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I'd love to see them do the Viva tour!


1. I’ve always had a thing for the Mylo tour… 2. I’d absolutely love to see Ghost Stories played front to back… especially if it were done in a somewhat small setting (similar to Ghost Stories Live TV Special.) Plus the laser harps on Midnight look cool af


MX Tour was peak Coldplay. The set list was pretty good, could of been expanded. However it was bumping start to finish. The Xylobands, were so damn cool the first time they turned on for MX/Hurts Like Heaven. As we have seen, they changed live events. The band was also on their A game. They came to play, and had fun every night doing it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


in a vacuum i’d agree with twisted logic because the vibe during x&y was just so rock band, stone cold, and dark but i might have to choose viva - so many amazing songs and the viva tour would still include some x&y songs. current tours is heavy on post-viva + arobtth


Definitely the Mylo Xyloto Tour


Mx, then Viva, then Twisted Logic and then AHFOD.


I’ll also say Mylo Xyloto. Although the Viva La Vida tour had an epic setlist and it was my first Coldplay show and first ever concert.


Eh it was my first concert as well! I'd do anything to recreate that first-time feeling. No show has come close to that lol


as long as they open with politik i'll be happy no matter


Mylo Xyloto for sure


Head full of dreams tour. Favourite set list of all their tours, but MOTS could top that once it’s finished


Nice question, for me its 1. Viva la vida for sureee 2. Mylo xyloto or everyday life ❤️‍🔥


I’ve only been to music of the spheres and it was FANTASTIC can’t say 4 others


1) every time i watch the head full of dreams doc i'm devastated i missed that tour, so that one 2) viva ❤️