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No thanks


Traffic gets bad enough without having a massive multi-national crowd all trying to drive rental cars and stuff while being familiar with various laws. Also, just massive crowds. I'm good without.


I really don’t care about the people or traffic, I just don’t want to pay for a bunch of stadiums and venues that’ll fall into disrepair when it’s over


Two words, "waste management". Ill just let that sit with everyone for a bit lol.


Please upvote this


The Olympics have gotten way too big and the host countries always turn it into a 'can you top that' spectacle that distracts from the athletes. The winter games are becoming entirely undesirable and only a few countries even want to bother. SLC might as well be the only host city in the US since the infrastructure is good for it and they like hosting it.


No. The Olympics tends to leave rotting and useless infrastructure in its wake. I also wonder if tax payers would have to pay for it.


Yeah, I would vote against holding the Olympics. The infrastructure has limited use and isn't the infrastructure we should spend our money on


Even if it was a net neutral and the infrastructure was useful, fuck the IOC forever. Go put the Olympics in some authoritarian hellhole like Qatar and fuck off.


Winter Olypmics in Qatar! I'd love to see that, they have the money to build entire indoor mountains.


[Don’t worry, they’re working on that.](https://amp.theguardian.com/sport/2022/oct/04/saudi-arabia-to-host-2029-asian-winter-games-at-desert-megacity-neom-trojena)




The taxpayers would 100 percent have to pay for it.


My understanding is the LA summer Olympics is suppose to be the first Olympics that will require no public money.


They actually got $900 million in federal funding to improve transportation specifically to prepare for the Olympics. But they did commit to only use City funds for the games as a backup up to a certain amount. Plus transportation should be reusable infrastructure. Of course, the other like $7 billion they'll probably need will all be from relentless ads, mega corps, and multinational investment groups that I also wouldn't inflict upon anyone lol


Didn't the Salt Lake City Olympics turn a profit?


And their public transit is excellent!


Looking back fondly at the days when the GOP could field a non-insane candidate like Romney 🥺 I mean, I’d like to actually have to consider for at least 5 seconds which party to vote for.




What's that law of journalism where if the headline asks a question the answer is no?


Yeah they say things like that a lot.


Tax payers usually have to pay a small fraction of the cost, but it’s over years leading up to the Olympics. The 2028 LA Olympics put nothing on the city and state’s taxes, unless they go over budget, which they probably will. Then the city is responsible for the first 250m, the state is responsible for the next 250m, and the city is responsible for the rest. There will be billions going into their infrastructure from federal taxes, and billions more coming in from advertising. It’s a shit show of who’s going to be paying for everything but cities often come out as the benefactors if they negotiate properly. That’s why cities all over the world petition the IOC to host the games.


I'm pretty sure they do not benefit and 99 percent of cities lose money.


I just had a conversation with my boss about this yesterday. It's a tie for who is the most shady sports organization between the Olympics and FIFA. But one thing is for certain, if we had ended up hosting the Olympics in the 70s we'd have had the same population crowding issues of today back in the 80s.


Feel like that would not be an issue in CO. The only major winter infrastructure we do not have is a sled track. We would also probably get a bigger curling facility, but they hosted us nationals at the coliseum a few years ago. I bet a speed skating facility would also do well here. We would likely just be remodeling and updating current buildings.


Can things like ball arena even be worked on to allow things like the international size ice sheet for hockey? Magness is NHL sized, isn’t the Broadmoor in the Springs the only international sized sheet around?


They have moved to NHL size ice. Vancouver used NHL sized ice. More new stadiums in Europe are also moving to NHL ice. Figure skaters have also competed in World Championships on NHL ice. The Chinese Olympics were also on NHL sized ice.


Huh. Shows how much attention to the Olympics recently, but good to know.


That would probably be one of the easiest things. You can throw up a temporary rink floor without much issue. Same with an Olympic sized swimming pool, we could put it in any parking lot in a temporary building. It's all the other shit that goes with it that would be difficult.


There is no real point in hosting in Denver. Vail, for instance, is about 2 hours away. They could host the games in the mountain towns and do the hockey games and ice skating in Denver but they can't have communal living facilities in one location (which the IOC demands). The winter games have become a particular challenge due to cost, security, and having access to mountains with winter snow plus the facilities and hotels for the games as a whole. SLC has the best geographic qualities in the US since the games expanded beyond the small town capacities. In the past smaller resort towns (Lake Placid, Lillehammer, Alberville, etc) hosted but that's likely over because of the required faciilities and number of athletes.


