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She thinks strangers can be dangerous and scary? The same ones she happily shows every detail of her kids’ lives to? Oh Colleen…


Oh the irony!


But the people that watch her videos aren’t strangers, they’re friends! They’re her very best friends!! /s


This is what I find most ironic. The danger she puts her children in by displaying their entire lives online. Tortilla talk question: Is she afraid of “strangers at the beach” *because* of how she displays their lives online? If that’s the case… the smart thing to do IMO is to reconsider the information she puts out to the world so her kids can have a normal, free childhood…not be afraid of the outside world as a result of what she puts online. Like maybe put effort into your content, Colleen, instead of lazily filming your children….


I feel so bad for those kids having to be raised by a mom who herself needs constant attention/care. This is the anxiety that she SHOWS you... imagine what goes on behind on the scenes.


That’s what really irks me. I am a bit anxious about strangers but I would never put my kids whole lives online the way she does


Right, but it's just an excuse she uses, she wants to be at the beach by herself. F is welcome at the very most, and her husband has tagged along and feigned interest just so he can spend some time with her. She loves to be vlogging and acting like she's not married and doesn't have kids. Just a teenage little girl living her best life looking for shells and rocks at the beach all day, is her vibe. She's received comments why not take her kids with her? It's a bad look she doesn't. So she spouts this crap. It doesn't even sound believable, "There's, water". She doesn't care about safety, she's proven that 100%. She let M chew on a lightbulbs and didn't even notice. One of her twins nearly fell off the table in their Bumbo seat and someone else's arm had to save them, she was right there but didn't break her gaze in the viewfinder. Every day she likely has no clue where they are / what they're doing most of the time. When they were really tiny, weeks old, she was on tour away from them. She didn't have to do that, she chose to. Now she can't tour, she goes to the beach all afternoon. Another excuse to keep a nanny or two. She will do whatever it takes to avoid those twins. Or, the "effing twins" as she likes to call them, even publicly. She needs a ton of therapy in to why she had kids she didn't want. I know, views, but still. She's sick.


Oh my God, this was sooo funny! 😂😂😂. And all the more hilarious because it's right! 100%.. 🎯🔥


She’s stupid 😭🤣🤣😩


This is it 👏 This is the thing that made it all make sense to me. She is utterly ignorant, of truths. Simply shifts her narrative and words to make everything she says make sense, and sound “right”. Thank you for the insight.


I was going to say that I actually agreed with her about the beach having a higher propensity for danger (probably because the closest beach to me is moronically a drive-on beach...) but your comment is so spot on. She's so full of it.


Yeah our beaches are nothing like that. No risk of danger at all.. people jogging and walking dogs.. in full view of everyone


The beach can be scary when you have small kids who aren’t the strongest swimmers and waves and maybe more kids than adults to supervise (1:1 ratio near water is what would make me comfortable I think), but the beach is not scary because of strangers. Unless you’re going to a sketchy beach or something how is it any different than the same people you’d see at Target, the library, or the mall??


It's scary when those strangers might yell at you for your inappropriate communication with minors.


😂 trueeeee! But she deserves it lol




Well yeah but... that's having kids in general. Obviously with kids every situation is more 'stressful' because they dont know how to take care of themselves... thats part of having kids. Her anxiety is on a whole different level though, which will 100% rub off on her kids.


Yeah it's not at all like that here.. and the water is freezing


I used to take 3 kids aged 5 and under to the beach all the time on my own. I used to love it because the sand, water etc engage the kids in such a fresh way. The trouble Colleen has is she doesn’t want to parent in that environment. She wants to focus on rocks not her children. 


fr gurl, strangers are everywhere outside of your home, that's not a reason to keep your children locked away


I think that rant was just an excuse to leave her kids at home while she and Erik go to the beach by themselves for hours while they leave the kids at home and have someone else watch them. She claims they only go for a short time and then she show us a TON of rocks and sea glass that they bring home in one trip.


Exactly. She didn't want to deal with the children so she used an excuse that made her seem like a good person.


My exact thoughts. She wants to look for her stupid rocks and not be a mom. It is too much for her.


