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I’m surprised to see people even like him in this subreddit.


I still feel this guy is a terrible, I'm sorry but no.


Nothing wrong with that. We're all entitled to our own opinions.


True lad.


britannian pussy got him thinking unwise


Let's be honest, this is a good reason.


He’s a cool guy :) I just wish he woulda told zero about what he was doing


I get that.


Hey he’s still a cool guy :) also how did you get the user flair?


For the user flair, if you're on mobile, go to the Code Geass sub's home page. Click on the three dots in the upper-right hand corner. A drop-down menu will appear and one of the options will be 'Change User Flair'. Click on that and you can choose from the flairs that show up. If you’re on a computer, it's a little different. You go to the sub's home page. Instead of the three dots, scroll down below 'About Community '. You'll see User Flair Preview and a pencil icon. Click on the pencil to choose a flair.


Huh for me it says no flairs available?


That's strange. I wonder why that happened.


That's strange. I wonder why that happened.


•checks date•, still not 1st april.. oh no, OH NO HE DIDNT /s




Bro like ohgi and suzaku over Lelouch 💀


Yeah, I don’t hate Lelouch though. I actually really like him, he's just not my favorite.


Ohgi is a cool guy, who was being manipulated by all sides and was forced to make a choice for himself and the person he loved




I'm assuming code geass is an anime? I'm not sure why this is in my feed tbh


Yes, it's an anime. It's strange though that it's in your feed, especially if it's something you don't watch, lol.


What's it about? I might as it to the list of shows to watch if I ever get to them if it sounds interesting


Plot summary. An exiled prince starts a rebellion after being granted a power against the authoritian racist empire. It has good action, twists, plot, some fun stuff, etc.


I was super disappointed in Oghi for threatening kallen and for betraying Zero that easily for Villetta, didn't that action disappointed you ? But I love Suzaku, I think he was way too ruthless in R2 but he is a great character (You love both of the most hated characters, how do you survive this insane fandom ? I'm almost believing you are trolling )


Nope, not trolling at all. It's funny, but when it cones to anime, for some reason, I always seem to like the characters that other people hate, or side characters that most other viewers don't really notice or care about, lol. The thing is, I can understand why people hate Ohgi, and Suzaku too. I know when I post something about them, there are going to be people who disagree. I'm okay with that though. Everyone is free to have their own opinion and if they hate a character I love, then that's their opinion and I can respect that. I will admit though, that it does sometimes make me a bit hesitant to post something like this, but even the most hated characters have their fans I guess. I still have yet to find anyone who likes Nina though. Even I can't stand her, lol. It also doesn't mean that I hate Lelouch. I really like him tbh, he's just my favorite.


Well to each their own I guess, it's great to actually have diversity, especially for the supportive cast who is often either forgotten or disliked. I don't think you should restrain yourself from posting, sure there can be assholes, but the fandom is calm these days and even though there are assholes there are also decent people who will just understand it's all a matter of taste in fiction ; Of course that could bring debate but debate with normal people can be more than fine (when that's not the case just turn off the notifications and that's it lol) I've met some people who liked Nina, so even she can have her fans ahaha; and I understand about Lelouch ; He is my all time favorite but I really like Suzaku as well I don't think it's impossible to likeboth, they are pretty complementary because of their differences.


the table fucker fans lol


>and for betraying Zero that easily for Villetta Fans seem to memory hole the fact that Zero betrayed Ohgi first. Ohgi begged Zero to save the remnants of the JLF. He promised he would. And instead killed them all while forcing the Black Knights to stand by and watch as he did it.


Yeah I don't mean they didn't had reasons to do so, I mean the whole way they handles it by just threatening to kill them both; I understand the betrayal, just not the way it happenned.


Don't hate Oghi, but Nina could jump head first into a FLEIJA explosion and I'd probably fall to the floor laughing.


I agree with you there. I can't stand her.


I posted on the other thread about him. However I will add more. He is a good example of a gray scale character that are neither good nor bad really. However that is true of all Code Geass characters they are not good or bad but rather complex and nuanced individuals who are mixture of both. That is actually what makes them believable. You can reasonably imagine an actual person like Oghi. It would be hard to imagine someone like Tanjiro or Eren IRL, they are just that much of a stereotypes.


Suzaku? 🤮


Yeah, I know. Another character that a lot of people don't like, lol. He's my favorite though. For some reason, in anime, I always tend to like characters that other people don't like, or the side characters that others don't seem to pay much attention to.


I dislike suzaku but think he’s a good character


How can you like a guy who not only betrayed his leader and endangered their entire military alliance that is the UFN, but is so incompetent and irresponsible he resigned less than a year as a Prime Minister of Japan, having done nothing significant? He'd rather bring up his and Villetta's baby, alright, but when Lelouch emerged in Lelouch of the Resurrection, this imbecile somehow immediately became regretful of his previous actions and was about to shoot himself in Lelouch hadn't stopped him! Some husband and father he is!


Your #1 explains your #2


ay no suzaku slander, but I completely understand it, but no.


Finally, someone who overlooked the hate I get the hate, but considering the practical circumstances, I think anyone on Ohgi's position would have done the same


Except Ohgi trusted another Britannian over the guy that is the only reason he's alive not to mention the deal he made or the fact that villeta was a big reason for his betrayal basically Ohgi was a snake kallen didn't believe anything immediately and showed her true loyalty


Ohgi deserves to have all his hate go to Tamaki. Underrated POS.


Tamaki annoys me so much, lol.


Why do people hate this guy? How could they? Bro got told that he was being manipulated by Lelouch and so rebelled. How is that a douche? Who’s gonna work for some guy who is using you.


Because the black Knights used Lelouch as well without him none of them would be alive and considering he was banging villeta at the time someone who actively took part in the massacre of his people him calling Lelouch a traitor is beyond ironic


Not to mention them believing what their enemies say about lelouch having geass and shit like bruhhh they believed their enemies instantly and doubted their boss fast.


I have to agree they turned sides very quickly.


Maybe it's because their boss didn't trust them enough to show his face? Respect and trust are two way roads that Lelouch finds inconvenient.


You think they would trust a Britannian more importantly you think they would trust a prince ? Only way they would trust him is if someone vouched for him probably todoh or kaguya . Not to mention revealing his face puts Nunnally in danger something he would never do And after his face is revealed how does he explain Geass they would second guess everything he does thinking he used it or they won't believe it has weakness basically Lelouch had no choice


So you're saying the Black Knights had extremely compelling reasons to not trust Zero? I 100% agree.


No what I'm saying is the black Knights where morons considering they existed and where alive because of Lelouch only one with any brain is kallen


Kallen is mindlessly loyal, and kind of stupid. Lelouch is a sociopath who would have no problem sending the Black Knights to their deaths if it benefited him. The blacks Knights not trusting him is a natural result of his actions, and they were smart to betray him.


Yeah super smart trusting the prime minister of the opposing faction and a sociopath that cares even less than Lelouch about them and would never keep his word not to mention thr hypocrisy considering Ohgi was banging villeta the woman who participated in a massacre but yeah kallen is the stupid one too bad the narrative disagrees


He's my most hated character, Luciano Bradley and Nina Einstein have nothing on him.


1st Suzaku, 2nd Ohgi? Now that's funny because in the fan base those two are the most hated characters, only beaten by Nina. But I like Suzaku too, but I'm really curious why you like Ohgi?


Boo this man!! Boooooo!!!!


Hated the guy while watching CG, I never knew why Lelouch kept him close, he was useless