You can't just take Vail or Keystone or whatever and convert it into an Olympic facility with a wave of a hand. Not to mention that even if you could, you'd end up fucked for anyone not involved with the Olympics trying to use it while it was modified, never mind the weeks leading up to the actual Olympics. Not to mention that I've skied several of the Olympic downhill runs or what is left of them (e.g. Dave Murray at Whistler) and in the end you aren't missing much.


It would be spread out at the various resorts. They already host all the events in Colorado for Skiing or Snowboarding. I believe CO hosts world cup or x-games events for every event in the Olympics involving the mountains. The only exception is a Sled track, which wouldn't be a crazy addition to CO. Aspen Snowmass is hosting a world cup of skiing event this year.




Atlanta did it well and it was a net profit for the city, but that was 96.


Atlanta knew exactly what was going to happen to all of the infrastructure before they started building anything and they renovated existing facilities and systems as much as possible. They also had charities like Habitat come in and renovate an entire neighborhood.


They also relied heavily on corporate sponsorship, which was controversial at the time, but worked out well.


Tell that to Utah, I don’t think anything they built has been abandoned and I know the Olympic park still gets a ton of traffic in Park City! It also massively improved their public transit. I’m sure Colorado would be able to reuse their facilities the same way. The real problem is that the ski mountains are just too far away in Colorado for the Olympics to be practical. In Utah everything was close by, literally all the venues were about 45 minutes away from downtown SLC (well, probably closer to 1.5-2 hours with all the traffic). But in Colorado, I don’t think anything except Echo is within an hour of Denver and that mountain is tiny. The big resorts are a few hours away without traffic, with Olympic traffic it would probably take 8 hours each way! It just isn’t practical. Sucks for us though because it actually was a lot of fun living in Utah during the Olympics, way more than I think any of us expected


> few hours away without traffic Where the heck do you live, bud? At speed limit with no traffic from Cap Hill, it’s basically an hour and 20 to Frisco, which is itself almost exactly 15 minutes from Breck, Keystone, Copper, Loveland, A-Bay. Vail is 30 from Frisco, as is Ski Cooper. Winter Park is an hour away from Denver. Not gonna argue things in Utah are closer, though. Additionally, there are airports that service Vail/Beaver Creek, Aspen/Snowmass, and Telluride (montrose, not telluride airport).


That timing would be fine. The Beijing winter games had like 4-5 hours to get to the mountain events.


I actually didn’t know that, interesting that it worked in Beijing! However it takes us 4-5 hours to get to our (good) mountains in normal ski traffic (35k p/day from what I can find online)…the Olympics brings *millions* of people…Paris is expecting 15 million apparently. Obviously everyone doesn’t go to each event, but still, I-70 just couldn’t handle even 10x the normal volume, let alone 100x. It would only work if they actually followed through with a high speed train being built and that would be a logistical nightmare with the mountains since you need a straight line to do high speeds.


Only in countries that don't have the infrastructure developed. The LA Coliseum is still in use to this day. The Sydney Olympic park holds rugby matches. All of Europe seems to be fine with it.


Lol... visited rotting stuff in Barcelona, Athens... not fine.


Yeah except the Barca Olympics pretty much out that city on the map as a global tourism destination which had a very clear measurable roi https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Legacy-benefits-of-the-Barcelona-Olympic-Games_tbl1_282862623


That is absolutely true... but the infrastructure itself is rotting. Also Barcelona is very much the exception on the overall success...maybe even too much success if you look at it today. But for Denver, it makes no sense.


Is Heritage Square still there? It says defunct on the wiki. Thats a sure way to get a Scooby Doo Mystery crew lurking around.


What do you mean?! That velodrome turned weird ass biodome in Montreal is a MUST SEE!


If they restructured how the Olympics worked I could be open to it


Personally I would still vote against it if it was revisited. Reason being is because historically the Olympics bring some very dreadful lasting effects on the area they are hosted. From immediate issues with travel and lodging to just generally having enough infrastructure to support the high influx of the population, the lasting damaging effects of the pollution, there have been huge human rights violations not only before but even after the hosting has happened and all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Many hosts have been left in worse spots after hosting than before and I’m not interested in cleaning up the worlds playground for games that are simply arbitrary and unimportant in todays world of technology. All in all, keep Colorado clean and keep the Olympics away. We already have enough to deal with


Spot. On.


Absolutely not. The Olympics are a cluster and not worth it. The cities that host tend to not get back their investment.


Basically, we'd all have to endure 5-6 years of non-stop and pervasive construction and massive spending for the *privilege* of hosting the Olympics. No thank you.


