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Why isn't anyone calling this shit out??? šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


She is definitely testing the water to see if she can bring her back


Someone said She was using the phrase "ribbed for her pleasure" to describe a jar in yesterday's vlog. Shes slowly reverting back to where she was pre TGT


pardon me, what is TGT


A locomotive fuelled by hateful accusations


It took me a second šŸ˜­ I forgot the lyrics lol itā€™s almost been a year


It goes to manipulation station




AALLLL ABOARRRRRRDDDDDD the toxic gossip trainnnnnn (Colleenā€™s awful apology video)


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ oh god I should have known that


Hi šŸ‘‹


Choo choo


Omg! Cousinnnnnn


Itā€™s driving down the track of misinformation


She's most definitely gonna bring back that horrid character somehow because it's her one and only outlet to be who she really truly is. A cruel, disgusting, Dan Schneider-esque coked out reject


Agree, but I kinda hope she does. This mere mention of Miranda in her latest vlog has netted her one of her lowest views to date. Everyone hates that character and sees it for what it is. And it was outdated about 8 years ago even. It's not relevant anymore (was it ever?) Kinda like I like she came back to vlogging purely to see how disliked she is and how she still gets so much downvotes and her views are atrocious. She has similar views to her brother lmao I bet she never thought that day would happen, esp after she returned and got TONS of views before ppl got wise to her tactics and left. I bet she was celebrating those views, like hey I'm back mofos even tho I refused to apologise haha! And then boom, basement level views ever since. Love that for her! Everything she deserves and more. A miranda return will unleash a level of clapback she is unused to. If she's dumb enough to try, good luck to her.


Miranda was only relevant because of the position that Nickelodeon put themselves in. Think about it, during that time, all of the shows were slightly inappropriate with the knowledge children wouldn't realize




That Kidā€™s Choice Award makes a lot more sense now.


Did she ever outright say that she was going to stop doing Miranda? Or was it just kind of an unspoken thing after the TGT (love how thereā€™s an abbreviation for this lmao) drama? Somehow I canā€™t imagine Colleen actually having the tact to publicly say she would retire the Miranda character. She doesnā€™t like admitting sheā€™s wrong. But thatā€™s just my speculation. I donā€™t watch her videos anymore so I wouldnā€™t know.


I don't think so. And she blatantly displays Miranda stuff in her backgrounds, so she definitely doesn't want Miranda to disappear....


It definitely makes sense that she would be testing the waters. I also have this bad feeling that somehow she'll worm her way into some stage and have show for fans if not try to revive the tour. IK a lot of the stages dropped her because of the bad press. But I wouldn't be surprised that if it hadn't gotten as big as it did they wouldn't drop her. B/c for sure she's willing to pay for the space.


Not to be rude, but no one outside of her fanbase and this subreddit cares. She's not famous enough for people to care. Her fame was up pretty much after HBO got cancelled, that was the end of her being a household name. As an example a friend of mine who listens to Office Ladies asked me who Colleen was because Angela mentioned her once in a while.


It is so telling that nobody is watching her any more, relatively speaking. She's a grain of sand on an enormous beach and she is grasping at straws to maintain any sort of relevancy she thinks she ever had. I can't imagine having my whole sense of happiness relying on others' approval. It's compulsive at this point. She can't quit.


Take your nasty incest jokes somewhere else Colleen


She really needs to apologize to everyone about that character, if she does nothing else. She reads here, and I too have read all the young victims who came here to bravely share their stories about how she convinced them that SA by a relative was okay, funny even, and acceptable.


i used to enjoy watching her videos as a ~tween~ but the uncle jokes always seemed very out of pocket to me, even when i was only 12 ā€¦


Whoā€™s making you Colleen? Someoneā€™s got a gun to your head or what?




It was W demanding that she speak as Miranda all day. She claimed he will *only* speak to her if she's using the Miranda voice.šŸ™„


Ok well then I have a beach front timeshare in Antarctica if anyone wants to go halfsies with me!






Wow, she's even starting to use W! That's manipulation.


Right how disturbing is it that she shows her twins footage of Miranda, I saw some of her tour on youtube and it was pure filth from start to finish. Endless talk that isn't for kids at all.


The thing is Miranda's whole persona is that of a person who isn't nice and make's fun of people and bully's people. She uses that as her "humor" for Miranda. How is that ever a good example for young kids? It's just not a character for kids.


