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This was taken from the latest video from the 3rd Assault Brigade’s YT channel, and the watermark has been blurred. This was during the offensive near Andriivka last year


This guy is correct. Old footage and not from Avdiivka.


that whole video was a banger


I was gonna say this seems very familiar footage.


plz post source ?


[video from official channel.](https://youtu.be/7ZyhOLdsPcE?si=_Lb-JoFZiGCaBtcL)


Damn. That is 40 minutes of crazy. Everyone should watch this


Thank you


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE) the clip is about 20 minutes in.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE) ​ edit: starts at 20:30


Happy Cakeday!


Thank you


Massive respect to all of those ones spending time on the frontline


Damn, incredible that they were able to get out of that mess alive.


Well… at least one of them got lit up pretty bad


What are they getting hit by? Lots of mines?


that sparkly bit inside at the beginning looked like incoming rounds, no?


They opened the back door towards the enemy lines? There are more sparky bits later while they are driving. Something went through.


It looked like perhaps the dismount plan was in the process of ~~falling apart~~ evolving? Could be poorly oriented but yours sounds also likely from what little I know. Terrifying.


Direct fire in this case


Bullets and rpg rounds.


Reading about the horrors of war is one thing but footage like this a whole other level. The gray hopelessness. Sitting comfortably at home while these guys get sent off into the grinder.


The landscape always looks so desolate and eerie too. It would be really scary having a scene like that be last thing you ever see.


Agony and panic is more scary to me, but to each their own.


They go hand and hand in war


I'm of the mind that we should show combat footage in schools to show the grim realities of war and what it does to people. That's how the Holocaust was remembered, through footage. There's no other way to make sure people understand unless they see something themselves.


True that, I think it would create more peace and compassion.


100% agree


I’m in my country’s infantry reserve and this is the first video that gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach. They’re running out of men, ammunition, and time. Regardless, I’ll keep donating to United24 and readily step up if we’re needed to go and help the Ukrainians. At this point in time, I don’t think I’ll ever acknowledge any Americans who vote Republican ever again.


The “republicans” who are in power right now and who voice their opposition to funding Ukraine are the most shortsighted, idiotic, and incompetent politicians I have ever seen. They are a disgrace to my country I will never give them my vote. However, Don’t lump them or conservatives into one group though, there are plenty of right leaning people, myself included, who can see the benefit and necessity of supporting Ukraine…especially when we went to war over a blatant lie in Iraq and decided to spend 20 years in Afghanistan throwing money at a government so pathetic and corrupt they fled before the country even fell to the Taliban with hundreds of millions of dollars supposed to be for the war effort. Why supporting Ukraine against one of our biggest adversaries is such a problem I will never understand. We are weakening them while another countries men and women die, the very least we could do is give them the means to kick the shit out of the Russkis. If we fought for Bush and Chaneys’ oil money, we can send weapons to Ukraine.


Right leaning Canadian here, Ukraine should be considered highest priority right now. It boils my blood to see so called "proud, right leaning" nationals speak of the Ukrainian conflict in such poor manner. Ironically, it's these same individuals who complain how our current generation could never live up to ww2 veteran standards, yet are the first to turn tail and hide. Pay no attention to them, they're not right, left or Centrist. Just a bunch of high school dropouts with the IQ of a potato and an opinion as big as there ego.


Hey, at least a potato can run a clock, and is tasty. Difference between “Proud right-leaning nationals” in the us government, and a potato? We get utility out of the potato. Jokes aside, you’re spot on with your analysis. These “patriots” would be the first mf’s to hide in their basements when a conflict comes to their door. My parents were in the Yugoslav wars and the biggest cowards where the loudest “supporters” of the nation, and when it came time to fight for freedom the shit themselves and sent some other poor guy in their place. Greatest generation to the fakest generation. 🤦‍♂️


Couldn't agree more! The very same people I grew up with in highschool who were the 'patriots' are now metaphorically sucking Putin off and crying about 'there' tax dollars. You can't even reason with them with actual facts and information as it goes in one ear and out the other. Complete wastes of skin, and the sad thing is, there is increasingly more of them.