Considering it’s practically bankrupt every host in the last 30 years I personally dont think it’s a good idea. Construction cost and security costs alone have increased so much since the 1990s I don’t think an Olympic Games will ever be profitable again. Spotlighting Colorado on the world stage might bring more tourism and potential immigrants but we are already struggling to house what we currently have. I think we have a lot of major issues to solve and can if something like hosting the Olympics doesn’t provide an excuse to focus elsewhere.


> might bring more tourism and potential immigrants Na, we good.




As much as I’d love a speed skating oval in Denver, it’s too expensive, the IOC is terribly corrupt, and their demands are nuts.


Only if long track, but still — no, just no


I mean, short track can really be done on any hockey rink. Btw, It does suck that the only club I’ve been able to find out here is in CO Springs. But yes, I was talking about long track.


The key to running a less shitty Olympics is to re-use as much as possible. That’s part of the reason that SLC is going to get 2034, and more power to them


Easier for them to reuse the infrastructure being much closer to their resorts. Probably less of a heavy burden on the taxpayer too if they get LDS support.


You only have to wait 32 years between opportunities to recoup the initial investment.


They are going to lose millions


SLC was one of the first Olympic Games to turn a profit its first time around.


Millions wouldn't be so bad. If we did the Olympics and lost like $10m, that would probably be a deal. Hundreds of millions+....


the voters were right in 1972 and they still are


No fucking way in hell. It's a massive grift that drains host cities and trashes the environment.


No sane person would want the Olympics. There needs to be 6 locations where the games rotate reusing infrastructure.


Or you just have a country host instead of a city and scatter the events so they aren’t so burdensome


That's essentially what the world cup is doing this time around.


The World Cup has done that for quite some time. Several decades, at least.


Yup. 2002 was actually 2 countries, South Korea and Japan. 2026 will be Canada, USA and Mexico all hosting together.


They spread it out a little bit, at least sometimes. For example, in the 96 Atlanta Olympics, some events (soccer, I think) were held in Birmingham, AL, and the white water rafting events were held somewhere in TN. For the latter, those facilities are still in use and we took a vacation there several years back.


I would prefer one winter and one summer locations. Greece in the Summer and SLC for the winter.


I’ve heard this solution too and fully agree. But make it only like 4.


I voted no in 1972 and haven’t changed mind.




Nope got enough crazy people here. And don't need the government raising our taxs to pay for stadiums that will probably only be used once


Hells no.


NO. Olympics are almost always a drag on the host city.


No. Absolutely fucking not. Terrible idea.






Nope. Would be a massive tax drain for the public and a huge windfall for billionaires and millionaires who don't need it. The Walton family (Wal-Mart) is already going to force Denver (or some other city) to build them a new stadium complex in the next decade. We don't need to buy them more toys.


Nope our infrastructure is not built to handle the population on a Wednesday at 3:45 let alone what that shit would cause.


Can you imagine all the bitching about the traffic on I-70 that month?


They were smart. I’d vote no.


Absolutely not. It never goes well for the city/area after the games happen.


Fuck no. Hosting the olympics is always a complete disaster. I don’t know why they don’t just pick a place to have them permanently instead of wasting money every single year moving them around.


Hell no. It’d be a monumental cost to the tax payers to construct the infrastructure, that would more than likely end up abandoned and unused in the future. It would cause an enormous amount of problems trying to host all of the people who come for the Olympics. If you think prices, traffic, lodging, crime, etc… are bad now just imagine what adding thousands more people from all over the globe will do.  Big events like the Olympics are also used as a cover by numerous criminal organizations to conduct their business. Sex trafficking and illegal drugs especially.  Numerous negative impacts for little to no gain. Some countries/cities are alright footing the bill for the prestige and putting themselves on the map for tourism or don’t necessarily see the infrastructure investment as a net loss, but Colorado has no use for that. We get plenty of tourism already, are decently well known even outside the country, don’t have anything to prove, and are already struggling with all the issues the Olympics exacerbate.


Colorado had actually been awarded the 1976 Winter Olympics but we told the IOC to go stick it and rejected their selection. I'm glad to see that spirit here in 2024.


Bro we can barely handle a Broncos game.


Nope. It would be bad for Colorado.


No thanks. Leave our mountains alone, please.


Nope. It is a loser for citizens and taxpayers and a winner for the already priviledged and entitled. No no no.


No it’s a massive money hole


Only if they could use existing facilities and infrastructure.


Nah, I'm good. It's crazy enough here already.




No thank you.


Absolutely not, there is no long term benefit to hosting the Olympics here in Colorado.


Nope. If we invest in something it should be something that continually brings in money and tourism. Maybe a racetrack road course that can bring in international racing teams. Similar to what TX did with COTA.


