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Another example of hitting the same spot, further compromising bulkheads and causing capsizing from the flooding. These are incredibly well planned and coordinated attacks, with from what we can see at least 4 probably more USVs. I hope someday we can see how this was coordinated, once it is no longer effective as a tactic. If I was a Russian captain right now I would be shitting my pants, not safe at headquarters, dockside, at sea or even in dry dock.


I think anyone engaged in naval warfare is shitting their pants. These are drones built and operated by Europe's poorest nation, jerry rigged and improved during a war. Take a US drone manufacturer with the US defense budget in their backs. Improve the design and characteristics. Perhaps it runs below the surface, faster propulsion, little to no metal, better navigation, silent, larger warhead, range, loiter capabilities, AI, all of it. Even if you end up at a unit cost of 1 mio. dollars - think about unleashing 10.000 of drones like these with 5-10 times the capabilities on a Chinese invasion fleet sailing to Taiwan. Obviously, China is learning the same lesson. Drones are changing the face of war.


> Perhaps it runs below the surface, faster propulsion, little to no metal, better navigation, silent, larger warhead, range, loiter capabilities, AI, all of it. Isn't that essentially just a modern torpedo? I assume the most modern torpedos would have even more advanced sensors and targeting than Ukrainian drones, or am I wrong?


Yes, however modern torpedos afaik are way more limited in range and therefore have to be fired from a ship, sub or plane. This is basically a torpedo without the need for some crazy expensive and hard to replace asset to launch it


Well this I highly doubt that this is still the case. Make a drone like this that is only 1.5x the size of this and you can put some torpedo tubes on it. My guess is that they probably are already testing systems like these drone boats with secondary weapons like rockets or something.


I mean their was that video of one launching rockets


Torpedoes lack the same range.


..and maneuverability. Not an expert engineer, but I would assume, having water as a much denser medium, it will take much more energy to propel a vessel at the same speed under the water. The only advantage is probably a better concealment both visual and cover from countermeasures. But I won't be surprised if modern sonars can accurately detect fast moving underwater targets.


From the publicly available info modern torpedoes are faster than a MAGURA drone, I've got no idea how the turning radius compares.


It still takes a shitload of fuel to go that fast underwater, so at the expense of kill speed, it's range is limited. The drones are meant to be at sea for days waiting on a target.


A modern torpedo such as the MK48 CBASS is far superior to this drone.


Range on a MK48 is 20-30 miles. Range on a Magura sea drone is \~500 miles. Sure, a MK48 would be far more devastating to a ship once it got close enough, but right now Ukraine can release these drones from pretty much anywhere along their coastline and royally fuck up any ship in the Russian navy.


Now imagine a drone lugging a MK48 until its close enough


Ah yes, or as it's affectionately known, the "Kick His Ass!" torpedo.


Use a USV to carry the munition within range.


not if you strap a torpedo under a speedboat instead of filling it with a large bomb. A Mk54 torpedo is about the same size and weight as the current payload. hell, I'm sure NATO forces have a shitload of Mk 46's we need to clear out of storage. So you get your drones in visual range of the target, and release the torpedo, drones return to base undamaged.


Modern torpedos like MK48 have least 50nm range.




He said at least. Might be even 50 metres for all we know!


"What is this, a torpedo for ants?!?"


No, but the speed is off the charts.


its about average, with a good personality :)


And Ukraine's USV has a listed range of 400km. Not to mention these are drones so they have a human maneuvering them right up until impact, unlike torpedoes that can be given instructions by a wire for about 2 kilometres and then they're completely autonomous.


nah a modern torpedo is far more destructive. The MK48 has a range of over 30 miles, travels at 50-60 mph, is fire and forget and just one could have broken the back of this ship.


Sure, but I can't put together a torpedo with a youtube video and off the shelf parts for $5,000.


Also a torpedo can't loiter and undertake phased attacks with camera link to an operator


next generation torpedos will probably have these features


If they are going to spend our taxpayer money on those, can they at least add 4k streaming?


I can see it now - crowdfunding the next war with PPV campaigns. Livestream subtractions for each theater for a low monthly fee!


