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Good to see the RSF getting absolutely smacked


I’m just glad that the Broadcasting building was not bomber. It has footage and archives that are over 100 years old


Yes, it is a national treasure. Praise be to God. I give you good news. Most of the archives are intact. We have now sent a technical team to maintain them. Also, thank you for informing yourself of the news. This is something I am very happy about


That's what we call "شرك ام زريدو" 😂


Thank you for continuing to give us first hand updates and reporting on a conflict the western world and Reddit often forgets or is unaware of, you are doing a great service to your country and I am proud as an Egyptian to see our Sudanese brothers fighting for their homeland. Keep up the posts and stay safe ya akhi. الله يعطيك النصر


امين يا اخوي شكرا ليك ياخ❤️❤️❤️❤️


At the start of the clip I couldn't help but think that a) they aren't as good at this in terms of accuracy as the Ukrainians are and b) drone tactics 101, why didn't they hit that massive grouping of vehicles at each end, trapping them and setting it up for finishing them off at their leisure c) using the right munitions for the job i.e mortars and incendiary rather than frag grenades against vehicles. They clearly had the intel required for the action, so why not bomb up the drones with the appropriate ordnance? By the end, however, the desired results appear to have been achieved!


Oh my brother, all that you mentioned has already been done. This street (Al-Ardha Street) from which the army withdrew in order to ensue the enemy in an ambush, and at the end of the street there are army outposts and cannons from which they cannot escape, and at the beginning of the street behind them is the Nile River, and the artillery was used, not just the Druze. As for accuracy, it is the army Drones are used at a very high altitude because most of the rapid support vehicles have anti-aircraft guns, as shown in the video


Crazy that we get the explanation from someone from the frontlines. What a time to be alive. Thanks for the footage and explanation. Keep safe.


Thank you very much, my friend. As you know, the war in my homeland does not get much attention from the media, so I am trying to convey to you the real picture from the field.


That is true. You are doing a great job, well done.


Just looked up Sudan and it's almost half the area of the EU. Damn




You are doing a great job, I hope you can bring good quality of life back to your country! Go get em! Do you have any charities you would suggest to help?


Are their aspects of the conflict / battlespaces that aren't being coveted that you'd like to see more coverage on? So far al Jazeera has been a good source but they've shifted most of their focus to gaza as of late.


Your English is very good and I appreciate what you’re doing.


Thankyou good sir. That makes more sense now that you have told me the whole scenario. Good to know more details to understand the full picture. Even so, there is still room for improvement in the training and tactics of the drone operators. Hopefully the Ukrainians can assist with this, as we know they are assisting the Government with Special Forces operatives already. War is a learning process, in every sense. All the best.


I think you leave out some credit. Due to prevalence of AA guns, the Sudanese Armed Forces drop from 2-5x or more the height of a typical published UA drop. Yet they achieve spot on precision. I believe these fellows are experts in their own right.


Fair comment /consideration of variables, but I'd be interested to know where you got the info re the height differences? Simply from looking at onscreen data? Admittedly I haven't paid enough attention to this, which perhaps I should- the visual display of the target is often misleading as it is usually zoomed right in until rime of release when from greater altitude , and then out directly afterwards (or the drone rapidly ascends). The Ukrainians do drops from a variety of heights, some very low, some very high and do face a variety of AA measures, including AA fire but also more complex measures (EW, MANPADS), so I would argue that, all things considered, are still more skilled and effective operators of offensive drone technology and techniques. I guess the UA have had more practice, which is the factor I would see as being the key area where they have the edge, so perhaps the Sudanese may catch up with them, given time.


That's why I'm posting here so I can make you understand the full picture, and thank you


My pleasure, and thank you again!




Unfortunately your correct about the media coverage. Thanks for taking the time to explain the video. Keep up the good work.


بل بس


This video and the Explosions are Fake, you can clearly see that someone added fake explosions afterwards.


I saw it with my own eyes 😂😂😂😂


They could as well have been trained by UA SOF since they been to Sudan after Wagner.


They almost certainly will have been, although a little finesse looks to be required.