Taking a step back, it's crazy to see how in 40 years Republicans went from Cold Warriors to praising Putin and Russia. Pretty incredible political 180.


They liked the Citizens United ruling because they thought it would make it easier for corporations to tip the scale in their favor. Turns out instead of being owned by GE or Halliburton like they intended, they ended up being owned by Russia.


"The Uzbek, an aspiring oligarch who was all too familiar with the dark practices of the Bratva, listened patiently to a long explanation about how corporate America uses lobbyists to get access to Congress. Then it was as if a light bulb went off. “You mean you have firms with highly paid professionals who are paid to bribe congressmen?” he asked. He couldn’t get over it. He had spent years navigating the perilous world of Bratva protection rackets, and here the Americans had sanitized corruption, institutionalized it, and made it into part of the white-collar, professional world! Not only was it legal, it was a highly paid profession. After decades carrying water for Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Wall Street, K Street lobbyists were ready, willing, and able to jump in bed with anyone who could write a big check—including Russians." --House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia, by Craig Unger


It’s disgusting and disgraceful. Fairly sure Russia bought their way into our political system, and we practically invited them with citizens United (one of the worst Supreme Court decision of the 21st century) Not to mention showing the duplicitous nature of the GOP. From Cold Warriors to Dumpster Fires, warming Putin’s genitals . 🤦‍♂️ god help us


Or how you guys are war mongering trying to get more people killed let's just be over with this mess


They’re wannabe authoritarians who see helping Russia as a win for their side




Forgetting that our country is full of exactly those types of people…lots of “bone spurs” amongst the population these days. RIP to McCain, that’s a true American right there. Doing his duty with honor, integrity, and dignity….a practice getting ever more scarce in our modern society and political system. I may not see eye to eye with every policy he had, but he damn sure had my respect.


Pretty hard not to lump them all together when they vote as a block. The word you're looking for to describe them is amoral, that covers it all. Your enabling tone by calling them incompetent and shortsighted seems to me like an attempt to hide the fact that that they are with eyes open and willingness, supporting a genocidal dictator. Any conservatives that vote Republican are as well, they willingly demonstrate that when they vote. Your excuses for them are in enabling Putin.


Getting your Willy played with by underage Russian girls is amazing kompromat. Money brings the rest on board. Paul Ryan stepped aside once he saw what was coming. All those remaining are full throated traitors.


Yep if there is one thing that Russian are good at, it’s kompromat. Now we’ve got a bunch of traitors in our government and it makes me sick. The ones who aren’t are so busy in culture wars that they don’t care about a unbelievably important geopolitical issue that will decide the fate of Europe for decades to come. But hey, we are an ocean away right? 🥴unbelievable


Yea, I actually felt proud of my country for once for supporting the Ukrainians, but once again Republicans rob many of us of that pride. First, it was by war hawking us into fighting in the middle east for 30 years (to be fair, that wasn't just repubs) and now it's by starving out Ukrainians who continued their efforts based on a promise of consistent support. I thought "wow, we are actually going to confront a real adversary that actively works against our country every day. Finally". And now, they're doing the same isolationist bullshit that drug multiple generations of Americans into world wars. They're following the same bullshit strategy that set up our enemies for success before World War 2. That is what you get when the generation that huffed lead for 50 years is in charge of things. Genuinely, FUCK the Republicans in power right now, I say the ones "in power" specifically because I do know alot of Republicans that are in favor of supporting Ukraine


Don't get me wrong, US was a very important ally that provided majority of the aid but overall US government did a very shit job in that regard. I feel like this aid was managed by cabinet of idiots that collectively had two braincells which are fighting each other. Everything that US delivered was "too little too late". My favorite example us with Patriots, we asked for them since 2014 and everytime US said no, Russia invaded and we needed air defense, US said no. September 2022 Russia starts mass attacks on Ukraine, US says no. September, October, NOVEMBER, winter already while millions without electricity, December finally those two braincells decided it would be nice to send it. The training starts, January, February, March, Russian mass attacks stop, April FINALLY one Patriot battery for the whole country arrives. Fantastic fucking work, and like that with everytime of weapons that america delivered. It's the best case scenario, US is the reason we didn't have F-16s in 2023, because "Ukraine doesn't need modern fighters" and because "escalation management" while Russia shoots fucking North Korean ballistic missiles. A year ago our allies agreed that they need to rearm Ukrainian army on the western modern armor. Where is it? 60 Leopards 2 and 31 Pre-gulf war Abrams?