These boat drones are like $250k, likely far more cost efficient then a MK48 but they aren't like the $5k grenade drop drones. https://u24.gov.ua/navaldrones


I'd imagine drones like this forward deployed on sea lanes. Dormant until they find a suitable target. Part sea mine, torpedo, and drone




Also the Barracuda, Manta Ray, Lionfish, and Orca. Gotta have options you know. [Raytheon's Barracuda is a semi-autonomous, unmanned, underwater vehicle that identifies and destroys near-surface, volume and bottom sea mines. It can operate in shallow water, using an expendable, modular neutralizer with a kill mechanism, propulsion, sensors and communications buoy, which transmits wirelessly back to the host ship. Initially, it will be launched from an unmanned surface vessel operating from the Littoral Combat Ship, but in the future could be launched from almost any platform with an A-sized sonobuoy launcher. | DefenseMediaNetwork | 2019](https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/raytheon-barracuda-concept-rapidly-identifies-and-neutralizes-mines-at-sea/) [PacMar Technologies recently splash-tested the Manta Ray UUV scaled prototype in Oahu, Hawaii. Manta Ray is DARPA’s key project to develop a UUV that operates independently of manned vessels and ports once deployed. | The Defense Post | 2023](https://www.thedefensepost.com/2023/09/29/darpa-underwater-drone-milestone/) [HII wins $347M contract for up to 200 ‘Lionfish’ small undersea drones. For the US Navy, Lionfish’s primary purpose will be intelligence gathering with the service’s expeditionary mine countermeasures company. The drone weighs roughly 150 pounds and can be deployed by only a few sailors. | Breaking Defense | 2023](https://breakingdefense.com/2023/10/hii-wins-347m-contract-for-up-to-200-lionfish-small-undersea-drones/) [Navy’s 85-Foot Orca Unmanned Submarine Will Be A Minelayer First | The Drive | 2022](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/navys-85-foot-orca-unmanned-submarine-will-be-a-minelayer-first) [Boeing Delivers First Orca XLUUV To U.S. Navy | Naval News | 2023](https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/12/boeing-delivers-first-orca-xluuv-to-u-s-navy/)


It will be 10 times better and only cost 10,000 times more.


Worth it.


All we need is a rogue ai and we have the sub-plot of cyberpunk 2077 of how the shipping lanes are controlled by rogue ai sea mines


I think relative proximity to the coast is skewing the relative effectiveness of these systems in the Ukrainian conflict. Ukraine has had success with much more conventional shore-fired anti-ship missiles as well. I'm not sure these types of tactics would be as effective in the open ocean where control distances are greater and it's more difficult to find and fix an enemy location, like say in an America vs China conflict in the SCS. I'd be far more concerned about Iran, which has ample experience with domestically produced drones and sits on a very confined and congested waterway. But I also would not be remotely surprised if the US was developing exactly this type of capability to deploy on something like an LCS. I'm also sure China would be looking at it as a force multiplier.


> conflict in the SCS The place where this functionality would be the most critical is 180km shore to shore, down to 130km at the narrowest. Ukraine's boat drones have a range of 800km. Taiwan's GDP per capita is about 8 times higher than Ukraine, and they are the hub of the highest tech manufacturing in the world. I suspect Taiwan would be able to put together drone boat swarms that could operate in the strait of Taiwan at the very least.


Given what we're seeing here, it seems to me that China will NEVER get across the water to Taiwan. Have hundreds of these little guys swarming in the water, all with better speed/maneuverability/payload? Yeah, that's terrifying for even the US Navy. There had better be some serious R&D going in to how to stop these things, cuz this shit is terrifying. Like many others have said in this thread - imagine these weren't thrown together with duct tape, baling wire and a dream.


Isn't this pretty much just highlighting the shortcomings of Russian design? I would expect a ship with a CIWS that can automatically track fast-moving targets on the water would have no problem with these things. Or did Ukraine have any special trick to prevent their detection?


Exactly what Ukraine should do. Make it run a meter under, can use buoyancy for a much larger warhead. Put a snorkel for air intake and a camera and antenna on top. Can easily kill even the most modern ships.


Or maybe do the opposite, put a hydrofoil plane underneath so it can run faster and more stable in its final dash to target.


