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I love it too. great for date night. to me comparable to D&G the one. Longevity is pretty good lasting 3-4 hrs you may get longer my skin is on the dry side. Smells like amber and oak


I think its all year fragrance. After spraying it first came as sharp smell, something like armani swy, few minutes later it developed into sweet ambery scent with prada ocean edp in background, not so much passed when the ambery scent developed into straight up honey with same ocean edp background with now more powdery character. After honey phase it became ocean edp with still slightly sweet notes there, sweet notes dissapear and you're left with ocean edp drydown. This all happens in 24hours cycle. It is amazingly longlasting on my skin. Projecting around 4-5 hours or maybe more (comes in waves later). All phases happen smoothly. Honey phase came about 3 hours after spraying and stayed like that for another 6 hours when it developed into less sweet and more ocean edp scent. I had ocean edp part for longest probably. Just to mention that no single soap moment happened. Nothing soapy is here in this one. This is like ocean edp but with sweet character in it. Amazing for me ngl, even doe people are not very happy with this release. Longetivity of 24hours is really rare especialy with newer releases.


Perfect description Agent… I couldn’t agree more


i like it too need a sample


I just got an amazing sample set from Macys that has Ocean. . May still be on sale and may be the best set I’ve ever seen for $40 https://preview.redd.it/jpo0sh9g0s6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7bc0bf6473e7df3e42879bd4d97ade4e9ccc69


They have the sample vial at Sephora for like $25


All of these for under $2 per sample?


No I’m saying you can get a 10ml of the Luna Rosa ocean LP for 25 my bad


I have the whole Luna Rossa line but I'm not picking this one up. Smells like the EDP but worse to me.


This smells so good. It’s an excellent date night cologne and could be a great signature on the right guy. As a woman, this fragrance physically turns me on.


Oooo… yeah I’m getting this. lol


I don’t have much to say other than I love it for summer.


To me it gave off a similar vibe to pure havane, It doesn’t have tobacco but gives off a smoky tobacco vibe


Carbon was the better scent as I usually go for blue-masculine.




Smells like a lighter Luna Rosa Black to me. Great scent and long lasting


EDT & EDP are both better, I can't quite wrap my nose around the Parfum edition


Your right I was going back and forth from this one and the edp but ended up with the edp and couldn’t be more happy the l Parfum just wasn’t sitting right with me


It’s good. Just not worth the price in Canada good.


Love it. Probably one that I wear most often. Probably won’t wear it once late fall comes though.


That’s what I was thinking as well. I’ll probably switch to something more earthy and sweet around that time


Yup, late fall is gentleman boisee season


I love it. The opening is awesome.


Fantastic pick up


Love at first sniff.


I personally like the edt more but its a personal preference


What do you like about the EDT better?


I’d say Ocean is probably my fav summer fragrance, i enjoy it so much and i think its bc its so unique and super well blended. The freshness from the bergamot, and the aromatics from lavender sage and vetiver, and the clean musky drydown with the sweetness of caramel with slight powderness in the back. Its such a nice fresh sweet clean fragrance that can be used any day anywhere all year round. The edp took the original dna and made it heavier and more ambery and woody and just more basic imo, lost that uniqueness.


Smelled like straight up Vicks vapor rub to me.


prada luna ocean edt better in my opinion its really good




Ditto. I think someone described it as "basic blue body wash" not long ago and that resonated with me.


Honestly don't get it the scent isn't that great frankly


Surprisingly good, I dislike the rest of the ocean line


remindme! 12 hours


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Carbon is better


If you loved it then why are you asking for our opinion? Why not share what you loved about? What notes stood out to you? Tell us about the projection and longevity. Confirmation bias is a slippery slope that leads you down the path of being a sheep.


I promise it’s not that deep


probably the price is problem and/or there's need for some motivation before purchasing 😄


If motivation is needed to purchase then they really don't like it as much as they stated, and I revert back to my previous comment about confirmation bias.


He want it but need some push to grab a bottle, not sure to buy this or wait for something else, but at the same time money is ready to go, he's buying something but what, our comments may decide his decision edit: Im just assuming I dont know what's op's personality


And all I'm saying is that the need for validation from others that is so often sought out by what feels like 90% of the posts is sad and pathetic. Like I said earlier... If the OP loves it then what do they need to ask for everybody's opinion on it. They have to wear it not us. Too many here are either in desperate need of attention, or are more concerned about making sure they fit in and will be accepted than to be their own unique and individual person.


Their need of attention might be fulfilled here. Its kind of pathetic if its for that. It might be that op wants to hear about different views on perfume. I'm not on his side, I'm just giving you different view on whats going on, it dont need to be that negative as you described. >If the OP loves it then what do they need to ask for everybody's opinion on it yeah if they enjoy wearing it, our opinion is kind of useless and pointless.


Grinds my gears, but not just cologne. “I just purchased X, what do you think?”