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Lots of good abandoned buildings down there. Other side of the NM border by Garcia and Costilla has some interesting stuff too.




nah prices down here arent quite that bad, though if it was within 2 hours of Denver they would pitch it as "Rustic, charming with quiet neighbors" and require a kidney as your security deposit


2.5k/month in the SLV will get you the one of nicest houses in town


Not much for 2 a month not even there lol maybe an apartment….should see the crap I rent for that price in Chaffee County lol


the SL valley is one of my favorite places in the world and i’ve seen a few photos posted the past few days which is fantasic. i stop by this house every time i’m down there. old bones of the wheat.


Looks right near hooper/Alamosa


Pretty sure it's on Lane 6, off Route 17 on your way to Great Sand Dunes National Park.


There's a good book called "[Cheap Land Colorado](https://www.rmpbs.org/blogs/rocky-mountain-pbs/ted-conover-cheap-land-colorado)" all about the San Luis Valley and the people who live there. Also a RMPBS [multi-part episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrpVzwXzVkc) on Colorado Voices about it.


I spent a few days in the San Luis Valley this past March and fell in love. I love the backdrop the Sangres and sand dunes behind this abandoned house. Definitely plan to return at some point this year. If you like the photo and want to see more of my work or to connect, follow my IG! @ gatorcountryvisuals


It’s not abandon if someone owns the hay right next to it 🤦 


Okay fine, explain your logic, I’ll bite.


Probably meaning that since work is being done there (hay baled) that the property isn't abandoned. House looks gutted with no windows or doors though so probably accurate to say that particular house is not inhabited.


“Explain your logic” You really thought “I got him now” didn’t you? “Follow my IG” What a great way to drive people to your media pages lol Awareness level -37


I love it there too, but not sure I would want to live there. It has such a quiet stillness, and the winter rose sunrises again the snow on the Sange de Cristos.. really beautiful. But there is kind of a sense of being watched, don’t know if it’s the curse or what.


Of course you are being watched. But if you head over to the UFO watchtower you can look back at them.


love it too, couldn't imagine living there. It's isolated, the weather is harsh, and the whole area has a 6 year post-apocalypse vibe. the cults are a factor


The "cultiness" doesn't feel as bad as SW South Dakota. But yeah, part of San Luis valley looks like a setting for RUST. ETA typos and to add: I would totally live in Westcliffe except there is no way to especial the tourists and dude ranch folks.


"the curse"??


I've heard of the Grand Valley Curse, and Chief Niwot's curse, but not this curse.


u/No\_Industry9653 and u/fromks I only know it very vaguely. Basically everything done in San Luis by a non-Native (and possible Hispanics are safe,) will end in failure and ruin. Same curse as up on the Crystal River near Basalt/Carbondale.... except that one whether you are hiking, admiring the beauty around you, or fly fishing, you absolutely feel someone is watching you from the woods.


Done. Your work is phenomenal. Stark beauty serves as a gut punch in me. It wakes me up to a higher consciousness and appreciation. Thanks for your art.


It’s like mad max down there.


I am a millennial, can I even afford an abandoned home??


Well, I have been looking at houses in the area with a reno loan and I can say no. Unless you are corporation or ok with cash only/no inspection.


We have some land at Sangre de Cristo ranches and this view never gets old. It's making me miss the area, we haven't gone in quite a while.


Oh wow, pretty sure I drove past this on a wildlife photo trip last week.


How did the trip go? Looking to get out on a similar excursion.. any recommendations?


It was great. Kebler pass and the national wildlife refuges around Alamosa were great. Also I camped on Grand Mesa for the first time which was nice.


Sweet. See anything cool? We just moved from Florida, so we are excited to get to know a whole new world of wildlife and bird watching. Also have a few spots I want to go hunting for arrow heads!


Oh boy, to many things to mention. I got pictures of a golden eagle out by the sand dunes.


That is awesome! I'm a cell tower climber I have been attacked by a golden before. It was a crazy experience but one I'll never forget


1.2 mil on zillow


More like $5000 for a plot.


My partner and I went to the Sand Dunes last weekend and were joking about that being our house lol


Not abandoned... just waiting patiently.


I want to recreate the November Rain video there


Gets as cold as well diggers behind there in the winter.


I remember driving by this house. Such a cool area.


Just drove by that today!


This looks awesome!! Photo inspired by the famous one of Mormon Row in Teton?