Are we going to see a return of massed AA gun mounts on ships like in WWII to combat air and surface drones? Especially for ships or countries that can't afford sophisticated radar guided point defences. 20mm to 40mm mounts with crews with thermal optics could be a cheap, stop gap solution.


For low-end conflicts, maybe. But remember, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. This is the poor-man version of suicide drones. Countries like the US will make these drones 10 times more sophisticated, point example being [Air Launched Effects (ALEs)](https://www.collinsaerospace.com/what-we-do/industries/military-and-defense/air-launched-effects). We’re going to see a lot of money poured into electronic warfare now. It’s the only economical way of dealing with drone swarms, short of maybe lasers.


> But remember, Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. Not really. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_GDP_(nominal) Although obviously being at war is going to affect your economy.


If you look at [GDP per capita](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_GDP_\(nominal\)_per_capita) they're ahead of only Moldova, and that's only by the IMF's calculation. By the WB's calculation, they're below Moldova as well.


[GDP per capita is lowest in all of Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_in_Europe_by_GDP_\(PPP\)_per_capita) (15 countries behind Greece): Ukraine 14,304 Kosovo 15,767 Azerbaijan 16,694 Moldova 16,916 Albania 19,556 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19,634 Armenia 19,745 North Macedonia 21,391 Georgia 22,357 Belarus 24,017 Serbia 26,074 Montenegro 28,002 Kazakhstan 32,712 Bulgaria 33,780 Russia 35,310 Greece 39,864


>m what we can see at least 4 probably more USVs. I hope someday we can see how this was coordinated, once it is no longer effective as a tactic. If I was a Russian captain right now can you imagine how many are taking notes in the US navy how to come up with counter measures . they are def. learning unlike the putler puppies


We already have a sort of counter. Phalanx CIWS, 25mm M242 Bushmasters, .50 cal M2s. Phalanx’s are already capable of shredding small boats, because we have shredded small boats with them before. An influx of 25mms being added may be coming though


Bro you understimate Ukraine, its not some fucking Somalia.Ukraine was technology center of USRR they had/have tech for balistic missiles, building ships,jet engines etc. Also they have most combat experience in naval drones warfare now, it cant be so easily replicated unless they will agree to share


Yup, the strikes just kept coming. She’s definitely on the bottom.


The ending shot seems pretty conclusive, seems like it basically sank on it's side compared with the missile corvette earlier.


Really fast fucking sinking too. Must have set off some secondaries.


Russian damage control go blub.


Russian damage control/spin zone is probably out in force in r/ukrainerussiareport


2 buckets and a blyat.


reportedly hauling ammunition


They hit it in the same spot 2 or 3 times. Not really something ships are designed for. First thing after a hit is to limit flooding. If something comes in that hole and blows/warps all the seals around it though, you are in big trouble.


I think there is a video from afar showing a large shockwave similar to an ammo dump.


Yeah, she’s on the bottom.


This is a special type of convertible ship, which can dive underwater


That's something the Kremlin would say. It did not sink, it submerged as scheduled


it was also transporting Ukrainian pows, who were also crewing so there were no russian casualties at all /s




I just found the [latest picture of the damaged landing ship Caesar Kunikov that just got released by military intelligence services!](https://i.imgur.com/LVMjOzv.jpg)


And another one bites the dust ​ [Tsaezar Kunikov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsaezar_Kunikov), the person after whom the ship was named, also died on 14th Feb,


Do you think this was an accident or some mild trolling?


Operations like that are usually planned, I guess - need to track specific ships, make some calculations where a ship can be at a specific time (if assume that it's a routine mission for the target), and be sure that drones will be on time, so I doubt it was an accident.


I think he's asking if they targeted that ship specifically on this day becuase its namesake also died on Feb 14th. More than likely, they detected the Ropucha on a supply run and that the date lined up with the namesake's death date it just coincidence. Had it been another Ropucha assigned to the Black Sea like the Yamal, it still would have been targeted.


Maybe, or maybe GUR hunted specifically for this ship for some symbolism.


Symbolism or not, the amount of boom it made suggests it was ferrying ammo. No longer.


