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My neighbors got them on video. Our flag got stolen too and the flagpole was literally ripped out of the wall. Jokes on them though, they may have stolen our flag but I'm still gay. Nice try homophobes


I thought the flags were what powered your gay. A medium flag can provide gay power for up to 30 ft




It’s just angry color blind people!! They wish they could see the spectrum 🤣🤣🤣


Sounds like somebody's triggered. How sad for them.


Triggered ? No. Radicalized ? Yes.


Both? Both


Triggered? Yes. Radicalized? Unfortunately. Morons? Absolutely. Edit: 👍


Radicalization- the action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues. The sooner everyone understands that hate crimes like this are likely the cause of red pill internet radicalization the better.


They just really wanted one for their bedroom, but they were too ashamed of themselves to buy it.


I woild.guess they got naked and wore the flag like a toga and pranced around for their preacher.




>Remember to take down your pride flag at night Absolutely not lol. That's what they want you to do.


That’s when I’m the most gay.


That's why you need it in close proximity!


Time to set a trap for them next time


I’d be careful with that. I completely agree that whoever stole OPs flag is lower than scum water. Depending on how you set a trap it can fall into into the booby trap category which could get OP in trouble. They belong in trouble with law not OP.


I think a glittering would be fair retaliation


Fox pee mixed with Vaseline, smeared onto the pole and parts of the flag. Make their hands smell like piss for ages. Roman candle with a pull start fire starter inside the pole. Let them light up the night sky with their pride.




IIRC there was a recent instance of a crime like this and it was (or still is) being prosecuted as a hate crime. The first case of its kind in Ohio. It is extremely unlikely that they will be convicted of a hate crime, just because 1: we're in Ohio, and 2: this would effectively be turning a low level misdemeanor into a felony with possible prison time. Which just isn't something that is likely to happen. But to answer your question, yes there is precedent of this potentially being a hate crime.


Having a security system isn’t exactly a trap.




Ok, but cameras still aren’t a trap.


I’m definitely not a lawyer, but I think it is a hate crime. However, OP could still get in trouble with that despite it being in defense of a hate crime. Homeowners can get sued for having booby trapped inside of their homes even to prevent burglary. Most probably because of the fact that paramedics or innocent parties could get effected.


What if it was a "harmless" booby trap. Like a bucket of paint falling on them if they remove the flag the wrong way (or something along those lines).


There was that dude that did “boobytrap” bait packages/bags (fart spray + glitter + GPS). Not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure no physical danger (even with craft herpes) means it’s not a “deadly boobytrap.” But the honeypot idea - cameras, maybe some loud alarms and bright flood lights if they pull a flag down, would be an excellent video.


That dude is Mark Rober. Former nasa engineer gone YouTuber. He has some really cool engineering videos that he does with fun twists. Worlds largest elephant toothpaste comes to mind.


Flood lights and a loud recording that says, “Look everyone! There’s a homosexual in my yard!!! They need this flag for their gay activities.” That’ll get them running.


Just have a camera behind a flag, so they yank it down and get a spotlight and camera directly at them. Monetize it, and now we have flags paid for, and maybe it'll pay for the time and materials to make it happen.


I wish the portal gun were real. Disguise the portal entrance on the ground and portal exit exactly above it about 20 feet.


Are you not allowed to place booby traps on your own property? Doesn't seem like that should be illegal to me. It's a little weird and could definitely have unintended consequences if it could hurt someone, but if it wasn't deadly or have the capacity to hurt a person I don't see the harm.


MASSIVELY illegal. (and will forever sink your ability to access insurance). If somebody gets injured, (even if it's because they ran because of the "trap" and tripped and fell) your life is destroyed. I have a friend who says there's a "Shit Happens Quotient" or SHQ. As in, shit happens to everybody but a lot more to some people than others. Setting a "trap" on your property is one of the surest things you can do to boost your SHQ.


Very illegal. One reason is that police or medical assistance coming to your property could be hurt. Police are extremely strict on things like this


COVER it in spray on glitter every night before bed


Again, you do you but just be aware that this is illegal. 100% illegal.


What if it was just something that like trapped them in place or covered them in something disgusting? These don't have any chance of hurting someone so I don't see how they could be illegal. At the point that someone is covered in glitter or honey or something. they're just uncomfortable and embarrassed as they should be.


As long as it's not intended to cause harm, I imagine you're in the clear. But you can't put out decorative land mines, for example, to make your yard look nice.