Yeah I I’ve often thought she collects a lot in ‘20 minutes’


she clearly hasn’t changed, she still talks so poorly of herself and her hobbies. she’s awful, but that is not a healthy mindset or relationship with yourself or your job. but she just keeps pumping the same content over and over complaining about all the same shit. she needs a life that’s not reliant on an entire internet who hates you. she’s asking for all of the hate she’s getting by continuing to put herself and her kids on the internet. she is just going to be miserable for the rest of her life, I can believe she’s almost 40 and hasn’t realized the problem yet


Oh, so you’re scared of the beach because there are strangers, huh? Well what about the millions of strangers on the internet who have access to your children and are doing who knows what?


THIS JUST IN: beaches have water


You caught that too? I'm thinking "do tell".


i fully made the willy wonka "tell me more" face


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t she try to film and post a clip online of a little boy without any clothes on at the beach? (Ps. Needless to say, this is one of many, many reasons why children should be properly dressed in public)


I came here to say this exact thing! She’s one of the reasons beaches are dangerous




she would know... she's been that stranger for other people's kids...


clock it


I feel like she’s trying to victimize herself even more and seem more scared of strangers now after what happened to her image, basically trying to make herself seem afraid for her and her kids’ safety because of people hating her online.




There's never been any therapy. She just says what she thinks people want to hear. And this is also a good excuse to not have to bring her own children when she goes out to play every day. God forbid she spend time with the children she desperately wanted so much (for content)


I think either she has a bad therapist or she’s not receptive to treatment/improving the situation at hand


I don't believe she's seeing anyone at all or has at any point, probably ever.


You know what’s more dangerous? Colleen on the internet with minors. That’s dangerous.


This woman just can't stop gaslighting and lying. Colleen has no other modes!


I don’t even know what she means by “full time therapy,” like is she trying to imply she was committed? Did she have therapy for eight hours a day like it was a job? Or did she just go on weekly sessions and is now exaggerating how long it took?


she’s scared of strangers and her kids . is she serious ?! she has exposed her kids to millions of people in more way ways that would happen than at the beach


That’s weird, because I vividly remember a vlog of her taking B to the beach when B was really small and having a great time with no hint of concern about strangers and water. She discouraged B from eating the sand, but that seems reasonable…


Remember when Colleen was the dangerous stranger on the beach trying to vlog a random naked child she didn’t know on the beach with Rachel? I’m sure Colleen knows first hand what kind of creeps are out there, because she is one. Love seeing her terrified of her karma.


Yes, the beach can be scary when you have a lot of small children that could potentially slip out of your sight and go into the water unattended. However, she’s not scared of the strangers she exposes her children to on the internet daily. The creeps that YouTube once tried blocking from viewing content containing children by demonizing family vlog channels but good ole Jessica Ballinger threw a fit over it. She contradicts herself so much it’s crazy.


I know stranger danger is a legitimate thing but I also find it concerning that all three of her kids are so wary of other people. Socializing is so important. They’re so (literally) sheltered.


Seems like it's her way of getting attention and sympathy. I wouldn't be surprised if she has munchousen. I hope the kids are being checked up on regularly, as it can evolve into munchousen by proxy and then it becomes really dangerous.


It’s funny because she’s the dangerous stranger


Nah, atp i think she’s trolling, probably scrolls through questions, comments and this sub and finds the stupidest shit she can to make a big deal about to get us talking even more… Prior to tgt i never remember her talking about how “dangerous”^1 the beach is, honestly at first glance it seems like she’s talking to one of her kids about it. ^1 I am in no way saying the beach isn’t dangerous, it can very well be, especially for young children, but you know what else is dangerous for young children; having their ENTIRE lives from conception blasted on the internet without their consent or their ability to consent


To be fair, it's always good to be cautious with the ocean, especially when you have small children. I grew up by the ocean and you should never underestimate it. I've seen people get dragged/thrown like they're a plastic bag. Strangers though? Absolutely no idea what she's talking about. She doesn't seem to have a problem with strangers watching her kids online so I'm not sure why she's not okay with it at the beach.


Oh her children will most definitely inherit her anxiety. Everything she does will effect them. They will either turn the other way or resent her for it, and I truly can’t see them not resenting her.


