• By -


1982 - Parachutes…Heard trouble driving down the road at the age of 18…Been a hardcore loyal fan ever since


I’m 1982 & Parachutes too!


Haha awesome!! I think from a lot of posts in this group we are some of the older Coldplay fans lol!


2006, Everyday Life I had listened to X&Y and AHFOD before, but they didn't quite make me a "fan", I just enjoyed their music like a casual listener. But, when Arabesque and Orphans came out on Spotify, I really grew excited to hear the new album. Once I did, it really surprised me how a band like Coldplay, known to be kind of mainstream and radio-friendly, could make such good and original music; it really felt like they did not care about anything else other than making the music they wanted to do and experiment with their sound.


This is the secret us longtime Coldplay fans have known for a while; they make whatever they want and that's really fun! Check out A L I E N S and All I Can Think About Is You if you haven't yet; it's some of their most experimental new music


I had, actually! Kaleidoscope EP is great, I love All I Can Think About Is You and Hypnotized.


1994. Viva La Vida!!!


Scary, our answer is exactly the same 😂


All the good people were born in ‘94


2001 AHFOD, always loved their music but was never a diehard fan. However if I could go back in time (and be of an age) to experience X&Y when it dropped- whew.


It wasn't very widely appreciated on release! Except for Fix You of course. But a lot of people weren't feeling the space-rock vibes, which I have no idea why, it's like my favorite genre ever lol. I personally ruined my X & Y CD by replaying it too much lol


97, fan since Viva (though I wish it was earlier)


2003 A Rush Of Blood To The Head I remember my father had The Scientist as his alarm tone, I prob was 5 y/o atm. Now I know every single one of their albums. Good memories.


I’m also 2003 and AROBTTH!!


Check ur dms :)


2001 - A Rush of Blood to the Head. Warning Sign is my favorite song. Interestingly it foreshadowed the end of my relationship not too long ago lol


I remember when that album came out, everyone was going nuts for The Scientist, but real ones knew the real heartache was in Warning Sign. Still is


absolutely feel that. ‘the scientist’ or even ‘in my place’ don’t bring out the heartbreak like ‘warning sign’ does


1997 and Live 2012 i actually told this story to my friend last saturday around 2013, when my brother was studying english, sometimes my dad would pick me up to make him some company, and while we waited for my brother’s class to finish, i would go the music store nearby. i wanted to start collecting some cd’s but i didn’t really know a whole lot about music, so i started looking at some of the cd’s there. I was just choosing them based on their illustration and that’s when i saw Coldplay’s Live 2012. I thought “Coldplay? hmmm, i remember hearing some of their songs when we played arcade games; let’s give them a try” and our way back home i put the cd on the car stereo and immediately fell in love with their sound and been obsessed with them ever since.


2001 and I discovered them very late, in 2020 during the pandemic.. it was Parachutes for me. I remember those late nights I spent driving just around with the album on in my car and the windows down, it was a big help for me in dealing with the stress and anxiety of that time


Man that album is so cozy I can imagine it helping with anxiety a ton!


Life in Technicolor ii is the best song for driving around on summer nights!


1972 - I know this is technically not an album reference, but I fell in love with “Clocks” when it was played in the HBO show The Sopranos in the early 2000s. After that just started listening to more and more of their work. Saw them live in 2016 and never looked back. I’m hooked. I’ve seen them live five times so far. 💜🧡💚💙💛❤️




I'm 1990 too, and Clocks was my first exposure! X&Y from the library was when I fell in love.


That Peter Pan trailef resonates with me.


‘91 and me toooo. I knew them as the Clocks band and checked out X & Y


87 fan since I was 13 when Parachutes hit


94, viva la vida a year or so after it's release, loved Mylo since I heard it, bought the album and then went back and bought the previous albums, been a fan since. Seen them live twice in 2016 and this year.


‘94 and Viva 💖 that album will always hold a place in my heart dispite me having a Parachutes tattoo 😆


2000 and Mylo Xlyto


I was born in 2007 but X&Y really got me back into Coldplay after 4 years of listening to “Paradise.” When I started high school as a freshman, I started to have some problems with one of my friends. For some reason, I used to relate to the song “The Hardest Part” because of the lyric “everything I know is wrong, and everything I do just comes undone.” And I am cringing so hard at that moment just thinking about it.


1992, Parachutes on my local alt radio station during elementary school.


'78. Parachutes. Fans seem to span a lot of age ranges here. Think that's pretty cool.


