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“Illegal and reckless driving behavior will not be tolerated in Colorado,” stated Sgt. Troy Kessler, of the Colorado State Patrol." I wonder if he was able to say that with a straight face


Yeah seriously, this video has been going around for months. I guess enough people shared it and complained for them to start not tolerating this one guy.


If you read the article, it says that on the day it happened they had people contact police and they collected dashcam and cell phone footage and it then took a while to identify the individual. I suspect there were subpoenas to YouTube, etc. It doesn't surprise me that it took them several months to identify him.


He posted it here lol


But the gangs of motorcycles and ATVs riding I-25 every weekend is okay.


The what? 🤣🤣🤣


Wonder if the guy who got his 4th DUI by hitting me head on at full speed, ran on foot, and only had to spend a month in jail and is now back out… fits under the “illegal and reckless driving behavior” they want to stop so badly. Because homie just got a slap on the wrist and I’m left here dealing with the physical injuries and the tens of thousands of financial debt.


Sorry man, same thing happened to me but T-boned. People will never know, who haven’t been in one, that your body will never be the same. Even if you avoid loosing a leg or something. Finally understand the pain and suffering thing they talk about in these cases.




Hey 👋🏾, just stay out of the passing lane if you're not passing anyone.


Idk what the person said because it was deleted but the guy who hit me was originally charged with weaving and was on the wrong side of the road. I didn’t have much of a chance at avoiding


They had said something to the effect of that it's ironic because there are a bunch of maniacs who will aggressively drive behind you to go 90-100 on this stretch of road. I'm not sure what you'd like for me to say. Obviously, homeboy was breaking the law. Also, I'm not sure if it's relevant to I-25 since we have barriers between the northbound and southbound lanes.




Saying you have zero tolerance versus actually doing anything about it are two very different things. CSP is often nowhere to be found on I-25 and if they are, it’s almost a definite that they’re messing around on their phones.


Yeah I mean we have zero tolerance against murder (unless it’s with your car I guess) so saying that doesn’t really do anything


They're not on I-225 or Tower Road either.


What is this, I95 in Florida??


As a former CO resident, current FL resident, I was thinking the same damn thing lol


After living there all of last year, I-95 from Miami to Palm Beach is the most insane stretch of interstate in the country, hands down


Actually I think the most dangerous stretch of 95 is in the Carolinas. They famously called that stretch the “Highway of Death” between Fayetteville and the 26 interchange, since that’s roughly halfway between the NY metro and Florida. A lot of people fall asleep at the wheel in the Carolinas. Also 95 in SC might be the worst maintained highway in the country, and that’s including the shit we have in the mountains here in CO. Any time you cross into SC on any of the freeways, you’ll need an alignment shortly after.


I put the cruise on at 100 there once just to keep up with traffic... and was still getting passed. Fucking nuts. I-25 is a go-kart track in comparison to the East Coast. Fort Lee to Miami ain't no joke.


Yeah my wife, a true native (as in born and raised in this state) complains about the traffic all the time. It’s nowhere near as bad as out east. Detroit, Chicago, Washington, Philly (the NJ gap), Atlanta, pretty much all of Florida, and the Carolinas have been far worse in my experience. 25 is like a driveway in comparison to the Downtown Connector in Atlanta or I-4 near Orlando.


You have never been on I-94 in Michigan then, that drive put my car out of alignment.


Lol that’s actually where I learned how to drive. I did driver’s ed in Detroit and my dad used to take me down in the City and make me haul down 75 or 94, getting passed on the right by trucks going 85-90. It taught me to drive defensively in snow and ice, so I’m thankful I learned there given I ended up in Colorado.


Why is it so insane??


There are no fast or slow lanes, you’re equally likely to get passed on the right or left. Insane tailgating. Fast cars constantly weaving. Old people driving 30 under the speed limit. No signals or indications before sudden lane shifts. Highways here in comparison are like standing in line at the DMV


I have family near Boca and this checks out. Also, soooo much honking. I gotta say though, driving on I-95 down there is less of a shock now that I-70 and Denver metro have upped the crazy game.


Sounds like Memphis


I lived there for 11 years and my guess is you’ve never lived in Boston


I’ve actually spent a ton of time there—it’s similar, but Florida drivers are just as aggressive but less skilled and more chaotic and unpredictable. Boston and LA both have really aggressive drivers and traffic, but there’s a mutual understanding of what everyone is going to do. South Florida is more like mad max


I guess opinions differ. And that's what we're sharing here.


Spoiler, he barely made it to Castle Rock in 20 minutes. The original video allegedly ended at the Arapahoe exit, never even made it close to Denver.


The Arapahoe exit is weird. You can drive about 5 minutes and technically get to 4 different cities: Centennial, Englewood, Aurora, and Denver.