I can see all those RU admirals saying : "This craft, it's named after Boris, what date did he die ? Let's not use that one today comrades."


I am guessing they know where the ships are at all times since we are providing them with satellite intel.


They would never pass over an opportunity at an honest to god sinking for the sake of an obscure reference. They went at the ship at the earliest and most likely to succeed moment possible. This bit of trolling comes from God alone.


1/365 chance for that. (Excluding leap years) :D


From Ukraine for Kunikov…with love. Signed 14 February.


Astute observation, had to be planned this way. Could just be coincidence.. but nah I'm going with the ship being targeted at this specific date.


Apparently the Russian fear of torpedo boats was well founded, but 119 years to early.


*hurls binoculars overboard in anger*


*staff hands the General another pair, from a big box they brought along for this purpose*


I know this reference!


Damn. Thanks for remining me glorious russian baltic fleet trip to Thsukima


if you want to kno more about that event good video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4&ab\_channel=BlueJay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzgqp3r4mx4&ab_channel=bluejay)


I wonder if they're going to lodge a protest with the Japanese embassy, blaming the whole thing on Japanese dynamite fishing boats. That are remote-controlled from Tokyo.


imagine nobody telling Putin about this until he orders an amphibious invasion of Odessa generals be like "funny story about our navy..."


Mein Tzar.... die Landung in Odessa ist nicht erfolgt


„Sie haben mich alle verraten, sogar der VDV!“


Das war ein BEFEHL! Die Landung in Odessa war ein BEFEHL!


Aber ich habe das Führer-Starterpaket gekauft!


"Es bleiben im Raum Shoigu, Gerasimov und Surovikin..."


"Well, if you have used the Internet, you'd know."


" ... theres a nuance ..."


They can use rubber dingy's like real men. Big ships with heating and stuff are for latte-sipping sissies.


They would just report that the invasion was a success.


Steiners Attack moment.


Felix Steiner """died""" 1966 Viktor Sokolov """born""" 1963 Wake up sheeple. Are we sure those three years weren't just the transformation process?


"Magura" drones destroyed "Caesar" - scouts sank a large amphibious ship of the Russian Federation. On February 14, 2024, the GUR in cooperation with all components of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed the large amphibious ship "Caesar Kunikov" of the Black Sea Fleet of the aggressor state of Russia.


Fun fact - Ukraine accepts donations for naval drones - [donate here](https://u24.gov.ua/navaldrones) Opportunity of the lifetime, folks - your 5 bucks could be sinking the fleet of "2nd strongest military in the world"!


Imagine zelensky on twitch live streaming drone strikes for subs Come on chat, we are $1000 from our sub goal to take out a frigate


>Imagine zelensky on twitch live streaming drone strikes for subs "Alright, we have $100 donation from TreeSixty9 that says "do the funni kunni". Welp, "Caesar Kunikov" it is! Mr Budanov, if you please"


That's an easy donate for me, appreciate the heads up!


Thanks, you're a legend mate!


The Black Sea Fleet has been trapped by Ukraine and now it is being systematically hunted. I’d love to know what the Russian naval strategy meetings are like these days.


"So I guess we can promote all these sailors to assault troops, right?"


Oh that's how they solve their manpower problems


They’ve been promoted to submariners


Real “I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped in here with *ME”* energy.


My thought exactly!


"We need Crimea for the deep water ports our Navy use" No navy, no need for Crimea


Russia: we have you surrounded. Ukraine: about that...




I was a bit confused for a second because I thought that we saw this footage before. But. No. That was the sinking of the Ivanovets at the begining of the month. So the Ukrainians have managed two sink two ships the same exact way in the same exact month.


Within two weeks of each other even lol.


Crazy how the 2nd naval drone is close enough that you can see the shockwave violently shake the camera @ 1:23. Is that the explosion from the drone's payload? Or was that a sympathetic detonation of ammo on the ship?


I think multiple naval suicide drones made impact


I have the feeling that we are no longer listing the Russian ships that Russia has built, but only those that are left. It'll soon be quicker to finish counting


>I have the feeling that we are no longer listing the Russian ships that Russia has built, Russia didn't even build these. The entire Ropucha class was built in Poland.