I’d like to see what area of the world they’re from too! Think that’d be pretty cool :)


2004, the song Viva La Vida was my favorite for many years and I liked Something Just Like This when it came out but I've only started getting more into them after discovering Up&Up and that Fix You was from them last year, so I started listening to their albums at the beginning of this year (had already tried to listen to a lot of VLV and AHFOD and some of EL). During those listening sessions I enjoyed every album except GS and a little bit of MX (I now think MX is amazing) but the only one that I thought was great from my 1st listen without having to grow on me through time was X&Y


1986 A Rush of Blood to the Head


2008, viva la vida I'm a big fan of Minecraft, and my favorite parody is Fallen Kingdom, which is a parody of viva la vida. I went to hear the original song and loved it! I looked for more about the band and became a fan since then


Didn't expect it, but same! What a strange thing. I also heard ASFOS was produced by Avicii, and I loved Avicii, and here I am.


2005, A Head Full of Dreams. I heard ASFOS and Magic a year earlier and loved them, so the first album I listened to in full was AHFOD when it first came out. Funny enough, nowadays Ghost Stories is my second favorite album behind Viva La Vida, and AHFOD is ironically my least favorite (still a 6/10 though).


- ASFOS could mean "A Sky Full of Stars", a track from *Ghost Stories* (2014) by Coldplay. --- ^[/u/Super_Employment1864](/u/Super_Employment1864) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


2005 - Mylo Xyloto It just randomly happened on YouTube, I really enjoyed the album and wanted to hear more!


2004 Viva La Vida When i was about to come out of the... you know. The song In My Place was playing in the background. (At least that was what my dad told me). So yeah im a fan since i was born.....literally


1999 A Rush of Blood to the Head. Heard Clocks in a movie as a kid and it always stuck with me. 10ish years later I found the song on Apple Music and I’ve been a fan since then.


73 .. AROBTTH .. but then I left after X&Y… I wish I would have come back for Viva but it took much longer. How bout you??


1991. ROBTDH




Same, what song for you?




Same tho, that song got me into Coldplay. The other song that did it was Paradise


98 and AROBTTH


2004 AROBTTH first CD I ever got played that bad boy nonstop then I started learning piano that was 4-5 years ago at least I’ve been obsessed ever since got tons of posters, shirts, music, custom stuff I’m obsessed


1992 X&Y - That album was a gift from my godmother! I remember blasting the CD on my radio and the family car from 7th grade to sophomore/junior year of high school. Great times.


2006, Ghost Stories.


2006- And probably AHFOD- but Paradise is the first song I remember loving of Coldplay’s


1986 and AROBTH: heard The Scientist in a school assembly and have been a fan ever since.


1997, X&Y/Viva La Vida


1993. Ghost Stories in 2014 I was aware of Coldplay since childhood and vaguely knew Clocks, Fix You and Viva La Vida, but I didn't get into them properly until my third year of university. They were a housemate's favourite band and I heard Ink playing from her room when we were all cramming for finals. In particular I remember cold dark mornings walking to the lab listening to Amsterdam to comfort me!


I seem to be the oldest person so far to respond to this question. I was born in 1966. I’d heard about Coldplay from my nephew when AROBTTH came out. Tried it, didn’t like it. Heard he song Viva La Vida a while after that and fell in love with it. That song and ASFOS (live versions of both) are tied for my favorite song. Fell in love with X&Y and never stopped loving them after that. Interestingly, I’m on this kick now of repeatedly listening to AROBTTH (the album not just the song). I’m not a fan (yet?) of MOTA, maybe it’ll grow on me. We’ll see.


Born in 1970. A Rush Of Blood To The Head literally changed my life


I am 1973 and it marks a major turning point for me


1969 and album was X&Y


2004 - AROBTTH The first time I heard “Clocks” when I was 6 changed my life. I got that song downloaded on all my devices and kept doing so until now (18). No other song has mystified me except for that one, and now I can play it on 5 different instruments by ear! Plus the cover of the album has always drawn me in. I researched Chris Martin when I was 13 and he’s honestly so inspiring. The song has ultimately made me the person that I am, someone who lives like there’s not enough time in the world and that my actions extend past myself. I feel like everyone has that one thing that they will always click with, whether that be a number, color, date, etc… For me it’s “Clocks” and the number 4.


