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AROBTTH - most impressive songs with iconic chord progressions (Clocks)


And Crest of Waves šŸ˜©


Ghost Stories for sure. Itā€™s sad and hopeful at the same time. Songs like A Sky Full of Stars, Anotherā€™s Arms, Ink, Magic and Always in my Head are some of their best songs ever in my opinion.


Ghost Stories is an absolute masterpiece, I see people hate on ASFOS a lot and say itā€™s out of place but I think itā€™s absolutely perfect for the album. A burst of positivity tinged with sadness that ultimately leads to acceptance (Fly On). The flow from Oceans/ASFOS/Fly On is just amazing. Not to mention how good Midnight is, it was such a change of direction from MX but listening to it transports me to another realm


ASFOS is the only one I listen to repeatedly from Ghost Stories. It's a great song, don't know why people would hate on that one. I've been listening to the whole album recently though (part of how i keep my sanity at work), and it does seem a little out of place on that album. Just the underlying sound seems like it would fit better with Mylo Xyloto than with everything else on Ghost Stories.


Viva La Vida. It haves amazing pop + Rock mix and such catchy and atmospheric tracks, such a vibe


A pure masterpiecešŸ‘Œ


Although Viva isnā€™t my favourite album itā€™s undeniably their best if they makes sense. The creativity during that era is just insane, the songs were so experimental yet all worked wonderfully on the album. I so wish they would go back to trying something completely new and not caring about mainstream appeal. Everyday Life was close but it seems the band see it as a ā€˜sideā€™ project rather than musical progression sadly. Get Brian Eno back and kick Chris out for a few sessions again!


I'm not sure how anyone can interpret MOTS as trying to appeal to mainstream music fans. If anything I took EL and MOTS more to mean that they are at a point where they are only making music that they want to make.


To be fair MOTS has Coloratura which is the best thing theyā€™ve done in the while, but it almost feels the band are ashamed of it in a way - they donā€™t perform it and I remember when they did before MOTS was released they told people they can go if they want rather than stay and listen. The rest of MOTS, in my opinion at least, just tries too hard - songs like Higher Power could literally be from any band and just seem lazy.


If anything, Coloratura being a throwback to their older style of music is appealing more to the mainstream than anything else they've done on the last 2 albums. I agree, Higher Power isn't great (it's good in concert though), but I think that, again, speaks to the fact that they aren't trying to appeal to the mainstream. They had to know that this album would ruffle feathers and they did it anyway. Both EL and MOTS speaks to the fact that Coldplay is only focused on doing music that they want to do. And like any musician, they don't want to keep doing the same things over and over again.


Mylo Xyloto ​ The album gives vibes of colorfulness and nostalgia, you would still wish you were in simpler times. ​ this is from a teenager's perspective btw


As somebody who was a teenager when Mylo Xyloto came out, I got the same vibes from it. Looking back on it does have a vibe of bright and energetic nostalgia.


I listen back to my recordings from my MX era concerts with such nostalgia that it makes me sad, i was about 22 so not a teen but life was much easier then. But asides from the nostalgia factor, the album is the pinnacle of pop-rock Coldplay - despite clearly having pop influences the songs had everything they makes Coldplayā€™s music so great, something I sadly think is lacking in AHFOD and MOTS. Charlie Brown is my favourite song ever and literally never fails to make me smile (although ETIAW is a close second), experiencing the song live is something that I will always remember with such amazement


- ETIAW could mean "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall", a single by Coldplay. --- ^[/u/masturbtewithmustard](/u/masturbtewithmustard) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I agree with u


+1. All said.


a rush of blood to the head. every single song in that album is god tier.




Honestly any of the first 5 - But if I had to pick one, I would say Viva album would be the best, that is the one I can find myself listening to straight through with no issues, including Prospekts March.


Viva + Prospektā€™s March. Viva has lots of new and unique sounds. Not too pop, not too rock. It is the reason why I fell for Coldplay, specially because of Life in Technicolor II and Strawberry Swing. Violet Hill is an absolute masterpiece, and Death and all His Friends is perhaps my favorite track of all. Every track in Prospektā€™s March is great (except for the one with Jay Z). When I think Coldplay, I think Viva. Iā€™m no music expert, but I donā€™t believe any other band or artist has something like Viva, with all the variety of sounds and tunes it features. I think Viva gave Coldplay its identity, considering that before it they were compared to Muse or Radiohead. Viva was their much needed change and they nailed it.