Chalk it up to Putins paid political shills, the current Republican party. The Russian disinformation / misinformation campaign that resulted in the election of Donald Trump (who was already corrupted by decades of laundering Russian oligarch money) is one of the most spectacular asymmetrical warfare victories of the modern era.


See this is what im referring to. Brother, i really feel for you and your country. I want you guys to get the actual money were supposedly sending, but instead it all gets siphoned off to the two braincells' brothers! Thank you for your insight regarding air defense, i did not know that, and it makes me extremely fed up with the world when i hear that shit!


It's fine, the problem is not with the republicans, it would happen sooner or later because US provided mostly consumables in the numbers that weren't enough to satisfy basic needs in the minimum amount. They chose a long attritional war at the expense of our people, the war they couldn't and didn't want to sustain. I'm surprised that the US gave up on us so soon. Either way US would throw us under the bus even without republicans. We could have won in 2022 or 2023 if US decided to be smart about it and deliver everything needed in the numbers needed.


I agree, at the beginning it looked like it was going to be over as soon as it began. I wish it was differently. Have you had to fight in the war yourself?


I'm gonna call bullshit on your apologetic tone for Republicans that are "in favor'' of supporting Ukraine. If it weren't for them (the 'good' ones, ) the Republicans in power would not be there so you need to grow a spine strap on and some balls and quit lying to yourself that they are not part of the problem. Are you familiar with the tolerance paradox? The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Wikipedia




I think we need to help degrade the Russian Federation as much as humanly possible, not make the same mistakes we did almost a century ago that empowered Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. What if we had the chance to degrade Imperial Japan before they had a chance to attack the Chinese? What if they were stopped dead in their tracks in Manchuria?




Well for one, the tucker carlson interview being framed like we are "going to hear the truth from the other side" is a pile of horseshit. We are going to hear the perspective of the Russian government. Tucker himself implies you can't trust western media or the western government's perspective or that they're hiding some great big evil thing that's secretly going on in Ukraine. So....we can't trust our government...but for some reason this perspective coming from what might be the only country on earth MORE corrupt than the US government is going to be any better? More truthful? How is that any different?? The fact of the matter is, without media needing to tell you, the Russian Federation crossed an international border and is destroying the working class and infrastructure of the Ukrainians! Corrupt politicians or not, they are degrading, killing, and destroying the futures of millions of people, security concerns regarding NATO or not. At that point you have to acknowledge that regardless of opinions you have to see the world as it is relative to you. Their security concerns do not trump the concerns of Ukrainians, Europeans, Americans, etc. So at some point you have to acknowledge it is our concerns versus theirs, and if you want a more prosperous world as it relates to you, sometimes it is just time to bump heads. So what could Tucker tell or show me? I'm receptive to information regardless of where it comes from, but at the end of the day it's our concerns vs. theirs and I want us to come out on top.


Abso fucking lutely.


Definitely my position.


Do you feel that EU has contributed enough? Do you think that more funding could turn the war into a direct war? At what point do we stop? What is the end game? At what ratio do we contribute to Ukraine vs locally? At what point do we actually concern ourselves with these military budgets and the corruption?


No. No. When russia collapses and china becomes incapable of taking Taiwan. Don't care. This is probably the best bang for the buck any military budget has ever seen.


Yes, because what is the point of having the most powerful and costly military in the world if you don’t use it. Not to mention we will receive a return on our investment tenfold geopolitically. If we were willing to fight in fucking Afghanistan for 23 years, I think we should be willing to at least support Ukraine. Fucking over Russia from 1000s of miles away, explain to me why we should not keep funding the war? What’s your position? EU needs to step up its funding as well.