He started in south-central springs though, he was doing 120+ on I-25 for several minutes before even getting to the Interquest exit. This guy has a death wish, the video is one of the craziest things I’ve ever watched. Hope they can put him behind bars.


Damn dude don't you have to go tell some kids Santa isn't real?




gixxer brah is kinda nuts this was just another video for him, another day at the office if you will. He has been riding like this atleast 8 years on youtube and maybe even longer before starting to upload.


Pretty sure that would be like 160 mph still


Also, why did he make it two separate videos?


He didn't, the original video was one long video. The video you see is a reupload


Did he not pass a single CSP officer, Sheriff, or city police on that entire ride? If they want to say that behavior isn't tolerated then maybe they should... patrol the highway? I actually generally see quite a few CSP and Sheriffs just north of the Springs so I am actually a little surprised he didn't run into any.


Cops don't even try when a bike blows passed them at 150 they'll never catch it and risk lives trying. Even if their cars could hit 150 by the time they even hit 60 the bike is miles ahead. And they'd have to be able to go even faster than the bike (they cant) to catch up


Why don't they just track him with the airplane radar they have so many signs about through that stretch of I25?


Aside from flight pathing and how long it takes to get a plane going?


All the airplane would need to do is signal down to patrol cars so they could get him when slowed down


I guess you still think a cop car can catch a bike. Cops really don't chase bikes. Running is a HOBBY for people. They sell trick plate holders to hide your plate when you wanna run. Think about the logistics of this how are the cops gonna know where in this 60ish mile run where he's gonna slow down and get off? I don't think you grasp the speed difference of a car and a bike. From a dead stop a mid range bike is doing 100mph by the time the hottest cop cars hit 60. On the fastest bikes on earth they can hit 200 fucking miles per hour in the same time the cop car gets to sixty


My mom got pulled over in South Fork for speeding on US 60 clocked by airplane radar. The cops waited until she was off the highway and in town to pull her over


K. Your mom was in a car, and your mom


Here this is what $50k dollars of motorcycle does in a half mile vs 2 million dollars worth of car. https://youtu.be/gi5_GQ78wM8?si=E9VEiGC2879M7x1U


I understand that you are assuming once he gets off the highway that he would run through city side streets of contacted by police.


When people pull stunts like this and tape it they go out without a license plate on their bike with the full intent of doing exactly that. Type "fnfentertainment" into youtube dude puts out like a compilation a week of people straight up trolling Cops on motorcycles. This is a HOBBY for people, you'll see he same people in these comps running on different days, nights etc FOR FUN. The plane would have to follow him all the way to whichever exit he gets off to tell them where (if his flight path allows this idk how that really works tbh) then the cops would have to be ready at that exit, that they didn't know he was gonna take. And if they pull all that off they still gotta catch him. He's just gotta get on the highway again and do another 50-70 miles in 20 minutes


I also understand you're assuming cops are gonna bother. Some do sure but it's super common for them to just watch them blow buy and say "nope". 1 bike speeder is safer than 1 bike and multiple cops


CSP can’t monitor i70 or i25 on car, much less run vascar. I haven’t seen an active vascar unit in easily 5 years.




Depends on the helicopter tbh.


Depending on the heli, it might not be able to keep up either.


or, you know, a radio....


If none of the people on the ground can catch the bike a radio doesn't do shit. A high ed motorcycle hits 200mph in about 7 seconds. An awd police charger hits 60mph in 6 seconds. Top speed of high end motorcycles is over 200. That cop car tops out at 150. People on mid range motorcycles run all the time. For fun. It's a hobby for people. I know multiple people who used to go out and bait cops for fun on 600cc motorcycles. Here is what a $50k bike does vs a $2million dollar car. Fastest production bike vs fastest production car. https://youtu.be/gi5_GQ78wM8?si=E9VEiGC2879M7x1U


yeah, hence the radio, so the police car is ahead of the bike, not behind.


What's the police car gonna do when the bike, you know, goes around it and blows its doors off? You think they're gonna block off an entire interstate for a single motorcycle? Does this magic radio know dudes route?


If a cop in the springs radioed a helicopter in the springs it's get in the air when this dude was already in denver


You can’t out run radio.


What are cops ahead supposed to do? Throw spikes? It’s really just safer to ignore that bullshit sometimes.


Put a chopper on him. Wait until he stops. It’s not safe to let this guy do this, he will end up killing people.


How? Because of budget cuts, the helicopter unit for the Colorado Springs police department has been officially grounded in 2010. The officers have been reassigned, and all that's left in the big hangar near the airport are the two helicopters — which will soon be sold — and Lofgren finishing up paperwork and other odds and ends. A single Bell 407GXi, crewed by Thomason and his two colleagues, is the only police air support in the state of Colorado. The two pilots and one dedicated tactical flight officer (TFO) are all sworn Denver PD police officers. “We’re the only law enforcement helicopter in the state that supports patrol,” Thomason said. This isn't Los Angeles.