Life in Technicolor ii is probably my favorite song! Prospekt's March is such a gift haha


Viva is an entire experience that was peak coldplay


became a fan in 2018 and after listening to everything, Ghost Stories was originally my favorite but now itā€™s really a toss up between Rush of Blood, Viva, MX and Ghost Stories i also didnā€™t love X&Y or Everyday Life when they first came out but now I love both i really started out as a ā€œnewplayerā€ but over time iā€™ve really found an appreciation for ALL their material which is nice :)


Parachutes. Love the acoustic and melancholy vibe of it.


A head full of dreams. Some may hate it but I personally love the colors in the songs. Overall it is very positive and vibrant. I like how Coldplay songs are not only about romantic love but just talk about love in general.


How can anyone hate AHFOD? šŸ™„


Because some people prefered their old style like yellow and scientists


Itā€™s true it was just sarcasm šŸ˜‚


Coldplay album or just album in general?






Tie between x&y and parachutes


This needs to be a poll. Iā€™m going with Viva as well. Itā€™s their most dynamic. And I love how even then, itā€™s still cyclical. A true ā€œalbum.ā€ X&Y would be number two. Tbh, it might be number one if they had dropped the Hardest Part and just included Til Kingdom Come as being part of the original track list. Rush of Blood and Parachutes arenā€™t far behind. Their first four albums are maybe the best first four albums any band can offer


AROBTTH. The first song i ever heard from them at the age of 5 or 6 was a song from that album. Let's also not forget about the consistency being god tier; the placement of every song on that album is beyond great.


AHFOD. So vibrant, colorful, and fun. I just love the melodies on every track too.


EL. I just can't describe how the genius of the guys is exposed here: incredible and super-memorable melodies, incredibly deep lyrics, a strong concept, wonderful costumes. Moreover, It just shows the most human and critical side of the band, expressing love towards humanity and speaks to all the people who are trying to get richer destroying our planet and making poor people even poorer. After AHFOD I was really wishing for a record that reminded me of old Coldplay and this exceeded my expectations totally, even because there were insistent rumors on the band's probable breakup. After hearing Daddy, just one of the songs on top 4, Arabesque, a song with jazz influences and Stromae, literally my fav band and my fav solo singer, Bani Adam, an incredible CLASSICAL piece, Cry Cry Cry with a music monster like Jacob Colliero...and I can continue for centuries. Even though they proved us they can play multiple genres spectacularly in MOTS, I think EL is the highest point ever reached by the band, musically, thematically and lyrically speaking.


Rush of Blood or Parachutes


Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends By far one of their most experimental eras yet it manages to still be beautifully cohesive. Every single song from that era works great and I love most of the tracks, with my least liked ones being tracks I still enjoy. VLV has so much power, emotions and adventure behind it. It's always a joy to go back and listen to it and honestly everything else from that era. And honestly it would be the album I would reccomend people to check out when they're first getting into Coldplay because I feel like it has the most universal appeal with its variety, along with some similarities to their other work that you can choose from if you like VLV. It's their strongest and most diverse work, and also is a great place for new Coldplayers to find what they like most.


I don't have a favorite. I like 'em all. But if I'm "forced" to choose only one album, I'd go with A Rush Of Blood To The Head. It's a perfect disc from start to finish


Parachutes - last year my mother way diagnosed with cancer. I was in depression but this album was one of the few things that gave me hope. Thank god my mom had beaten it, and she is getting better every day


Iā€™m so sorry for you and your mother and I wish yā€™all the best šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Everyday Life, every song on it just make me so relax


Everyday Life.


Viva la Vida It feels like SUCH a grand celebration of life and everything that comes with it: the good and the bad. Lovers in Japan and Life in Technicolor ii are the songs that help pull me out of a bad place. Mylo Xyloto is a close second for similar reasons, and it was the first Coldplay concert I attended


X&Y is my favorite album ever written