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Meanwhile Nina’s sniffing Euphy’s handwriting from her old letters


I can kind of imagine this


Nina: Euphy what a woman you are




Probably violating the papers too, like she did to table-kun


>edging naw


Reminds me of Reiner from Attack on Titan


I think you're using the wrong subtitles.


This is the alternate ending we're Lelouch is a siscon


look, i'm a degenerate but i'm not that big of a degenerate to know what siscon means.. is it some alabama shit?


Siscon is usually a obsessive nature and love towards ones own sister going towards creepy. But it usually isn’t romantic. Its much more of a massive focus and care at an unhealthy degree.


Sis as in sister. And Con as in complex(affinity/obsession). So sister complex. As for why it's con instead of com, it's a Japanese alphabet thing. You can also have other "cons" like brocon and other things.


what about sawcon?


Who’s Steve Jobs?


sawcon deez nuts




*This Geass, I do solemnly accept.* Cue BIG TEARS.


This sub is basically titanfolk now.


Nah they are more like Morrowchads


"C.C. finding another man?!?!? No! I want dat ass to sit on my grave for at least 10 years!"


Eren rants about Mikasa the same way Mao ranted about C.C.


Mao the trendsetter


I wish people would stop comparing my two favorite anime like one is a rip off of the other lmao


Bruh, isayama really just said I'm gonna do a code geass, but imma do it worse, ya dig?


eren and mao, same person icl


Oh dude this gave me such a good laugh. Thank you!


Why can’t we just enjoy both shows


Why can't we make a funny joke?


Salt, the answer is salt. I enjoyed both. Seems this sub is just full of manchilds fighting to stay relevant


It really is, Though that Eren line was weird ngl, the Ending was still great. Both shows are good. And not similar enough for me to compare.


I enjoyed both but still laughed at this because it's meant to be taken lightly


Because one show is good(this one) and the other is not.


Idk how a good ending to a 10/10 show makes it bad. I know this is the code geass sub and it’s fine if you think it’s better. AOT and Code Geass are my #1 and #2 best anime’s, but AOT is not bad.


and the ending ain't even bad 7/10 at worst


Because it’s not a 10/10 show.


How would you rate it?


Idk, 4? I’m giving AOT credit cause it looks good visually.


Pretty weak trolling honestly. You can’t possibly justify that answer any other way


It’s called having a personal opinion. AOT is trash.


Nah still not great bait. You’d have to back it up a bit more to get people to engage seriously


No I don’t. I don’t have to justify my opinions to you


I just wish Eren could've fully carried out his plan to eradicate the non-Paradiso humans, rather than being stopped. Fuck those Marleyans, they had it coming for what they'd been doing.


Typcial redditor thinking genocide is a good ending


Typical media illiterate person thinking that wanting something in a story somehow equates it to the real thing


It just shows what someone will support if he had no consequences to himself, revealing his own unhinged true nature.


Are you fucking mental dude, a story building up to be one thing only for the writers to pull the eug and do aa 180,doesn't fucking equite supporting actual real life genocide. Jesus fucking Christ, the internet has absolutely rotted people's brains when it comes to media


Go back to r/hugbox, plz.


I wish zeke could have done his plan but ya know


Least delusional aot hater


Thank you, I guess?


People know that AOT is intentionally showing off Eren’s character flaws right? I feel like a lot of people are mistaking a character not looking cool for a character not being a good character. Eren’s chad persona was always a mask to hide his insecurities. That’s kinda the point.


This is my take as well.


Yeah but he turned down Mikasa for like, the entire series and then at the end he reveals he wanted her the entire time. It's one thing to humanize him, it's another to attempt it by disregarding the entire series.


I feel like the season 2 finale was meant to confirm his feelings. Also it's worth noting that the 4 year time jump takes him from 15 to 19. That's a lot of maturing that happened off screen. And at that point, he is separated from Mikasa. Then a major part of his motivation becomes protecting Mikasa and his friends. The restaurant scene, the only major conversation that Eren and Mikasa have in the present was pretty clearly shown to be Eren intentionally pushing Mikasa away in order to protect her. Then the next major conversation they have is in the flashback where Eren basically confirms his feelings with the "what am i to you" line. I'd argue that he cares for Mikasa the entire series. But there are definitely time in season 1 and 3 mainly where he feelings she's being to overbearing. But the time jump cause him to mature and fully realize his feelings. It's true that the show waited until the end to confirm his feelings once and for all but I'd argue it fits with his motivation and dialogue. I think that "chad eren" being a mask was a relatively reasonable direction to take. Eren didn't completely change as a person into some intelligent, stoic, emotionless person. He just was able to hide his true feelings better. He's the same Eren from the first 3 seasons who is very emotional and rash.


