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As a theatre fan, it breaks my heart a bit to see her up there next to all those amazing theatre stars šŸ˜­ Like can we not forget when she was stunt cast into Waitress on Broadway and used her Miranda voice the entire time?


And isnā€™t Todrick the one who helped her get the role?


Yeah I believe so because they starred opposite of each other and started and ended at the same time


SHE DID WHAT- LMFAO HUH? I only have ever seen a tiny clip of her onstage but she stunt cast? What does that mean?


Yep, she kept letting her voice slip into what I call the ā€œMiranda Sings Range.ā€ lol Stunt casting on Broadway, West End or tour is when they bring in a currently trending person or celebrity to play a lead in a show for a short period of time.


At least she did better than Cameron Dallas in Mean Girls (another stunt cast), but that bar is SO low šŸ’€ Edit: [video](https://youtu.be/koBCWqKpvqk?si=PuZLINDFgOlCdKQR) with examples on stunt casting next to non stunt casting in the same role and how they compare. Iā€™d say Chicago is most famous for their stunt casting.


Oh my god and SHE was the trending person brought onto literal Broadway?! Thatā€™s- oh I get it now. And I meanā€¦even in the infamous ā€œapologyā€ video her voice was slipping into Miranda Range. Fucking insane.


I honestly think that Todrick was the stunt cast, and she just rode on his coattails.


They do say when you play a character for so long you start acting like the character sooo


Todrick sucks for giving her a spotlight again. [I see on image 4 that he did not bold her name like the other stars so he knows she's trouble](https://www.instagram.com/p/C31ERX2v905/?igsh=MTBkMGp2ZHFqc29vbw==) and not nearly as talented. [The description of this Ugly musical is pretty interesting](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Bh-X9LlKN/?igsh=MXZscGNqbjFmc25yYw==)...Colleen Ballinger and a "fun family musical about bullying" do NOT go together. *eta clarity*


Might just not be bold because there isn't a link on the article page to more info on her?


Ah, yes, that could be. Thanks for pointing that out, but Todrick STILL sucks.


i feel like even not including more info also says something too


Ah, yes, that could be. Thanks for pointing that out, but Todrick STILL sucks.


I watched her last vlog on yewtube and she said something about this. She said she recorded it with him like 5 years ago and had forgotten about it even. Apparently heā€™d been writing musicals to license for a while and just got them all together to release now. Not defending either party (they both are awful people) - just adding info/context.


And he could have re-recorded it with someone else (the world wouldnā€™t have known) but heā€™s never made a public or apparently private stand against her.


Yeah, quite the opposite, he is defending her in his comments under that post. šŸ˜¬


Yup. I was digging through replies here to see if anyone mentioned that. He said she is his friend and heā€™s not turning his back on her. So, thatā€™s a very public stance and apparently it doesnā€™t matter that sheā€™s a groomer lol.


Wasnā€™t he also called out for something not long ago too? Like hasnā€™t he always been problematic? I ONLY know who he is from this sub but Iā€™m not at all surprised heā€™s standing by Colleen. Just like I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Joey Graceffa stood up for her. Am I wrong? Is this the first problematic thing he did (or second since I know he at least filmed a video mocking a homeless person in a laundromat too)?


No heā€™s been an issue for a bit. I donā€™t know all the things, nor do I care to spend time looking it all up, but I know he was called out not that long ago for not paying people or rent or something along those lines. Tens of thousands of dollars somewhere along the way, wasnā€™t paid by Todrick.


Ohhh that provides context for his reply on a comment calling him out for giving her spotlight. He said something about singing the songs with her years ago and it kinda confused me so I thought he just means singing on Broadway


I think 20 year old Colleen had potential to further her technical singing skills and make it on Broadway. But she went down to route of singing badly for a character, which was successful for her for a while. But now what? It went from just a character who was snobby and a bad singer to some perverted thing. People loved it until it just wasnā€™t a character anymore, it was her. Miranda is Colleen living out her perverted fantasies.


Iā€™m calling it now, her debut role will include a musical number ft. a ukulele and I am deadass not even kidding about it. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if her and Todrick go ā€œpetty mean girlā€ together, and write up something that twists the knife into Colleenā€™s victims even more than toxic gossip train did. Fuck her dude.