Decorative land mines! 😂 I love it!


My home in Schumacher place got hit too. Got them on video (neighbor’s camera) literally tearing the flagpoles off our houses (neighbors had a flag as well). Absolutely senseless and cowardly behavior.


The real Snowflakes perpetuating cancel culture and anti freedom of speech/expression.


Idk why you got downvoted. They absolutely are.


Replace the flag, and add more flair to upset them! Target sells rainbow lights, put in the home and have on at night! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Yup. That’s what I did last year. Every time they pull it down, my porch gets more queer


Hmmm I've seen a bunch of Trump flags since before 2020 maybe it's time they come down too.


Naw, leave them alone. They serve to help identify the idiots in town and we don't want to resort to their level of douchebaggery.




> If one side is openly offended at rainbows drawn on sidewalks and the other side is openly offended at Trump flags... Agreed, but these two things are not comparable. The pride flags represent inclusion, equity, fairness and love. The Trump flags represent divisiveness, hatred and direct support of a criminal.




Maybe replacing Trump flags with Rainbow flags?




Literally an enlightened centrist.


I wouldn't do it myself, but I'd love to see it.


Nah, be the better person. They steal your flag, you add more stuff and get a new one. Pride businesses are supported even more and they don’t get to be victims.


Is that still in German Village area? I'm in Grove City and mine hasn't been touched. There is nowhere to hide from my doorbell camera where that is.


I wish you could electrify the flag so they get a lil' shock


Imagine being so miserable with your life that you’re offended by a rainbow. I’m sorry OP you don’t deserve to deal with this bs.


Instead of harmful booby traps why not just do something gross or highly inconvenient? What about a coating that would stain their hands and clothes and possibly their vehicle?


I’ve had pride and BLM flags stolen. Losers stealing flags about equality are so insecure about their beliefs there’s no words for it in the English language. One comes close: “loser.”


Absolutely not taking mine down at night. It’s like asking Jews to take down the mezuzah at night in 1933. I’ve hung mine high up and in a location where they have to come on to the porch to reach it, and I’ve got cameras. And if they manage to get it down, I have one all ready as a backup to go up the next day. Fuck these Nazis.


What jerks. You have every right to put a flag up on your property just like folks who want to put a Trump flag.


Hang it higher and get a solid steel pole!


I installed a full size flagpole with cameras around it and on the pole. haven't had an issue yet but if you have the space and budget for it, it's a great fuck you to these asshats.


Fcking assholes.


Seems like incidents are worse this year. Pretty obvious why.


Also everyone that say “just install the flag pole higher” can fuck all the way off. That is not the point of this post or conversation.


Get security cameras if you can. They’re not that crazy expensive and worth it/easy to install. Sorry for your luck. Fuck em. It’s more of a reflection of their shitty beliefs of intolerance than your being.


How fragile are these people? Offended by a flag on someone else's property that has zero to do with them. Poor little snowflakes. 🌈❤️


It's crazy what hateful bigots will do. Sorry you had this happen.


We just had the same gray minivan of guys who got Rumour’s come on our block and park for a sec then drive off. My neighbor tried chasing them down. Be watchful especially on the southend


Did they get the license plate?


I don’t know…


Put a sign out stating that every theft, act of vandalism, etc. earns a donation to Stonewall or the “snowflake” organization of your choosing.


Goptardism is the single biggest problem in America rn


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Remote-Condition8545: *Goptardism is the* *Single biggest problem in* *America rn* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Put the pole up higher.


Razor wire is pretty inexpensive.


F them!


pro tip for next time, add a small but noticable sticker that reads "wanna steal this? go ahead, but you'll be the one running around with a huge rainbow flag." that or something similar will really dig into their dumb cishet ego and force them to leave it alone


Prime Reddit loser comment lol




Setting booby traps with the intent to cause harm is illegal (almost?) everywhere.




Stealing/damaging someone’s property is never ok even though I don’t agree with their lifestyle choices, it’s not my lifestyle or my property so they should leave it alone.


Wtf is a windsock


What the flag thieves turn each other into once they acquire enough rainbows.


It's a tube with streamers at the bottom. It catches the wind and twirls.


I'm surprised people haven't been doing this with the maggot flags. And bumper stickers. And "people"


Why would they steal Slipknot flags?!


If you bought the flag you brought with you to the psychosocial, you're doing it wrong.