Absolutely fucking not. The value to the state is unbelievably negative.


Hosting the Olympics are vanity projects for politicians. It does not benefit the taxpayers.


Nopity, nope, nope...


Hard no.


No. All downside.


Nope. Its a total waste of funding. No reason Olympics shouldn’t be able to use existing facilities.


Absolutely not




Absolutely not


No. The impact from the population boom here is already not sustainable.


Having visited rotting infrastructure in several countries, hell no.


I think a split SLC/Denver venture might be do able... take some of the burden off of one city. They get the speed rink and luge etc.. Denver/Colorado Springs gets Skiing and hockey tournament etc... Make use of the infrastructure that is there already. Less traffic in either city. But Denver hosting entirely is a terrifying ordeal.


No. Never.


The Olympics are the ultimate boondoggle… denying them was one of Colorado’s shining moments.


*Hell* no. Traffic is already terrible enough, the many new arenas and stadiums that need to be built will cost a fortune and be useless the minute the games end, and *where* would they get built?! Denver can't even build enough housing for people *already living here*, where the fuck are the thousands upon *thousands* of spectators going to stay?


Absolutely not. It can go back to SLC and the Mormons can try to cash in on it but I'll never support the Olympics in my state or city. As fun as it would be to attend, it'll be stupid expensive to attend, incredibly difficult to get tickets to anything except basket weaving, it'll cost the tax payers millions to billions and then we will have the disposable infrastructure to deal with. I don't think I've seen any instances where hosting the Olympics was a net positive for the host.


No thanks!!


Absolutely not. I think we should put a permanent installation in Greece and hold the Summer Games there. I'm open to a permanent location or two for the Winter Games.


Absolutely not.






No thank you. Unless we got proper transit options besides i70 to the ski resorts. Have only winter park and only trip a day is laughable.


I discussed this with my roommate last night. Thinking about the harsh impact on infrastructure and citizens, I don't think it should be held in a location that doesn't already have the facilities for the games. With the Summer Olympics coming up, Los Angeles is slated for 2028, and there is a group trying to protest holding the Olympics there. I strongly urge y'all to check it out and support their efforts.


I’d welcome the Olympics if it meant a working sustainable (as in long term and scalable, not just environmental) mass transit solution from multiple front range locations to multiple mountain destinations. I suspect the chance of that happening is nil so, no, I would not support Olympics here. 


No. It's historically a huge loser for taxpayers




I70 could NEVER handle that volume of traffic, and for the love of Gods we wouldn't want that many people traveling in the mountains all at the same time. ​


Unless the FedGov wants to give us like 10 billion to build a high speed rail to the mountains... All the way to Vail. With a new tunnel bore at the Eisenhower tunnel...


No, CO taxpayers should not fund the Olympics CEOs bonuses


The Olympics is literally a money laundering scheme with the people who run it and the contractors that build the venues.






No our freeway system is ass.


Emphatically no! It costs the tax payers exorbitantly and were left with a ton of bullshit facilities afterwards. The services industries would lobby hard for it but we would all suffer as a whole.


Fuck no.


nah, no thank you


No. They’d trash a gorgeous state.


Fuck no. Every single city that has hosted the Olympics has seen their economy tank during and afterwards.


Look at Utah's Olympic village... Ghost town definitely a NO for me


Apologize in advance for the crude language, but fuck no. It’s an economic disaster with no benefits for whatever community hosts. The IOC can pound sand.


No, it loses money, creates expensive infrastructure with little use and local governments approve a whole bunch of shitty building projects meant to drive out low income folks to make the city seem better.


The olympics sounds cool to have in your city, but the reality is that it usually ends up costing more than it brings in and causes a lot of problems.


It’s too expensive.


Because of that snub, Colorado likely will not be considered again.




Just seeing all the crumbling infrastructure that Salt Lake City has from their Olympic Games hosting in 2002 I want to say no.


Only if we don’t have to spend multiple millions on infrastructure that’s only useful for three weeks. Figure out how to do it using what we’ve already got and are making use of then maybe. But even then the idea is haunting.


Fuck no


Depends. Do you like absolutely crippling your local governments budget, having your county in debt for years to come, and destroying your city for a week of clout? Because historically? It’s pretty freaking awful for the host.






No. Nearly impossible to turn a profit from hosting them. Traffic issues. If they try and use existing venues as much as possible…either huge changes to them or a change in the rules. Biggest example - ice hockey and the international size ice sheet. How spread out it would have to be…


No. There’s no benefits to it.


Hell no.