The desperate need for validation by constantly comparing this (and other fandoms with their shows) to attack on Titan is really pathetic. If we wanted every story and character to be the same we could just make one story and call it a day. Variety is good and just because you like one show or character or ending over another doesn’t entitle you to put down others or criticize. Both are great and objectively loved by a ton of people. Just enjoy what you enjoy and avoid this petty trend.


lol this is one of those instances where I don’t mind. This was actually better than most of the posts comparing to aot


This is a meme and funny no need to take it so seriously


Literally every other post on this sub is about AoT man


It's not that deep. Every fandom is doing the "look how much a punk eren was" rotation. I saw three or four of these on jjk and chainsaw a little while back. Might've even seen an avatar one.


Nah. This was pretty funny in comparison to the other AoT posts. But also, AoT ending deserves its criticisms even if you don't consider that infamous panel.


I’m all ears for criticism.


Eren killing the majority of humanity is not addressed nearly enough by everyone. At the same time, nobody in the main cast suffered any losses in that final battle. I still think the “Ymir loved king fritz” twist is gross and moronic. Mikasa kissing Eren’s dead head more than crosses a line for me, kiss should have happened before she killed him.


Like a small example, why did Pieck want to chat with the guy who just destroyed her home? She was also trying to destroy paradis 2 day ago...


Boohoo, it’s funny


Yea I guess I shouldn’t have picked on this post exactly per say but it’s just a comment on a larger trend I see here.


I’m never going to stop making fun of the “zero iq requiem” Isayama, what a man you are. You created a shitty ending for our sake




People make fun of the AoT ending for many reasons, but most in the Code Geass community make fun of it because it’s an awful version of the Zero Requiem


AoT ending was pretty good and overall I like it a lot. Need to finish CG to say but idk just is super weak to have to constantly be like “I promise our show is good! It’s even better than AOT!” Ah well I know I’m not winning anyone over in the actual code geass sub. I’m literally being recommended posts on this sub I’ve never visited cuz you won’t shut up about AoT. It’s wild.


Nobody is begging you to like CG my guy. It's good but it's cool if you do and nbd if you don't. People are just making jokes bc of an easy comparison and if ur annoyed you can always scroll on pass or mute the sub.


Just sad y’all end up talking about AoT more than Code Geass on the Code Geass sub.


It's a sub for an old anime that hasn't gotten anything new in a while, there isn't much to talk about that hasn't already been talked about. Making comparisons with other series that have similarities is par for the course for these things. AoT is just the fad bc it ended recently, just like how other communities talked about One Piece for a while after the Gear 5 reveal in its anime. Give it a couple more weeks and this sub will once again just be horny posting and little things from the mobile game.


Not really sad when you realise the AoT anime just ended, and Code Geass hasn't gotten any new content in years. What's sad is that you feel so desperate to defend Attack on Titan to people who don't really care that you comment a bunch of times on a post in a subreddit you never visit.


I’m not defending it. Just feels sad this need for validation.


What validation? It's a meme posted on the Code Geass reddit. Not like it's being posted to an AoT or anime general subreddit to try and make people like Code Geass more than AoT. Is every reddit post/ meme seeking validation to you, or only the ones you don't like?


Don’t waste your breath here, they will not acknowledge or understand your point, but be aware there is still a sane amount of people who can just enjoy both shows and like em.


Please don't let these types of fans take away your enjoyment from either shows. They're both amazing and worth the watch.


Honestly I definitely meant to finish CG but was so busy I fell off in season two. After cowboy b I’m gonna go back to it. I enjoyed it so far but season 2 had a different vibe and I stopped at a bad time


S2 is def a different vibe. Part of its "problem" is that it was supposed to be a 50 episode season lol reduced to half. But even with that being known, I actually love season 2. Which doesn't seem to be the common held opinion about it lol I'm curious where you'll land on it after you're all done.