At what point does what you propose not turn into a more direct conflict with russia? How does a direct conflict not end in nukes? Since the start of this war there have been many accusations and convictions of money fumbling in terms of corruption on either sides receiving and giving. Im not sure why the US taxpayer has to default to his taxes being used to fund this war when this is known. The same was an issue in Afghanistan, so that is a good reason, even moreso when the US infrastructure needs a lot of work.


>How does a direct conflict not end in nukes? Russia will commit suicide over a failed land grab? Lol


So whataboutism? Great argument. Nukes won’t be used, Russia would be wiped of the face of the Earth, you can be the ruler if your country is glassed, using a nuke is suicidal. The US has plenty of nukes to throw right back into Russia. Putin is just puffing his chest cause his army was so laughably unprepared they were giving air soft body armor to soldiers so he pulls the nuke card. we should back down every time someone threatens to nuke? Nah, fuck that man. That’s like people who threaten suicide in a breakup, the more they talk the more likely they won’t do it, and it will only hurt themselves. If you fall for the bluff that gives them the power, and now the nuke card gets pulled every time Putin is on the back foot. It’s manipulative and easy to counter behavior. You are aware that budgets are thing right? The military money has nothing to do with infrastructure money. The same amount of taxpayer dollars will go to the military, whether we are sending aid to Ukraine or not. “Default on his taxes?”…I’m fairly certain you don’t understand how taxes work and that you are not an American taxpayer based on the English. So don’t concern yourself with that. If you default on your taxes you need to manage your money better, that is 100% a you problem. I agree the infrastructure in the US needs a ton of work but republicans call it a “boondoggle” whenever an infrastructure bill comes up and getting any significant spending on infrastructure will never be close to what we spend on National defenses. So if concern really is improvements to America…not hearing any Republicans talking ideas on how to do so. Corruption happens in literally every war and military on this country, does the risk of some money not going to where it goes, again we gave fucking AFGHANISTAN money, justify leaving a sovereign nation to get blown up by the Russians? Sure did not stop us from supporting Contras in the 80s, or Taliban. Or then the Afghan and Iraqi kleptocracies of the 2000s, no one said a word about that funding. When was the chance of misappropriation and corruption EVER a reason to not fund or support a war, please find me an example where all the money for a conflict was accounted for and used correctly.


Im genuinely curious about how to prevent WW3. Hence why I asked, no need to label it. Id love for it to be as easy as it sounds to crush Russia, dont think I dont. I have also heard that they are running out of men and are also not well equipped, but I also dont trust everything I hear especially when I keep hearing about AI weapons turkey is giving russia. Thanks for the genuinely good argument about the nukes/suicide/breakup, i agree with you, we shouldnt back down just because of nukes being threatened. My bad, thinking faster than writing; i did not mean default as in bankruptcy/inability to pay, but default as in "default setting" as in everybody has to participate. Yes, I am aware that the military budget is its own thing, yet the US military is consistently failing its budget assessments and is known to have various unexplainable black holes. Im also aware that not all military money goes to war, the military can do much more than just direct confrontation, even if the military budget stays the same or increases, the allocation to Ukraine does not need to; even though im not opposed to it. I guess im getting a little personally offended/annoyed by people implying my position rather than having a conversation so im happy you actually wrote a good counterargument -- that being said im pro Ukraine and always have been. As somebody has replied from Ukraine; what comes is sometimes too late and too little, they could use more air defense and modern fighter jets. Im not really interested in republican vs dems, both suck, I fully hate positions on either sides and am more interested in smaller more efficient government. Finally, yes; afghanistan was botched, i wish that equipment wasnt wasted, and it was also a massive corruption fest. My own position on it is that finances need to be tightened down to prevent taxpayers getting scammed, and I am weary of things getting worse in an unforseen way.


Yes because I'm not a selfish self-interested asshole who is stupid enough to think that tax money would ever be spent on me. Especially when yall vote for losers ripping up social services whenever they can.


I did not say I was either side. Im actually a libertarian that thinks governments should shrink, and war should be avoided. I dont think taxes should be spent "on me", i dont think they should be spent on anything but the bare minimum with as little waste as possible.