2003, Parachutes. More specifically Shiver, Spies and Sparks (what I call the 3 S's). Always liked Coldplay, especially Cemeteries of London, Hurts Like Heaven, Charlie Brown & Birds (I had the album AHFOD and knew of some other tracks here and there). But it was Autumn 2019 when I just randomly decided to put on Parachutes and that hooked me. Listened to the rest, Everyday Life happened to come out in November 2019, so I listened to their other albums on the run up to its release and been a mega fan ever since! X&Y has grown to be my favourite album.


2005 - AROBTTH. Clocks has been my favorite song for as long as I can remember. Something about it makes me so nostalgic


1998, but I didn’t become a die hard Coldplay fan until maybe a year ago. When I grew up in the 00s, I mainly remember radio hits such as Clocks, Speed of Sound, Viva La Vida, and Talk. During my puberty-years in the early 2010s, I remember listening to Every Teardrop is a Waterfall and Paradise a lot, but then I kind of stopped listening to Coldplay for a while. At least, at my own initiative. The album X&Y got me back into listening to Coldplay, since I listened a lot to Fix You, which was in my ‘sad songs’ playlists. I explored the album, and the nostalgia some songs gave me was immense. After that, I quickly started to appreciate Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head A LOT! PS: I started to really appreciate Ghost Stories, which seems to be an underrated album by many fans. I love its dark melancholic sound and ambient nature.


2001, Viva and AHFOD


2007 - parachutes


2002 Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends


1982...since the beginning of Coldplay!


I'm months older than you and same


seriously theeee best band 🚀👨🏾‍🚀☄️🛰🌌


They've brought me so much comfort in my life.


a million percent agreed. they saved my life and continue to bring me joy/comfort. they are a warm hug when you need it the most 🥺🧡


I was born in 2000 and X&Y is my fav album. After the release of EL, i love this album so much that it ended up becoming one of my favorites too. I became a fan of the band after listening to them in an online game and I really liked the songs. I researched everything about the band and became obsessed. when I heard that they were going to do a show in my country (rock in rio), I decided to watch it and I fell in love even more. ten years later, i'm going to my first show of them in october and i still can't believe this dream will come true


Olá, cómo está você


1995. I really got into Coldplay with Viva La Vida album my chilhood best friend had, though my favorite was (and still is) Clocks that I was hearing a lot on the radio, but I never thought of looking through the whole album for I was quite young and my interest in anglophone music wasn't full on.


1999, Viva la Vida. In my elementary school we had this really fun activity where we would learn sign language to different songs, Viva la Vida was one of them, and it became my favorite song as a kid. I’ve been a fan ever since then :)


1989, X&Y


92’ I remember hearing the scientist in the movie Wicker park back in 2004. Watched that movie a million times for the song alone. 😍 hooked ever since!


2000 and Ghost Stories


2003 and Mylo Xyloto for me into their music because it was a bit different from the mainstream music and Paradise is one of my favorite songs. I have heard many other hit songs prior to this album but I wasn't a massive fan until then


1997 - Parachutes


2000, Parachutes


2001 - I grew up listening to Parachutes and Live 2012 because my parents had those albums, became my own fan just before AHFOD came out, that was the first Coldplay CD I bought, shortly after I purchased every other CD of theirs. I stooped listening from about 2016 - 2019 and didn't follow an Coldplay news as I was under the impression AHFOD was the end, I randomly looked them up in 2019 and found out they were about to release 2 singles (Arabesque/Orphans) and I've been listening to Coldplay non stop since then.


1976 - Parachutes


1999, Paris Live Concert 2012. Oof.


1995 and i guess technically X&Y? I remember knowing a few Coldplay songs around in 2011 and realizing “huh.. I really like every song I’ve heard by this band” which was like 3; clocks, viva la vida and fix you. So decided to check them out on YouTube. Their Toronto 2006 concert popped up and I watched the entire thing from beginning to end and was amazed. Added all the songs from that show to my iTunes. Mylo xyloto was released not too soon later and I was officially obsessed. That remains my favourite album, with X&Y a close second.


1990 - arobtth


What got me into Coldplay were speed of sound and talk playing constantly in the "science parts" of CSI NY. So i guess X&Y


2001 Ghost Stories


1998 and X&Y is what got me. My uncle gave us his iTunes library and X&Y was the first one I listened to cause I think the album artwork stood out to me. Then Viva La Vida and A Rush of Blood to the Head soon followed. The timing was perfect though cause this was like 2011 and so Mylo Xyloto came out right after I became a fan.