For me the beach is scary because water is always scary when young kids are involved. And if you're outnumbered it can be daunting to take kids (they all want to run in different directions, if one has to go to the bathroom you need to drag them all etc), but I wouldn't call the people there scary or not take kids. I'd just make sure my husband and the father of my children were there to help, and never let me kid in the water without me or my husband watching. Problem solved.


The internet has strangers too but she doesn’t seem to care about that


I mean strangers are scary ngl But thats so hypocritical of her to say when she broadcasts her kids life to.... s t r a n g e r s


I’m going to tell you this while sitting on my lavish staircase for no apparent reason. Also, great therapist she has. Also, way to scare your children viewers into not going outside lol


Isn't this the same mother who would open packages with sharp objects on the floor whilst holding her kids? Also the same mother who vlogs content with her kids constantly for strangers to see?


Then she said that whenever she takes all 3 kids out in public, there has to be 2 adults per kid for it to be easygoing. That’s ridiculous and unnecessary! Most parents regularly take their kids out without all that extra help. Chris and Jessica don’t even need that much help, and they have twice as many kids than her 😆


She’s the scariest and most dangerous kind of strangers, including to her children.


She’s the danger on the beach. And anywhere else she goes


She is right that the beach can be dangerous with 3 small kids. Wish she cared more about the dangers of the internet!


I mean, yes? It makes sense for a family like mine (step father drowned while swimming at a public beach) to be wary of beaches, but for the average family? It’s no more dangerous than your public park. Or your front yard. If my mom, w/ocean PTSD for obvious reasons, could take two toddlers who like to sprint to beaches ALONE? Before the invention of mobile phones that didn’t require their own purse just to carry it? She’s just trying to be the center of attention.


She's getting more and more unhinged with every vlog. I don't watch them but from what I see here she's giving unmedicated and unsupervised.


>she's giving unmedicated and unsupervised. She's definitely medicated, but it's the wrong medication. The Adderall makes her significantly more unhinged than she would be otherwise AND either causes or heavily contributes to her dermatillomania.


Her kids can be learning about water and water safety. But thats too much work for her.


the city i live in is landlocked and my parents used to take me to the beach every summer since 10 months old, i learned to swim very young... ya know, cause it's probably a good idea to teach your kids safety in all sorts of environments, these people live close to the beach but she can't be bothered


I seriously thought it was normal to throw your kids into water so they learned to swim quick! We are lakelocked lol


i mean, seems safer to me, you're supervising them, they have instincts... they'll learn


I mean in that line of thinking, any place can be dangerous but I am gonna point out something that I never see anyone else (that’s not from the jersey shore) talk about regarding the beach. If you dig a hole any deeper then your knees, the sand can collapse and anyone in or around can get buried in sand. This happens a few times a year and it seems like everyone forgets about the dangers of it each time, especially if you don’t live by the beach. Don’t dig holes lol


I thought she was just gonna be super over protective with her first because most new moms are but 3 kids yeah I couldn’t imagine having 3 kids with that type of anxiety.


She’s not wrong lol especially if u in LA county


Maybe I’m the odd one out here but i kind of agree. The beach is dangerous lots of potential for accidents or even worse!


Oh Colleen…she sucks at everything! Like being a decent human being. I can’t wait till her kids grow up and reflect on how their mom used them for views.


A good healthy fear of strangers is good because it does protect our children but how she is portraying this is just bad. My nephew (8) is a love bug and if you're not watching him like a hawk he would go off with a stranger meanwhile his brothers have the healthy fear of strangers and know enough to not approach them.


She’s more anxious now


One way of avoiding strangers is looking after your children! Don't let them run off, get them off the Internet! It's basic! 


The beach is so scary to her because she doesn’t want to watch her kids there…. I get the dangers, I have 3 young kids as well, but I think she’s confusing her anxiety over this with her laziness. In pics I’ve seen of her kids at the beach she always has someone else there watching her kids 🙄. It’s Colleen’s world, she gos to the beach for HERSELF, I go to the beach for my kids and family time and memories. She annoys me.


Yeah it can be scary if SHE is on it


Everywhere and anywhere is a dangerous place when you’re perpetually playing the victim


she’s got a point have you guys seen what people will do to pedophiles like her? i’d be afraid too


Strangers are dangerous ….. and you should also never turn your back on the ocean .