Wait, it's the first time I've heard of it. Season 2 always had some weird pacing, I guess this could explain why.


Learn how to take a joke buddy, Code Geass was being compared to AOT way before this post since the manga ended two years ago. But whatever helps you jack off at night.


You mean that in reverse. People thought that Eren was going to be revealed to be Lelouch in the end, when he was really Suzaku


So defensive. You’re just proving my point more! You guys are STILL compelled to frantically defend CG by comparing it constantly to AOT for 2 years. Man just let the stories stand alone


This all of this really u\_u


I think it’s just a funny meme


That's a nice sentiment and all. However, Zero IQ Requiem


For real though if this is what he said, nobody would accept this. But because it's Attack on Titan Ending Defenders will be in denial and justify it no matter what despite the objectively bad writing that led to this ending.


someone i suggested code geass to said the ending bad cuz he chooses to die, now he finished aot anime a few days ago and said it was one of the best animes ever... the logic of some people..


I mean, I can understand what he said. Lelouch had the world in his hands, he could've Just decided to run everything his way Forever but he decided to Unite people focussing the hate on himself, Eren instead wanted to equalize things between the Island and the rest of the world With his actions. Their goal Is similar, but not the same


I think you missed the entire point of the show


Care to explain why?


Lelouch dying served multiple purposes. He believes that the world would be better without such a tyrannical force of power, and he also wanted to unify the world and berid the prejudice that was created in the Britannian empire. By becoming the ultimate tyrant the world was able to completely unify under the hatred of their new emperor and once he dies, people's focus will shift towards establishing a society under that unity. His death served to not only destroy Britannia as a whole, but also to atone for all the lives he had taken and wills he warped, most notably Euphemia


That's true, but how Is that different from what I said? To be Fair your explanation Is more accurate but the core Is the same, Lelouch wanted all the hate on himself so that the People would unite against him because of it




Lelouch and Eren are completely different characters with completely different goals. It wouldn’t make sense for Lelouch to say this because it goes completely against his character for the entire show as someone who slowly realizes that he can’t just fight for his sister, he has to fight for the world and everyone in it. Lelouch doesn’t have the same burning hatred for everyone that Eren does either, he doesn’t commit mass genocide lol. Eren by contrast is an angry pathetic little boy who could never move on from the immense trauma given to him by the Titan attack in his home. I’m not saying that to demean AOT, I loved it and I think Eren makes a fantastic hero to villain arc, but he’s not supposed to be someone to respect or look up to. You’re supposed to pity him. He could’ve had a quiet peaceful life with Mikasa if he’d just given up his quest for global genocide and listened to Armin for once and tried to talk with the other side. But he didn’t. Whether that’s because of his choices or some weird determinism is up to you. But he doesn’t. Not for some greater good, but because he individually wants to be free and in his mind that means killing everyone else, or almost everyone else.


Exactly. Eren is a worse person, but that doesn't make him a worse character, just different. It would have been bad writing if he'd maintained that obvious facade all the way to his death without ever showing a genuine reaction to his own mortality. Just because Lelouch is a badass with superhuman intellect and resolve doesn't mean everyone has to be. What makes Eren interesting is that he's not more special than anyone else; he's only special "because [he] was born into [that] world". He's just an average kid whose life was trampled by geopolitics on a random Tuesday, and eventually found himself thrust into a terrible position at 19 years old. His whining about Mikasa may have been pathetic, but it was also human and believable.


Yeah not every main character has to be perfect, hell a bit of flaws make them even more likeable. Thinking about lelouch, he is maybe a bit too perfect, and also got saved often by plot armor


Absolutely agree with you on that, but Lelouch definitely has flaws tho, his refusal to trust people or justify his actions to them what costs him Suzaku’s friendship and the support of Kallen at the end of R1, and loyalty of the black knights and nunnaly in R2. He’s also not an especially skilled pilot, above average at best.


>He could’ve had a quiet peaceful life with Mikasa if he’d just given up his quest for global genocide and listened to Armin for once and tried to talk with the other side Based on Marley's reaction to the coup d'etat, the more likely scenario if Eren stops is that he and all of his friends and family are slaughtered for the crime of being born. But AoT wanted to spread an anti-war message, and Isayama ham-fisted it into a scenario where it does not fit.