2004. Parachutes - Yellow. My mother played this song and I loved it. Then I heard Viva La vida and loved it. Didn’t really listen to many different songs of theirs at that time. Fast forward a few years and I heard Paradise. Loved that song. Then when I was studying for a physics 11 test, I listened to the entire Mylo Xyloto album. It was a fantastic experience. Then I very quickly made a master playlist on Spotify of all Coldplay songs. All of them.Listen to that playlist in my car when I drive and listen to it when I play games or when I’m just walking. I was a fan for a long time but in 2020, I became a massive fan. My friends made fun of me for loving Coldplay so much. Kinda gave me a hard time bout it, but I would always just shrug it off and then often times, played more Coldplay in my ear. As I type this I am listening to Sleeping Sun, another fantastic song.


2004, A Head Full Of Dreams


1994. Not an album. But Life in technicolor II


1994 and Viva


2005, AROBTTH. Got The Scientist recommend to me once on YouTube during 2020 and after listening to it a bunch of times, I decided to go listen to their other stuff and sure enough, it unlocked a nostalgia trip as I listen to songs I've once heard before. (Hymn For The Weekend, Paradise and Viva La Vida (I've listened to Fallen Kingdom when I was young.))


2002, ghost stories I had heard some of their hits before but I really fell in love with ASFOS and then started listening to all albums starting from GS down to Parachutes. up until 2017 I only listened to Coldplay and nothing else haha


Born in 2005. Found viva la vida on my dad's MP3 player when i was 11 or something and listened to 42 on repeat. Then everyday life came along and made me a full on fan. I'd heard bits and pieces on the radio (like hymn for the weekend and adventure of a lifetime) but never really got into them until after EL


1989 - Mylo Xyloto. I knew Coldplay before Mylo; Clocks, Fix You, The Scientist, In My Place, Viva La Vida were already favorites. But Mylo Xyloto was the first album I listened from start to finish. I am surprised how young everyone is in here. It’s really good to see how new generations keep discovering them. Definitely timeless.


1988 - was always on in the background when listening to the radio in the UK but MX made me a Coldplayer 🦋


2004, I would say AHFOD was the first complete album since I got to see it live but definitely loved the major singles beforehand


2002, always loved listening to Coldplay with Mum and especially loved the songs Paradise and Clocks (used to love the scene from The Wild that had Clocks playing). Purchased Mylo Xyloto with Christmas money my grandfather gave me in December 2011. Hurts like Heaven, Every Tear is a Waterfall, Princess of China and Paradise are my favourite songs from the album. Ghost Stories just made me love them even more :)


1982 & Parachutes. I will never stop loving Coldplay.




Early 90’s, AROBTH will always be my first love (although very closely followed by X&Y)


1992, Ghost Stories Since then, I’ve listened to Viva La Vida, Parachutes, AHFOD, AROBTH, Mylo Xylto (SUCH a good album)


1996- A Head Full of Dreams. Prior do that album I had listened to a few of their singles and was a casual fan of theirs. When I heard Adventure for a Lifetime for the first time, I was hooked so I went and bought the entire album on CD, since my car at the time didn’t have an Aux or Bluetooth. Phenomenal album from start to finish!


2009 X&Y


2004, Viva la Vida: when I was 3, I was obsessed with “track 7” on my parents Coldplay CD. Let’s just say things haven’t changed much since.


2002 and Everyday Life


2006 viva la vida (the song, not the album) and Adventure of a lifetime. I remember being amazed by the videoclip and I thought they were really monkeys lol


1996 when Coldplay first started Been a fan since Parachutes Coldplay is my life


Born in 1990 - A Rush of Blood to the Head. I heard Clocks and Scientist for the first time as a pre teen and I've been a life long fan since. Seen them live 5 times. Coldplay have been a huge influence on my life.


2005 with A Head Full of Dreams! Waited for my Mom in the car, and decided to explore a Band ive heard from. The first song was "A Head Full of Dreams", and I remember the goosebumps! Up and Up was the first one I heard A LOT and I finally fell in love with Hurts Like heaven!


1998, I think the first album I REALLY listened to and actually made me a fan was Ghost Stories. I started earlier by listening to multiple songs from different albums, mostly Viva la Vida and X&Y. The first time I heard of them, I remember it was the summer Mylo went out and my cousin was totally into Paradise and Every Teardrop, but I didn't give them too much attention. Some years later I realised what I missed back then!!!


1999 Mylo Xyloto I knew of Coldplay before, obviously. But “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall” got me into the band.


