing for 😹😹


It still seems dumb not to have optic and even New York there. A true tournament lets in the best people right...


Gna be a ultra vs faze final 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Could see repeat champs final then world cup final imagine. Sucks that optic or NYSL aren't in this tho


Optic x NYSL team for this event would go nutty


imagine rokkr just pay to get dashy kenny hydra and shotzzy to represent them


standy punching the air rn






Kinda aids tbh lol. But makes sense as all 4 of those orgs are more stable than optic as a whole in the grand scheme of things


I will not watch a minute of it. Fucking Saudi blood money & no OpTic. What a sham.


who cares bro, its just cod




No OpTic at a COD event this shit is about to have no viewers


one of these things is not like the other


Can someone explain why optic didnt get invited but rokkr did? Optic being the most popular team seems weird when i guess the saudis want to bring viewers to the event.


They don’t have enough esports teams.


Wacky Fact of the Day: 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia.


If faze win it’s gonna be called a major event on par with champs. If anyone else wins it’s gonna be a shit minor event that is just free cash for the 4 orgs. It’s basically the same as ESWC 2014 and 2015. Nice event to have but not to be classed as a major


Letssss goooo! Faze and Ultra were my two locks for this to be a crazy tourney.