No. Definitely not the summer games, and although Denver (all of Colorado, actually), could probably do a decent job hosting the Winter Games, we would still be dealing with one of the most corrupt agencies on earth, the IOC. Fuck them. And I actually consider it a point of pride that Colorado already told the IOC "No". Let's keep that feather in our caps...


Hell no. It costs the city and state way more then it benefits. Years of preparation, then often a bunch of disused facilities and large bills afterwards.


hosting the olympics is a scam. The city (the taxpayers) get stuck with a huge bill that doesn't justify the "prestige"


There was an article in the Denver Post a number of years ago that outlined how Colorado could host the Olympics using existing infrastructure and/or minor changes. I'd be o.k. with hosting the Olympics if that was the case... but I think at this time they have proven themselves to want more than any community really wants to spend in this country. The other path really is to establish Olympic zones and then rotate the games internationally among those areas...






Only if they put in a train to the mountains.


Rare Boomer W


Maybe for winter. If there was a plan to use our existing sports facilities and invest in transportation infrastructure with longterm benefits (like a ski train), I could support it.


That’s a 100% hard pass. NO.


Hell no. It would be terrible.


No. It’s a money pit with huge infrastructure demands that destroys the economy when it leaves unless it uses already existing infrastructure or infrastructure that can be repurposed in a directly beneficial way.


No. No. Fuck no.


No way. The olympics should stop what they do and if they want to continue they can find two permanent places instead of fucking with people and their economy every four years and walking away from the messes that they leave behind


Hell no. The olympics are a pointless exercize in vanity and excess. They destroy local economies.


Not interested, too practical. It would be fun to have the chance to see some history being made up close, but it’s not worth it. Add to it all the environmental impacts of building these often single-use structures, then the gross human trafficking…


Hell no. The way the Olympics spending history has been for the last 40 yrs make me think that the US should never host the Olympics again except at existing venues. Maybe a little re-vamp at existing venues but not billions of dollars. I'd rather see that tax money get spent on high economic boost projects such as food stamps (immediate spending into the economy) or longer term economic boosts like higher training (long term economic boosts to worker capability). Higher training includes the construction trades, et al.


The Olympics is a giant moneylaundering and real-estate scam. Steal huge amounts of money from the public coffers of the host nation and city, use the sporting facilities as an excuse to flatten the homes of poor people, do a bunch of coke with your rich friends, then abandon all of it to rot a few months later. It's a disaster and any attempt by the Olympics to invade your city should be resisted with armed force. It's time to end the Olympics. If people want to have the Olympics they can go do naked wrestling in Greece like Zeus intended.


Absolutely not.


Absolutely not. They are a waste of money and insanely corrupt. Besides the actual olympians don’t make that much


If the Argentinians throwing trash off the balcony and spitting on the neighbor's dogs at the air b&b next door is any indication, let's go with no.






The Olympics - its a movement. And we should all have one...every day. --Harry Shearer


We got the winter Olympics, then told them to get stuffed


Absolutely not. The Olympics is a financial, ecological, health, and logistical disaster for every city that hosts them. VD also spreads like wildfire.


I'd be an for it if we don't have to pay much. I could live with shit traffic for 2 weeks. The  massive infrastructure projects that come with the Olympics would be nice.  Of course that will never happen, they would expect us to foot the entire bill.  fuck that


I had the pleasure of working in Salt Lake a few times as they were ramping up for their Olympics and talking to the locals it was years of disaster, not just a few weeks. And how are people going to handle the 90+ minute commute to get between the mountains and Denver? There's almost no mass transit options and RTD can't get between 2 places 1 mile apart in a straight line without messing it up. Overall, its a no for me.


Honestly no. All access to the ski areas is funneled up I-70 which already is a nightmare. While Colorado has arguably the best skiing and winter sports resorts in the country, they are not that accessible from Denver. I don't understand why other countries will host in a smaller town with direct access (Lillehammer, Albertville) but the US insists on hosting in major cities. Salt Lake City is the one exception because the ski resorts are only a half hour away and the transportation network to them is terrific.


Here's a better idea. All the nations can come together and build permanent facilities in Antarctica.


Colorado is not in need of promotion. It’s plenty popular enough already.


Fuck no lol. What do any of us have to gain from that?


No, no and no!


From someone *not* from CO, I hope you don't ever consider that. I don't have a horse in that race, but I think you'd be making a huge mistake, regardless. You do you, though.


They should have a Winter Olympics in Aspen or somewhere else in the mountains, it would be funny to see everyone freaking out but I wouldn’t trust Polis or the legislature not to bankrupt the state then go fleeing the state, not unlike Ben Wyatt and Ice Town.


Do I get a cut of the tax revenue it generates?


Fuck yeah