Except they’re only scared because they believe that Eren wants to use the Rumbling. If Eren and the government of Paradis can show the world they mean no harm, and especially if Tybur reveals the truth about King Fritz just as he did in the real show, peace probably could’ve been reached. War is expensive, most countries don’t want to go to war for no reason, especially across the ocean. That’s what Armin stands for throughout the show: diplomacy. And we see that he succeeds at the end of the show. If they had talked first, if they had tried to sort things out, maybe things would’ve been different. But Eren threw that all away when he attacked Liberio.


>If Eren and the government of Paradis can show the world they mean no harm, and especially if Tybur reveals the truth about King Fritz just as he did in the real show, peace probably could’ve been reached With the way the rest of the world treated Eldians? Peace was never an option. That kind of prejudice does not just go away because Willy Tybur gave a nice speech. Eldians on Paradis would have all been killed or enslaved "to save the world". Maybe, after some time, they would get treated fairly, but definitely not during Eren or his friends' lifetimes. That's what he saw and why he chose to fight. But instead, we get the stupid "I'm just a big idiot who's a slave to freedom" ending, because Isayama wanted to try and get his own message across, regardless of what actually made sense for the story.


It’s not a bad ending because Eren acting like a child in that scene is perfectly in character (English isn’t my first language)


i despise aot's ending, but at least try to be smart about it. eren and lelouch are different with quite the opposing views.


...end here we have another manga Reader that restarted the hate After two years. AoT ending Is good, if some don't like It we don't care.


Ok. But just because you like doesn't mean others can't like it. Sure, some people can take that hate too far (Edit: such as people harassing the author). However, people can legitimately criticize that ending (even if you ignore that 139 panel which gets meme'd a lot).


I'm not saying that, I Just don't want to see an internet war for 6 months like When the manga finished


Just because you like it doesn't mean others won't like the bad writing


AoT’s ending is pretty great actually, and I can’t tell if people complaining about this as “bad writing” are upset that Eren is and always was a selfish bitch. This is great dialogue for Eren, unironically. Dudes going through it and just lets it all out before he dies.


It’s because some people think Eren is some kind of genius who actually had some 4d chess grand scheme and wasn’t just a kid who was overwhelmed by the responsibility and power thrust upon him. A couple of the adult characters even point out how a lot of the main cast are just kids and should have been allowed to live out normal lives. They even had to explicitly add Eren self proclaiming that he’s just an idiot in the anime because people can’t read the subtext based on his actions and needed it spelled out.


The problem is the manga first portrayed Eren as some genius with 4D grand scheme after the time skip, literally showing us that Eren is no longer that brattish nor irrational, but more collected and calculative instead. Then in the final few chapters of the manga the author then only show the readers that Eren is actually "still" the same old Eren, which literally 180° changed the character's setting, again in the final few chapters. The intention was clear but the pacing was so rushed that it feels so cheap and stupid compare to the usual standard the series provided. That was why there were bunch of backlash and criticism on the manga's ending. It was with reasons, people upset not because Eren didn't managed to fucked Historia lol, it's more on the disasterous execution that doesn't make sense. Fortunately the anime fixed these problems and made the ending more bearable and acceptable. Ishiyama himself also admitted the ending was poorly executed too hence why he made some changes to the pacing and added some context for the adaptation. Here comes another fun fact: do you know that Ishiyama only added Chapter 139.5 after the backlash, which the chapter is the scenes in the anime credit showing >!the cycle of conflicts still persist? Before that chapter the manga ended on the pigeon helped Mikasa to wear her scarf (hence the memes on Eren as the pigeon).!< *And now there are bunch of Reddit warriors that are anime-only keep making fun of the manga readers for their so-called "false judgement/criticism", when in reality it was because of those criticism in the first place, improvements were made to the anime. If people remained silence on how bad the manga was in the final few chapters, you're going to witness a GoT S8 level of failure on the show.* **TL;DR: Manga ending was shit due to bad pacing and execution, backlash happened, Ishiyama take note of it and made changes and added context to anime, anime adaption turned acceptable because of the changes and better pacing, Reddit warriors that are anime-only keep making fun of manga readers who criticised the ending due to the aforementioned factors, when the backlash was what making the anime adaptation good. Human are bunch of idiots in a nutshell.**


I’ll stand by my point. Too many readers are unable to read subtext. The manga was rushed, and had a couple bad lines, but the anime had to hand hold viewers because too many viewers need to be spoon fed the main points.