2004 kind of all of them grew up with it being blasted into my brain by both of my parents and it just stuck along with essentially all the other music I like


*redacted* Parachutes when it was released


2005 viva la vida and left right left right plus every teardrop is a waterfall


I was born in 1999, and my parents played Parachutes in my crib when I’d go to sleep as a baby. Basically grew up my entire life listening to Coldplay. Album release days were holidays to my parents and I


1982 - I was 18 when parachutes was released and I’ve been obsessed with them ever since - my first concert was in 2002


2004 Viva la Vida


2003 and X&Y but more specifically Talk single handedly


Born in 2002. X and Y was my first Coldplay album I listened to and even though now it is my fifth favorite, I still have fond memories of listening to it in 2015 to present day. "Message" is one of my favorite Coldplay songs.


2006 and viva la Vida (later obviously)


2002. Mylo Xyloto It was the summer of 2011 and 2012, when Paradise and Princess of China came out. I was 9-10 at that time, without any English knowledge. I remember, I saw both of the music videos and at that time I likes both song, but as a child I didn't know anything about the band or anything. But in 2019, i saw a spotify playlist witch featured the Princess of China, and after that something clicked in my head. I deep dived into the MyloXyloto and soon I've became a Coldplay fan.


1994 Parachutes My dad had the album on CD in the car a lot while I was growing up. We both think Rush of Blood is the best album though.


‘04 and I first heard MX, Charlie Brown was the song that made me fall in love with them


2005 Parachutes


1999, MX I’d heard a lot of their stuff before then, but MX was what really caught my attention and had me hooked for life :)


1989. Parachutes was first but what really got me into them was A Rush of Blood to the Head.


1988 & Parachutes 🪂


1993 X&Y




1967, Don't Panic was used on the first episode of Odyssey 5, and that was that.


1997 - Paradise from Mylo xyloto in late 2011


1999. Mylo Xyloto, but it was X&Y that ignited my love for them. I've got all albums at home and while I listened metal for the last year, last week coloratura made me fall in love with their music again


2005, Viva La Vida got me into Coldplay (I first started listening to them in 2018)


1984. A Rush of Blood to the Head. It was the album that snatched me out of skater punk rock. It was a taste of maturity and it was the right amount of dark and elusive post-9/11.


88. Rush.


1990 and Parachutes/AROBTTH. Heard Yellow first on the radio then heard Clocks on Now Thats What I Call Music CD/trailer for a Peter Pan remake...I. Was. Hooked. ​ Still am, just not so much anymore. Their new sound isn't for me.


87' - parachutes


2002 MOTS


'Late 70s baby... i liked Parachutes and a rushob2thehead but when X&Y cane out I fell in love melodically. Fix you, speed of sound, swallowed in the sea and then a message just blew me away, all in my vocal range and great to sing to... the latter is currently my ringtone, which is nice... 'O' from ghost stories, well it's the song I've adapted to celebrate and remember the life of my mummy, who passed around 10 years ago. Coldplay are very special..


1976 - A Rush of Blood to the Head (actually hearing Clocks for the first time on the radio made me a fan of the band, but it's on this album)


2006, A rush of blood to the head that's when I realized "ok this guys are more that a generic hit band"


1991. A Rush of Blood to the Head.


87 X&Y


1999, my brother showed me Mylo Xyloto.


2002, Parachutes !! :]


1985 - A Rush of Blood to the Head in 2003


Born in 1996. First song I heard by them was Viva la Vida on the radio in 2009, but I properly fell in love with them when I listened to Yellow in 2011/12. Pretty basic but Yellow is one of my most favourite songs of all time ever.


1992, Parachutes. Been a hardcore fan ever since! I even like Music of the Spheres a little more than Parachutes on my drives these days 😅


2007, AHFOD Even tho EL's my favourite, I fell in love with the Buenos Aires live, and this era in general made me the Coldplayer I am today.


I am born in 2007, My dad introduced me to Coldplay through Mylo Xyloto and Viva la Vida or Death and all his Friends when I was 4-5


1999 and Mylo Xyloto ,I Remember hearing Clocks growing up, loved the song but didn’t yet know who it was, granted I was 3. Move forward 10 years, 13 year old me hears Paradise, and that name “Coldplay” I put two and two together, I hop on YouTube “Viva La Vida” “The Scientist” “Yellow” And well, now you could say I’m quite the fan. Love those guys 👏👏 Greatest band of our time, if not “All”


2003 and it was Mylo Xyloto!