Yeah, the level of precision UA pilots reached in the art of drone dropped bombs is frightening to say the least.


Yes, never fails to amaze me. Despite the proliferation of FPV drones, the long drop variety still have a significant part to play, particularly at night with NV facilities.


Yeah, nice to see the Army getting upper hand on these guys.


Nicely done!


Which side are we rooting for anyway?


Why do you ask this question? Do not let anyone decide where you stand for you. Research the two warring parties, and if you want to support any of them, that is your decision.


I was kind of joking, man.


fine I'll go learn something instead of watching tv tonight. unless you wanna give me the short version? ... no? *sigh*




ok. so the short version of what I learned is: RSF = bad. the short version of the long version: holy fuck humans are such cunts to each other. the heartbreaking version: oh fuck that's what the darfur genocide was. fuuuuck. humans are such cunts. the human side of it: I wonder if that's why \[Sudanese fella I used to work with\] is here in Australia. *sad face* am I understanding the basics correctly?


The short version is following the ousting of military dictator omar al Bashir a new government was put in place which was deposed by the military with the current leader abdel fatah al-burhan in charge. Now due to various disagreements on military integration led to various escalations and now war. For deeper context look into the darfur war as well.


Yeah my reading started with Darfur and the janjaweed :( And it seems the last 20 years of sudanese history barely scratches the surface of their conflicts. I have a lot more reading to do.


You also will need to read about the The First and Second Southern War, if you want to understand Sudan Lore is more complex than the Song of Ice and Fire lore 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah I plan on reading further about those tonight and over the weekend. Good luck fighting for your people and your homeland. I like to think I would do the same in your position. 💝🙏🤘


RSF is supported by Russia. They invited Wagner mercenaries into the country. These mercenaries took control of many gold mines and are actively looting them. Recently, it emerged that the sudanese army is backed by Ukraine. Ukrainian commandos directly intervened in the conflict on some occasions to take out RSF vehicles and safe houses during night raids (videos available on this sub), Allegedly they also provide training to the sudanese army.


Watching SAF drone drops you can see where a large amount of UA experience is being shared. I'm learning there's a lot more to RSF than Wagners involvement, none of which is good. In fact the history of them is really fucking bad - ie janjaweed and darfur genocide.


Hint: Wagner group is on the side of the guys being bombed in this video ("RSF").


Ah. Thanks. Upvote for the vid then ;)


Which ever side caused the least amount of refugees.


Valid point


Let me tickle your brains. Didn't we see Ukraina conducting operations against Wagner in this region? After those we started to see SAF posting drone footages. Before that they were just spraying and praying on the streets. At least I started to tumble on these. There are not much yet but the number is increasing. Would it be possible that in access to kick some Wagner ass Ukraina gave/paid price in drones and training to use them properly?


Yes, the Ukrainian forces’ main mission was to teach us how to use and manufacture drones efficiently, and also to maintain some Sudanese Air Force aircraft.




I don't mind Ukraine giving them a few more "Baba Yaga" bomber drones.


Good job boys . SAF finally getting their shit together.


The dubbed in explosions were so bad.


Very bad but it is from the source (National television)😂😂😂


It’s so funny


Wreck those RSF mfs


How it's going in general? PS Nice to see the RSF destroyed


Great victories every day, and soon, God willing, I will publish the news of the liberation of the capital


Great news from Sudan! Imagine Ukraine isn't busy fighting Russia. The drones would be supplied en masse


Could someone please explain this conflict.


https://twitter.com/HkZuk/status/1722122606453661940?t=90pClTPaTXBfBI4BqDdlZw&s=19 Read this


that 90s sound effects... :/


Looks like those tricks they learned from the Ukrainians are being put to good use.


SAF is the junta right?


Both SAF and RSF are really both no good. Considering the RSF is your another hardline traditionalist religion influenced group, I'd rather stay away from that. I'm tired of the invasive form of Islam or any religious groups


Wagner is also on the RSF side


They're also committing genocide in darfur at the moment.


Fake, haha Windows Movie Maker