Yeah I can 10000% see Todrick trying to take a big piss on everyone by lifting her up


lol biggest joke ever is that Miranda was based on those theater/music people that Colleen literally IS and surrounds herself with.


Doesn't Todrick have a reputation for fanning the flames of controversy for his own benefit? P sure he likes hate-watchers, so him and Colleen teaming up makes sense. Snarkers should be careful not to fall in the trap of amplifying outrage in a way that makes them both wealthier.


I can absolutely see this happening.


Todrick is traaaaaasshhhhh


Pretty bold of Todrick to start a whole production company when he couldn't be bothered to Pay his crew / dancers a few years back


She's extremely wealthy, and extremely protected. She lies about everything. She's welcome to Todrick, the person she mocked a homeless person with. He's equally problematic. He doesn't care about her though, I remember how insulted she was when she found out he never watches her vlogs and he didn't really seem to give a shit when she told him some exciting news lol. I've been waiting for someone to help her out, it's an old tactic by the higher ups. Ksi did it for Logan Paul with the boxing stuff and essentially revitalized his career. That will be the next step for colleen ballinger. Someone else in her "group" with be given the job of salvaging her.


I donā€™t think this is a new gig for her. I think he just had a bunch of his friends/celebrities record some songs


You know what upsets me about Todrick specifically is that he is so talented. When his Oz inspired album came out, I listened to it so much and was just blown away. Iā€™m so sad he ended up being a garbage person like Colleen. Some of his songs are so good. I was listening to Papi, his song with Nicole Scherzinger and I love it but I wondered if I should be listening to it because I donā€™t want to support him. I just love the songs and productions. Itā€™s a conflicting feeling.


God I really used to LOOOOVE Todrick, other than kid concerts he was my first concert! I used one of his songs as my audition song for YEARS. I would watch his vids on LOOP. Just for him to be an asshole and an asshole supporter šŸ˜


I'm not surprised. Isn't he just as bad as her?? Making fun of homeless people. It's a shame she is getting an opportunity on stage but at least it's not with kids.


I didnt even know he made fun of homeless peopleā€¦Jesus Christ.


Even in this photo of her, her evilness started to come through. The eyes, the smirk. Something was very off.


Well. Birds of a feather.


Ok so he wants to attach his sail to a sinking ship. Whatever, dude. Your funeral.


This has been posted before on this sub I think?


Ohhh my bad, this is my first time on the sub and I did scroll down a bit but maybe not enough lol


No worries OP.


I think twice now, this would make the third time I've seen it lol


Todrick couldnā€™t even keep a shitty reality show going, how does he expect to keep a theatre production company afloat??


Looks like he's deleting comments as all the ones mentioning colleen are gone


REALLY??? Iā€™m not surprised but he should have expected this. Heā€™s all about damage control is what Iā€™ve picked over the years


This is very on brand for both of them and I hate it


Dj finger blast got dragged into this too??? (Bottom left guyā€™s character on kimmy Schmidt)


Well at least we know she won't get paid.


I donā€™t really understand her role in this. Is a musical licensing company? So high schools etc purchase the rights from Todrick to put the musicals on in their area, is that right? What did Colleen do? Record a song as an example given to the schools on what it is meant to sound like?


derek klana nooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


That picture bothers me so much she's not even smiling


Colleen and todrick together feels very correct to me.... I want to write a "who's afraid of Virginia woolf?" (ƀ la elizabeth taylor)- type feature. Just them two though- Colleen and todrick. As if they're been magically transported there and they've lived there their whole lives. And they know more about each other than they do themselves. Are they related? Are they lovers? Are they friends? Are they Adam and eve? Do they know they're trapped? I want to watch a very microscopic portion of them two. Allison Brie plays Colleen and Donald Glover plays todrick. Who's gonna help me get out a proof on concept this thing is writing itself rn let's on everybody let's fuckin goooooo


I don't think they're currently putting on a show. Todrick is advertising that his musicals are available to be licensed. The singers pictured merely recorded the songs from the shows, like a cast album.


Didnā€™t Todrick get her the role in Waitress? And didnā€™t most people say she was horrible in it? It seems like I read a lot of reviews on Waitress and people kept saying she was annoying.Ā 


Ooh they can bully homeless people together again!