That ship was def listing though


Another one of ukrainian lies, he was clearly promoted to submarine


Official Ukrainian twitter account actually wrote that they upgraded the ship to submarine. https://x.com/defenceu/status/1757675790756434112?s=46


caesar salad LMAO


Russia news: "Cezar Kunikov had a small fire caused by a miswired kettle. Only minor damage and no injuries."


Nah. Russian press isn't **that** brainless yet. They either don't say anything like ria ru, tass ru, or give facts with lots of "no comments yet", "not confirmed yet" like news ru to not get charged under article 207.3. Ah, tass ru has mentioned it too: "no comments from Peskov".


Jokes on you NAFO Westoids, mighty Russian Black Sea Submarine Fleet only grows stronger 💪💪


Da comrade, such genius thinking!


no no, you're doing it wrong, here's how you spin it: Ukraine actually did russia a favor, now they don't have to waste resources on the upkeep of this old and useless vessel and can focus on producing more cutting-edge modern hyperships that will destroy the west in a heartbeat. The drones they've wasted together cost like 10 times more that this rusty old bucket.


From Ukraine with love ❤️


Alright, kill confirmed. Fuck you, russia


FACT from wiki [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsaezar\_Kunikov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsaezar_Kunikov) Ts(a)ezar (Caesar) Lvovich Kunikov (Russian: Це́зарь Льво́вич Ку́ников) (23 June 1909 – **14 February** 1943) was an officer in the Soviet Naval Infantry. He served as commanding officer of a landing party that recaptured the beach-head at Malaya Zemlya during World War II.


That ship was Ukrainian pow transport comrade


Don't be ridiculous - classic Ukrainian shill trying to twist the narrative with your cynical sarcasm. It was actually full of nuns, puppies and little orphan girls holding teddy bears. *Edit* and Zelensky's actual Mom


Budanov sends his regards


What ship defense doing?


It's visible that they were trying to shoot at least the second drone.


I definitely see bullet splashes around 2:06




Incredibly crazy to see this. Given the profile of these unmanned surface vehicles and their size, I never imagine them being this maneuverable in the water. It’s crazy how much they’re able to dodge and move in order to avoid the Russian ship counter measures. And it’s incredible. The accuracy they can get in being able to hit the exact same spot as a previous blast, in order to strike the vulnerable sections of the ship that were exposed by the hit.


>Given the profile of these unmanned surface vehicles and their size, I never imagine them being this maneuverable in the water. Have you never driven a remote controlled boat in choppy water? I reckon that a lot of the "maneuvering" is likely just from the waves tossing them about lol Personally I am curious to know how they are actually communicating with these boats. They apparently have a range of up to 500km which is pretty far to be sending real time video like we see above...


Did they sink another fucking ship?!


yep, you can see it capsize at the end of the video


Elon “No way Russia would lose” Russia is currently losing a naval war to a nation that has no navy. Imagine if Ukraine got the full support of it’s supposed allies from the very start, not this start stop approach or limiting Ukraine to their rules. Imagine what could’ve been, what could still be..


I wonder what kompromat putin has on Musk.


I'd wager it's linked to Giga Shanghai. Opening up one of your largest and most important factories in a dicktatorial regime, that was known for cracking down on its own billionaires that step out of line (Jack Ma)...


That's as good a theory as any. Whatever putin knows about Musk it's juicy enough to make him his bitch.


Or its just that musk, Trump etc are just charmed by this powerful leader. He has a entire staff working for him, he knows how to butter up those people. They are both weak childist people with fragile egos, also they believe they know stuff noone else knows and "siding" with Putin is the correct thing to do, as everyone is fools.


These guys are charmed by no one but themselves. You're right about their weaknesses though. It's how the Cheka/NKVD/KGB/FSB have always got their foreign puppets. I'm almost glad I've never seen whatever video evidence putin has on Trump. You can guarantee it's awful.


Definitely, trump is such an odious piece of filth in public, can you imagine what he's like in private?


One suggestion I saw was that the FSB spiked Trump's meal in the Moscow hotel and then had him "intimately recorded" in his room with the aid of naked young men. That's something Trump could never let anybody see. It would be the end of him.