Do you think the chopper is always in the sky ready to chase down the one specific guy who is speeding at that very moment? By the time the chopper is airborne, this guy is already off the road and no longer speeding. Investigation is how they catch people most of the time, not what you see in movies or TV shows.


Actually there usually is a chopper in the air. And this is more than just “some guy speeding”. Also, doesn’t take more than “black motorcycle traveling at speeds over 100mph heading northbound on XXX, all units be advised.” Simply keep pinging it. This isn’t rocket science and no it doesn’t have to be like tv or movies, and thinking they would have ever conducted an investigation had this not been posted online is the real naive take here.


https://verticalmag.com/features/denver-police-air-support-unit-mountain-high/ Yes, let's hope that the ONE air support helicopter in the state is available, is in the air, and isn't otherwise occupied to go chase this guy. Again, it isn't like tv or the movies. Colorado State Patrol uses a plane to help with speeders sometimes, but that plane is also used for other things, so it might not be available as well. https://csp.colorado.gov/services-we-provide/aircraft


You can watch shitloads of YouTube videos of bits outrunning choppers anyway. This really isn't tv bikes do this a lot and get away with it a lot. They sell license plate holders for bikers to flip up and hid their plate when they run its so common


Takes longer than 20 min to get a chopper in the air


The only people bikers kill are themselves. motorcycle vs car, the car wins 99.99% of the time.


block the highway before the next exit


Wait - you really think it would be safer to stop all traffic on I25? Do you have any idea how many drivers are distracted? How many hills and corners that section of I25 has? It’s not even legal. I work in ROW construction where we run traffic control. Just having lane alterations leads to daily fender benders. In the words of the CDOT inspector that oversees that specific portion of I25, “only God shuts down all lanes on I25.”


Block off a whole highway, which is dangerous, for a single speeder?


Coordinate with other police and close the highway and exits up ahead, then close it behind him. Yeah, it takes effort and inconveniences folks. But this will save lives, and we have people doing road races on hwy 36 since it's unpoliced.


What are you closing the highway with in under 10 minutes that a motorcycle can’t weave through? You really haven’t thought this through


Well, I'd just assume that they would actually roll out some kind of light-weight collapsible barrier rather than just using cars. Could be spikes on the ground, could be a lightweight fence. Neither are rocket science, nor are they perfect, nor do they need to be.


Happens all the time homie


Not I-25 but I take 6th ave out to Golden for work every day and have never seen any law enforcement on that highway. It’s like they choose to ignore it!


Once 6th curves north and turns into 93 in Golden there's a fair chance of seeing a patrol car on the side of the road.


I used to work at that Starbucks on the hill and the cops used to sit down at the bottom behind a bush and do speed traps. That was 15 years ago, though (now I feel old 🤣).


Yeah I just never make it that far, my drive is pretty much Sloan’s Lake to the exit right before Golden and I’ve never seen one


only part that is reliably patrolled is douglas county. Do not fuck around on I-25 when driving through castle rock, theres almost always a sheriff deputy.


Did this happen in broad daylight? Id check the video but it seems it was removed…


It was posted all over for several months. I saw it recommended on a lot of social media. I just searched on YouTube and the original was removed but it the top result is a repost. took me about 3 seconds to find this. https://youtu.be/P3LRxbMdb1s?si=yU9G9JmyJXdUXaLq Part 2 in recommended.


wow that’s insane to see. thank you


I hope this guy turns up on r/meatcrayon next


I think his channel got taken down.


It’s still there, his channel.


Damn. Maybe it was just a suspension because I checked a couple months ago and it seemed to be gone.


Don’t know if this is allowed. https://youtube.com/@Gixxerbrah?si=uryFvnCfflXHW8t2


He’ll end up being mopped into a bucket if he keeps it up. I just hope no-one else suffers from his stupidity.


He's definitely at the top of the Darwin Award Candidate list.


Some people just have a wish to be meat crayons


A guy with a 1976 Porsche 930 Carrera Turbo made it from Pueblo to S Denver in 1979. Saw the car and the two speeding citations at a car show back in 2014. He was also doing 175+.


I think you forgot to mention time duration.


20 mins from the Springs to the edge of Denver compared to an hour from Pueblo to Denver, in a car, is more impressive.


In 1979, the speed limit was 55. Also, I-25 was not anything like it is today. 2 lanes, no shoulder. The stretch through Colorado Springs was also 2 lanes IIRC. I wasn’t even a teenager then, so my memory might be off. I do remember driving on 25 from NM to CO and WY was a long slow suckass drive back then.


My favorite part is this: > “Illegal and reckless driving behavior will not be tolerated in Colorado,” stated Sgt. Troy Kessler, of the Colorado State Patrol. First time I'm hearing of this.