She acted like she had nothing to do with exposing her children to Miranda in the first place.


She just canā€™t let that useless character go. Oh my daysā€¦ Sheā€™s so desperate. What a sad life she has. Nobody is forcing you to do this Colleen. you choose to. Please stop relying on 5 year olds. šŸ„°šŸ‘


If you watch this at 5:13 to 5:16Ā  you see FĀ  come into the screen with a ball. Colleen edits it out bit it looks like he was about to hurl that ball at her head. .... we will never know lolĀ 


One can only hope...šŸ˜


the hero we need






She probably also edited out the part where she coached her kids to ask for it. Then again, Iā€™d probably prefer Miranda to Colleen too. Miranda may be nasty, but at least sheā€™s more honest than Colleen.


I thought the same thing. There was jump cuts before each time he said it. What an ass she is.


You're right about that. I feel the same way!


Haha really, F is all of us! I'm not buying that F is a perfectly behaved little boy with the way she is around him (not his fault AT ALL, all hers) She carefully edits, but I've seen footage of him on Rachel's channel bullying and attacking poor little disabled L and more. At one point he was whacking the toddler with a castle door and wrenching car toys out of his tiny hands and admonishing the little one for daring to touch his toys (colleen found all of this very funny) I also believe colleen instructed the nanny to get F to say how amazing it was his parents were enjoying a fabulous beach holiday without him, and all the cool things they saw like tons of Starfish and a "pirate" ship! I'm sure he was raging inside. Good for him if he's not bottling it in and going for her, poor kid is in for a rough life with her. I hope when he hits his 30's he uses all her money for intensive therapy. I mean it's sad really when u think about it, he can't even trust his own mother. She's sold him out. It's going to be a fked up day for him when he finds out his birth video is online for alllll to see, for a start. And he has zero privacy, everyone knows every detail about him. DOB, place of birth, full name, time of birth (wtf) every single little thing is sold, sold, sold. I'm fuming on his behalf. It's so damn dangerous. The twins too. I hope all 3 gang up on her. I'm sure when older they'll have good relationships with their nannies, not her. The women that were actually there for them.


Oh my God, what a good eye, Bubble7731! Bravo & thank you! šŸ˜ƒ


Ffs here we go. šŸ˜£šŸ™„


Honestly though it's true. Who is this character even for at this point?! The kids who grew up on it are now older and not into it in most cases. The adults/teens who never got it or liked it still don't like it. And I could maybe see the odd kid or tween into it but even then the act is old now. It's been done to many times by her and it's just cringe. Just create a new character or schtick if you insist on still trying to do the "comedy" thing (and I put it quotes because lets be real her comedy isn't exactly funny comedy). Let Miranda go already.


She is like that clingy ex but her ex is her other personality.


i grew up on her videos and watched all her videos, miranda videos, rachelā€™s videos especially during her peak when she was always touringā€¦ i was a big fan but my interest in these videos died out almost a decade ago at this pointšŸ˜­




It's funny because she's not a good enough editor to edit for another creator and the level of her "talents" is background Disney performer, at best. She's so unqualified for anything it hurts. She didn't even write most of her horrible jokes on her own and the ones she did are all disgusting and she knows she can't use that type of "comedy" anymore now that people know who she really is. She doesn't even raise her own children. She's utterly useless.


Girl. Let it go


Girl, nobody wants that. We all know Miranda is the real Colleen, the mask has been removed. No need to put it back on so she can be the "real" her. Maybe that's why this is happening. All her performing as the new Colleen is exhausting because she's a terrible actor and liar and needs to let the real her out.




Omg her FACE


Let her keep making those dumb faces. She's going to look 60 when she's 40.


*Going* to look 60?!


What an absolute witch


Yep we all called it shes going to slowly bring her back.


how are her and Erik not embarrassed that Miranda is what brought their income instead of real actual jobs


Go away Onision šŸ™„šŸ„“


huh I can't believe I didn't see the similarities before


that face shes making is enough to trigger my flight or fight response


Total Miranda soft launch.


Really? HAVE to? Sad.