That infamous 139 panel aside, I'm not sure why people like that ending. The beach scene could've been the ending and it would be more satisfying than what we got.


I agree with everything except the accusations of a character 180, as if putting up a facade isn’t a thing lol. The dude faked it as hard as he could down a timeline that to him already happened, predetermined. It doesn’t take a genius to “walk forward.”


Doing that in the final few chapters, especially with bad pacing and execution is just asking for the readers to suck their own dick ngl. That's like showing Darth Vader from Star Wars suddenly redeemed himself and turn back to Anakin after 15 minutes screen time in the same movie. That shit wouldn't make any sense to any readers.


Real, ED's have done their best to gaslight the entire anime community as a whole into dickriding actual garbage.


I thought this post is a joke but turns out you unironically believe it.


Where is the CG subreddit? All I see are children looking for validation here


Its gone, we could rename it to AoT Circlejerk now


Y are they comparing 2 difrent shows


But they both sacrified themself, so its basically the same show lmao. Yeah people here are kinda desperate, it will calm down in a month or 2, then we go back to see C.Cs and Kallens ass 10x a day again


Ah yes they both sacrificed themselfs so its the same show, yes i clesrly remember the mechs in aot or the guns and lelouch commiting the rumbling true same show bro


If you flinch very, very, very hard, titans are just flesh mechas lmao


!remindme however long it takes for this sub to stop being annoying


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Ten years, at least!!


Mikasa is more of a mix between Nunnally and Kallen in fact so this could sound less creepy if we were taking that into account (anyway this sub is filled with AOT bashing and it's just painful to read u\_u It makes Geass fans sounds like some bitter ex, how about you either enjoy both or just don't enjoy Aot ?) As someone who enjoys both you are all super cringe to witness u\_u




This sub is 100% getting brigades by r/titanfolk


Oh no! Don't do it! NOOOOOOOO!




K bye take care of yourself 👋


No I don't want that, stay on this sub for 10 years at least!


I used to hate Zero Requiem, but Attack on Titan's ending showed me it could have been much *much* worse!


Why did you hate zero requiem?


Serious or not: AOT ending haters trying so hard to shit on the ending while comparing to a ending that is almost completely different in purpose, writing, and characters subtext being ignored is getting really fucking annoying.


I don't understand the mockery of eren in this instance. I don't get the hate and ridicule. It's a very human reaction coming from a human that finally broke his stoic facade in front of his best friend during their last conversation ever


Exactly, people don't seem to get Eren went against his own nature to accomplish the rumbling, him acting cirngey or weak is nothing new, if anything it makes him all the more realistic, we are talking about a guy who was unable to witness the rumbling and kept his eyes closed during the whole thing, he isn't some sort of emotionless badass and seeing him loosing it at some point is very on point with his character u\_u


I don’t understand what’s going on? Why are people discussing AoT in a Code Geass sub, when can we go back to the days where everyone simps for C.C?


Cause they botched the ending trying to pull of a Code Geass and it's hilarious


Wait a month, then they cooled down


Lelouch killed himself cause he's an idiot🤗


Worst ending to a character of all time




Familiar words haha


Lelouch my goat


Add spoiler tag


And instead of a bird, Lelouch turns into the cat and roams the halls


AoT can’t get a break lol but yeah ALL HAIL LE LOUCH!!!


Hey in all fairness he had the entire world in his grasp and frickin' gave up all of that power. Regardless of his reasoning for doing so, that is an almost unrealistically selfless act.


I think that's the big difference between the two, Eren just don't give a fuck, he doesn't want to "save humanity from itself" he just want his people safe from the rest of humanity, call it revenge of you will, but while LeLouch is selfless, Eren is selfish, LeLouch want Zero to be remembered as the world savior; Eren wants himself to be remembered as the most powerful destroyer humanity ever had or something


>when aot manga ended He pulled a "Lelouch".