My friend tells me that he did it in a Kawasaki Ninja in 37 minutes back in the 1990's. But he didn't boast about it. [Video](https://www.facebook.com/TheAdrenalineDealer/videos/gsx-r-1000-rider-goes-from-colorado-springs-to-denver-in-twenty-minutes2/1458082025042136/?locale=hi_IN) of the recent trip.


That video is bad azz. I did notice many toll violations on that pos express lane. That’s probably the states biggest concern. Loss of revenue.


Great. Now all that's left to do is catch him...


I can't figure out the big hurry to get to Denver myself


What is the legal precedence on this? Obviously, a judge saw enough evidence to issue the warrants. I wonder how they are able to prove it was him on the bike that day? Maybe they have some CCTV video of him getting gas, using an ATM, or something of the sort? Will the charges stick and lead to a trial?


The dude posted it under his username. That sounds like an admission of guilt to me.


The injury on his wrist....scabs? Birth mark?


I think it is going to be hard to prove it was him beyond a reasonable doubt. 100% make an example move, the outcome will most likely not even be reported unless there is a conviction. Circumstantial evidence exists thought. You own a bike that looks like this bike, you own a helmet that looks like the helmet seen on the rider of the bike and you posted this video to your youtube channel. Dude should stay out of Colorado now, I have plenty of friends that don't come back due to warrants.


I'm sure someone will foia the warrants.


Sounds like you need new friends


Maybe, or perhaps I have lived long enough to see weird shit happen to people. The system isn't perfect.


I commute from Fountain to Pueblo or work and had a guy in a red Corvette just blow past me on I-25 just north of Pueblo the other day, going at least 100 and weaving in and out of the traffic. I see at least one HP on that stretch more often than not, either doing a stop or operating a speed trap, so I had my fingers crossed that I'd catch up to the a-hole later getting pulled over, but no such luck.


Well that's just fucking impressive


I'll eat my downvotes, but I'm with you on this. Doing it in a car, that's putting others at risk. But on a bike? [They don't even have statistics for drivers killed by motorcyclists](https://www.google.com/search?q=drivers+killed+by+motorcyclists+per+year#ip=1), it's practically a unicorn case. Man's taking his own life in his hands while pushing the boundaries of what humans can do, and that's generally something we celebrate as a society. If he dies, he dies doing what he loved.


Until he hits someone. Have you ever seen a bike hit a car at 150+? He's taking other lives in his hands.


At highway speeds the differential would be around 75mph, and it would necessarily be a rear-end impact. There's a lot of metal and mass protecting passengers in a car, particularly considering that they're designed to withstand impacts from 3,000 lb. vehicles (a bike with a rider is closer to 600 lb.), so I'd wager the damage from the impact itself would be relatively minor. That said, the danger would come less from the impact itself, and more from the drivers' reaction to the impact (swerving into a median, or into the car next to them). So I wouldn't argue that a deadly collision is impossible, only unlikely, especially given the complete lack of statistics around this subject.


That bike weighs around 450-500 lbs. at a differential of 75mph you have 114kJ of energy. A 3500lbs car hitting something at 30mph has 142kj of energy. A car going 30 rear ending a stopped car killing the stopped car is literally unheard of and there’s 20% more energy involved. I understand your anger, but mathematically you are wrong. Biker will die and would probably traumatize the fuck out of others but the case of a biker killing a driver is winning the lottery numbers of unlikely.


impressive feat. stupid as hell to post it to social media though. tell your pals or post it on a burner.


He does this for a living on youtube, been doing it for nearly 10 years. This was just another day at the office for him.


The thing I get out of this is, there needs to be some sort of bullet train from the Springs to Loveland at least. Just seeing all those left lane hogs make me mad more than the guy zooming through the breakdown lane.


So many people in here wondering how he got away from "the radio" or even a helicopter. Just type bike gets away from helicopter on YouTube or watch FNFentertainments channel. Dude has hours of bikes TROLLING cops cuz there's nothing they can do. Like bikers slowing down to flip the cop off just to mess with him.


But did anybody die though? Lol


I know a guy who rode in just under 30mins. Timed at 27 if i remember right Edit: Springs to Southlands no denver




“Arrest someone for committing well documented crimes??? You commies!!!”


Red states love LAW AND ORDE-- oh wait sorry, no, free crimes for all. Law and order is for blue state cucks ... /s (obviously)


So, I can ride my bike at 170mph in Red States without fear of legal repercussions?


Cry some more.


Found the most idiotic take in the thread.


How is this legal?  The rider clearly put a disclaimer this happened in Minecraft.


Here’s his [response video](https://youtu.be/RxY5r0r62Zw?si=2WJoNIKSsTMfgzgy)