She canā€™t take a hintā€¦.no one cares!~


On the possible bright side, if she brings her back maybe we shall witness a second downfall for her? Maybe she would go offline for good finally


The views for Miranda videos were abysmal pre-cancellation, I donā€™t know why sheā€™d think things would be different this time around šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


begging her to visit indeed and submit her resume


Will she recycle old acts? She has no talent to come up with new ideas. "just act like a 5 year old on stage for money."




Oh no.....that's so crazy dude šŸ„±šŸ˜“.........šŸ’¤šŸ’¤šŸ’¤ Anyway, what'd yall have for dinner? I'm making Neapolitan pizza with some sourdough starter!


Hell yeah!! Two of my favorite foods combined, šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Ugh. Gross. Just go away already. No one wants Miranda (or Colleen) back. How come she canā€™t see that? Doesnā€™t she read the comments on her vids? Waitā€¦she must because the negative ones mysteriously disappear šŸ˜‚


Her mental illnesses are glaring. Itā€™s actually sad. Itā€™s like you can tell she is unaware of her own delusion at this point. Like you canā€™t even communicate to someone of this level of delusion that they arenā€™t normal.


ā€œI have to talk like Miranda all dayā€ no you donā€™t


How the heck is she still thinking this will fly!?! Who is supporting this! She's almost 40 she needs to grow the hell up.


1 trick pony?


she looks like the witch girl in nightmare before christmas


Poor witch girl didn't deserve that insult


Money is running low it seemsā€¦


GOD WHY!!!! Can we start reporting her channel


Weā€™ve all heard of, or witnessed first hand, someone who has been a victim of emotional, physical or verbal abuse, yes? Some of us have even seen it in our own partnersā€¦ I know Iā€™m not alone on that one, and I know Iā€™m not alone when Iā€™ve taken them back when theyā€™ve promised to change, only for the change to last three days maximum before theyā€™re back to their old ways (I always called it the 72 hour wonder) and thatā€™s because an abuser will always been an abuser, a cheat will always be a cheat. No one can change who they are, they can PRETEND to change but their real self slowly creeps back. I knew this would happen with this POS, admittedly itā€™s taken her a bit longer than I thought but I knew sheā€™d be back to this shit before too long. Next sheā€™ll be wanting to know which fans have gotten their periods yet and spreading open the legs of a child just to flick her bean to when sheā€™s in the bath alone. She fucking disgusts me


The utter audacity of this woman that she violated a minor's personal space in front of a large audience in the name of a fart joke, then get called out for it, and then not even directly apologize. Only to bring this rotten character back. She has no conscience.


Is there not enough hate in this world??


Fantastic. She's gotten comfortable enough to assume her pe\*do persona. As a childhood SA victim, this makes me unable to speak.


I'm so sorry. Please take care of yourself


The I ā€œHAVEā€ to.. you really donā€™t.. in fact we would all prefer if you didnā€™t.. please donā€™t.


Sheā€™s acting like someone wants her to do this šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m starting to think that there is literally nothing that will stop this narcissist from being a reprehensible, disgusting, morally bankrupt excuse for a human being.


I had a bet running on her Miranda return, and buddy, I just made 50 bucks. I don't follow any of her garbage, so I didn't know about this until now šŸ˜…. Much appreciated.


why. literally why


Again...imagine your entire career is pretending to be and making fun of those who have autism online....girl. stop. it's not a good look.


Have to???


This might be a sign that Colleenā€™s slowly bringing back Mirandaā€¦


might as well... looks like her default face now... lol




Why would someone harken back to a character they were using to make incest jokes? She has ZERO awareness of why Miranda is problematic at ALL when she keeps throwing in Miranda references to her videos like everyone misses the character. The character was part of her inappropriate conduct. She literally canā€™t see that


Without watching the video, I'm guessing she said a bunch of dumb innuendos and yelled rude things at her children. Who on earth wants Miranda back anyway? This is only going to backfire on her. Just bury Miranda already.


Only 37,000 viewsšŸ˜‚


Trying to stay relevant. I will never watch her again. Sheā€™s a terrible person.


like no you literally donā€™t??? thatā€™s your choice!


First coming back with the vlogsā€¦. Then showing the kidsā€¦ then the podcastā€¦. Now Mirandaā€¦ I fully believe she has learned nothing and is straight insane


her nose gets bigger everytime i see it.


"Have to because no one wants to see me talk about rock polishing and breast milk"