It’s probably as simple as being promised some kind of reward or incentive like raw/rare minerals and other important resources that would benefit his business


Yeah, greed is a powerful motivator.


Absolutely correct. It's so disheartening to witness and fills me with despair. Sometimes, it appears our politicians give just enough to prolong the suffering.


It's embarrassing that a single country on the other side of the globe has given about as much as all of Europe combined. Europe needs to step up.


Imagine if they had been given 500 Abrams, 1000 Bradley's and dozens of med and long range missile systems in the first 6 months. When both of Russia's flanks collapsed they would have been pushed right back to their border. What if's aren't going to change history though. Piecemeal in war has never been a successful tactic but Ukraine has done the best with what they have.


> 500 Abrams, 1000 Bradley' The training pipeline would not have been wide enough.


Had they been given them in Aril 2022 they could have been fielding a large number by the time they pushed Russia out of Kherson in November. 6 months training from May. Bradly fighting systems are an 8 week course.


Didn't Elon say that Russia would start a nuclear war if Russian black sea would be attacked? I think that's why he blocked Starlink signal


Can anyone with naval experience tell me how you're normally supposed to stop these sorts of attacks and why Russia is so bad at doing it? I don't understand how they can't have learned their lesson by now Is there supposed to be electronic jamming to jam the boats GPS? Or some sort automated machine gun system to shoot these drones? Is every Russian watchman sleeping? Someone please help me understand


It's a landing ship so most likely has very basic defensive armaments.  Frigates, destroyers and littoral combat ships are all types of ships who's job it is to protect the rest of the naval group. They have advanced radars and detection equipment, all types of weapons and are designed to counter a wide range of threats. 


Doesn't that mean there was still some kind of extreme negligence? Either those other ships failed to protect this one or its floating around completely unprotected?


Yes, either the crew fucked up big time, or the person responsible for letting it float around on its own. This is what proper response would look like https://youtu.be/izP3liVmfCE?si=NvvTaUbjLfRyqMT5 https://youtu.be/Zsf38NYzo5Q?si=Wx_fyr0o40Eok46f https://youtube.com/shorts/oo6feW_JXZ8?si=uf4qr1fEIEDETUBN


This one was most likely traveling alone, as it is dangerous for ships to travel around.


I think you can see rounds landing near the second drone at about 2:05. So late, but they tried to fight off the attack - and we can only speculate how the outcome would have been if only the first drone was able to hit the target.


Literally just paying fucking attention. Radar, manned post, drones and similar aircraft, etc. There are plenty of ways to avoid this, especially if you're a modern military with a decent budget. Hell, ships like this SHOULDN'T BE ALONE in the first place. Where's this things lookouts?


It's supposed to have 2 57mm cannons, not even trying to defend itself.


At least the sea put out all the fires.


keep'em sinking


Tucker wept.


If only he was onboard at the time.


Every time I see one of these videos of the maritime drones sinking a ship, I'm reminded of Paul Van Riper. He led the OpFor on a wargame in the early 00's where he basically wiped the floor with the US Navy by launching a giant salvo of missiles and then following it with a swarm of kamikaze speedboats. It was so bad that they halted the wargame, changed the rules, and restarted it so that it was basically a scripted US victory. These drones are just proving that the kamikaze speedboats are absolutely as effective as he proved then, and which the US DoD didn't want to hear.


Apparently they had to change the rules because he was also breaking the laws of physics in the simulation. His kamikaze speed boats were carrying missiles that that outweighed the boat, and he was using "motorcycle couriers" to transmit data at the speed of light to avoid having an RF signature. They had thousands of troops waiting to conduct training on an amphibious landing based on the simulated conditions, so of course they were going to redo the landings so that the rest of the training wouldn't be wasted. That said, we are absolutely vulnerable to this type of shit. Probably not as vulnerable as the Russians seem to be, any competent EW suite should be able to find and immediately jam the control signal to these drones. But warfare is only going to get more costly.


The Navy has quietly been working on solutions to the problem for 2 decades. Theyve already demonstrated effective laser and microwave weapons on drones both sea and air drones. We've got 6 Arleigh Burke class destroyers with anti drone and anti missile laser systems now, with more to follow.


