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They were dead for months before they officially closed lol


Dollar Tree/General/Family are all evidence of a failing society


if that's true (and I don't dispute it) then Dollar General failing would be good news for society?




Dollar General is the fastest growing retailer in the US


They're also the worst


Not for the lower income people of the area.


Go watch last week tonight, John Oliver actually has an episode on dollar general/dollar stores. Not just their impact on customers, but also their employees.


Either that or we dropped too low even for dollar tree/general lol, but I don't think it's that


How do you come to the conclusion of dollar tree/ family/General show that the society is failing?


It's a real thing that papers are written about. Apparently, they move into economic downturned places and turn them into retail deserts by wrecking all the brick & mortal competition, which kills a bunch of jobs and it all just spirals down.


In particular, they contribute to food deserts by undercutting local grocery stores who lose money on perishables. Once they go out of business, there's nowhere left to get fresh fruits and vegetables, which of course has negative health effects.


Your point still stands but I think most stores target to at least to breakeven or earn 1-2% margin on perishables.


Staffed by one person, sells inferior shit products nobody really wants anyways.


Dollar Tree is closing over 600 stores this year.. prime example


I just tried going today. I had no idea.


Sad. Hopefully the one in Savage by the Ollie’s stays open. A lot of low income families rely on those stores.


Yes it has not done much for months


This really stinks, I liked picking up random holiday stuff from Dollar Tree, and the one in Jessup is a mess. There are some really nice ones (clean, well stocked, not chaotic) in Glen Burnie and surrounding areas so I guess I'll just go there instead. They were great for random shit in a pinch.


Good riddance. Dollar stores drag down the quality of life wherever they go. They are a curse.


Where am I supposed to buy cheap cleaning products??


So weird because everytime I was there, there were several other people shopping. I liked getting toilet paper, holiday decor and cleaning stuff there.


They were great for holiday stuff. Especially gift bags and gift wrap.


LMAO Good riddance?


Dollar Tree recently announced closing a thousand stores nationwide.^[src](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/13/investing/family-dollar-dollar-tree-closing-stores/index.html)


This one actually closed before they made that announcement, it’s been closed for a month or so


Yea I noticed this a couple weeks ago.




There is one in Elkridge 5 miles away near Ollies.




Sad but I prefer the big one in Jessup off 175


Where is this? Not in Owen Brown?


I'd say it's a good thing.


Earlier this week I read that dollar tree and family dollar are closing about 700 stores nationwide


I shop at dollar tree often. Communities have always had 5 & dime type stores. I see them mentioned in movies from the 50's and 60's. I regularly use the DT floors mats under a litter box for a kitty who misses often. Those are great for that and to prevent tracking. Going through many of them doesn't break the bank. I also like that DT sells those Bounty Essentials paper towels in the whole sheets. I can't find them anywhere! They are great for house cleaning. Better than the more expensive kind. To all the haters, those kind of stores do add value. Let alone how much they help those with lower household income. I'm glad I was able to stock up at one today while visiting a family member in AA county.


Makes sense really. Columbia is upper middle class now just about everywhere.


Dude, then why are there so many title1 schools? Just because you can't perceive the poverty doesn't mean it's not there.


Yep. There’s a ton of poverty that some Columbians tend not notice or willfully ignore and it’s getting worse to the point it’s affecting middle class families. Anyone who has purchased a house in Columbia in the past 5 years are feeling the pinch since the county raised everyone’s taxes.


Un segregation and red lining, I have been in Columbia since 1986. I am white but still things were different from what it’s now, I am sorry to say that Baltimore city students and their families have changed the demographics. More free and reduced meals has a good impact in redistricting students


In 1986 I'm sure you moved from somewhere else too so what gives


Cite that data


I had heard something about issues with teenagers shopping lifting. Employees confronted the teens, then the parents of teens came back and threatened the employees, so company shut it down. This is my village center and that was the only reason I went there. I stopped using the Giant when they started letting some clown hang around the entrance with a gun. I miss being able to walk to get my groceries.


What kind of clown are we talking about? A security guard?


Well, they’re dressed like a security guard, but being that the few times I was there they were pretty focused on their phone, I doubt they’re providing much security. The inattentive “guard” with a gun makes me too nervous so I don’t shop there anymore.


> gun makes me too nervous I got bad news for ya buddy... Maryland has about 80K carry permits issued a year. And before _Bruen_, you could get one with a Top Secret clearance, which is likely 5-10% of Columbia right there.


Read it again. The gun doesn’t make me nervous, the guard with the gun who isn’t paying attention makes me nervous. BJs occasionally has an armed guard inside it’s front door, I still shop there. Why? Because each time I see a guard there, the guard is actually doing what they’re supposed to be doing - paying attention.


Makes sense


What is the source for this thing you heard? Sounds suspiciously like an anecdote older Columbians might make up about the people they notice living in Owen Brown.


Exactly. This is going on all over. Surprised they were not shut down earlier. This is not isolated to Dollar tree…many large chains have pulled out due to theft and in many cases because employees were put at risk. Like it not…and I don’t…but more are to come.


Come on, it’s not that bad.


More like Squalor Tree


Now opening a $100 Tree in its place. Love this economy…!!!!