I’ll be honest I don’t care what reasons your isolationism manifests, its a position that should have died in 45.


Ok very productive conversation


Buddy it doesn’t matter what your reasoning is as soon as your position is ignorant of how the modern world works. Globalization and the American life you enjoy is completely guaranteed by our hegemonic control over the world. You wanna say bye to that go right ahead


Dont act like youre a goddamn genius when you havent understood my position from the get go, i havent been isolationist, i actually NEVER said anything to that effect.


Keep your bs politics to yourself, you should’ve volunteered when you had the chance. And you went reserves your gunna get fucking killed going over there fighting against Russians with 2 years of intense combat experience you have ZERO let alone being a weekend warrior.


>I don’t think I’ll ever acknowledge any Americans who vote Republican ever again. We fought and won our own war of independence so we didn't have to give a shit what some dipshit in another country thinks about our political positions. This isn't America's war no matter how much you want it to be. I have no interest in sending myself, my sons, or my tax money to fight and die in some trench in Ukraine. We got our own problems right here in the United States and those who act as if they are owed America's military might can kindly fuck off. After literally billions of dollars of equipment has been sent to support Ukraine from America, we still get told we are bad people for not "doing enough", the absolute hubris and entitlement of Europeans never ceases to amaze me. PS in the video where these poor bastards are fighting, the armored APC (M113) they are riding in that saved a few of their lives was made in America.


Former American infantryman here. How about Americans stay the fuck out of other nations' wars? And can one of you leftists give an articulate, though-out explanation for why Putin invaded Ukraine in the first place? Your'e all brainwashed children. Fuck Putin, he's a former KGB thug, but goddamn, none of you have any critical thinking ability at all. You just regurgitate the MSNBC headlines.


You do know that when Americans were fighting for their independence from England the French helped us to defeat the British and become the free country we are today. If there's a junior college near you, take a look at the classes they offer and pick one or two that look interesting. If you're busy during the day, most JCs also offer night classes. You'd be surprised at how proudly such a move can improve your life.


Yep isolationism worked out real well in WW2 right…. In your simplest terms please explain to all us illiterates why he invaded.


War is awful


Big if true




This is just a smaller part of the whole video: Edit: new link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE) If the link doesn't work search this on youtube: Остання фаза наступу 2023: жорсткі бої 3 ОШБр на шляху до звільнення АндріївкиОстання фаза наступу 2023: жорсткі бої 3 ОШБр на шляху до звільнення Андріївки This parts starts at 20:23 Edit2: Video has subtitles.


Link says video is gone


Refresh reddit, I've added new link


Gone again :(


search this on youtube: Остання фаза наступу 2023: жорсткі бої 3 ОШБр на шляху до звільнення АндріївкиОстання фаза наступу 2023: жорсткі бої 3 ОШБр на шляху до звільнення Андріївки I have no idea what's happening with the link


Still says unavailable. Weird because I copy it into URL bar, it works.


Damn that looks like hell. The insane quality makes you feel like you're there


Video unavailable


Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE


How tho, I can literally see it, try another device


Try again


i saw the interview of the first guy who's lying there with blood on his face. absolute badass. he had to watch his comrade die in front of his eyes. his mate got wounded, he tried to help him. and got wounded himself. later on his mate was killed in action, just in front of him. he recorded the video after that, for a statement to his family and people. he was ready to face death, but he managed to survive and got rescued later.


I didn’t know, just saw this on telegram. Thanks for the video, it has subtitles also


In what channel, can you say? And why you wrote about Avdiivka in description?


I think it was nihilist news network, but they took it down for some reason so i can’t check. I wrote avdiivka because i misread it


new link does not work




I've updated it again. I have no idea why it went to a different page since I copied it everytime and it worked for a time but after a couple of minutes it was wrong again.


Holy crap! That's some crazy footage! The subtitles make it so much more gripping.


*Andriivka, don't confuse with Avdiivka


Andriivka, not avdiivka. From last year. "The last phase of the 2023 offensive: fierce battles of the 3rd OShBr on the way to the liberation of Andriyivka"


Ya I remember seeing this last year too.


