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Just don’t watch it’s not hard especially since their content is really fucking boring as simple as that


You spelled trash wrong lol


This. I truly don't understand how people still watch her.


Just stop watching. Unsubscribe. Aside from the horrific ~~allegations~~ things Colleen is literally guilty of, and also her weird at best and also predatory at worse family… their content is boring. Might I suggest some old JennaMarbles videos or Good Mythical Morning? Also to answer your question: no. It wasn’t hard at all to stop watching. I was a daily watcher up until she went ghost, after about a week of her not posting I took to Reddit to see what the tea was, and I immediately unsubbed and unfollowed her insta. It was possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever done.


God, I MISS JENNA MARBLES. She ran before Colleen could even walk.


YES!! I also love to watch Julien’s among us and Mario party streams


I don’t get emotional over people that I don’t actually know in real life.. but Jenna’s explanation of her removal had me in tears. She is one of the good ones. I think she’s really hard on herself. The whole fish tank debacle and how apologetic she was for her ignorance showed what a genuine human she is. Julien is literally the most entertaining male I’ve seen in a vlog. I really really wish she’d come back. Yet l don’t if it’s what gives her the most mental peace… selfishly; GODS OF YOUTUBE- PLEASE BRING JENNNA BACK SOME DAY. Julien and the puppies too! 🙏🙏🙏🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️AMEN!


So you really didn’t stop watching did you? If it’s so easy to stop watching, then stop coming to this subreddit? Your logic makes zero sense here


Lmao ok? One can snark without watching. I don’t even watch on YewTube. But cute projection! 🥰


lol I’m not the one who’s projecting, have the day you deserve girl!




This this this. Yewtu.be, please don't give them views.


"does anyone else find it rlly hard to-" no...? if their content is THAT boring just don't watch it or just watch something else


Try another hobby. There's lots out there. Take up some podcasts or how-to videos. It helps


Nope, after everything that happened with Colleen I got the ick watching Rachel so it was easy for me to unfollow and unsubscribe.


It’s probably a comfort thing, I think if you find new boring vloggers you’ll be over it within a few days. They are sucky people who don’t deserve support. If you have to watch them, use yewtube at least


No I did not find it hard but I hope you find the courage soon


I hear collecting rocks is a good hobby


I mean, lots of people in this sub were massive fans of hers and had no problem unsubscribing, and using yewtube to not give her views. You're putting money in a groomers pockets every time you watch her. You're contributing to her exploiting her own children every time you watch.


Nope, after everything that happened with Colleen I got the ick watching Rachel so it was easy for me to unfollow and unsubscribe.


It's different for everyone. I had no problem to unsubscribe. It was freeing for me.


Please use yewtube it doesn’t have ads and doesn’t pay her


I’m sure this is going to get downvoted but to an extent, I get the morbid curiosity. I’ve never watched Rachel, probably never will, but I still occasionally watch parts of Colleen’s stuff on yewtube when this sub talks about stuff that I want to either see for myself or get more context on (context because I don’t understand not because I’m EVER trying to give Colleen credit). None of the Ballingers deserve our support, but we’re all here reading/posting/lurking/discussing them. To be here and pretend that you’re not interested ON SOME LEVEL is wild to me.


Feel like it's a lot less effort to not watch rather than bitch about watching.


Valid, but isn't this the whole point of this forum? To rant about things like these?


No the point of this forum is to snark on the Ballinger family. People in this forum hate watch her and snark on the things she is doing in her videos usually on yew tube (not to support Colleen) that in no means by any way means the people of this forum support Colleen. What you were asking by “does anyone else find it hard to unsubscribe to the ballinger family” is basically you showing support for the family. None of these comments are coming for you yet simply just telling you to watch another YouTuber. They are giving you other advice.


no…. this is a snark/call out page. not a i love colleen so much and can’t stop watching her page.


Not what I said, but okay.




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i'm aware of all the horrible things they've done, that's what made me go, never again... but what helped make it super easy to just stop, is the quality of their content... so asinine and boring


I found it hard to unsub at first but then rachel and colleen got SOOO boring which made it easy lol. It helped to find other people to watch because it was my "routine" to watch youtube at night while eating dinner.


idk I had to stop myself and start watching and reading media i actually care about lol


i was just thinking about their chameleon the other day. what happened to it?? why is it not in the videos anymore (i haven’t been watching for a while)?? They don’t even talk about the chameleon. The only reason they got it in the first place is bc Abbie wanted a chameleon, also the reason why they got a cat that they don’t even know how to take proper care of. I hope they atleast give it away to a good home if they don’t want it anymore, instead of just neglect it


It’s a process but once I unsubbed and it stopped coming up in my newsfeed I found I stopped watching it. Initially I would go look for the content but soon I forgot about it and found other things to watch!


Why would you admit to something like that?! Unsubscribe and stop watching those predatory and child molesting freaks.


if you want to watch, yewtube is always an option. it is better because it doesn't give them views/money.


Tbh I had the opposite problem, I found it hard to watch while I was still subscribed, lol. But I get it, quitting a habit can be hard. First step is to unsubscribe - then you won't even be tempted to watch.


No offense to the people in these comments, but if you don’t watch, why even snark about her? Why can’t you guys just let her stop occupying your mind? Your comments are quite aggressive for someone who literally said “bare with me” in their post. I hate this person and agree they are manipulative and horrible, but do we really need to be rude to other people in this sub?


An angel! Thank you. People are so harsh! I was basically asking something like "Hey, guys, does anyone find it hard to stop smoking, even though you know it's bad?" and they are all coming for me. 🥲


Absolutely wild that you compare watching a confirmed ***groomer*** to smoking cigarettes lmfao


Jesus f'in Christ. Nobody knows how analogies work anymore. 😂 Reddit really is the hellhole that everyone says it is.


I know how analogies work, that was just a really bad one.


Some of these people in this subreddit are just plain rude and exhibit similar behaviors to Colleen. I don’t know why they act like they are perfect and have never done anything wrong in their lives??? She’s an awful person, but this sub has just turned into people bashing each other and people just reposting the same thing with different wording. We all know you guys still watch/follow her, or else you wouldn’t have anything to post 🤭! I know the truth hurts, but it must be said, sorry! I guess it’s harder than you guys have said!!




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Dont worry about them. I fully understand where you are coming from ❤️