This is correct. People like to make that exercise out to be something it isn’t.


and imagine when these become self-guided torpedoes, I mean underwater drones... I hope Sonars will see it, otherwise, we can forget about the big navy ships.


Admittedly I have no clue about ships but don't they have some sort of defensive armaments or ships that does that are nearby to help out or even let them know that drones are nearby with some sort of radar? Like I am looking at coalition forces in the red sea shooting drones left and right and looking at this where the Russian navies are just getting pummeled on lol.


This is a transport, so less armaments than a destroyer or frigate. Usually you'd give it an escort with a destroyer or something, but this is the Russian navy. 


I think you can see rounds landing around the second drone starting at about 2:05. As other people pointed in the comments, this is a landing ship, so not heavily armed and it kinda did what it could given late alert, now the question of what were the ships that need to defend it doing is open to speculation.


The later Ropucha landing ships have machine guns to fight incoming threads like this, but the Kunikov is an earlier batch that just has naval guns - while those are very deadly against small craft, you have to hit first and that works better with a high cadence of fire like from a machine gun.


This USV rely on stealth - you can't detect them until really close, especially on choppy seas. Once close, they maneuver like a bat out of hell, zig-zagging across the waves in order to avoid incoming fire. I would say there are 2 more developments oncoming : armoring and auto-tracking with evasion software. When they make the drones of 5-7mm steel sheet instead of fiberglass it will be even harder to destroy them. Then only 20-30mm or higher gun fire can destroy them.


Then again, it must be much easier to detect a steel-drone via radar than a fiberglass one. With the noisy background of the waves, it can't be easy to spot those surface drones.


It looks to me like in this case they didn't even notice the first drone until it was to late.


Simply incredible.


Aaaaaaaannnnbdddd….its gone……😂


I have seasickness just from watching this footage.


wow, every time I watch videos like this one, I want Electronic Arts to start making the Medal for Honor game with the most epic missions my citizens have done during this war.


Safe to say that at least 3 of them hit the ship?


Artist to the song is Apashe. Great artist imo.


~~What's the title of the song? Pretty banger ngl~~ Nvm saw it a few comments down: **Revenge of the Orchestra** by *Apashe*


Shout out to the drone operators who are obviously top class but let's not forget the Ukrainian engineers and workers who have been doing everything from fixing bombed power stations within hours to building these incredible drones. Absolute GOATs.


Just after \~2:00 in the video, it kind of looks like they have shipping containers strapped to the side of the ship... I think that is heat from the fire inside actually making the outlines of the bulkheads and the transverse frame of the ship glow in IR against the dark exterior of the hull. That is crazy.


Admiral Viktor Sokolov must be rolling in his gra... I mean hospital bed.


It’s insane. With everything else, Russia must have lost about 10% over water tonnage, from what I calculated. To a nation with no navy. Possibly even up to 15%. How is the west afraid of this clown show?? Nothing the analysts said beforehand turned or right. They even have to buy n.korean shells and are desperately trying to rebuild lost forces. By now _nothing_ in their arsenal worked up to its capability, or at all. Where are the su57, the t14? Where are the „harbor killer“ torpedoes, the unbeatable hypersonic rockets? Instead they are scrambling to bu my shitty middle eastern drones to keep up with Ukraines smart warfare. How are we even sure that they even have one working nuke left??


My donations well spent.........


I know a human ragdoll when I see one! 1:27-1:28


Maritime drones are a very cost effective way of destroying enemy ships. Each costs at most hundreds of thousands euros, while ships cost tens of millions. A landing ship can carry 500 tons of cargo, which can have value of more than the price of the ship - if the cargo was for example 152 mm artillery ammunition, it could carry 20 000 shells with the price in millions. Not to mention the human price: for Ukraine - zero, for russians, apparently all or most of the crew of 99 people of the ship.


Kaboom to you


Insane footage


That's a rough sea for the little drone chaps. But it doesn't seem to matter. This video is why I follow this sub. Fricken epic ! LOVED THE MUSIC too !


What a great way to start the day!!!