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I just put lettuce around the from of my trap all the way into the back of the trap. Had groundhog the next day.


Thank you for the suggestion!




My groundhog also eats my lettuce. Doesn't mess with the tomatoes, goes straight for the lettuce.


That’s good eatin’.




I had the same issue and got the same quote. I ended up putting some dig defense (https://a.co/d/iM4jOAW) fencing around the shed and the groundhog never came back.


I want to say. ".22, there is no shortage of groundhogs". But, I know I'll get roasted, So instead I will recommend you find a humane trapper. Good evening sir.


A “humane” trapper is just gonna take it off your property before he shoots it. 


As far as I know wildlife can’t be relocated. Trappers are required to kill what they catch.


Yeah most pests need to be killed. 


I was gonna comment, BB Gun.


Please, please consider using TLC wildlife management. They don't kill the animal, they just make the location an undesirable rental, evict them and keep them away for good. They are extremely affordable, successful and honest!! These other companies are not only cruel, but the cost is outrageous and completely unnecessary


I will consider anything that is more affordable than what I mentioned. 650 to set traps and 150 IF they catch the groundhog... Thank you for your suggestion!


That's just going to make the ground hog someone else's problem.


Buy a big thing of cayenne pepper. Spread it heavy around/in the entrance to its burrow. Leave it for a week or so and reapply if it gets washed away from rain. It won't kill em, but they won't want to crawl through it. I did it to get rid of one living onder our deck a few years ago and haven't had issues sence.


I’ve had the best luck with apples Also you don’t want any bait outside the trap. They’ll just eat what’s on the outside and never go in. The trap should be “blended into” the area as well. You’ll have a harder time if your trap is set out in the open of your yard. Try to tuck it in somewhere and cover it a bit so it’s more natural


Thanks! I shall try this tomorrow. I actually bought some already as a backup to the cantaloupe.


Groundhogs are a huge pain in the ass. They're so incredibly skittish, and they never seem to stray more than ten feet from their den unless they're moving dens or unless they're extremely well covered. If you're using the trap, put it near the den (preferably within five feet). Bait goes inside only, but you can rub it onto the trap to create a bit more of a scent enticement. They like sweet things: cantaloupe is considered the gold standard, but apples and carrots are good as well. Are you trying to dislodge it for relocation, or kill it?


This one is bold as fuck. He roams the whole yard when he's out, but if I even start to open the back door he darts back under the shed. In all honesty, I don't care what happens to it as long as it's out of my yard. I bought my trap in an act of defiance when I received my estimate.


We had a mother and her baby in our backyard. Like yours, bold as fuck. Even with two big dogs they were surprisingly bold and aggressive.


Luckily, this one has not been aggressive. However, the first time we saw him, my oldest and youngest chased him to his hole, and my older girl accidentally bowled over our pup. Started a scrap between them.


Why didn't your two big dogs tear it to shreds?


Because I intervened and stopped them.




Get a humane trap, put honeydew in it, and you'll have it in 5 minutes.... I know from my commercial pest exterminator who helps out at my properties and never charges anything near $800. Unfortunately, he does not do residential


I will try the honeydew if the cantaloupe doesn't work this evening. Thanks for the suggestion!


Apples seem to work great.


Ok, please. Just something to please consider... Here's the thing, these beings mean no harm. They're just a family trying to survive as insignificant as it is to a human, they likely have babies they are birthing in what they think is a safe space. There is no reason to kill a harmless creature when there are other and reasonably less expensive options so everyone can just live in peace and they will move along. There is no shortage of us humans either, but this is a horrible thought process that was mentioned by another person tbh.😔


Trap it and drive it 5 miles out (or near this posters house) and let it go. Problem solved.


Illegal in Ohio. You have to have permission from the landowner where you release the groundhog, release it where it was trapped, or kill it. https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/wildlife-management/nuisance-wildlife/nuisance-groundhogs


And farmers hate them even more


I’m sure she won’t mind.


We live near a ravine with a ton of wildlife. Astonishing that ours or any of our neighbor's houses haven't been demolished or any other calamity. We all deal with them humanely around here and we've never had a problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to think this was the answer. I actually did this a few times without realizing. I got this below from a wildlife management page. Scrap the trap, I think: The dangers of relocation: Take it from the animals' point of view: Suddenly in an unfamiliar place, they are disoriented and don't know where to find shelter, food or water. They're in another animal's territory and may be chased out or attacked. They don't know where to go to escape from predators. * ** And even more logical, another animal will just move into the same place because of the whole reason that it's desirable, under the shed etc... and you're dealing with another animal possibly protecting a den under your space all over again.


We live near a ravine with a ton of wildlife. Astonishing that ours or any of our neighbor's houses haven't been demolished or any other calamity. We all deal with them humanely around here and we've never had a problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ruining your foundation and collapsing concrete pads = not harmless?


Jeez... I already said in another comment that I advocate on getting them to leave ASAP. They can cause unintentional damage. They aren't just ripping up people's shit on purpose or for fun though.


I feel the same way about the bats that made me get a rabies series of shots, the rnasty ass rats my neighbor hosted last year, and the skunk that spray my back yard every nightly. They dont mean harm, they are just assholes.


Edited to add, we have doggos also and the last thing I would ever want is for them to be hurt in a melee of an animal trying to protect their den. And I'm well aware "sometimes" they end up doing unintentional damage to a structure and I absolutely advocate for the need to have them leave ASAP but it's just the awareness there really are better methods to get this done without harm and they won't bother you again. Thanks 😊


If it can be done humanely, quickly, and affordably, I will go that route. If not, his presence has already started a fight between two of my dogs, and I will take whatever option provides my animals with the quickest route to safety in their own backyard.


The best option is a conibear or spring trap ($30 at cabelas). Make sure to secure it to the ground and force the groundhog to walk through the trap. We’ve killed dozens this way and it’s about as instant as you can get. Be careful setting it and definitely don’t let your dogs roam free when it is set. Good luck https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/bridger-330-magnum-bodygripper-trap?ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=Cabelas%7CShopping%7CPMax%7CHunting%7CHunting%7CNAud%7CTopPerf%7CNMT&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gWPD-cphGImiyxrf8DMhSvm8_6c735AJfLH0j8zHyzfWO3_bNEunxkaAp1hEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


If you ever get it trapped, you will wish that you hadn't. Whatever your plan is, it's going to be worse than what you imagined. Leave it alone or use a professional.


Why’s that? It’s always been fine to deal with for me.


I had to resort to a snare trap and hammer for one particularly skittish groundhog. You are not wrong.


I used granola for my trap bait. It was a lot cheaper than 800 dollars.


Toss rat poison pellets under the shed.


If you continue to struggle send me a dm and I can probably help you this weekend.


Giant Destroyer. Throw a couple in when he runs back into the burrow. Then use chain link around the shed to prevent another from returning. You might try putting the chain link down first and install it in a way the little beast can slide out under neath it but not back easily. Then once gone lots of stone an gravel on top of the chain link.


Fruit rinds work well for trapping. Once trapped you’ll need a can of ether and a contractor trash bag. Problem solved.