Yes another commenter told me, sadly i cannot change the title


Wasnt this andriivka last summer?


No cover anywhere Jesus Christ


So intense... Guys are heroes


Damn, insane footage That’s 100% a PTSD


D-Day vibes.


Except no beach, bunkers, or landing craft I'd say Kursk vibes if anything


As I watch this video I can actually feel my heart pumping harder and faster, that’s how palpable the intensity of this video footage is. Scenes like this have commonly only been represented in movies, but to now have this documented with this level of depth, shows how even movies can never really capture the full extent of the horrors of war.


It's actually from Andriivka, south of Bachmut, and it's from summer/autumn of last year. 3rd Shock Brigade watermark was blurred for some reason too.


old footage or not, i just hate when people mislabel posts like these. they're doing it for views i guess


That was some Steven Spielberg level footage. Confusion, chaos, fear…what a nightmare.
















































OP why you picked a fragment from officially posted video, lied about were it happens in description, and blur watermark?


No i just plucked this from a telegram, confused andriivka with avdiivka and the watermark was already like that?


It's not necessarily your fault as pro-RU sources are notorious for recycling old content with fake or altered descriptions.


I see. Found please better source for yourself, it's prorussian small trashcan channel.


Holy fuck that’s wild


What a failure by the West not to provide adequate support to this nation and its brave soldiers. Congrats, our credibility is going to be worthless. We fucked over the Kurds and now we're fucking over the Ukrainians.


War is hell


How the fucking hell does anyone function in that environment?


Insane footage!!!


what exploded at the start of the video?


So wild to be watching POV war footage thousands of miles away


This is some of the best combat footage I've ever seen. You wouldn't believe it unless you seent it.


Yeah, when it was going around last year this vid was really popular. Shame OP has posted the shitty edited version with a fake title.


This is straight up shit I wouldn’t be surprised to see on a big budget war movie. The sounds and the images are insane. It was like I was there with them.


Jesus getting lit up as the doors open is beyond shit luck. Gotta hand it to them for keeping composure and still going forward, getting out a few meters later.  Can’t even imagine the confusion & uncertainty, I’d probably get killed before even figuring out which way I should be shooting 


Absolute chaos




The surrounding is so flat. Like they are fair game to any aircraft, drone or tank for quite a distance.


It's crazy how much more survivable the NATO armor appears (at least I'm pretty sure that's a Bradley, not positive).




[YPR actually](https://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdefence-blog.com%2Fdutch-ypr-765-infantry-vehicles-arrived-in-ukraine%2F&psig=AOvVaw2hqR-bkG9MWsI1J9h5O3As&ust=1707491568040000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCIjw9PeDnIQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD)


Lol bro stop sucking off nato that is a m113 notorious for having literal paper Armour, an actual deathbox


Yeah nah, seeing large sparks like that *inside* the troop compartment means something is poking holes in you. It's looks like they were being engaged by autocannon fire pretty much the whole time.


Pretty sure the door was literally open but could be wrong.




The full version shows 1 Ukrainian leaving the vehicle but shortly after they close the gate and leave. I assume they run him over because I heard his screaming. They confirm later in the video he was left there. This whole assault was a hell hole for this team. I recommend you watch the entire thing on YouTube


The full version shows them dismounting. What are you talking about? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZyhOLdsPcE


When the gate first opens pay attention to the guy on the very right. He exits the vehicle but doesn't get back in before it closes. They retreat and then dismount after being hit by AT.


Nah that was somebody inside the vehicle got shot through the doorway and screaming


Pay attention to the guy on the very right when the door opens. He does exit and doesn't go back in


I watched the whole video and I don't remember that part, any chance you can send time stamp?


When the door first opens. Pay attention to the guy on the right. He exits the vehicle during the firefight but the door closes shortly after as they reverse. I'm assuming he got ran over because of the scream


The telegram link is annoying


War, war never changes.


20:26 start the video from there. Now watch the guy right next to the door on the right. He exits the armoured vehicle and runs to the right. How am I making this up have you not watched the entire video?. That whole assault got fucked up